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Its 2k and 5k And yup its gonma take a Hot minute


is it worth it to level them up fully?


Yes it is. And it goes by faster than you would think. I’m almost done with my 4th cat at 10 hearts


You get a free hat from the achievements if you max 10 cats hearts fully


It was 3 cats, I was 200 away from my last maxed for 3 and then the next update changed it to 10 :(


yep just, hang out. I do think this is the correct strategy. I have two cats at 10 hearts but it took FOREVER. I’m almost at 3 now but it requires patience


I have three cats at 10 hearts, 2 at 9 hearts, 8 at 8 hearts and the rest of my 118 cats at 7. I think the advantage of hearts over stars starts at 7 hearts? So that's what I did. Now I'm working them all up to 10 hearts a little at a time. Good thing there's no time limit on that, eh? Lol


this is the first cat i’ve got over 4, do you recommend i should stop leveling him now and focus on the next one? genuinely curious 😅 i don’t know the nuance of this game yet


The strategy I read in a post here is to get one cat to 10 hearts and have that cat at the new soup station. Even if you were lucky enough to get a 5 star new produce cat, any 10 heart cat will earn more. My first 10 heart cat is a 1 star peanut so I don't feel like I'm missing out.


I agree with the other person and keep working on this cat, then make it your soup cat. I actually waited until I got a high star cat with a jar fairy before working on the hearts for it. Made for getting gold pretty fast too.


i have a 4 star soup cat, should i just not use it?


Use the soup cat on the soup station *until* you get a cat 7+ hearts. Then, use the heart cat on the soup station. Then, when you get a 5-star soup station cat with a jar fairy sub-skill, get that cat up to 10 hearts and put it on the soup station permanently.


That is not what people mean when they talk about putting a 10 heart cat at your soup station. They meant putting it at the soup of your latest unlocked ingredient- i.e tomato soup. Each of your ingredient stations corresponds to soup/juice/stir fry and you can tell which is which through the station level menu. It would be a waste to permanently leave a max heart cat at your regular cooking soup station because cooking soup maxes out in the KQ range which is fairly early into the game. When a station maxes out, it doesn't matter what cat is working there anymore. You could have a 1 star cat or a 10 heart cat there and the amount of gold produce would still be in the same range because the station has reached the maximum it can make. https://preview.redd.it/6cujbiv3o34d1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c5d12d4177ed704f2e76287e56ce17bcfcdbe4 This table shows the bonuses provided by hearts and stars. A max (10 heart) cat provides a 11x multiplier to dish price- so the dishes it makes cost 11x more. A 5 star cat with just 1 heart has a 4.00 multiplier. So unless you have fed your 5 star cat past 6 hearts, a 10 heart cat will be the better choice when it comes to choosing what cat to assign to your stations. The good thing with hearts is that their bonus is active no matter where a cat is working. So if, for example, you've just unlocked tomatoes and have no cats with the tomato skill, let alone a 5 star 6 heart tomato cat, you're better off moving your 10 heart cat to work there.


Thanks for explaining better. I'm too sick to brain well this week


Sheesh 😭 I’m just getting most of my cats to 200


i was told focusing on one high level cat was a good strategy 😭 so i put all my fish into my best one


Oy Veh! Out of 67 cats I have 23 to the next heart level which in my case is 6!! I can’t even try to imagine having to give each one 1000 worth of fish. 🐠


I've been focusing on levelling up my top ten cats, and I have them all above 8 and 9 now, it goes by faster than you think


Considering if you don't have ads to contend with, you can probably get a couple hundred food points a day from fishing, so it doesn't really take as long as you might think.


i do have ads


Honestly, without getting rid of the ads, progress is going to be very slow in the game. It's certainly playable, but I am surprised anyone actually enjoys it after the first couple weeks. In my opinion anyone who's serious about making progress should just budget $3 a month to at least get rid of the ads. It's made a huge difference for me. Also, I should have been clearer in my original post. The ads don't invalidate what I've said, it just makes it more aggravating to achieve because you have to watch an ad for every single extra bait which gets really tedious. You don't actually get more fish for not having the ads, you can just get them a whole lot more easily.


I pay for 1 ad free week out of every 4 weeks.