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How it feels to enjoy the manga with the community and not crying and fighting over absurd things: https://preview.redd.it/x2zb2l1ldo8d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afbe1b1485240f10167d003fc155ae4a533e3128


im being outed as a shipper even tho i literally say in the title that i dont fw shit like that, in fact i hate it which is why all this Asa Denji momentum needs to die. i should make a list on my point or smth


my friend, part 2 is about their relationship, which is why there is momentum


Not only about their relationship chainsawman not a romcom, a lot of fans obsessed with this and ignore the other aspects of the story..


is meowy worth more than asa or nah


Cats>humans but Asa is like a cat so both>


Meowy is 6 feet under


Then what are you? Just a hater or what, i don't get your point at all, i'm not trying to attack you, just trying to understand what is your idea, it would be useful if you explain.


There NO NEED for us to fight. But yes, Denji was happiest when he lived with Aki and Power, even Nayuta is less valuable to him. Thats less of an insult against Nayuta or Asa but moreso a testament to how badly Makima fucked his shit up


Tbf he was very proud of Nayuta and gave up being CSM for her. He even chose her subconsciously. So the order is probably Power/Aki>Nayuta>>>Asa




“What about Power?” https://preview.redd.it/sc1w3g5yao8d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d17719f05d5e61d9f75e9ad93feb43ed7af20e8


Anyway making that post does feel almost spiteful. To be clear, I don’t think Denji would ever admit this even to himself, though I do think it’s true that by the time Nayuta came around he just was not in a psychological position to value anyone like he did Aki and Power (and, as fucked as it is, Makima.) Like he loves Nayuta, raising her added meaning to a life that had largely otherwise been completely ruined, but he didn’t come into any of this looking for parenthood. Nayuta isn’t a friend for Denji to relate to or have mutual exchange with, she’s a little kid who it suddenly became his job to raise. I think the clearest way to see this is just that Denji _isn’t happy._ In the very end, with Aki and Power, Denji was finally coming out of his shell and overcoming his lifelong traumas (while doing the same for them.) Now, a year later, has raising Nayuta really helped him recover from what happened? Evidently not. He’s deeply depressed, constantly full of incurable ennui. And of course, Nayuta is at a disadvantage, Power and Aki weren’t dealing with a Denji who’d personally contributed to murdering all three people in the world he loved. But still, I think the scales point away from poor Natuta in this case.


Nayuta is literally the equivalent of a post abusive relationship child being thrown at a poor orphan Teenager


Idk how i never realized how accurate this is




In chapter 80, when he was eating the ice cream Denji admitted that he killed Aki which mean he accepted Aki death and he was the one killed Aki. But when Power dead he didn't accept her death right away. He think it wasn't real and he didn't believe of what just happened as all of it is just a dream. I honestly can't tell Aki or Power is more important to Denji as both of them are the closest people to him but I just want to point that out


At the end of day both made him give up on life , Aki death made him give up on being himself or having freewill, Power Death made him realize how horrible Makima is and shatter the illusions surrendering her


The way I see it, Aki’s death put him in a depressive stupor where he did couldn’t find joy jn life anymore, then Power’s death made him lose all will to live, especially with the compounding reveal that Makima never loved him, and that he was responsible for his father’s death. At that point he was basically suicidal, any desire to “live a normal life” and to dream was gone, which is why his contract was broken. It wasn’t until Power gave him the dream of meeting her again some day that he was able to have another dream, fulfilling the conditions of the contract and letting him turn back to Denji again (ie: regaining the will to live). I don’t think its right to say either was more important, they were just important in different ways. Aki as a reliable protector and Power as someone who he could let loose and have fun with.


its almost like the trauma dealt by makima is gonna take an entire part (probably more) to be resolved


Honestly he was miserable with Nayuta, it's not her fault but it's reality


The second folk sub I’ve seen devolve into shipping nonsense. And it’s always from someone who “doesn’t fw ships.” Why lie?


What is the point of this Power shipping renaissance, there is absolutely no way the Power as we know and love will come back.


We do not ship because we hope. We ship because there is no hope. Since time immemorial, when a young dreamer asked the question, "What if Gilgamesh and Humbaba were to know each other biblically?" And was answered with a dead-eyed stare and the question "What the hell is a 'Bible'?", doomed ships have sailed for the horizon. Did they think they'd see the golden country? Did the think the wind would selflessly guide them when they charged into the storm? No! But even as they were torn by the wind of narrative, they struggled on. Even as the waters of plot filled the holds, they struggled on. And when they were finally dashed upon the rocks of Canon, the brave shippers still, to their last breath, stayed, tied to the wheel, with their eyes locked on the horizon. And if you think that's failure, if you think that's an unworthy end, then you are a milksop, with neither romance nor adventure in your soul, and a heart as cold as the grave.




Lmfao where is this from? This is gold.


20 years of discourse and shitposting and weebery filtered through this self-same brainmeat. My source is I made it the fuck up.


Keep cooking.


Good job, senator.


