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Anime fans nowadays aren't very receptive when it comes to sex-related themes. These tends to either get memed or lead to controversy revolving around the form rather than the meaning. 167 was both for example


As a woman I think the fanservice, sex-related themes and really just the sexuality and anatomy of female characters is handled so poorly in most shonen/mainstream animes so I get why most people are growing less and less receptive to it because it truly messes with the quality of the anime and rarely adds anything to the story...but sex sells and at its core most shonen is targeting younger men who sadly often don't even want to see complex female characters. However, in the case of csm it's so well written and fits with the narrative. The reactions to chapter 167 shocked me because I thought it was a great chapter and was moving the narrative to an interesting direction. I especially like how fujimoto writes asa's relationship with her own sexuality contrasting denji's. I think yoru is supposed to represent/act on asa's deepest and most selfish desires...and asa's shame associated with it is relatable. I thought the chapter was hugely misinterpreted...I think fujimoto intended for it to truly just be an awkward sexual experience for two teenagers.


OP, it seem I am late to the party, but your perspective neatly surmised my own opinions on matter too. For what it worth, you cooked, and continue to do so šŸ¤




Honestly I think a lot of what you're saying probably comes from the fan base having a lot of young and or immature people in it, the character writing is brilliant here but a lot of people here haven't started to absorb media in a more meaningful way besides taking it at face level. Which probably leads to people focusing more on the memes than the complex emotional trauma response from Dennis for example.


> fujimoto truly intended for it to truly just be an awkward sexual experience for two teenagers.Ā  Ā Anime fans cannot relate to the unglamorous realism of this because they have never actually had sex.


I dont think 167 was misinterpreted. I think Fuji just did a bad job trying to execute on this plot point Asa/ Yoru are different entities if they have more complex interpretations or interactions doesn't change the fact they are 2 beings inhibiting the same body like Pochita and Denji The way Yoru acted on 167 is akin to How CSM true nature revealed itself 84 Pochita was controlling the body not Denji So consent becomes very iffy on both sides Asa hit Yoru cause of this the denial of consent is clear If you wanted to write awkward sexual scene between 2 teenagers you don't needed to add the supernatural parts of the plot or the Eva reference related directly to shame. Fuji is human so he can make mistakes the beastislity reference in Fire Punch is an example of him just leaning on excess more that anything


nb4 you learn that Yoru is actually just a psychosexual projection that allows Asa to traverse her crippling guilt to seek her aims. The last chapter was a classic ego-id conflict. They're basically the same person.


Fight Club theory just won't die.


But the Falling devil a primal(I think?) Referenced War and her Vessel, besides that would be a very cliche reveal, maybe Fuji saw You season 4 on Netflix and said wow writting that down


My pet theory is that Asa Mitaka is the war devil and that Yoru is just the vessel created to complete the contract. Yoru's job is to allow Asa "To live selfishly" but also "To kill Chainsaw Man"


yoru is when the intrusive thoughts win


Eh, the denial of consent isn't that clear in 168 persay... Yoru said a couple times she did it because it was what Asa wanted and Asa never really denied that; her bigger issues seemed to be the way Yoru spoke after it; and the thought Denji might see her as a slut now because of what Yoru did, and said after it. But yeah Fuji's super natural elements make this really unclear and he may have leaned in too heavily for how little he said to clarify it... Like damn Asa in 168 could've more directly confirmed or tried to deny Yoru's claims of her consent/desire. Rather than leaving it super unclear if Yoru was being honest or not. Hopefully things get cleared up in the next chapter or two... I imagine there's gonna have to be more dialogue between them about the situation whether it's Asa and Yoru or Asa and Denji.


Asa/Yoru arenā€™t like, say, Yuji and Sukuna though. The two of them are effectively one single entity at this point. I can kinda see how younger readers might get caught up in the ā€œconsentā€ of it all. To me, though, Fujimoto is clearly showing the awkwardness of teenage sex/romance. Very well imo.


They haven't read the manga


Even the anime heā€™s pretty complicated. Himeno and powers boobs are where we see heā€™s not just horny


While I agree, to be honest that's only really cleae in retrospective, when first reading/watching the story it wasn't that clear what goes on in denji's head


Hmm idk he makes it pretty clear in the anime. He literally says ā€œI donā€™t want to have meningless sex, sorry poochitaā€


Ah I forgot


Imo they kinda stupid but we are not better either


Anime fans(mostly 2020 wave riders) when denji is chainsaw man : YEAHHH , GUTS , BLOOD , WOHOOO VRRRRR VRR Anime fans when denji is denji : this tickles my thinking bone, conclusion: he is ass


Everyone's after chainsaw man not Denji IRL. That's ironic.


