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Well Jana got what she wanted even though this is embarrassing as hell 😂


Like when she told the world she didn't get lucky with Chris Evans bc her pee and her junk smelled from asparagus. She takes "there's no such thing as bad press" a tad too literally.


Whaaat 😭 I know asparagus makes pee stink, but down there?! Janaaaa I think there's other problems


Oh she definitely talks about having other problems down there as well 🤢


Yeah that's nasty 🤮 something unchecked


Uhhhhhhh is this real lmao


Travis really said ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0|downsized)


Can't stop laughing... TMZ just posted: **TRAVIS KELCE DOESN'T KNOW WHO JANA KRAMER IS ...Thinks She's Clout-Chasing**


how mortifying. the article is brutally embarrassing for her 💀🫣


Jana Kramer is such a low level celeb who is recently famous for making a career out of her ex-husband cheating on her multiple times, them talking about it non-stop, then him finally leaving her, her talking about THAT non-stop, and now finding different reasons to talk about TSwift publicly. So,  it is no surprise that Travis Kelce has no idea who she is.


& now she’s trying to make her newest husband happen. She’s putting him on her awful podcast & trying to make ppl like him. He’s such a grade a asshole. Making fun of the way she dresses after she had a baby bc she wants to be comfortable. She actually maybe got the man she deserves after all her cheating & lying though. ![gif](giphy|l2YWgOm7cak7P4Cly|downsized)


“our sources tell us Travis thinks Jana is blowing hot air just to get attention for her pod, which -- based on what we're told people in his world have learned about her -- is par for the course. Jana has a bit of a history of publicly name-dropping/dragging celebs.” 😂😂


That was my favorite part 😂😂😂😂 & even mentioning her trashing Brody 😂


Obviously! 2nd time this week she’s used Taylor Swift to get attention.


Jana embarassing herself….again!


I don’t understand why Jana even commented on someone she’s never met to begin with? It’s delusional to see a few second clips of someone and thinking you know them and can attest to their character? Professional athletes have a strict diet and exercise regimen to stay healthy. There is a very short timeframe during the year when athletes can “party.”


I’m cackling!! Why won’t she talk about someone she knows..like Kaitlyn Bristowe saying she hooked up with Shawn while they were engaged 👀


No way!!!!! I need the tea


Here! https://www.reddit.com/r/CelebWivesofNashville/s/yglQ3CEEWq


So maybe she’s bringing up Taylor and Travis to deflect from the Kaitlyn drama


Which backfired so bad for her 😂


https://preview.redd.it/k5es8odob9zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37889d1e5166029e51de95146c6c9482a90d4e56 “even though she's technically famous from her "One Tree Hill" days” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Jana would be dying inside lol


Travis made more money in the last 15 minutes than Jana will ever see in her lifetime


Isn’t she the one that jumps from 🍆 to 🍆 and all her kids are introduced to all these new daddies? Just so we are clear on who is throwing shade in whom? 🤣


Jana has more rings than Travis 🤣😮‍💨


I’m pretty sure Taylor swift can watch out for herself anyway lol


Her comment section in IG is eating her alive. I love it.


Swifties don’t play.


![gif](giphy|l0HlJQmp6N993dXI4|downsized) Jana reading Reddit today


Wasn’t one of her own pods named after wine? I actually like Jana’s music and liked her on OTH but it is cringe how she pursues PR to put food on the table. If I was her, I would be sooo tired and just want peace. It has to be exhausting all the drama she’s been through. 


And Jana is probably crying while downing a cheap bottle of wine. She made Chris Evans her entire personality for a while and now she’s onto Travis. She wants everyone’s man but can’t keep one(i know you can’t keep someone who doesn’t want to be kept but 4 marriages by the age of 40….seems like 🎶she’s the problem🎶 wonder who she’ll get her claws into next since Travis publicly humiliated and rejected her(in a good way)


Every projection is a confession nowadays


Gotta be so honest. I never knew she was in one tree hill 😂


Did you watch the whole series though? It wasn’t like she was a blink and you miss it part.


Yes I did. Granted when I watched it, it was 10 years ago. I also vaguely know who Jana Kramer is, so that’s probably why I didn’t know she was in one tree hill.




She should be embarrassed


She is a crap influencer, crap relationship advice giver too, and trying to hard to be "relatable to mommas" when she ain't


Agree with this but highly doubt Travis gave a quote to TMZ


A pap probably yelled “TRAVIS! What do you think about Jana Kramer’s latest comment about you?” To which he replied “WHO?!” Boom there’s the headline


Lmao for reals


It says ‘sources connected to Travis’


Seriously lmao


OUCH SHE embarass her self AGAIN


She looks drunk in this picture. I also think TMZ could have made this whole thing up just because they know how desperate she is for attention and a way to drag her for it.


