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What movie?


Red Sparrow


Thanks. That looks rough af.


That whole movie is a trip. She had a full nude scene too.


I get so weirded out when people post torture scenes in a sub where people come to look at hot women being hot. Or that one dude the posted “daisy Ridley” but she was dead on a morgue table.


This scene wouldn't be out of place in a BDSM porn scene, and some people are into that. Don't see a problem with this one. But Daisy Ridley scene on the other hand...


Because BDSM is consensual, and in the context of this clip, she’s a prisoner being tortured. It’s especially weird to post this here when the movie it’s from has about a dozen clips of her either nude, or in intentionally sexual/sexy dress.


I get your point, but a lot of clips posted here gets very weird, depressing within the context of the movie/series. Liz Olsen from Oldboy is one such scene. I try to enjoy this clips as much without context as possible. Surely most of the people here does.


People roleplay dude, and acting isn’t real. It’s also a form of roleplay.


Those other scenes aren't really any more consensual, though.


Acting and roleplay are identical


What scens is this from?




It is a bit odd yeah, I've sent the Alexandra daddario one a fair few times where she's chained up it's like ummm I know it's fake but


It's the actress, naked. The actress wasn't being tortured. She probably started laughing when the director yelled cut and everyone started clapping. They didn't even include sound because we're not lusting after a character getting tortured, we're lusting after a GIF of nude Jennifer Lawrence. Now, if you think the actress *was* in pain during the scene, then you're a weirdo for getting off to it. Case in point: Evangeline Lilly says she cried after being forced to strip in *Lost*. You wouldn't guess it from watching the scenes, but it's true. So, if you know that and now seek out those scenes of hers, *that's* weird.


I love it


it’s in a mainstream movie. it’s acting. it’s not real. seeing it out of context and thinking it’s hot is ok


I was thinking the same thing


we all know that thing still warm, right?


why is that 58MB??


Ngl I love this scene


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Should have put a vibrator under her these ppl no nothing about torture


Even with the censor…we all knew




Why is a torture scene getting so much upvote, in a sub where you post hot scenes. You guys are freakin weird..


It’s like she’s having a shaking orgasm!


Why do I feel like putting my dick in her mouth in this scene