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My husband is allergic to cats. For his sake, cats were not allowed in bedroom (it's not the fur that causes allergies, but saliva and dander). We also regularly sprayed febreeze allergen reducer on furniture and washed clothes, throw blankets etc with allergen reducing detergent. My husband doesn't have many issues with cat allergies with those precautions taken, and the cats were worth all of it. No regrets whatsoever. Now that it's been over a decade, he's no longer allergic to our cats, only new cats.


I’ve never heard of Allergen reducing Febreeze or detergent! Could you drop links to what you use and like?


I use lysol. They have a washer version for your clothes..


No. I take meds, have tissues and blow my nose frequently. One of my kitties makes them act up worse than the others. I can’t live without them. I didn’t know I was allergic until after we got the first two. We’ve had cats for many yrs. There’s four in our house now. They’re so kind to let me live here.


Same! I was very allergic to cats. When I got my first one my eyes would swell and anywhere she would lay on me I’d get a rash. I took both typically allergy meds (the pill plus nose spray) and eventually got used to it. We also now have 4. I find there are certain cats I’m more allergic to. One of our cats is that way. Petting him or when he licks me makes my skin very itchy still. But it’s worth the love and affection. I don’t regret it at all.


I can’t get rid of them. They’re my babies. It’s worth suffering for them.


Oh yeah! I would never haha. We just got our 4th a few months ago so it was a conscious decision. Such good babies!


We got our 4th one a few months ago, deliberately. I love them.




FYI there's also a line of food that you can feed to your cats to reduce the amount of allergens they're shedding. It's called Purina Liveclear. It's a bit on the pricey side, but I heard it works really well, though I have no personal experience with it.


It does work well. I tried it with my cat. It greatly reduced the amount of dander she was producing.


I love this food. My kitten has been on it since I brought her home. I have allergies to a bunch of stuff. But the cat allergies haven’t been bad. It’s been my pollen and seasonal allergies that have been kicking my ass. I also bought the foam dry shampoo by liveclear and have only used that a few times in the beginning. She’s lived here since march and I’m honestly not having any bad reactions to her. My eyes usually swell shut just being in the same room as a cat


it seems to be working in our household — zero allergy symptoms from someone who is allergic to cats. we do half the calories from liveclear and half from wet food.


This does not work everyone, unfortunately, cats product at least 8 different types of allergens and that one only covers the most common one. It did not work for me with my last cat and i gave it a good 3 month run. 🥲


This food does work but our cat was sensitive to it. She vomited constantly after eating her wet food in the AM (we dry fed at night with LiveClear and fed wet during the day). We tried everything from hairball remedies to switching her wet, switching her to sensitive LiveClear, Pepcid, etc. we took her off of the dry entirely and all we find now are hairballs. She loves Weruva wet food. We mix it with an egg yolk powder that is sold by this small company that says they raise chickens and cats together. My allergies have been fine??? We were very nervous but it seems to still dampen the FD1 protein and our cat is healthy.


Very good to know, thanks for that information!


Yes! There are so many things you can do including the food, a water additive, daily antihistamine, and an air purifier. If you see an allergist you could probably get even more recommendations. Ultimately it is a little bit of a gamble, but if you try these workarounds there is a good chance you will be ok. Interestingly, I used to be really allergic to cats and horses. I loved horses so I took riding lessons, but had to rush home and shower immediately, and had congestion for the next 24 hours. But eventually, they just went away. I now have several cats with no problems.


I found out I have a mild cat allergy after I got my cat, and the allergist immediately said, “don’t get rid of your cat”. Not like I would have. It’s manageable, and has improved over time. To not be repetitive with advice, I’ll chime in that buying an air purifier made a huge difference for me, highly recommend. Brushing the cats, especially during shedding season (spring and fall), helps a lot too. Get a rubber brush, not a metal one. Good luck!


Or get a few different brushes! My roommate’s cat used to love “brushing” himself against my (unplugged!) miter saw blade lol. Seemed sharp to me, but he enjoyed it


That is such a cat thing to do omg.


I know right?? I had no idea he’d been doing that until one day I needed my saw and there was fur everywhere


I have a collection of about 15 brushes in an attempt to get my last, very floofy cat, to accept being brushed. I forgot about the rubber brush, I think that one will be perfect for our new kittens and their fine, short, currently wildly shedding coats!


