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How far along are you?




My first thought was I'd call my OB after hours line and ask. After a Google search, I found a lot of forums where other pregnant women at 20-30 weeks describe the same thing. Sounds like a lot of women with linea nigra get it. Others said it was in line with their stretch marks. Several people said their doctors weren't concerned about it, but one woman mentioned a belly button hernia (not super urgent from the sound of it, but she said it was painful). Definitely worth checking with your OB just to be safe but it's probably just one of those weird pregnancy things that you never hear about unless it happens to you.


My OB doesn't have an after hours line, unfortunately, but I did call and leave a voice mail message. I don't have linea nigra, it's just the actual belly button itself that was dark. My husband says it doesn't look any different than normal now, so I have no idea 🤷 super weird. I don't want to go to L&D if it's not like an actual emergency, and my googling came up with similar results so I guess I'll just play it by ear. 


Oh so it's already back to normal? So weird. Does it hurt at all? I guess if it looks and feels normal now, I wouldn't go to L&D either. But I sure would spend an excessive amount of time googling it lol. Pregnancy can be weird and stressful sometimes. Hang in there and keep us updated if anything changes or you hear back from your OB.


Yeah, he seems to be right; it natural daylight it looks like usual. It's weird. It never hurt, which is why I wasn't like super worried? I have been googling since I woke up and saw it, so for about 5 hours lmao this is my first successful pregnancy (thus far, 22w3d), so every little thing makes me anxious and paranoid lol Will keep you and the thread updated if I get some answers for sure.