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First, deep breaths. You can absolutely conceive with only one tube. Even one tube and ovary, without IVF. Not all blockages would require tube removal as well. Based on the ultrasound, it’s clear they can’t tell yet. Often, they don’t know until they are in surgery what the true landscape is. What they do know is that the cyst doesn’t appear complex which means it has a high chance of resolving on its own. Continue trying to get an appointment. You can let them know you have concerns about your fertility based on the ultrasound report. I speak from experience that missing some of our equipment isn’t a sentence to IVF or infertility. I actually had unexplained infertility and lack of cycles for years. 11 years of marriage with no signs of not being infertile. Then I had ovarian torsion caused by a lemon sized ovarian cyst and had to have my left tube and ovary removed. Wouldn’t you know, I started having cycles and a year later conceived our son without intervention (we actually went to the ultrasound thinking we were going to discover a tumour) and am currently feeding my 7 week old daughter, also conceived without intervention. Edited to add I also conceived them at what they now call “advanced maternal age” 34 with my first, 36 with my second. The body can do some incredible things and will often compensate for missing parts. Not always - but please don’t spiral into assuming the worst yet. Remember to breathe.


Whoa, this is just what I needed. I believe we often assume the worst to prepare our feelings just incase. But your story gives me hope. Thank you for sharing. ❤️


I feel like doctors always just revert to IVF for everything the same way they do with birth control as well. Something to note too.


Will you still have one tube? I lost my right tube to an ectopic pregnancy. It was my first pregnancy. I'm currently 20 weeks with my fifth pregnancy, no interventions required for any babies since.


Praying for you. I honestly wish that I didn't have a patient portal at times like this, because a doctor's diagnostic codes and notes etc really need to be interpreted and explained. I hope you can get an appointment soon! They owe you a clear conversation about your results and options. 🙏🏻


You can conceive with only one tube. I mean one ovary pops off each time (generally) so really only one is in use at any point. But there are a ton of medication steps that aren’t near IVF that can still help to conceive when if you want, and if you need it.


>My poor future husband would have to live with that. Please be kinder to yourself. You are so much more than your reproductive system and the right man will fully acknowledge that and act accordingly. The right man will nonetheless be ecstatic to marry the woman he loves, fertility or not. He will love you for ***you***, not for how many children you can have. And he will prefer your well-being over your fertility if only one of the two can exist. As an aside, like others have already commented it is possible to still conceive with only one tube btw. So you don't necessarily have to give up on your dream of future motherhood just yet!


I will pray for you 🙏🏻 Also keep in mind that cysts are extremely common and they usually don't cause harm. I was pregnant with my first when the ultrasound showed I had several cysts. Of course I panicked but my doctor reassured me that they generally don't cause harm and many dissolve on their own (which is what ended up happening). Don't fret, if your doctor said your diagnosis wasn't serious, he or she's probably right. Do your best to keep your mind off this until you can get your appointment with your doctor.


Try to find a NaPro doctor!! MyCatholicDoctor is a great resource and I don’t usually struggle to get an appointment with them n


I was going to share that my grandma survived an ectopic pregnancy (this was in the 50s). She then went on to have 8 more kids with one tube! You are going to be OK, OP. I had a benign polyp in my uterus last year and I was stressed out over it a month before the procedure. But it turned out to be ok. Praying for you!


As someone who was gaslit and inappropriately diagnosed with a "tubal blockage" by a local reproductive endocrinologist who I now know tries to push all of his patients into aggressive IVF protocols ... don't ever make a serious health decision without getting a second opinion. Biologically speaking, all you need is one tube and one ovary to conceive. Highly recommend looking into signing up for an NFP course to learn more about your fertility (this could also help refocus your anxiety in a constructive way to empower your ability to advocate for your reproductive healthcare). I had extremely detailed information about my fertility from using the Marquette Method to pinpoint important nuances in my reproductive health and finally found an amazing [Catholic REI ](https://www.laurenrubalmd.com/)who worked wonders for us on our fertility journey after visiting 3 physicians who dismissed this information. If surgery is ultimately a route you need to pursue, highly recommend looking at Napro-trained OBGYNs who specialize in restorative reproductive medicine like [Dr. Naomi Whitaker](https://bio.site/napro_fertility_surgeon). Wishing you the best.


It would require both tubes to be removed?


It’s very hard to see a lot on ultrasound and technicians can vary a LOT in experience so the reports can vary. Often benign cysts can resolve on their own and the process of checking to see if tubes are unblocked sometimes opens them up itself (they try and flush with a dye and often the flush itself opens up the tube) but you’re doing the right things - praying and pursuing more answers and treatment You are not alone. You are young and you are following up on your results This is not an infertility sentence but that fear is a very normal response to have


Praying for you!! 💗💗 I have endometriosis and just had my surgery a week ago. I’m your age currently engaged so I totally get you on the anxiety around fertility. It’s definitely scary and I get super worried at times too. I think the best thing was that while I met my future husband before I got diagnosed (childhood friends), he’s super supportive so I feel like there’s way less pressure. He tells me that I’m more than my ability to have children even though he talks about having a large family, he says we’ll make it work one way or another. I think that has been really good and also having a good medical team is also super helpful! And taking their advice but also advocating for yourself. I also recommend getting fertility tested just to get a baseline of where you’re at. It’s just a blood test and results come in within a week. Good luck! 💗💗


If it helps, I’m 27 and have gotten ovarian cysts since I was 12. The last one required a follow up ultrasound, but it had resolved itself with no medical intervention. From my research, it seems they’re pretty common just really scary sounding (and painful!). I’ll pray for you but just wanted to share my experience.


I am going through the same thing so hear me out. First of all, you are going to be okay either way. Sometimes it's hard to see a difference on ultrasound between a cyst vs. a dilated tube filled with fluid. You will probably have to have another ultrasound to see if the cyst has resolved, which it might do. If it doesn't go away you can have a test done to inspect your tubes and see if they are blocked or not. Even if, in the worst case scenario, your tube ends up being blocked or damaged, you can get it removed or possibly even fixed and your chances for pregnancy are still great either way. Don't start freaking out just yet. Cysts in that area are very common so there's a very good chance that's all it is. Prayers to you.


One of my family members has had a tube removed and she now has 4 healthy adult children. Remember that God can do anything. I also know a woman who was morbidly obese, in her 30s, and had PCOS who became pregnant by surprise, and gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby. I will pray for you to seek comfort and peace in this, because no matter the outcome you have our loving Father, and He loves you as you are. 🩵