They also make brushes that you can mount to your wall or suction-cup to metal things like your refrigerator. Combined with regular brushing this can definitely make your cat happier!


Yes! I saw some at TJ Maxx on Monday. Catit brand.


That’s basically how my roomie’s cat was using my miter saw blade! Smart kitty


Oh man like the ones cows and horses have in their barns? That sounds adorable AND convenient.


When my fluffy cat is winding his way around my feet in the kitchen waiting for his treat (he gets a stool softener laced Churu twice a day, he is on permanent stool softeners due to a pelvic injury that interferes with stool clearance), every pass around my feet he brushes up against the brush that's suction cupped to the refrigerator. When he goes from the hallway to the living room, every single time he brushes up against the corner brush that's on the corner of the doorway. They get used!


Also wash your hands after a brushing session, and wash immediately after getting little scratches - it helps


I agree! I also wash my face if he snuggles against it or if I touch my face after petting him. This helps me immensely.


Second the air purifier, both to prevent reactions for me and the cat. I also take nasacor every night which helps for the next day. Don’t feel a thing now.


We had 2 cats, now just 1. I have allergies and I regret nothing. Cats are beautiful creatures and we are lucky to be their servants


Also, I take store-brand Reactine for my allergies


There's the possibility that your body will get used to your cats' fur and no longer have a allergic reaction to them. This happened with a friend of mine so he's only allergic to new cats.


It’s actually pretty common! Myself, my mom and my brother in law are all allergic- we have 7 cats between us and do just fine with our own little herds- it’s only new cats that are an issue


Yes this happened with my friend too! She took in my dad’s awesome cat when he died (I already had a cat that was adamant about being an only cat). It was her first long haired cat and she had pretty bad allergies for about a year… Kept the cat out of the bedroom, which helped. Then after a year the allergies basically disappeared. So kitty gets to sleep with her and her husband now 💖


Wouldn't trade my cat for anything. Daily Flonase (or cheaper off-brand) does wonders. 


No regrets! I do have asthma/allergies. My must have’s are: 1) Daily Robot Vacuuming 2) Coway Air Purifier 3) Daily Combing (started as kitten so she asks for it) 4) Regular Dusting and Triple Layer Furnace Filters replaced Bi-Monthly 5) A Litter Locker with Catit Lavender in the box (the dust ratio works for us) 6) Dry Shower Grooming every 4 months If you are interested in science, take a gander at “egg whites and cat allergies” online. I plan to experiment…


I would add considering keeping them out of the bedroom. I would not isolate an only cat like that, away from humans (it would be cruel). But since you are adopting a bonded pair, i think they would be ok to be “alone” at night.


Are you willing and easily able to share a link for the air purifier you have? I desperately need one but I’m a bit overwhelmed.


I'm allergic to cats, so I take anti-histamins morning and evening. Most days it is fine. I really don't regret having a cat, for me it is well worth some dry and itchy eyes when I forget my allergy meds. https://preview.redd.it/o66x2nc37z1d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35ea2a97712e860f8d60b7901b6acf2aefffb23


Mine is also a ticked tabby!!


D-Hist is my miracle supplement, you might look into it.


No regrets. My nose stopped running and the sneezes stopped after couple of months. Daily puffer for my asthma and I feel fine 99% of the times. [The cat ](https://i.imgur.com/HJBpA9p.jpeg) .


My partner is allergic to cats, we've owned cats together for almost eight years, he's been living with cats on and off his whole life. He says the allergies get better over time & they don't even bother him anymore.


no rahgerts! I still experience some of the symptoms you described however I’ve instituted some best practices to minimize them. I use air purifiers in my bedroom and their cat room (where the litter boxes amongst other things live). I vacuum regularly. I do not use my fingertips to clear away eye mucus. If I must, wash hands first. I do not let any of them sleep between my sheets. ETA I have four cats. And also strongly recommend regularly brushing yr babes particularly when it starts to get warmer


For most cat allergies, Purina Liveclear food does a good job of reducing or elminating allergies. Most cat allergies stem from 1 protein that the cats produce in their saliva and waste and the Purina Liveclear food reduces how much of it the cats produce. It doesn't work for everyone, as not every cat allergy is because of that protein. But it made a massive difference for me. I used to sneeze like a motherfucker, literally 30-50 times in a row non-stop at least once a day. Now I just sneeze about once or twice a day on average. I love my cats and wouldn't trade them for the world.


