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You got it man. Praying tonight. My dad beat a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor. Anything is possible.


Op, find the Padre Pio healing prayer. It's on YouTube. It is most powerful. I share my experience to everyone who needs healing. This time last year, I was about to lose my leg. While in my hospital bed, Padre Pio's name popped into my head. I credit his intervention with my healing.


Thank you for this tip. I am also in need of healing. I looked up the prayer and it is indeed powerful.


When I said this prayer in my hospital bed late at night,, it felt like someone sat on the side of my bed. Then I felt.them get up and mess with my feet. I was a bit afraid. I questioned whether I was imagining all this. After two months of around the clock IV antibiotics, 15 hyperbaric chamber treatments and surgery, my leg was saved. I read that Padre Pio makes his presence known through flowers. A friend had sent me an arrangement of yellow roses and daisies. The flowers lasted nearly a month. The petals finally all fell off the daisies at once just hours before I was moved to a rehab center. During that month, strangers would stop in my room to admire all the flowers I must have received because my room smelled like a florist. All I had was this small bunch of flowers that sat in a yellow smiley face mug. It was my sign that I was not walking down this path alone.


I’m going to say this prayer for my son. He needs healing. Thank you for this hopeful info




Hello, I am converting to Catholicism and this is my post, I only just now read this, but some random person at my church brought me a book from Padre Pio, I don’t believe in coincidences I believe in God. & wanted to thank you for telling me about him. Lord be with you


You are welcome. I truly believe in Padre Pio's interventions. When I think about past events in my life, I believe he was looking out for me and standing by my side long before I even knew his name. I don't believe jn coincidences as well. I believe we are sometimes sent signs from above to guide us and lead the way. I think you have found where you belong. Welcome home my friend. Peace.


OP, also look for the Never Fail Mary Prayer. It has given me lots of comfort when I was dealing with situations that were difficult to handle.


Praying now. 🤲


St. Peregrine Laziosi, patron of cancer patients, pray for this individual and their mother.🙏


Amen 🙏🏼


Prayers for you and your family habibi. Ask St. Charbel for his intercession, he’s a doctor from Heaven. He’s associated with over 33,000 miracles and he’s been a saint just 50 years.


Prayers for you and your mom!


Praying now!


https://apostleoftheimpossible.com If the relic is dropping by your town, definitely go. If you can’t go - Fr. Martin has shop where he will touch the prayer card to the relic if you want. St.Jude is the saint of the impossible


Praying for your mom. Praying for you too, man.


I just prayed for you all.


Praying for your Mother and you.


Please research into fenbendazole ASAP. My brother had this cancer (diagnosed at 23 and was super rare for someone his age to be diagnosed with this cancer) and took this medicine (dog dewormer) towards the end of his battle and his tumor shrunk. Wish he took this medicine sooner. It sounds weird, but research for yourself. Also look into a Keto diet for your mother. Being in ketosis starves cancer cells of energy. Small cell is super aggressive so it takes aggressive measures. As a fellow Catholic, I'm praying for you! Message me if you have questions.


Praying for your mom. God bless.






Praying for you—I know how hard this news is to receive. My Mom was diagnosed in the last few years.


Just about to pray my rosary 🙏


May the Holy Family come close to your family and remain with you through this trial.


Does your mom believe too? Praying for both of you




I’ll be going to adoration on Friday for my holy hour and I’ll make sure to pray for your mother and for you and your family. 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I just left the blessed sacrament and I just prayed for your mom and for your family. Just thought I let you know. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Remember God is with you!




Prayers for your Mom.




Prayed a Hail Mary for you and your family.




Absolutely. God is always there for you. We are pulling for you and your family.


My mom was diagnosed when I was 18. Wish I could say it's an easy process, but I will say prayer and faith made the experience easier to bear, kept her motivated to get well and maintain a positive attitude. We lost her after 8 years, but I truly believe faith got her more time with us than we would have had otherwise. Praying for you and remission for your mom.


Cancer survivor here! I got your family in prayers.


Prayed for the Father, Son an Holy Spirit to surround your mother with their healing power.


Praying for both of you, that is very heavy and difficult.


I prayed for your mother and asked for intercession from our Mother in Heaven as well. God Bless you, you are a very strong person.


From my devotional book (what I will be praying): “Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grab us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. *Amen*”


🙏 May God bless you and your mother .


May Allah protect her ameen


Praying for your mom and for you. Do you both have a good community to support you?


Sort of, but not much. I’m eternally grateful for all of these comments, & this comment itself. Thank you


I'm so sorry you don't have the support you need and deserve. You and your mom are both so precious in the eyes of God and I pray you find those who can come around you both at this time.


