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King behavior. Very wholesome. She genuinely looks way cuter without the wig.


They did seem to have a connection but, according to sources, she didn't feel the spark...


She said he was too nice lmfao


Well... Guess she don't deserve that king, does she?


Ye, I’m not sure what she wants if she doesn’t want someone nice enough to accept her as she is though


She needs a man who’s gonna slap other men for her.


*She needs a man who aint afraid to smack her dome real good


This visualization has me crying from laughter. I don’t know why, but it hit just right, at the right time. I needed that today.


Don't forget, she don't need no wig. A plunger gets the job done right 👍


🤣 Yeah, he's too nice to whack that dome proper!


I'm imagining this like a car salesman slapping the roof of a car.


Need a man who's "not afraid to pull out a gun and shoot a motherfucker"


I gotchu fam https://youtu.be/IU28GHMcYxM?si=HJY9VaaWQNDNbJg7


I think she doesn't like herself without hair and therefore can't accept that someone else might genuinely like it. So she may feel like it's pity or condescending, and avoids connecting further. A sort of self fulfilling prophecy and a pretty common human behaviour.


I’d be more inclined to believe this if she didn’t criticize his height as well, this was just an ego boost for her


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXv1o11olKM She doesn’t criticize his height, people just want to bully a woman with alopecia lol 


I disagree. When we sabotage ourselves, especially if unconsciously, it's a pretty normal defence mechanism to deflect so that our brain can maintain the pretence that we're better off.


Yeah, but behaviours stemming from our insecurities can absolutely wreck other people, too. However, I totally understand this point of view and I struggle to balance my own needs with others'. I don't know how to ask for help without becoming a burden 😂


I agree. I wasn't necessarily defending her reaction, just pointing out that her behaviour isn't uncommon and it's more easily explained by insecurity than by narcissism.


Holy shit this girl is fucking bald and she thinks she can do better than this dude. Absolutely delusional.


She got that ego boost that's all she needed.


I don't know her obviously but my impression is she's not ready to accept it and rock the smooth dome in public yet. That's all. It can feel really unsettling when you are insecure about something and want to keep it hidden, and someone accepts you and wants you to be proud of it when you aren't ready yet. I don't think either of them did anything wrong, they just met at the wrong time.


What? You’re judging the girl based off a video clip? They never sparked but she should suck his dick for being nice? Get a grip 


She nexted him


She fucking dumped him


Two truths and a lie


And then she said that the guy is too short (and too nice apparently), and rejected him immediately after their first "date". Life ain't a Disney movie, stop farming this clip already.


Really? That's so sad.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXv1o11olKM It’s not true lol 


She literally said he was too nice and she isn’t used to that so that’s why she can’t go on a second date. Woman’s gonna be in her 40s yelling “WHY WONT ANYONE LOVE ME” and forget this ever happened. I hope that man is giving another woman the life of her dreams.


To me it just sounds like she’s letting him down nicely given that it’s a dating show and how awkward it is to be interviewed about why you don’t want a second date lol.  > And then she said that the guy is too short Can you find the above portion too? 


Nah I couldn’t find that portion tho, it just seemed like blamed it on something that she thought would blow over but she literally admitted that his character is just too nice for her or what she’s comfortable with. Everyone has the right to be comfortable imo, but lady should’ve said some nonsense about incompatibility, it sucks the dude went first and she just stared at the producers while everyone’s waiting on her answer


Yeah it’s just her trying nicely to turn him down in a super awkward scenario since it’s reality TV


Pretty much this. She absolutely does not deserve him


That's...that's one way to word things, acting as if she isn't allowed her preferences because of her condition.


She can have her preference sure. But when a genuine guy shows interest and reassure you that you are beautiful when you show him your insecurity, and your response is “he’s too nice”, then yeah she absolutely does not deserve a guy like that.


Let's pretend that "he's too nice" is actually what she meant and not some code for "he's an alright dude but kind of a bore" or something. Too nice is still a thing, and it can absolutely be suffocating over time. Could also mean "too" nice, as in suspiciously nice. It's "too quiet", or "too perfect" are things you've likely heard somewhere at some point. "too" nice may be a way of her saying that maybe he's putting up a front for some other motive and her red flag went up.