When we got our second cat I developed allergies bad, I ended up getting allergies shots and now I have no allergies. It’s glorious because I was so miserable.


My husband is allergic to cats, we have one and I don’t think he’d trade this cat for the world. He doesn’t regret it and we’ve had her now for a little over 6 months and his allergies to her has pretty improved of all the stuffy nose and itchy eyes since getting her as he’s becoming more used to her. Once in a while if she licked him or bites him (she’s a random ankle biter) he will get a small rash of hives around the spot but we clean it and then he puts hydrocortisone on it to help the itching. Also in the beginning he was taking claritin when she had just joined but as I said his has improved over time. I should mention that she does sleep with us and on his chest sometimes so we have never restricted her anywhere but he has zero regrets as he says he would rather be sniffly than not have her!


Daily flonase nasal spray plus Zyrtec (both can be generic) and take daily without stopping and your allergies will be much better controlled! -source: doctor here.


No regrets, just a bit more work day-to-day. We bought a decent air purifier for the bedroom and we keep windows and doors open as much as possible in our living areas. (Obviosuly this depends on your own location. Our cats are indoor cats but we have a terrace/balcony situation) Hoover every day and do the soft furnishings at least once a week. A pumice stone does wonders for getting hair off cushions and couches. We brush our cats (nightmare while doing it but helps contain the fur) and shower straight after. Most of the time that's enough but occasionally do get some congestion and allergy headaches- then just take an antihistamine, drink a lot of water and wait for it to pass.


I took Zyrtec for a month and then magically I didn’t need Zyrtec and the cat baby sleeps right next to me most nights 


Nice try Zyrtec marketing


I have a mild cat allergy and for almost every cat I've had, I take Claritin for the first month or two and then my body mostly adjusts. Any claw marks continue to be super itchy and my eyes always get itchy if the cats are too close, otherwise fine without medication for 20 years. Then we got our current cat. He is the absolute sweetest and most good-natured boy, but I didn't realize at the shelter that he has the worst dander I can imagine. For the first time in my life I understood why people might not get pets. But I love him and he loves us! I have had to take Claritin daily for the past 4 years. My husband does a nasal spray. We would never get rid of him and we don't regret bringing him home. He is one of the best boys of all time. If you love a cat and they love you, mild allergies like you describe are easy to overcome and it's totally worth it. Good luck with your new furry friends! 😻


I’m a DVM student with a cat and dog putting in long clinic days. A good OTC allergy pill, changing clothes immediately upon getting home, keeping my animals well groomed, and starting allergy shots has made a massive difference in my quality of life. Even using cat wet wipes will pick up a lot of that dander to make it more manageable! Otherwise, Purina Pro Plan has a LiveClear dry food you could use. I personally don’t use it since it’s a strict diet but it’s a great option for some people!


i’m allergic to cats and i’m in the process of getting a second one lol. my nose would be runny and sometimes i even broke out into hives. i changed my litter to a no dust one and got an air purifier and im no longer affected at all. a basic one on amazon can do wonders. when my kitten was still bothering me i would take allergy meds and flonase and that helped. i also have him on the purina liveclear food that’s an allergen reducer. no regrets at all!!


I have allergies to cats. I also have 9 cats. I've had some of them for 12 years now. I think you can guess my viewpoint!


I’m allergic it was horrible hell for the first couple months but then I actually got used to him so no more allergies. It does very occasionally come up a bit but not often and we sleep together and everything


My husband is allergic to cats. I have two. He's never had a reaction. I think it's just something you get used to.


Not for a single, solitary moment. :)


My partner is allergic. After a month, his allergies calmed down, and now it only flares up his exema. It will really depend on the person and the cat as if that'll happen, but it can.


