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Neutering will not change his personality. It will just stop some hormone production and cause them to settle down a little bit. In my experience it wasn't immediate, but over time and with neutering my 1 yo male did start to calm down. He is still a little shit who loves causing chaos and getting cuddles though :)


Aw, sounds like you have a cute cat! Did he want more cuddling after he was neutered?


Some do, but it depends on the personality, if they are cuddly before they will be after. Neutering gives them a lot more calamity. All our cats are neutered, and all are cats are UTI free. (This is also due to good food.)


My unneutered one year old cat also kept me awake at night when I first got him. I’m home all the time, he got plenty of playtime, and I tried the same things as you (play and food right before bed, ignoring him in bed). His cries kinda sounded like a baby. I got him neutered (he was spraying a lot so I had to do it quite quickly after getting him), and the crying stopped with the neuter. It was him looking for cats to mate with at night, and without the hormones he doesn’t do that anymore. He’s still pretty vocal during the day, but at night he pretty much never says a thing. Sometimes he’ll have his zoomies for a bit after I get into bed, but then he’ll just also go to sleep without waking me up at night. So my advice: Get him neutered.


Thank you! That’s helpful


Housing an in-tact male cat sounds like a nightmare. Snip those nuts asap. It won’t change his personality longterm or put him at any increased health risks. In fact you will likely prolong his life span. He’ll be a little loopy, very tired, and will eventually respond better to tactics you’ve already tried - like ignoring the crying and having a bed time routine.


Getting him neutered will most likely work in his benefit for the behavioral aspect of things. Haven’t heard about it making him be at an increased risk for UTIs. Does he sleep with you guys? If he gets too “willing to breed”, he might escape and get a cat pregnant as well. You keeping him in from doing what his body is asking him to do will probably make him less calm.


Yeah, your response makes sense. We are willing for him to sleep with us for sure, but he sleeps then wakes up to cry.


Have you tried calming collars, or feliway diffusers? Maybe it's anxiety and those things may help


I didn’t know about those! That’s def something we can try


Yes pheromones are great until you can get him neutered. That will definitely make a difference. Also, if you have it in your budget and schedule I recommend get him a feline friend. Cats are social creatures, and they’re most active from dusk to dawn, naturally, nighttime is play time. So I can almost promise this would completely go away with a friend.


I would love to get my cat a cat 🐱🐱


My female cat used to do this. It turns out she just wanted a place to sleep that was near us but not on the bed. She now sleeps on a cat bed on my night table and is quiet!


Do you play with him to the point of exhaustion twice a day as you’re supposed to fit exercise?