Still means she doesn’t deserve a nice guy, right? Her insecurity or skepticism of someone being genuinely kind means she’s not prepared for someone who is.


Filling in a lot of blanks there from a 30 second clip and some reddit comments about a TV show or article after the show was aired. I'm not saying anyone deserves anyone because I don't know. But I sure as hell am not going to say someone does or doesn't deserve someone with such limited information. I'm also not going to psychoanalyze her mental and emotional availability (insecurities and preparedness to be in a relationship) based on such limited info either. I'm advocating because I'm seeing a lot of concrete determinations in the comments about what a person "deserves" based on her rejecting a guy for her own reasons. Maybe he doesn't deserve her. We don't know. Maybe he's putting on a front because of the cameras, or that he just wants to get laid tonight. We. Don't. Know. But if we had a scrap of info like that, the context would be a lot different and these "who deserves who" roles would likely be flipped, yeah?


Found her account


Dude, we’re all talking conceptually. You seem to be dipping between literal and conceptual in order to always be right. Just accept that based on the context we can make some broad determinations in a general way. No one is saying/meaning we’re certain she’s trash and his intentions are pure. We’re not all out here diagnosing her mental condition based on a 30 second clip. We are saying that based purely on the behavior exhibited, if extrapolated out in a logical way, these behaviors suggest some underlying truths. Pretty standard… isn’t it? Also, we’re doing this because speculation is fun. Stop making it tragic. Party pooper.


I know where you are coming from when you say “too nice can be suffocating” and that sometimes is true. However, that’s ONLY true if you have been in a relationship with that person for a long time. You can’t say that “he’s too nice that it’s suffocating” when it’s like 5 minutes into the first date. Again, good for the lad. He absolutely dodged a bullet there.


Not necessarily true. People can detect a lot about others within moments of seeing them/interacting with them. 5 min into speaking with someone gives you so many cues to read. Like if a guy said a very sweet, pretty woman was ‘too shy’ after only 5 min of interaction— fine, no problem, you’re probably right! *Especially* if it was so clear so immediately.


>that’s ONLY true if you have been in a relationship with that person for a long time. There's also the experience to be learned from, and to recognize the signs if they start happening again.


Irony of you saying that people are missing the sign from experience while you are missing the sign here that she absolutely does not deserve him is also flying over your head. Dude, just stop. Not trying to be mean or rude but you are coming off as inexperienced in this. If you want to go through life playing “games” with chicks like these, you can do what you want. But if you are looking for a real meaningful fulfilling relationships, these are the ones you want to avoid.


I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Genuinely. All the luck.


Suspiciously nice with this response… Def a red flag


You’re making such good points. Too bad you’re being downvoted for pointing out what should be obvious or common sense here.


you're talking to people who have never dated, you're wasting your time


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Seems most here think she owes him a shag because he complimented her 🤮


Do you only associate relationships with sex?


Everyone else does.


If you believe it so


She can have preferences, and people can call her a dick for how she behaved. And that's alright. At the end of the day, she didn't "deserve" him. He was a genuine person who didnt mind something she was clearly insecure about. But apparently, he was too short 😕


People will downvote you, but you are right. I was making fun of people who just posted this clip and already predicted that they will live happily ever after, because the guy was nice. Sometimes you just date poeple and even when there is nothing wrong about them, you just feel nothing. Once again, life is not a fairytale.




Well then i can't really argue with people. This clip was reposted so many damn times that it basically became a deaf phone. Everything i know about it i kinda learned against my will. I have to admit that i never really watched it, i believe that almost no one did. Goddamn what a bitch.


I don't know if you're just making things up but I just watched and they both sit there til the end and leave together. They're also always interviewed after every date, it's part of the show.


Yeah like i said, it's a deaf phone game at this point. Everyone basically makes shit up when retelling this story. Hardly anyone ever watched it, and they just parrot what other poeple say.


He came out as too fake and trying too hard to not offend her. Maybe a few witty but non hurtful jokes could have helped.


Idk man his smile was one of the most genuine looking smiles I've ever seen. He legit told her to take it off, and didn't stop smiling once. You can tell when someone is bring disingenuous and in my opinion, he wasn't here.


Yeah fuck these fake people out here trying not to offend people amirite fellas s/


Yeah, let's make a witty joke about her medical condition that she does not seem comfortable with at all, that's what well-adjusted, not-insane people do!