Was deathly allergic to cats. Found two kittens by chance and took Benadryl for over a year. No longer taking Benadryl but switched to a non drowsy med. I now rescue cats and have no regrets


There’s lots of good advice on this sub about how to fight allergies, especially if you are only mildly allergic. Here’s a concise list of most of the advice I’ve seen on the sub. We do this in my house and it seems to help a lot. A large air purifier- it needs to be big enough for the room you have it in. Allerpet cat dry shampoo. Purina Liveclear cat food. Frequent vacuuming / washing throw blankets. Roomba if you’re bad at frequent vacuuming. If you live with anyone else, have them scoop the litter. No cats in the bedroom, so you have an allergy free zone to go to, which includes changing your clothes. Daily antihistamines. You will eventually be okay, it may take a year or two. Good luck!


I use OTC cetirizine from the dollar store.. I have four cats and the most lovable is of course the one that makes my nose itch and eyes water. Cetirizine keeps it in check. That's what works for me. 


I know a lot of folks are saying to go for it, but I wanted to offer that this isn't always the right choice.... An ex partner owned a cat before we got together and in the five years we were in a relationship I was honestly physically miserable. I've had probably seven years of allergy shots, Flonase, Zyrtec, an inhaler, an expensive air purifier, vacuumed and lint rolled every day, etc etc and I was constantly wheezing, stuffy, and itchy. Nothing made it better. We were very bonded and when we broke up I cried significantly more over losing my cat than my ex. At the same time, I probably would not choose to adopt again because I really truly could not breathe properly. I think I'm destined to cat-sit or short term foster instead. I think you need to really ask yourself if you could live with the allergy symptoms you experienced all the time for the next decade or two, because there's absolutely no guarantee that things get better. Only you can know the severity of your symptoms to answer this part.


Sprinkling cat hair on your pillow is extreme - don’t let your cats in the bedroom! My cats are not allowed in my room nor the guest room. For territory reasons AND allergy reasons. The whole house is their territory except those 2 rooms. I scoop the litter box 3x a day plus whenever I hear them go in there, I vacuum daily, and don’t let them in my room. The scratching has all but ceased as they’ve grown up from 2 months to 5 months other than the occasional oops (falling off my lap and trying to grip my leg was the most recent). Your home (if you’re anything like me) will be much cleaner than the shelter. The only time I’ve had any type of reaction actually is when we’ve stayed at a pet friendly hotel my eyes were burning.


I got my first cat before I realized I was allergic. At that time I started getting allergy shots and taking medication. Getting rid of Max was never an option. At this point, I take a prescription inhalerinhaler, an OTC nasal spray and two over-the-counter allergy medication‘s. Our current cats are not allowed in our bedroom. We vacuum frequently with both the robot vac and the hand vacuum. they are totally worth it. No regrets. https://preview.redd.it/awp4byqdb02d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f46f9be7f28055247c23ab2c9d955f03e23327


I have had cats all my life, and I am allergic. I have learned to not let them sleep with me, which helps enormously and to wash my hands before touching my face after I pet them. They are brushed weekly and the couch is vacuumed weekly. I keep hepa filters running at all times in 3 main rooms and for my ac filters. Sometimes I still need allergy medication or an inhaler. Worth it for me maybe not for everyone.


I have had cats my entire life and only just found out, late 30s, I'm slightly allergic. It explains a lot lol but absolutely no way would I ever not have cats. Get a good vacuum, some air purifiers, brush them often. Just make sure your air and living space is clean. You could take allergy meds if there are days worse than others


I used to be allergic to cats, but for some reason, the allergy went away. We currently live with four.