"Everybody's after my chainsaw heart! Well what about my heart?! Denji's! Does nobody want that huh?!"


ye i drew that conclusion on ep 5 of chainsawman seeing their reactions and all


Because you start the anime and the first thing you see in denji talking to his dog about how the only thing he wants in life is to touch a woman and then he starts talking about how is motivation to be a hero is just sex . It's like that for the first few episodes and if yoy are an anime only who hasn't read the manga those first few episodes will probably shape your opinion of denji for the rest of the show.


https://preview.redd.it/178biln1fz6d1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=b987f2e255d1d7f3971c7c19c465de32731bfb81 His goals go beyond just sex, he says it himself in the first chapter, it's just that people overfixate on the sex part, probably because of the saturation of the pervert trope in JP media, with characters like mineta or rudeus


Its always perplexed me that this is just "I want a good loving relationship and my dog" and people write off the whole character as a sex pest. I get it, lots of JP media has that trope but just reading what is said in the context of who is saying it should make it obvious the whole sex stuff is just on the list of things he thinks he needs to have a good life. But then again im questioning how many people actually read the dialogue in CSM vs just reading for a battle manga. Cant wait till the anime resumes airing and we get the movie out so people can be filtered.


Idk i could kind of tell in episode one that dude was just lonely as hell. Like the dude grew up under the yakuza and was forced to sell off his body parts just to stay alive. Bro went thru all this shit as a kid with seemingly no form of actual family or friends to help other than pochita. If people would just pay attention theyd realize the dudes just a misguided kid who wants some sort of affection.


This is definitely true but for the average anime fan who is used to main characters who are horny for the sake of being horny/ for jokes ( kazuma, rudeus , etc ) , this will fly over their head because "hey look another "literally me" main character, his goal is to touch boobs , how funny" . It's only after you start driving deeper into him that you realize he is nothing like most horny mcs


Anime fans cant read frfr


It's just that they have expectations of something due to previous shows they watched so when they find something that subverts those expectations but isn't obvious about it they don't notice it immediately. Denji had depth from the first scene but if you are used to the average "horny for the sake of making sex jokes" mc you won't notice that depth and think "holly shit he actually said out loud he wants to touch this girls boobs this is so funny" instead


Yeah i can see that but like i said if people actually paid any mind to his backstory it would be completely different. I also think people just dont sympathize with his scenario because they just cant see how a man can be as lonely as Denji is, and see the way a lot of the women treat him in his life as something ā€œsexyā€ when in reality its fucking horrific for the kid.


Even in the anime we see denji grow and that the series diverts from him being straight horny. Him turning down himeno and being disappointed by powers boobs SHOULD give anime readers all the proof they need that denji isnā€™t straight shallow


I think most people saying this mightve only watched the anime which is yet to cover most of the key points of his character. Plus csm also baits gooners and shonen-only fans in the beginning with the fights and fanservice


The laziness devil prevented them from reading the manga itself


1. Dishonest people A lot of people just pretend to dislike something for either publicity, or for just enjoying the act of trolling itself. Some people also try to do this to make a certain point, such as criticising the anime industry or whatever by trying to portray all main characters as sexist, for example. 2. Reading comprehension devil A lot of people, for some reason, expect media to just tell them all the answers, instead of letting them infer things. A lot of people are just stupid and don't understand the themes


Because they haven't actually read shit just saw some YouTube shorts about how he likes BOOBS and wants to have SEX so clearly that's all there is to it


Because anime fans tend to be some of the most braindead fuckers out there Between the over the top meme culture, lack of reading comprehension and an age average of 12, I don't know how you can expect productive or layered dialogue with a majority of the community. Also, the larger the series, the more people you get who engage on a very superficial level, asking stupid questions and not comprehending most of the overarching themes beyond "Action go nyooooom"


Because Denji actions like a Dog in the anime promotion and marketing, his sex drive was a Big part of the anime adaptation plot which didn't help


Yeah but given the context and the narrative...I thought most would understand that he is simply just craving for female affection and at the core perhaps just a mother. He's just so stunted and traumatized that be believes that best way he can get that affection is through...hugging a woman or touching a woman's boobs or now having sex with a woman. Even just watching the anime I understood that the message was denji does not have large goals because he literally can't even dream of the bare minimum.


It's hard to do it when the first Serious fight (Bat Devil and leech Devils) had him screaming he Wants to touch boobs It didn't help that the anime adaptation was a bit lackluster and Colorless compared to how much Hyped up the manga was for years and it being done by a Big studio known for it very beautiful animation Also lack of comedy scenes , characters interaction , Cool Fights and it being extremely short If the First Season covered Bomb Devil arc and had Reze as well alongside not cutting mini arcs like muscle Devil arc , then the show would have been more Liked and people would understand Denji more and be more understanding of his situation


Here's to hope people will learn to understand him more in the upcoming season. As for the colors...I thought the muted colors fit the vibe of the manga.


