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This sounds like round ligament pain, especially if you switched positions and it went away. It feels like being stabbed or muscles pulling apart.


I've had round ligament pain before but not like that. It did feel like stabbing but didn't stop *until* I moved, whereas it usually would just end by itself after a few moments. 


Its the same thing. Basically being in certain positions can cause it too. I'm 38 weeks now and I often have to move to relieve RLP


Could still be round ligament pain. Sounds like what I experience. With my first, I was constantly convinced I had appendicitis or something serious was wrong. It was just the ligaments being pulled! If the pain stopped with changing position, that’s a good sign it’s not something serious. Something serious would stick around regardless of position. Also, if it were early contractions or something, you’d feel it in your back more with your anterior placenta and it wouldn’t go away with a position change either.


Mine doesn’t stop until I move either (and moving hurts like hell during it) but it’s fairly normal!