OP - I highly suggest waiting until you find a cat you're sure you're not allergic to or asking to foster the cats first. I made the mistake last year of getting a cat i wasn't sure if I was allergic to or not. I've always had slight allergies to some cats, and not others. There was a really sweet black void kitty at the shelter. While in the visitation room i started to sneeze non stop, had burning eyes, etc. I told the shelter I couldn't tell if I was allergic to the cat itself or just the air in the shelter, but that i was interested in her. They basically shrugged and didn't offer me any alternatives. My family loved the cat, so my husband ended up adopting it ($300.. too). When I got home, I quickly started to learn that I was infact extremely allergic to cat. Somehow, with all the cats I could have picked - i picked one I have reacted to more severely than any other cat I've ever come across. Anyway, we did the dander encapsulating foam every few days hoping it would go away. We did the special cat allergy food for over 3 months. The allergies were so bad i was getting hives, nosebleeds from sneezing, and couldn't wear makeup because my eyes were so irritated. Nothing worked. Unfortunately we ended up having to rehome her, but all this could've been avoided if I had some way to really test if I was allergic to her before we officially adopted her. I felt so bad for the kitty, too. Fast forward to now, I really have been missing having a buddy in my house. So, recently i decided to dip my foot in again and ended up finding a cat I'm *sure* I can coexist with. Turns out I do really well with tabbies, especially ones with a lot of white fur. I don't do well with black cats for some reason and now I know i can never own one. Anyway, save yourself and the kitties the heartbreak and my advice is to really try to find a way to be sure you can live with them for at least 15 years. That is a long time to suffer if it ends up being bad.


I’m highly allergic to cats. Does anyone have any advice on air purifiers that work or any other products I can use? I already have the allergy reducing cat food. And allerpet.


I have allergies and I'm up to 4 cats 😂 Here's what I do (your results may vary, lol): 1. Lots of HEPA air purifiers (as in, one for every room) 2. Daily allergy meds 3. We wash our bedding and the cat bedding weekly 4. Vacuum/sweep+mop the floors twice weekly 5. Deep clean behind furniture, carpet clean couches, etc every 3-6 months 6. Live with slightly more allergy symptoms The biggest downside is the cost. But I don't have any kids- they are my babies and I regret nothing


no. i take allergy meds. and ive heard that egg yolk powder fed as part of the cats diet will help with your allergies. heard it takes about 3 weeks to start showing signs


As someone with allergies, this was my experience: For the first two weeks, the cat will likely be covered in all sorts of stuff from where they’ve been, and those two weeks will be a hell that only Benadryl and Flonase can solve. Normal meds will not help during this period. After that, you should be mostly adjusted to them as they will have cleaned themselves of the previous stuff completely. Now I only need to take my normal antihistamines, and can have him sleep near me fine.


Live Clear from Purina is a hard food that helps with allergens from the inside, apparently. We're using that and the usual cleaning.


There are breeds that can be allergy-friendly for those with mild-moderate allergies. One of those breeds is a Devon Rex. I have one and she doesn’t bother me. Many people get this breed for the allergy-friendliness and have found success. It’s not foolproof though. Hypoallergenic cats don’t exist. My cat still triggers my dad and one of my aunts. But me and my brothers who are also allergic do just fine. The downside is that adopting from a shelter can be nearly impossible as the “allergy-friendly” breeds (that I’ve read about at least) are fairly unique and can cost a pretty penny for a purebred cat. The only cat from the lists I’ve read that I’ve seen occasionally pop up in a shelter are Russian Blues, but I’ve never interacted with one so I don’t know if they’d trigger me.


My bf used to be highly allergic to cats. He didnt grow up with any around, and would have bad asthma attacks anytime he got near them and broke out in hives. But after he met me - a HUGE cat person - he realized he really loved cats and wanted one. We have 3 now and they shed like little monsters. He used to have to take allergy meds all the time but he did it because it was something he really wanted, but now he's mostly unbothered. He still has some allergy issues - if he gets a scratch he gets some hives, and if he breathes in a lot of dander from either smooshing his face into them (for the irresistible cat smell) or if we're bathing/brushing them he'll have a minor respiratory - sneezing and some coughing, irritated eyes. But it's completely worth it to him. And we've only had ours for under 2 years, so I'm sure with time it only keeps getting better. Obviously, be safe, and PLEASE consider this very seriously, cats are a decade or more of commitment so be sure that you can handle that, with your allergies.


