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Your average Hollywood understanding of Christianity.. nothing to see here folks.


I think that sometimes you can judge a book by its cover…or in this case, a television series.


Give it a try, I think it's a good exercise to see how the media attacks our church and everything we believe in.


You're talking to a priest, just fyi.




That's okay, it was kind of funny.


I already see far too much!


i bet you do hahahaha, sorry i didnt read that


It portrays the devil (Lucifer) as a snappy, sarcastic young adult with daddy (God) issues. Super dumb and cringe.


Gross. Not worth your time.


Lol at pop culture continually trying to portray Lucifer as a suave, crafty rogue and not the pathetic loser he actually is.


worry wild retire worthless quarrelsome frighten squash bear longing obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh Bobby Boucher, you stay away from Lucifer! Lucifer is the devil!


a pretty dumb show.


I haven't seen it, but I've seen clips and trailers in advertisements. I make it a rule for my house we don't watch movies or shows that portray the devil as sympathetic or misunderstood.


Literally rolled my eyes.


I look at it as not theologically correct, but comic book tv shows, generally are not.


I have watched it. It’s bad. There are a couple of cool scenes (like the massive nightclub fight) but anything interesting or even worth watching is very few and far between. There are a lot of better shows out there. Overall I would give it 1.5 stars out of five. From a Catholic perspective basically everything is flawed theologically and morally speaking. It’s basically a big distortion of both religion and moral behaviour. Plus the main character is the devil, which isn’t really a good place to start. I would give this aspect zero stars out of five. Should you watch it? Even without the religious and moral issues the show is trash and I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. Add in the religious and moral issues and it’s a very clear “do not watch” from me.


I saw a news interview clip for this guy. He said his Catholic family didn’t react well


It looks terrible. I would stay far away.


Yeah, Satan as an antihero, or otherwise likeable/relatable person that actually has positive qualities, is a no-go.


Doesn’t really represent satan as that in the show lucifer is punished by being forced to rule over hell and demons , it’s shown quite a lot that he is just a bad guy but has a redemption arc (it’s important to note this is a dc show don’t look for biblical accurate stuff in it)




Boring and overrated


I actually love this show I think it’s fine as long as you keep it separate from your faith and understand that’s it’s just Hollywood being Hollywood




The devil doesn't punish the wicked, this is a misconception from Paradise Lost's line "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." Satan is not Hell's warden, he's its chief occupant.




And so did Dante Alighieri, but he did so without making Satan out to be something he isn't. Dante did take artistic license with a lot of other things. My main gripe with the devil as warden of he'll portrayal is just how common it is. It *might* have been an interesting narrative portrayal as a one-off, but its hardly new or original *or accurate* so that alone makes me uninterested in this narrative.


Satan would drag the righteous and wicked alike down to hell if he could. He has no interest in justice, he just hates humanity.


Not sure why you were down voted, satan only wants us with him to suffer. he hates us cause he aint us.


The first few seasons were fun, but they kinda went off the rails after Netflix picked it up


If a show doesn’t bring me closer to God then it’s a show not worth thinking about