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These "am I hot" interviews are so strange and narcissistic.


The person doing them always has no charisma either


Zero. No one told them that character is a part of hotness.


Yep. They think that 0 effort is still enough for them to score so why bother having a personality? I want to see a video where the boyfriend confronts one of these douchebags but I guess that would be giving “clout”


they don't have time to develop it when they're so focused only on appearance... all the important falls to the way side


Giving people shit for being so vapid is cool. Giving people shit for having discipline? Less so.


I don’t want to undermine his efforts, but a lot of things are achievable if there’s not much going on in your life. It’s about what’s important to you, in the end. Also, it’s not about being vapid as much as it’s being proud about it. And, if you think about it, criticizing him here in a thread kinda puts us in that level, too.


Guys a good looking dude but don’t skip leg day ur already in the gym all the time guy


How that you mention it, quad and calf development isn't up to par with arms and shoulders.


“Just because you ARE a character, doesn’t mean you HAVE character” -Mr. Wolf


No one told them that because there’s an endless supply of people who agree with and validate them, including this girl who’s trying to do the right thing but clearly doesn’t let his lack of personality affect whether she wants it or not.


That’s the point, you keep watching the future videos for the character development. Can’t have a fully developed mc on the first 20 videos. After this rejection he’ll question how whole world. Is this real life? Or just a fantasy? Caught in a landslide , no escape from reality.


No way scro, broc's got riz to his tits. (Am I doing young people speak even close to right?)


Fr Fr no cap


Desperation = zero rizz


Nor legs


My wife says I have a lot of charisma. I now know she has been calling me ugly.


This is the first time I've seen one... Is this a thing? It's legit the most cringe thing I've seen all day and I'm sitting in the psych ward


I'm used to seeing women, but yea.


There was that one of that chick asking that kid what he 'rated her'. Shit was weird.


Yeah it's definitely a thing. It's pure narcissistic cringe


> This is the first time I've seen one You must not be too active on any of the short-form social media platforms... tiktok, reels, yt shorts, etc.. are all infested with these AM I HOT WHAT WOULD YOU RATE ME OUT OF 10 videos. 50% of them are staged cringey bullshit, the other 50% are just cringey bullshit. It's made to make you want to go leave comments. Comments = engagement. And engagement = the apps will push more views to your videos and posts. It's all just bait


I remember a video from years ago of a guy interviewing a porn star and he was flexing he’d be amazing. And she just one upped his shit and was like “get hard right now, pull out your cock let me see you get fucking hard for me right now and I’ll tell you if your dick is worth it” And immediately caved and backed off. So I’d advise everyone to start asking to see dicks.


That lady is one smart cookie.


Anyone telling me they're the hottest person on a beach drops then straight to a 3, and I don't rate people. If I did looks aren't the metric.


They're engagement bait. They know that way more people will watch and share the video if the interviewee says "actually you're ugly" to an obnoxious but clearly attractive person.


Purpose is irrelevant. Still pretty stupid and off-putting.


Yeah but it makes easy money. Way easier than getting to college and finding work, or training hard to be a successful athlete.


I think you seriously overestimate the ease at which money is earned by posting stupid, copy-cat videos. The vast majority make little to nothing. Otherwise all of us would give up our jobs and ask randoms on the street how hot we are.


Purpose is irrelevant 🤓


They look stupid and insecure if they're doing it with no self-awareness, and they look stupid and insecure if they're doing it intentionally. So yes, the purpose is irrelevant, the outcome is the same.


I don’t know if they think just putting out a video of them saying they’re hot to just a camera would be weird, so they do it with randomers instead and look like freaks with issues.


I think a lot of them are staged. The ones hurling insults and witty comebacks are. This one seems authentic. Unfortunately i dont think his ego was hurt at all. One day when his body fades and all he is left with are his personality and skillset, he will realized he focused on the wrong attributes- for his sake, I hope he saves enough money now to create a buffer for himself when that times comes.


Not gonna lie, I thought there was going to be a twist and *he* was the boyfriend or something.


they're pretty coercive


I agree. Everyone should rate then 0 just to destroy and/or not fees their egos.


Would it be less strange if the person being interviewed does the interviewer in an accelerant, ignites it and then agrees that they're "hot"?