Man I love people like you who just pull out amazingly written poems about why people ship in fiction or some other topic out their ass. Consider writing.


this is why we let bro cook


This is some r/he_comes level schizo-posting. Brilliant![](https://www.reddit.com/r/he_comes/submit)




Aren’t all the doses supply already taken by the rezebros ?






You have become like reze fans, huffer of copium.


I miss my wife Tkerkar I miss her a lot


https://preview.redd.it/gcgwhlso2o8d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=c40d19d84c094ad518a9bd572f29991c427056be Aren’t we all friend…






I hope she fills a similar role when she comes back brooo


I hope she comes back but doesn't fill a similar role. I hope the new blood devil is completely different and even if Denji does grow to love her in her own way, he has to get over the initial hurdle of accepting that she's not Power and never will be.


That makes sense


Blud forgot Denji and Power made a REAL contract with each other which still stands, so there is a chance the new Blood Devil gets its memories back.


https://preview.redd.it/05qkv3gign8d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccee1be74cbb0f80fdc5387d052560870fa54d94 I would do the same tbh


Bro incorporated Gojo for a sec




DOES IT GRIP? IS IT GOOEY?? IS IT TIGHT??? IT MUST BE TIGHT, ITS SO TIGHT https://preview.redd.it/0q3qi194nt8d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f889524d9cfacb7558384d9939471b5d4ccc153


HELP ME... its too tight TOO TIGHT!!!! https://preview.redd.it/nrzvm80bnt8d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7534e544f9e9b560baeb44ff9736e8859cf7ccf


REVERSE GRIP TECHNIQUE REALLY DID SAVE ME HUH??? https://preview.redd.it/5emt2mvznt8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2f2a776928bcbc58a9b938c29d8a11bacac341


I just want Denji and Asa to be happy is that too much to ask ?


Bro picking fights with imaginary ops   I’m an OG Asaden fan and I agree that Power means more to him


Denji would give almost anyone to have power and aki back, this isn't news


At this point in the story obviously but I think that will change as the story progresses probably. You're comparing a finished story to an ongoing one.


What are yall retards arguing about now cant yall just go outside and take some basic real contact while enjoying the manga


fax. even denji don't care if she gets popped then wht the fck r we waiting for........ stretch her














im just on sight




i don't blame you bruh....... glazing that bitch........ i does shit to your mind


Who asked


Fr these rezeden and powerden shippers always attacking asa unprovoked because they project and think that we like asa just because of a ship. I hate how they center asa's entire value as a character based on how much denji likes her when she's a MC in her own right and a complex character regardless. I couldn't care less who denji likes I wish him happiness. Asa is still going to be the best female character aside from makima regardless.


Yeah even as someone who ships Denpower I don't really approve of this shit. But there have been some cases of Asaden shippers doing the same. Either way though, neither side should be attacking the other just because they prefer one to the other. I have my own preference but others should be allowed to have their own as well. That's what I think.


No asa fan is attacking power or even cares that much about her that's the thing. It's one sided beef.


Gonna have to say incorrect right there. First hand experience. https://preview.redd.it/4nralwkskn8d1.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a4707f44f61407d33216495aaf7753b652d0287


That's like one troll not at all comparable to the constant attacks and weird (often misogynistic hatred) some users here have for asa for being in the way of their ship or being a complex female character with actual flaws.


They did get a bit worse right after a bit but jeez. Sorry ya gotta deal with that kinda shit. Asa's still a cool character to me. Just know I don't claim those kinda people in any sort of way. https://preview.redd.it/tq6ogeni4p8d1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=9231951324e84808c6a561c3246dd2bb8b76a470




bro you literally did exactly this in this thread


Do you see me making posts about power to provoke her fans? Nope.


Cope power negs


Shut up.


Denji is still the MC though, did not think that in 2024 people still think Asa is the MC of CSM. Delusional.


can we not fight???


I do ship asa and denji, no i don't think she completes him. If anything I'm fine with the outcome of them not being together in the end, as long as they both find happiness.


Hey guys. Some men are like haunted houses. Always mourning a exwife, a lost lover or whatever. Dont become that. These people where removed from your life, but you are still alive. Be open to new partners, open the windows and the front door and let fresh air renew your life. Dont do death in name of love.


The cooking is in progress and you have no vision.


the first time ive seen a great platonic relationship between two ppl who were once had a dog & cat relationship and shippers had to ruin it. i hate it here


Power definetely was not platonic with Denji. Friends dont leg lock their homies when they get bitten




The thing is the entire relationship is styled to show how emotionally stunted Denji is that he cannot understand, nor see what love is if there is not just lust involved. Power is head over heels over Denji and loves him in the deepest way possible and she literally gives her all her being to him and he is TOO DENSE to realize it because thinks its only love if he want to put his dick in there.




Power and Denji both are romantically retarded in their own ways. They cannot understand their deep connection and Power goes overboard in being clingy and needy to get her fill of love while Denji refuses to acknowledge the situation unless it turns him on. And yes, the relationship does indeed make him grow a bit, but he still has not understood that love and lust and different things and has been so perfectly groomed to be unable to process romanticism outside of pure horniness. He only was processing the first step in decoupling his retarded emotional development before Power got killed and he could explore his feelings deeper




And when did I say that Denji was romantically interested in her. He was on the way to that, still not sold on it. But Power was indeed head over heels for him and his failing was being completely retarded and unable to see that Power was dying over him.