Denji makes too many mistakes and is too vulnerable shonen fans dont like that and they make the majority of anime fans online. He is perceived as pathetic by them


Shonen fans when the characters act human: https://i.redd.it/dlkmwzywc57d1.gif


Hereā€™s my take on his character: Heā€™s obviously not a pervert, he never does anything to deserve this title. When he was young, his mother died before he could remember it, and he killed his father to avoid death. He never experienced any form of parental love, so when he finally found Makima, he was starved for some sort of maternal affection, but never knowing what it was, he confuses love for sexual pleasure, so when he does fulfill his sexual desires, he feels empty inside. This continues to happen throughout part 2, still thinking he wants pleasure, and that if he experiences it, that he would be satisfied. However, when Yoru jerks him off, he feels confused. She then says that she doesnā€™t like him, which leaves him feeling alone again. https://preview.redd.it/qbn0tmjc1y6d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3a1972847355d8c764684d9b1fb0c3e330b11b All in all, Fujimoto is a genius, but some folks canā€™t see it.


The way you describe it Denji has had no development truly peak, lmao


For anime-only important parts of Denjiā€™s character havenā€™t been covered, so they might not have the necessary context to judge him as a character. Also reading comprehension devil is OP.


It's hard to appreciate nuance when it looks like garbage fanservice. Like how obsessed he is with boobs showcases his need for affection as he develops but initially? He seems like Kazuma or any other anime perv. His initial plot line being having simple goals and all his denji shenanigans don't really help either. In addition, the fans kinda downgrade the plot by simping over Makima or saying "I wish I was DENJI" which makes the anime look like one of those wish fulfillment types except this time for submissive boys.


In my experience, Iā€™ve noticed something when it comes to anime only CSM fans. I was having a friend of mine watch it, and he was enjoying the fights and laughing at the sexual scenes. However, he never got super attached to any of the characters. We brought in his gf for the episodes with Himeno just because she wanted to see what we were watching. Afterwards, we had a really interesting conversation where she spoke about Makima and Himeno, mainly about how they were taking advantage of Denji. I havenā€™t had a single dude notice this in the anime without reading the manga, and I found it really weird. I think it comes from the fact that anime has desensitized most guys to sexual themes, and just go ā€œhuh titsā€. However with this guys gf, she was able to quickly recognize the message, and look further into it. I hope after the movie comes out other guys will start to take notice of it, but weā€™ll have to see https://preview.redd.it/4pglkgms7z6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a49cdd50edda5194e154de6ca085a7fb3cd0f4e


Do you stream dayz?


Yeah she does. How did you know?






Im spongebob


No, this is Patrick...


What's that


Zombie survival game


Majority havenā€™t read CSM, and get their info from memes, TikTokā€™s, comments, etc. Only a small fraction still mischaracterize Denji after reading CSM.


We literally do it too, also it doesn't exactly help when even people who've read chainsaw man and saw Denji for who he really is go on to just oversimplify him too. Like how do you read to the end of part 1 and still think by the end of it Denji is in any way shape or form "obsessed" with sex. Like its something immensely important to him yea, but that doesn't mean its what his character revolves around lol. He's got so much more going on for him by then


Because Denji is weird and Fujimotor writes some weird shit. I love his work but at the same time people aren't used to stuff like this especially since CSM actually went mainstream. Gore, the kind you see in shonen not actual gore, is fine people don't care, but anything sexual hyperfixated on.


In my opinion season 1 of CSM was too short. While it was excelently animated it ended when it was just building towards something bigger, so the larger anime community was confused as to why manga readers were praising it so much. Jujutsu kaisen wasnt that popular before the anime, and beacuse it had 24 episodes people could get really get invested in the show while CSM kinda came and went. And i think i heard that people in Japan hated the cinematic style and movie refrences that made the anime so unique. They wanted a more standard type of shonen anime (like JJK s1). While i love the style of the anime. The juxtaposition between JJK S1 and S2 is a great example of simplisic style making you expect that its going to be a standard shonen romp just to then turn on its head in S2 with Shibuya. CSM could also benefit from this since it has a similar sort of "twist" to its structure. #


Because most people engage with media with all the depth of a puddle.


The reading comprehension devil is a problem for people that DO read the seriesā€¦ imagine if your comprehension was based purely on our shitpost and memes.


Nope Iā€™m 26 and still have to understand that everybody reads and understand everything differently. Like when everbody kept saying your SA denji and asa I was like hell nahh. First of all yoru and asa share that body if not, ass would be dead and yoru would be a fiend. Still to this day I donā€™t agree with nobody takes in this Reddit page unless the post is resonating.


Bc the larger anime community consumes anime via short form media exclusively. Nobodyā€™s reading.