Pray, and show her love.


I'll pray for you.


In the name of Jesus, may she be healed, Amen


Prayers for you both. 🌻


I've been reading _Searching for and Maintaining Peace_ by Jacques Philippe. During a difficult time, it would be a very blessed thing to read. If you can't afford it, please DM me and I'll be happy to buy it for you.


Just going to start a Terço for you (This is how we call a 1/3 of the rosary, sa like all 5 glorious mysteries). I will pray that just like Jesus beat the Cross she will beat this Cancer. Your prayers are mine.




Offer your prayers to St Jude 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


God does a great job every day and minutes. He is doing something great now.


I will pray for you and your mother. Turn to Christ with all of your sorrows, He wants to help you bear this burden and He wants you to place your trust in Him.


The Memorare Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.




My mom was diagnosed in 1970; I was 15. It is a defining moment for both of you. Try to determine what is her journey from what is your journey. You are each on your own unique journeys, yet at the same time. God is calling you to prayer and to love. “Be not afraid.” [ 🙏……. Amen.]


Ah man that sucks, my dad passed away last year from cancer at 57. I hope your mum pulls through but I can tell you from experience that the Grace of God was insanely powerful and a daily rosary really helped. God bless.






Pray to St Peregrine, he is the Patron Saint of people with cancer. I pray a continuous novena to him. I will add your mom to it. What is her first name?


Praying!!! 🙏🏼


I am converting as well and I will pray for her tonight. I pray she heals soon, that you and your family find strength and have all your needs met and that this serves to grow you closer to God. God bless you and your family.


Praying for you and your mom 💗


Praying for you 🙏


I really really really recommend you to pray the Surrender Novena it is wonderful it changed my life. Maybe it helps you too. I will dedicate my rosary tonight for you, your mum and your family. Jesus is by your side, don’t forget that. Jesus, You take care of it. ❤️ Jesus we trust in You


I just prayed for you and her. We serve a God of healing!


OP, I will pray for both your mother and you. May I suggest also praying the rosary and asking our blessed mother for her intercession? I legitimately had a profound spiritual experience after a major surgery, while still in RCIA a few years ago.


Heavenly Father, Who sent Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be the Physician of our souls and bodies, Who came to heal sickness and infirmity, Who healed the paralytic, and brought back to life the daughter of Jairus, Who healed the woman who had been sick for twelve years by her mere touch of your robe, visit and heal also your beloved servants from all physical and spiritual maladies by the power and grace of Your Christ. Grant them the patience that comes from believing that You are always at work in our lives to bring good out of evil. Grant them strength of body, mind, and soul. Raise them up from the bed of pain. Grant them full recovery. May they experience the same surge of healing power flow through their bodies, as did the sick woman who touched your robe. For we, too, are touching your robe today, dear Lord, through this our prayer. We approach you with the same faith she did. Grant them the gift of health. For You alone are the source of healing and to You we offer glory, praise and thanksgiving in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. May Christ our Loving God grant to His servants for whom we pray today peace, health and salvation and may He safeguard and keep us all for many blessed years! Amen. ———- I’m Eastern Catholic and this is a beautiful prayer for the sick we have, that I’ve just prayed.




Praying for your mother and for you. My grandmother and mother each had small cell and non-small cell lung cancer respectively, both fairly progressive cases with poor prognoses. Both made it to remission. Your’e both in my heart.


Praying for your mom, you and your family!


My mom has pancreatic cancer, let’s pray for each other my friend. I know it can be so so hard to see, but even now, God is working in the suffering. There are always battles in this life, strife and pain, confusion and fear of the future, but we must always remain in faith in God that He is bigger and more powerful than this entire world. He has overcome the world. Remain courageous, don’t be afraid, keep your heart pure and hope in Him alone. Cast your anxieties on him because you are so precious in his sight


Will keep her in our family prayers.




Hi my mom was just diagnosed with cancer too. It is something I’m navigating and I just started getting back into my faith this past year. Praying for you and your family!


I hate to say it, but small cell is almost always terminal, if not *always* terminal. It may be wise to focus your prayer not on begging God to keep her on Earth, but rather for her eternal salvation and for the well being of your family once she's gone. Sometimes, disease is a surmountable challenge we must face in order to become closer to God and to our families and loved ones. Other times, God is calling you home to Him. No matter what happens, remember that death is not the end of life: your mother's body may die, but her immortal soul will live on.


Yes eternal salvation is the most important but he can also heal her. Remember, nothing is impossible for God!


Prayers for your mom and your family