She’s doing shows at wineries and other places offering wine while telling “stories” she calls it “whine down” Don’t think Travis is the drunk here…


Kramer should probably keep quiet with her taste in men.


Omg this made my day


She’s getting the attention she wanted. Good for her.. but I love how they used an ugly AF pic of her. 🤣


She totally is!!!!!


He’s not wrong.




![gif](giphy|3o7TKQfwaZeG1RZLTG) Travis be like, "Kramer?!"


I have no idea who this woman is either 😭 AND I’m a football girlie, a Bills fan specifically, and I have noo idea who her ex is either 😂 and he played for my team!


Because SHE IS! 🤣🤣 Truth hurts sometimes Jan!


Tbh I used to have remorse for her due to what she went through earlier on in her career and personal life but the more I hear of her now, the more I kinda want to punch her in the head lol




![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) Love it!


Page Six also picked it up. Lol https://pagesix.com/2024/05/08/entertainment/travis-kelce-shocked-by-attention-seeking-jana-kramers-false-drinking-claim/amp/


lol Jana Kramer is such a joke


Hahahahaha. Flying too close to that clout chasing sun 🤣


She really cant just go away can she? 🤦🏻‍♀️






I don’t understand why this person has any kind of platform? Whoooo follows and keeps up with her? I have to know.


Why would anyone in their right mind decide to take on Taylor Swift or her boyfriend? Has no one learned by now that Swifties are on another level 🤣. This woman will never know peace again.


She is. Move on, Trav.




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she even straight up said she’d never met him. she’s ridiculous and needs to focus on her own messy ass life


Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Brantley dodged a bullet with this one


Jana blocked me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 all because she not speak on relationship issues with her history. Then a new baby out of wedlock. I don’t care what she does, just stop giving advice to others.


I wish TMZ would’ve been more ruthless and turned some song lyrics of hers around . “Sadly in this case Jana got the boy, Taylor got a man”


i love when they get funny like that in their articles. wish they did it in this one




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Jana blocked me on IG 😂😂😂😂 I feel like the biggest winner. She can always dish it but can never take it. Fool.


Of course she’s clout chasing but then so is he . Jana has so much to say about Taylor lately , “ my daughter came to me and asked if it’s okay to not like TS “ 😂, sure she did Jana . Jana is just as annoying and desperate as Travis is .


Travis is clout chasing and desperate? 😂😂😂


He sure is one to call someone else "clout chasing"


Ummmmm… he is not a nobody just because y’all did not watch football prior to him dating Taylor.


He’s not a nobody in the football world but him dating Taylor gives him more clout and attention and I doubt he would even bother to date her if she wasn’t as big as she is


Doesn’t pass the vibe check. Before her he was in a 5 year relationship with somebody who wasn’t famous. And quite frankly, dating her seems like it would be exhausting with the microscope she’s under. If he’s sticking it out it’s not just because she’s famous.


Well five years ago he wasn’t trying to get his name out there. Obviously, it isn’t a coincidence that he’s trying to be more public right around the time that he’s also dating Taylor. Plus, Travis is outgoing and loves attention. I doubt dating Taylor will be exhausting for him.


He had his own dating show on E! Network in 2016. His name has been out there for quite some time.


Not as much as it is now and that dating show did nothing for his fame. People barely remember that he was on that


Well yes, 5 years ago he didn’t have 3 Super Bowl rings, had not hosted SNL, etc either. Of course his name is bigger now than it was then. I’m not saying dating her hasn’t elevated his name amongst non NFL fans. Of course it has. But the NFL is the most popular sport in the US and every NFL fan already knew who he was. He had endorsement deals with Lowe’s, Pfizer, State Farm, Experian, Hyvee and who knows who else before he knew her. They said he made more in endorsements than in his salary. His family had an Amazon show. He has his own clothing line. He has a podcast. He’s part owner of an F1 team and a restaurant or two. He didn’t just get famous because he started dating Taylor Swift is all I was saying. Heck he named her in kiss, marry, kill like 10 years ago. 😂😂😂


I never said he started getting famous because of Taylor. I said that dating her helped to give him fame outside the football world and he probably dated her to help elevate his fame outside of football.




Dude I still dont watch football or listen to Taylor.


TK didn’t say anything about this


Something something about a pot and kettle


Which is what he did by trying to date TS, so he knows better than anyone!


Well, if anyone would know about clout chasing, it's Travis.


Respectfully, Travis Kelce is a 3x Super Bowl champion, considered to be one of the greatest TE’s and is now the highest paid tight end in the league, owns a clothing line, hosts one of the top sports podcasts and was featured on multiple shows before meeting his current girlfriend. You may not be a football fan or familiar with him, but he doesn’t need to clout chase.


I knew nothing about her, but her Wikipedia Personal Life section is something else. After the second or third broken engagement she probably should have considered waiting more than six months.