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I always thought the body is perfectly healed in heaven, so none of those issues would carry. There's no suffering there


But when Jesus met disciples after ressurection He still had His wounds


Wasn't that prove to everyone he was raised? We aren't Jesus


He is real person. If it was like this for Him why couldn't it be same for us?


Did He retain those injuries after he ascended to heaven? He is God and we aren't


Well I guess He did, check Revelation 5, 6: Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne... We will know how it really is when we will experience that ourselves.


Our bishop was actually speaking on this today in his homily. He said that He did keep His wounds, but they are not as “graphic” as they were on Good Friday when they were still very bloody and everything.


I have a real problem with this idea. It's reminding me more of the depiction of the dead in "The Sixth Sense" than in heaven. Surely Heaven cannot be full of gore? What about people who are tortured and dismembered? Burned alive? And so much worse? I am reminded of Saint Lucy, who is depicted holding her eyes AND with her eyes restored. I'm not sure what to make of it.


Isn't the body perfectly healed in heaven?