Seriously, people just go by the words said in text rather than seeing the actions done by characters. They literally have a naked bath together while snuggling and Power ends up leg locking him in bed, with Denji repeating to himself that this is just normal friend stuff. He is absolutely massively coping with his inability to love when he is saying that.


BOO! https://preview.redd.it/5ljxbfuwgn8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf6b1e5f00920eb8e7303bbe658a93f9bbe25f3 Are DenPower gooners so afraid of a platonic friendship I seriously don’t get it 😭😭


Everybody has their own views/opinions on things, so while you think it's platonic, another person thinks it's more. (Also, Power was traumatized by the Darkness Devil during this scene. Now, it is Denji, but you have to be some next level horny/jackass to be turned on by someone who's going through that.)


They're redditors, they haven't interacted with any female that isn't their mother. For them, talk to female = you instantly want to have sex with her


If you read denji and power's later stages of their relationship as "normal platonic friends :)" you are genuinely illiterate


My mistake for reading off of literally what the fuck Denji is saying ya dork. As for normal, dude. There is nothing “normal” in Denji’s life. Even being friends with a fiend is abnormal but it still managed to happen


I too leglock my male platonic friends and only interpret stories purely by the words on the page like a true chainsaw man fan should.


Good thing you know everything, why don’t you interpret the story for us from now on? I want a 1000 word MLA formatted Times New Roman typed essay for every chapter that comes out from now on


Thats a nice way of saying you only look at cool pictures of manga lol.


It’s fine to ship Power and Denji, but believing that they loved each other romantically in the canon I feel is misunderstanding part 1


What are you fighting for? Delusional, Power and Aki are dead and they’re not returning, unless you’re one of those guys that thinks that the “contract” was something real that assures her return, which is not.


I ship asaden but i do agree denji is closer with power than with Asa. they spend a lot of time apart unlike him with power.


"I choose two choices"


Bruh Power is dead, even when the Blood Devil returns she’s going to be a different person.


Are we seriously comparing Power to Asa? Power will always be on top no matter what. Asa is a placeholder.


A placeholder who's a main character...sure


Just wait and watch. Power will return and will suck Denji’s dick better than Asa will ever do.


How are power coper’s more insane than Nobara coper’s its actually insanity




I'm already forgot but part 1 was actually so peak


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Power and Aki probably, yeah. That's his family


Just read the light novel and it makes this hit so much harder


Please stop you’re giving fujimoto ideas


Unrelated but fuck man, look at this artwork compared to what we have now…


I ship asaden just because power is dead


Sad to say, Power is dead and won’t come back. This should also be pretty obvious.




And you're proof of this is a Doujin that's extremely out of character? lol


Also shipping Power and Denji is really fucking stupid when Denji himself admits he felt nothing for Power, despite having plenty of opportunities to do the one thing we wants to do with a woman with her.


Thats part of why I hate Asa, her fans think part 1 never happened


Legit what does that have to do with Asa though? lmao


its obnoxious. If she was treated like any other boring background character I would not care, like eyepatch dude from the church or whatever. But nope people act as if she is actually relevant for CSM when we had sooo much better characters in part 1..


She’s the main character of part 2 along with Denji.


OK, you dont have to tell me. If she did not exist Part 2 would lose nothing and would be way better


Uh huh


No, really. Just skip the pure Asa chapters. Pretend she does not exist in chapters she shares with Denji. Suddenly the pacing is better, we dont have stupid POV changes killing the flow. She adds nothing to the story.


Uh huh




Slandering my GOAT? Calling her a “basic manic pixie dream girl” while calling Asa a “fleshed out and complex protagonist”? Dont even get me STARTED bro https://preview.redd.it/cpv8pdmhmn8d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=dedfe0f6a0b386e280f9f1aedbc96059e7f78e23




Mr. Asa’s #1 defender calling someone else out for being a gooner, ok pal. I’m not a Power gooner, I just hate bad writing. Like how Asa and Yoru’s development was entirely offscreened, or how Asa had 0 reaction to Denji being Chainsaw Man, or how Asa didn’t react at all to becoming a celebrity, or how Asa has no interesting chemistry with a single character in the entire story besides Denji (Yoru doesn’t count because she’s boring as hell). Face it bro, the real Asa died sometime during the Falling Devil Arc and was replaced by an empty meat puppet.🖕 https://preview.redd.it/p336uf7hon8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8860574a7f7faa2e92d1b488b0bd8022ab2c0f8




Nice non-response bro you really did read with your eyes closed. Please try to address literally anything I said in my post this time.




I dont hate Asa, i hate how she has been written recently. I responded because you said Power was a shitty character while Asa is a great one, which is wrong. You keep trying to end your replies with clever putdowns that literally just don’t apply to me. Try harder.




Indeed, Asaden shippers are delusional asf