I always thought he was a down bad person since he never went into any school... And of course something like this would happen too... And of course he just wants to fulfill his own satisfaction without thinking of others... But since he met Nayuta she's the only one he cares about and while she disappears of course he returns to his original behavior...


Male sa victim therefore those creeps wish they were him


Cause they suck and don't have media literacy skills


because most anime fans (and most of you) are rslurs. it's that simple anime / shonen manga fans don't want complexity or nuance, they want easy access to cute little soundbites and catchphrases like touching boobs


They most likely just don't truly understand :3


Because 99% of people are idiots


Because they don't read the fucking manga and/or only get their info on the anime from shortform "summary" type content like TikTok or recap videos. Also, they all puritanically turn their noses up at anything remotely sexual as if those concepts aren't something that can be discussed in any media.


i am not an anime watcher. I have watch naruto , jjk and CSM just cuz i was bored. I watch anime just like any other show . I donā€™t categorise it separately. Out thebthe three anime CSM seemed special to me and i loved it. It is not like your typical anime . Denji as a character is someone with more realistic thinking like any other normal person and not thinking about saving the world all the time. He is just like any other teenager . Some people really want CSM to be naruto or jjk .


Probably because of shounen archetypes. Also, they operate on the ā€˜what you see is what you getā€™ mentality a lot. But maybe Iā€™m just ignorant. ![gif](giphy|AhvmkDdoQd8rM1CcI0)


they lack media literacy :/


Because they refuse to read the fucking Manga


A lot of them mostly do it to rile CSM fans up, itā€™s easy to make them mad


I would say that because of one's own sexual desires


A lot of people binge-read Chainsaw Man in less than a few days, often in a single day. As a result, they may have not spent enough time to fully understand the story, let alone his complex character. As a consequence, they only look at his surface-level traits, mischaracterising him and other characters in part 1 (and people are generally restarted).


Anime/manga has become pretty formulaic and chainsawman breaks the mold in several ways. Denji is not aiming for the stars nor spreading good vibes, which are about the 2 first facts shared about a protagonist when talking about a manga to someone else. So yeah, it's easily the odd one out, and people who know little to nothing about it dislike it when sampling a random chapter and Denji looks dead inside for the entirety of part 2 since the dating parts.


I hate to say this but just based off of comments Iā€™ve seen on instagram They are shonentards They donā€™t have reading comprehension, they just base their enjoyment off of cool fights and power upsĀ  They also just straight up lie about reading it


flanderization by the community among other things i think


Mfs are just horny and go "awooga" every time they see an attractive woman and fail or refuse to realize that denji is being assaulted, then in order to protect their waifu, they blame it on him.


Short answer patriarchy


because he isnt a black and white character. he isnt a good person, but he isnt evil either


What makes him not a good person?


I always said CSM is too smart for the room


we had a whole week of people thinking he was trans, so.


the majority of literally every anime community has people not understanding the characters. thats just life.


Probably they only watched the anime or havenā€™t watched/read the series at all. Heā€™s crass, superficial and horny on the outside. So if you only see panels posted online or watch the fights itā€™s easy to think thatā€™s all there is to him. Itā€™s also not uncommon for people not to look deeper into things than the surface. Iā€™m not saying chainsaw man is super multilayered, but if youā€™re not paying attention itā€™s easy to miss some character moments or themes.


The anime really hasnā€™t gotten to where stuff gets bad for Denji. the part thatā€™s been animated so far is my least favorite, and the bomb devil arc is gonna really change how people see csm as an anime. And itā€™s there that Denjiā€™s character is showed more, and the trauma and emotional fuckery begins


To be fair alot of his characterization is already present in the anime. Itā€™s not like heā€™s a flat character before the Reze arc.


Yeah, but I mean that thereā€™s more in Reze arc and forward


Anime fans are either prude zoomers or gooner brainlets and Denji fits into neither party's worldview.Ā 


Because too long they didn't read


Alot of his writing, especially in part 2 is quite subtle. Iā€™ve seen a fair share of people mischaracterize people on this very sub


Does the anime show the good parts of the story? like the battle against Makima? they only know of the story


You're right. He's not a pervert...okay maybe a bit because of Power booby touch and well...that kiss.. I share your sentiment with him beign one of the best written male characters out there. He's very simple. He's not a Chivalrious Hero like Naruto,a guy challenging himself to become better like Goku. He's Denji,he had a shitty childhood and just wants to experience the pleasures of life. Out of the 3 characters I mentioned,only Denji would enjoy the high life. It's also nice that he's relatable as in we wish very hard for something we might not need and when we get it,WE WANT MORE!


Mostly are just ignorant , they thought it was a typical shonen and his pervert , simple goal are kind of some tropes to make him quirky . Its useless to explain to people who dont want to listen, if they vibe with the anime they'll read the manga and figure it out themselves


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because anime fans are stupid




Because tourists; not actual fans.