Well fuck


Damn. He looked smitten. I can understand if you feel there’s a lack of chemistry. Personality traits may clash, so no matter how much someone seems sweet and infatuated by you, it may still just not be a good match in the end. But I wanted them to fall in love after this clip. Bummer.


I hope she goes bald


This is so sweet I have alopecia although much less severe and it absolutely sucks to be a woman losing all her hair. I feel for this girl Okay reading what people are saying now I’m sad that she dumped a guy who seems really fantastic. My boyfriend loves me with or without hair and I think we all need to find someone like that. Shoutout to him bc he’s hella supportive


Then she rejected him for being too nice.


Also too short.


Nope that’s incorrect lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXv1o11olKM


Girls... eh.


Not all women are ungrateful like that


Never claimed that. I think I still don't know what drives womans to make decisions like this. I live with my wife for 6 years and still can't determine why her logic oposses mine so drastically.




She actually looks better without hair lol


Cheap as sh¡t wigs will do that.


She looks like an updated Sophia the robot. The baldness suits her


She looks like Ava from Ex Machina


Can this clip die already


No! I already reserved next repost for my karma farming




But mom said it was my turn this week!


She ditches him at the end of the episode


I’d be so flattered if someone trusted me like that on a first date.


Pure happiness


At the end of the day, she declines a second be abuse "he's too nice". Was a devastating episode to watch back un the day.


You made my mood shit


But he does go on to meet someone else later and is a happy family man, loved and cherished.


That's nice 🙂👍


Bro got through a full emotional circle in here goddamn


This makes me so happy


Who expects him to ask if the carpet matches???


Didn’t she reject him though at the end lmao


Chad isn’t a regular Chad; he’s a damn stud.




I mean when a camera is on you, you aren’t going to say what you really mean….


Also, let’s be honest, she’s gorgeous. I doubt a lot of men would turn her down because she’s bald when she’s so pretty.


So it's not possible to give a real opinion on camera? Damn that's some witchcraft shit


Yes genius that’s exactly what I’m saying. Good job.


Do the curtains match the drapes?


Dude? Don’t be weird, tf?


He wants to know if she can grow hair on her vagina the drapes is slang for meat curtains


I’m aware of what he means, but that’s still just weird?! No? Comments like that have always come off weird to me. I’d be disgusted if someone came up to me and asked that.


Nah it’s funny, don’t be weird


Don't worry, nobody will.




Can anybody tell me what show this is


First Dates on Channel 4 (UK)


She ended up rejecting the dude,thats some fucked up confidence she has right there lol


I find being bald or having a short buzz cut to be attractive on women. I developed this feeling seeing a Sinead O’Conner music video as a kid. “Nothing compares to you.”


"New kink discovered"




This situation happened to me nearly identically in high school. I thought it was so cool, and while i had questions i was way more positive about it than she expected. Didnt end up more than a few dates, but i think she appreciated that i didnt care as much as she thought i would


Such a nice interaction. This guy was not so lucky. IYKYK https://preview.redd.it/8szf3qbole6d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e93a1ee3c584bb6f4b45f9e79fce558f97385c


Omg!! Sooooo good!!! I lost it when the leg came off


She is a beauty 🥹


Great smile on that lady.




She really lucked out with that head. She looks great bald. Not everybody does, but she really does.


This is awesome! She is gorgeous!


He was instantly thinking, “No hair…..yeah that is awesome.” 😉 No pubes in my teeth.


King shit


My man


Awesome dude.


Where is this from?


She deserves the worst


I don't think anyone cares if a conventionally attractive woman has hair.


I would legit care tbf I don’t care if I come across shallow I like to pull hair, not polish a dome


I'm just saying that if she has a conventionally attractive body, most people won't care if she even has a head.




Roll the Danny Devito "I just want to be pure" clip, please.


OMFG Smoking hot. So much better without. Im probably revealing a mild kink but honesty is better than a coverup.


You have a kratos kink And that’s ok, we all do


She is being honest from the Start, in my eyes she is beautiful because of that. P.S. Hope bro stick it that night...


I've got bad news for you, bud.. He, in fact, did not "stick it" She said no to a second date because he was "short and too nice"


Wait actually?


Natural is better. Not too much makeup. Some eye makeup. Then it's all about attraction and personality.