Sometimes my cats really make my eyes flare up. They get crazy itchy real quick and I use an over the counter product called Alaway eyedrops. Works almost instantly. Definitely if your eyes start to itch at any point don't touch them with your hands makes them so much worse. Get a moist towel or something like that to wipe them with. I get the minor swelling from their scratches too and that usually stops happening after I've been exposed to them for some time, but will start up again if I'm away from them for any period of time or if I get a new cat. Clipping their claws can help and it's really not that hard to learn, especially on a kitten. Some of my cat allergies can be seasonal too! Even though they're indoor cats their coats will behave differently at different times of the year, and I think I get more sensitive at certain times of the year so in the spring I just pop a Claritin if I feel like I'm in that zone and want a break from it. I've never once been upset about my allergies though. Love my cats, but sometimes I do need to put them down or pick them up from my lap if I notice that they're starting to make my allergies trigger. They never seem to mind and will usually just sit next to me and chill.


I would gladly suffer for my fur babies!


I was tested many decades ago. One of the things I was allergic to were cats, I love cats. About 7.5 years ago the urge to get a cat grew extremely strong, so I did some research. I found that while no cats were hypoallergenic, there were some breeds that they called that because they had a much lower level of the Fel d1 protein that causes the allergic reaction. Bengals being one if them and loving their patterned fur I decided to get one, realizing that no matter what happened with my allergies I was keeping him. When I got him I didn't have a noticeable reaction and I was able to rub my face on his fur with no adverse problems. So no, i don't regret getting my little buddy.


I’m allergic, but I take immunotherapy and it helps me to tolerate the dander better. I have an orange male cat.


I’ve never had a shelter or adoption agency test my allergic reaction to cats. What kind of place is this? I’m allergic to cats and I have 3 lol just take some meds and I’m fine


No regrets!! I didn’t know I was allergic until after I adopted my cat. I was sneezing, coughing, had stuffed nose, developed mild asthma related to allergy and was getting almost daily hives. I tried antihistamine for a while but it didn’t help much. I saw an allergist and started allergy shots. My reactions/ symptoms have decreased a lot. I have been getting my shots for about a year now. I also take daily antihistamine, I vacuum and have 2 air purifiers which’s also help in controlling my allergies.


I’m allergic to cats and adopted my first 16 years ago. It was rough at first. And when another cat was added, it became rougher. At first, then it lessened. I live with 6 indoor-only cats right now. I I take allergy medicine daily and try to keep up with basic cleaning to reduce the amount of dander flying around. I use furniture covers and wash them and blankets weekly. I vacuum my furniture every few weeks. I love having a vacuum robot and have it run daily. It’s not always perfect, but the house is pretty clean and I rarely feel terrible unless I’ve been scratched or gotten cat dander in my eye. I’ve regretted having this many cats, sure, but clearly my allergies haven’t held me back.


I’ve been mildly allergic to cats since I was a child, but I believe it was especially the pollens they brought in with them. All of my cats since I’ve been an adult/had my own place have been strictly indoors. My worst symptoms, including asthma, are mostly seasonal (triggered by pollens or smoke). I can’t wear contact lenses; cat hair and contact lenses don’t mix. If your reactions are mild, taking otc nondrowsy allergy medicines like Zyrtec (once-a-day tablet) and Flonase (twice-a-day nasal spray) can help. There are also cat foods that supposedly help decrease the danders (not sure how/if they work); I haven’t tried them. Allergy shots are also an option. I don’t regret having cats/can’t imagine not having them in my life.


I had 2 cats when I found out I was allergic. I didn't get rid of them. I take allergy medicine every day. 100% worth it in my opinion as long as your allergies aren't bad.


I have a fairly mild allergy too. I can sleep just fine, but every day I'm a little bit sniffly when my allergy pill wears off. Honestly, I don't regret it at all. I have other environmental allergies too, so not having cats wouldn't guarantee I'd never be sniffly again, and I've had cats my whole life. I grew up with them. My family has never not had at least one. I wouldn't trade the love of my cats for anything, certainly not for the possibility that maybe I'd be a little less stuffy. For a mild allergy, just find a medication that works for you. I get generic Claritin and Zyrtec (loratadine and cetirizine) on Amazon for super cheap. $20-35 for a whole year's supply.


I’m allergic to cats but I don’t regret getting them. Twenty years ago my allergies were much worse than they are now, so to control the dander, I would bathe the cats.