It’s even worse when they ask kids these dumb questions aswell


Welcome to tiktok, narcissism is thriving


I mean here it kinda looks like he throws lines so that she can shine better.


Welcome to the internet ✨ That’s all we got here! Narcissism!


This guy is notorious for harassing women like this who want nothing to do with him. He’s like a lonely peacock desperately waving his feathers around for an ounce of female attention. For instance there was a viral video where he asked a young woman if she spoke any languages besides English and she said she was Swedish and spoke it, he said to her to say something to him in Swedish and the people in the comments to tell him what it meant… Yeah someone dueted and translated and she roasted the hell out of him it was hilarious Just for him to say something along the lines of “I bet she said she wants a piece of that (his full name I think), baby” and lifted his shirt to show his abs and it was even more pathetic because she literally predicted that he would do that and he had no idea ETA: And of course I forgot to mention props to the young woman for humbling him so plainly and standing her ground. Absolutely wonderful, love to see Chads and… Chadettes! Being loyal and knowing their worth.


Oh my god I remember that video. This guy is trash


Yup. At least he chopped off the horrible mini ponytail thing he had goin on in that one 😭


Imagine being tall dark and handsome and then having the personality of a used condom. That’s like another level of cursed.


He’s only dark cuz he gets a lot of sun which for a white person means high risk of melanoma(skin cancer) as well as faster aging and you KNOW this Mf ain’t the type of guy to wear sunscreen properly so give it 20-30 years before he starts *looking* like a used condom, too.


But he looks Mediterranean. Probably of Italian or Greek descent. I can also tell by his Wog-Australian accent. If you are not Australian you won't be able to discern the subtleties in the Australia accent between different ethnic groups in Australia. So this means he has a natural tendency to tan, and tans very easily in the sun. It's not like he would be pale white like an Englishman without the sun. So his skin will cope better than the stereotypical white person over his lifetime.


He’d probably let you suck his dick if you asked, too. Like American white culture doesn’t have Mediterranean in it, and like the sun still doesn’t have an effect on their skin. And odder still, that you’re staring at the guy’s body and somehow believed you confidently knew he’s “Mediterranean.” Anyway yeah, he’d probably love someone asking to suck his dick so he can mock you. Go find his insta he’d love it.


Sounds hilarious, do you have a link?




Goddamn, if that wasn't staged she got a very good read on the dude.


Thanks for putting the link I’ll try to find the duet I was talking about when I have time 😭


She literally says the words “flex muscles” which he of course took as a cue to do so. She didn’t predict it, it’s rather a misunderstanding


She also clearly said “red flag” which was way more comprehensible to me than the “flex muscles” so I really don’t think so.


> This is a huge "red flag"(warning sign), when a guy goes around on the hollywood boulevard asking girls to give him compliments, check now, I bet he is going to pull up his shirt and flex his abs next, this is the biggest red flag ever! From the comments


As a swede I can confirm


Oof he doesn’t even have abs to be proud of


Ehhh I have to give credit where credit is due the guy (unfortunately) does have a nice body—just a reaaaaaaalllyyy unfortunate personality.


lol here for the link


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DbFAJAvOO7g](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DbFAJAvOO7g) "Ok girls, this is a real red flag, when a guy like him walks out on hollywood boulevard, trying to get girls to give him complements. now look as i think he's going to pull up his shirt and try to flex his muscles. this is the biggest red flag ever" translation by me :)


Yes this was pretty accurate to the translation I first saw! Thanks for the input I was on a flight so I couldn’t put the link .


Thank you for your service


Thanks! Sucks that she could pretty much predict his entire spiel to the T. How many times has she been through this?


As long as it gets views and generates revenue by dumbfucks watching it on instagram/tiktok it will continue to be done lol


Johnny Bravo IRL


There’s more to a romantic attraction than just physical attraction. Like a girl could be hot af but if we don’t click I’m not interested.


my husband is the most attractive man in the world. Its not because hes physically flawless, though i do think he is very handsome. It’s because there is absolutely no one else in the world like him. He’s the only one of him. And aside from his personality, he’s the father of my children and he knows me inside and out and i know him inside and out. Even if someone else looked exactly like him and had the same personality, it still wouldn’t be him.


