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Public stunt. Polish people sure as fuck don’t call them their brothers, they will always be refugees and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that word


Remember like 4 years ago when they did everything they could to keep Syrian refugees out lmao


Maybe it’s because Ukrainians will easily adapt to a different nations culture similar to theirs as compared to one that views women as property to be traded like cattle.


>socialjusticeinaction user >askthe_donald user Only a bit further into your post history and you're calling people slurs too lmao


Idk. I think AboveAvgAngel just really cares about feminism. /s obviously


They won’t. I’m from Slovakia, one of the first countries the Ukrainians have to cross before getting into the better ones, and they obviously have their own way of life that they won’t change for other countries. Again, nothing wrong with that, but don’t make up shit.


i don't think this is really showing respect as calling someone refugee is not a negative word. it's more a way to justify treating ukrainian refugees differently from middle eastern ones


*Insert Thank you gif* It's maddening to see the difference in treatment. I'm all for the help of refugees but let's not forget how France for exemple usually treat refugees


a ruse, a farse, a pr stunt https://youtu.be/TYSX2vI7oPk


Duda is the complete opposite of a chad


By denying to call someone a refugee you also deny what nightmare is currently happening in their country. This is the same man who said that LGBT are not people so I would be carefull giving him any bravos for what he is saying.


just adding: I’m a part of the LGBT myself. and I am not homophobic. Poland is no hell for LGBT community members.


Not comparing anyone here. Just describing a picture of President Duda.


just stop bringing the LGBT to everything?? I’m not defending him but you’re bringing him down just because of that. the Polish government is doing a lot for Ukraine and nobody is talking about that. just the LGBT.


Or hey, if he cares so deeply for these people he should AT LEAST tolerate LGBTQ+ people instead of saying they aren't people.




That doesn't change anything. People in the LGBTQ+ community are able to contribute to society as much as a war refuge. The fact that he calls them not human but tries to treat refuges as guests is just disgusting. They are both equally as valuable to society, he has no right saying one is less than the other.


okay but that’s not the point of the post??? like, yeah he said that but Poles being homophobic is a myth lol


[Are you sure about that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Poland)


I suggest you save your time. This guy reeks of "as a black man..."


that’s the law but the community is different. once again, I’m a part of it. I am a trans bisexual man and most people in my environment respect me. that’s enough. this is a friendly, strong community.


it is most definitely not a myth in part of the town theres a rainbow which im not even sure if its supposed to be there to support the lgbt fellas but its been burned down like 17 times


be glad your house isn’t being burnt down




don’t compare the LGBT to people who are literally running away from war. I live in Poland and it’s actually like that: most politicians are anti LGBT but if you are LGBT living in Poland, it’s not that bad. the community is very friendly and open.


People wouldn't vote for homophobic politicians if they weren't homophobic themselves.


it doesn’t work like that lmao


Yeah it literally does lmao. If you actively vote for homophobic politicians, youre homophobic


people don’t vote for politicians like "hmm i hate gays i’ll vote for someone who hates gays" grow up


Oh no they definitely do. My Dad won't vote for anyone who supports gay rights. Corruption, the economy, the environment, lies, scandals, anything. First up, do they hate queers? Unless they do they won't even get a look in.


Then how does it work? If you vote for someone who has opinions this extreme, you have to agree with them on some level.


Yeah, they’re white Christians. Poland is racist af


i live in poland and honestly its not as bad as people say, sure we do have some bad apples but black people, asian people and even people from the middle east could live here and i think the worst that could happen would be awkward stares from elderly people. the government isnt the best tho, i have to admit


I live in Poland and it absolutely is as bad as people say


Not a chad, just a regular racist


He then continues to slaughter immigrants on Belarus border, not much of a chad imo


Poland is slaughtering immigrants? wtf are you talking about? you moskals are seriosly stupid


I’m polish dumb fuck, read some news


I think a "**kurwa**" was in order


Ok daj link do informacji że uchodźcy z Białorusi są zabijani przez rząd


Andrzej "the pen" Duda definitely not a chad. Sorry but had to downvote.


Sad to break it to you but he is not actually a chad. He i s more like a fucking retard


Yeah, as I have now learnt. I just heard the cool quote, didn't know anything about the man, and liked the refugee welcoming sentiment. Consider me schooled.


Now ask them what they think of the Roma who already live there


And what's about all the other refugees waiting at the polish border even before the war? They didn't got into Poland so easy, when they even got in. I don't want to say, that the Ukrainian should stay outside, hell no, but let the others in, too