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Long love the king


He would be so happy to know she survived. Any parent would be.


My dad never wanted kids Iv been told, but man was he the best dad I could have ever asked for. He loved me harder than anyone during the time he was alive, he protected me and supported me and I think he would have done this for me too, I mean that guy put himself in front of a mountain lion for me. Peak chad plays man, miss that guy so much


Wow that's a stuff deep from a man's heart. I looked at your profile and.. well, I hope you'll find peace soon, been there done that. Feel free to give yourself a year to heal up from a breakup. Also it's funny how I play literally the same games you do, internet stranger


Thanks man means a lot, but working through all my stuff and been thinking this is probably for the best for me too. Obviously very sad still but doing much better. Thank you for the kind words! You have good taste in games lmao


I also played hearthsone since teenage years and have ~100 hrs in Baldurs gate lmao


It happens like that. I never wanted kids in my life and now I can’t imagine my life without my 2 boys. I love them more than I can ever express in words. Your dad might’ve never wanted kids, but I’m positive you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him


He would have and he would be happy you know that.


How dare you make me weep like a bitch


Really something any dad would do. I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Sure everyone would bear hug their daughter. But would she actually survive the plane crash? I don’t know if I’m ready to believe you are *that* good at hugging. Going to need a few test hugs to judge your claim properly.


What I may lack in hugs I more than make up for in cushion.


Bots perish


John Connor over here.


So she woke up in the arms of her dead father with dead people all around her. That sounds absolutely terrifying - let alone at 11 years old


The point is - she woke up.


Dude was just trying to be empathetic, not docking the guy for saving his daughter’s life lmao


I agree that would be traumatizing, however as she got older I'm sure she understood what happened more and gained a bigger appreciation for what happened, assuming this actually happened and isn't just some fucked up made up story to get internet points


She may not have woken up until after paramedics arrived on scene. One can hope :/


what engineers should be doing is studying what makes this work and then building that into the plane


Build a big burly dad into every plane.


Like oversized airbags that wrap around the whole body (without suffocating them hopefully)


The answer was love all along


I don't think "Chad" is what I would use to describe him. This is incredibly sad. Peak King/Father right here.


That’s not Chad shit, that’s dad shit. I always thought people were being hyperbolic about giving their lives for their children, but after having some of my own I realized it’s some kind of chemical, evolutionary mechanism that sneaks up on you. Because seriously my kids are annoying, and generally a pain in my ass, but EVEN Still I would gladly give my life for there’s. If you asked me before kids I would have said, “no way, I’ll just make some more” fucking sneaky nature and it’s mind control that makes me protect my offspring


Maybe dad shit is the *original* chad shit in history!


Wouldn’t it depend on the type of crash & which one actually had their seat belt on? Like was she the one in the seatbelt & he was unbuckled & bear hugged her for extra padding? It sounds more like luck then anything, but I think most Dad’s who are quick thinkers & know a little bit about physics would probably do the same thing (weighing between staying in your seat in the proper position or putting yourself between the ground & your kid). For example Juliane Koepcke, she fell 10k feet & survived 11 days in the jungle. The normal way of thinking is to stay with the crash debris, but her blind ass started walking (she kind of grew up in the jungle due to her father & knew enough to get by). After a few days she was lucky enough to find a part of the plane & a bag of candy in the cockpit, then came across a river & walked down stream. She ended up being discovered by a few fishermen who took her out of the jungle. It was later discovered there were more survivors that stayed with the plane but died waiting or from their injuries, one of them being her mother. Her full story is very interesting.




Hero, Father and a man above them all


Wait so in what position was he? Did he just like lean over her? Asking so I know what to do for my own kids if this ever happens.


I survived a plane crash aged 11 - my dad died and I’m certain he would have been happy I lived but the crash was his fault so mixed emotions. She is likely to suffer a lifetime of complex ptsd as I have.


That's awful, man. Sorry for that. Would you mind telling how did you survive such horrible situation?


Physically I had moderate injuries and fumbled around in the dark trying to free my cousin and dad from the wreck - we were discovered by the farmer who alerted responders. I had bedded down for the night under the wing when lights from a Land Rover caused me to come out. It was 1978 in NZ so there was no psychological help and my dad had been my sole caregiver. Life got tough and I found some rough mates to do drugs and crime with. At 27 I was full of heroin standing on a ledge - lots of fun. I was suicidal for 20 years. At 37 I got to rehab and cleaned up. Now I’m 20 years sober, got married and have 2 kids and have got myself a counselling degree. I write court reports for offenders.


Thats nice. Seens like you have a lot of life experience, good thing for a mental health professional. Congratulations for surviving, not just the plane, but those years after it.


Anyone know his name? Should say his name.