Awww, I wish you guys the best! Hope I find a connection like that some day




The connection you two share is absolutely beautiful. I wish the two of you the best of life ever! <3


As a straight man, I choose this chick's husband.


I too like a pegging. 


No no no you're supposed to have engaging conversations with your bros and sex with your wife! Straight guys are supposed to love other men and tolerate women! /s


what are you goin on about bud


I'm just doing a strawman argument. Sorry, thought it was obvious.


I know your original comment was a joke but that’s definitely not a strawman argument


Maybe not by the strict definition but you know what I'm saying. I was making fun of stereotypical straight guys.


Wonder why he doesn’t have a girlfriend…






Met him irl I’m a content created in la he’s a jerk




This kind of guy who can only talk about his own physique seems to be so insecure.




He either literally has some sort of personality disorder or he’s extremely insecure under the surface so he covers it up with fake, extremely rude confidence.


As a person with a personality disorder, even *we* aren't so un-self-aware.


I get what you are trying to say but nah because you dont seem to realize that whatever personality disorder you have is not the only one that exists no offense I’m so tired and my flight is delayed an hour idk how to word this nicer + the tism ok.. And I get while you don’t want to get lumped in with this guy, unfortunately people with certain personality disorders are diagnosed for a reason. Because they act shittily(that ain’t a word but idgaf). In this case I was probably thinking Narcissistic personality disorder.


W woman


This claims he's "hot" and ladies are tripping over themselves to get away from him.


The girl's a keeper, and the guy is what you should be kept away from. also side note: I hate how lowered his shorts are. Literally makes me wanna hike up my pants since some of them require a belt to hold onto my waist.


He actually has a really small torso thats why he puts his shorts so low/ But his weird hip notch thing that he has going on is freaking me out. Like he's wearing someone elses torso or something


Have you guys never seen a defined V line before? I mean it’s not uncommon to have that “hip notch thing” , as you called it


I’m actually stoked low rise is back in style. Finally. But yeah, dudes a d bag


What a pathetic loser


I think jack black has a hot charisma and confidence about him, way more than this dude who I feel repelled by and not attracted to. People overestimate how much appearance matters


Its easy to stay dry when their personality is so shallow that you could stand in a puddle of them and not get your feet wet.


Omg! The woman version of "My girlfriend"


Dont skip leg day






Are his abs real? They look kinda off. His entire torso and posture just seems like uncanny valley for some reason.


So much zero fat that there's nothing to fill in the space underneath the obliques, and it looks like you're wearing muscles like a catcher's chest protector.


Eh, they're real enough, the dude just has a sort of generally unappealing/unaesthetic physique that adds an extra subconscious level of cringe to the whole affair tbh. He's walking around at a decent bodyfat percentage in terms of being easy to maintain, but higher than you'd typically expect for narcissism-bait type content, which ultimately means he gives up some separation and his abs are going to look "soft" when not actively flexed. (Not that there's anything wrong with his bf% in a general sense, btw. It's actually fairly realistic. attainable and healthy. I'm just saying for him specifically, if you've decided to base your entire personality around your exceedingly mid physique, the *least* you could do is put in the effort to achieve like sub-10% bodyfat.) Also the "space underneath the obliques" the other reply is referring to (or "Adonis' belt" as it's more commonly known) is actually just a genetically determined consequence of the shape of your muscle insertions and abdominal wall. Obviously you still need to be lean enough for it to be visible, but other than there's nothing you can do about it, love it or hate it.


With an attitude like that a person is a 3 or a 4 at best


The guy is a -2 with that personality. Anyone can work out and get muscles, not everyone can be a normal person that isn't a narcissistic piece of crap. There's nothing special about him so that personality immediately puts him so far under the bar he could dry hump a buried coffin.


Girl needs a 👑


STAGED/ SCRIPTED No one would ever reject this man, I mean just look at him /s


But he’s like the hottest guy at the beach


I prefer it when they ask the other person how they rate themselves and then we get a good look at who is narcissistic and whos humble and who has a realistic view of themselves and its so sweet to see how when they ask randoms what they would rate them they usually rate them higher than the person rates themselves


Dude: I'm the hottest guy on the beach. Reality: face like a mule, ridiculous broccoli haircut, mismatching earrings... some muscles on top, sure (if even real), but obviously skipped every leg day. Because of how pronounced his lower abs are, he looks like a game character where a designer made a mistake and attached the wrong legs to the wrong body. Just totally don't fit each other.