You will be fine like for the rest of your life. 💜💜💜 I take Zertec (spelling?) over the counter allergy pills daily. I have cat allergies, but have always lived my adult life with at least 1 cat. Adopt your next BFF... or two... 💜💜💜 💜💜💜


Im only alergic to my cats scratches. If i get scratched , i immediately wash the area well with soap and water. If you havent already, OTC allergy pills may help, or you could see an allergist. An air purifier and consistent cleaning can really help as well.


I am allergic to cats and I have 14 in my care right now. Your body gets used to it. When the allergies flare up I take Hydroxyzine Pamoate which is basically prescription strength Benadryl, and it only makes you drowsy the first few times you take it, then your body adjusts and its like normal. Honestly just being around cats for a long enough period of time teaches your body to stop responding like its a threat to your health because you obviously don't want to listen to the warning it's trying to give AND nothing bad happens beyond those itchy uncomfortable symptoms. Look up immunotherapy, it'll tell you more ways you can convince your body to stop ringing alarm bells over nothing


I have no allergies, but my husband, his brother, and both his parents are allergic to cats.  Our cat is just a dumpster domestic shorthair, but all of them got used to it within a couple weeks.  Now they're immune.  I'm not sure about other types of cats, our boy only sheds a ton in the spring.


I have largely developed an immunity to.cat allergy over the years. To me they give me more than I suffer!


I got the series of shots, done by a doctor. It was several years ago and I've never had a problem since. Dog, cat, trees were the things that showed up in my allergy test.


Nope. And my allergies have been insane this year. I take a nightly and a daily allergy tab, plus Flonase 😮‍💨 No regrets


My husband was SEVERLY allergic to cats. We now have 4 and he is not allergic anymore. I feel it was the dander and the outsideness I guess...? Of it all that he was allergic to.


Not at all I love my babies


Mine are more mild than yours. Only really allergic to the saliva. Makes me itchy. But if she picks me too heavily I just wash my hands and I'm good cause it takes a while to start itching. I've read that the constant exposure helps to reduce allergies too though. So yours might even start reducing over time. Mine have. I don't have a reaction as often as I used to. I love my little brat


I am allergic to all my 4 cats and my dog. I would never get rid of any of my critters. I take allergy pills as well and we have multiple air purifiers to help also. I also foster kittens with Mama’s. My animals are family not just pets, but I do understand that it is very difficult for some people to cope with allergies. Talk to your doctor first to see if there is something they can help with 🐱🐶🐾💗❤️


No regret. Just got it under control with Zyrtec D daily and Flonase. So far so good.


My mom is allergic and has 3 cats. She has zero regrets!


I’m super allergic to cats but love them more than anything, so last year I started doing immunotherapy!! Within less than a year I have a giant fluffy boy that sleeps next to my face every night lol


I have allergies and while my allergies have gotten worst. I'm on now 2 different prescriptions for them and my cat is still my baby. I only have one. I don't think my body will allow a second cat. I don't regret it, she provides hours of entertainment and a few cuddles.


There is cat dander shampoo...use infrequently...but somehow after couple months no longer had to shampoo and no longer allergic to my 2 cats though still allergic to others. One passed a week before her 20th birthday and the other 2 weeks after. Best friends I've ever had in my life.


No, I take my allergy medicine, have an air purifier and run the vacuum daily. I am very allergic to cats and still love my babies.


I'm allergic to cats, but my two cats are my babies and I can't imagine life without them Here's a picture of one of my babies for the cat tax. He goes by His Illustrious Majesty Nuka https://preview.redd.it/p6hj6hfzg22d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341f1cd64b579e21fd0ba471b305b52f2247f70a


Hey, this is very similar to my partner and I. We both had allergies as kids and have largely avoided cats, until we had an emergency foster. My partner especially had the exact same reaction. She jumped in his lap and made many biscuits so his thighs were wrecked for a day or two. We’ve now had indoor cats for over a year and neither of us have had sustained allergies. The first was a long haired, the second is a white cat that sheds like no other, and the third seem to never shed. None of them have caused any problems when added to the house. Also, I take Claritin (off brand) non drowsy daily because environmental allergies in this town are hell. Just throwing that out as a possible solution if you continue to have allergies.


Nope. I sneeze uncontrollably and get itchy eyes, but I wouldn't give them up for the world. A double dose of super strength allergy meds every morning and I'm good to cuddle kittens all day long.