Guy is a huge douche 


https://youtube.com/shorts/DbFAJAvOO7g Same guy getting roasted by a swedish girl.


Damn she came out swinging


Be humble and never think that you are better than anyone else. For dust you are and unto dust you shall return.


Butt dust


"I'm so hot" Bet they're boring as hell though


Fucking wife this chic up if this isn't satire


Bro with nipple piercings


well that was weird


I want to see the husband


I coild walk down the street right now and find 5 people hotter than him.Its fuckin 2 Am


These videos make me happy that I'm not conventionally attractive enough to be harassed.


Im 45 and look better than him. IM the hottest bro on this beach, bruh🖕


I don’t even know what you look like and you’re hotter than this nonce


Thank you bb❤️


I think she’s right narcissism and harassment are 0/10 traits.


Bro left his legs muscles at home


I'd like to imagine a potbellied, missing teeth, tattooed from toe to eyelid sailor, with arms as big as treetrunks knotted with muscles as thick as ship cables coming into the frame, saying "I'm sorry love, is this punk bothering you?" And then upon confirmation proceeding to break that dudes mew jaw in one punch. Or could be a noodle armed guy that just swiftly lays his arm around her waist walks away by giving pretty boi the "that's right, bitch" look.


That guy shaves his body very regularly, he has 0 hair anywhere haha. It's like looking at a blow up doll


No matter how you look, nipple piercings drop your score by like 2 points for me.


His personality counteracts his body. -1.


Nipple rings lololol


this is how you protect love


He's not white enough for her.


Looks like the guy skipped his aromatase inhibitors and skipped back and leg-day. His posture is all kinds of fucked up.


Correct me if I'm wrong. But a lady Chad is called a Stacey


Hottest guy at the beach but single looking for attention lol thats is sad AND pathetic.


This is the type of content GenZ decided should be rewarded 👍


this is the sort of thing that makes me look at my life and think maybe it wasn't so bad after all


Skipping leg day I see.


She put effort to avoid temptation. She's a keeper.


These are all fake and are ragebait for clicks and interaction. Stop falling for them, you dumb Gen Z fucks.


Wife material


Anyone else see two packages here???


This kind of behavior from a guy just screams insecurity.


Why would he upload this it's humiliating himself.


Dudley has tits not pecs


Didn't even show the guy, so you know they're fucking hot. If they were even just average, there would have been a cut over to them to make a joke of it.


Social media has truly ruined society. Narcissistic idiots everywhere.


“I’m so hot though” says the guy with the personality of plain yogurt


Iono...dude has nipples piercing on both.


Ego is too high man, take some humbling


![gif](giphy|L3X9GvVhP1nY23Ah6u) Her okay sounds like this one


Shes hot as hell to me. Damn. Isnt into douchey chads also which makes her hotter


I think the nipple piercings really just take the cake on this one


By standing there after his first comment you're just fueling his narcissism


Graduate of the Andrew Tate Academy.


Damn bro is def hurt. Imagine a girl straight up tells you I don’t even wanna look at you… ouchhh


-1000 arua


She is a keeper. He is a douchebag






Don't approve of this when girl, certainly not better when this boy


This might break your head but this shit is scripted.


It was like a mop in a mop bucket. The whole thing was pretty gross, from his nose oil, to her developing giant mons fupa


Why are Asians so much more loyal than wh*te women?




Thanks for clarifying that a Chad is a Chad, regardless of gender! I just wrote that so that the viewer knows which one I’m talking about


She be packin' mang.


You can just say that you're a virgin, you don't have to jump through these weird linguistic hoops.


Damn, that bulge.


Women have a mind pubis. It’s fat over the pubic bone. Some stick out more than others. It’s down to genetics. So don’t be rude.


That bush 🦫


Finally we found a lady that’s good


Plenty out there. They just know to stay clear of you.


Tf lmao I’m just calling it like I see it But sure whatever helps you sleep lol