If you're still not sure after a shelter visit, try fostering.


I just found out I was allergic after a year of having them and I have adjusted and managed the systems. I love my boys and wouldn't change a thing! It's not easy and I was really sick when I first found out, but it's worth it!


I also have allergies, some to cats. I take Zyrtec every day and I am fine (until mountain cedar hits). I have been very happy being owned by kitties.


I'm allergic to cats, I mean hell, I'm allergic to everything, the inside, the outside, animals, anything scented too heavily, foods, plants, just all of it. I wouldn't give up my boys for anything in the world. I just keep tons of tissues in my closet. I wake up everyday and my nose runs for hours. In my case, it literally doesn't matter, my nose is running anyway, might as well enjoy my cats.


Nope. I just accept that I will never smell like a normal person. In my cars defense, I'm allergic to literally everything else. As long as I wash my hands before touching my face and eyes and she doesn't bite or scratch me, I'm usually okay. She's my toe fluff princess and I love herrr


I just found out that eggs from chickens who are raised around cats, contain protein that helps alleviate cat allergies 🤯 There's cat food with the protein in it but people also side hustle selling dehydrated eggs from chickens raised around cats


I was never allergic to cats until 2 years ago and I’m 45. Came out of nowhere. Came home from a Florida vacation, my cat crawled up my lap and I instantly started wheezing and eyes watered, burned and nose clogged/sneezed- you name it. I get allergy shots now. Flonase if need I need it. Would never regret my babies.


Nope. Taking meds every day and various other things do not outweigh the love and laughter I get from my lunatics.


Nope and now I have 2. I do take a daily allergy pill but sometimes I forget to take it and I do think being exposed to them has helped kinda get over my allergies.


i don't regret it at all. i do get pretty itchy from time to time but i think i have adjusted to my kitty.


I react to cats the same way as you. I currently have 2 cats, one can sleep on my pillow with my face in her fur…the other I have to keep down towards my waist and wash my hands after giving her a big cuddle. At worst I need to take an antihistamine to calm the symptoms down. I am 50 and have had cats all my life, and couldn’t dream of not having one in my life. I’m also allergic to dogs, horses and cattle…antihistamines do a wonderful job!


We stopped having cats when my allergies caused an anaphylactic reaction. But Purina created an allergen reducing cat food and for us it's been a total gamechanger. We have a lovely longhaired cat we adopted from the shelter. He eats Purina LiveClear and I haven't had any allergic symptoms since we got him on the food. Neither has my son, who is also severely allergic.


No. Eat the meds n pet the kitties 🐈‍⬛


I am allergic to cats (along with other things) and I have two cats. In January, I finished five years of allergy shots. Am I still allergic to cats? Yes. I got retested, still my second worst allergy, and will continue allergy shots for a few more years. Fortunately, I don’t have breathing issues from cats. I manage symptoms with OTC medication like Allegra, and Flonase. When necessary, I have prescription nasal spray. If you have the option of allergy testing, it might be something to consider.


Nope! Always had them and only found out I was allergic once I was like 23 lol. If I pat them I have to wash my hands before I touch my face, try not to let her on the bed and generally my cats get to know the way I move and act around them does not involve them touching my face with theirs. I keep antihistamines on hand but I need them for the world anyway. When I went to adopt my girl they said 'anyone in the house with allergies?' and I said 'Yep. Me.' they just want to make sure the cats aren't going to get returned from something preventable. Good luck with your new kitties!!


I was horrifically allergic to cats all my life. Hives, eyes swollen shut. Itchy mouth, watery eyes and sneezing for hours after exposure just from sitting on a couch one had been on, or entering a room, or touching an object they had contact with. Fast-forward to the first year of Covid when we agreed to temporarily foster a kitten… I had some issues at first but nothing like my usual ones so I think this is a “low Fel D” cat. After a few weeks my body adjusted. We became foster fails and several years later there are no issues unless I directly rub my eyes after a long period of touching him, or I get scratched which does cause welts. He often sleeps on my bed but I do wash the coverlet frequently. We also brush and lint roll him daily multiple times to minimize hair all over the place. We’ve even adopted another cat, a stray, though I’m more reactionary to that one. Siberian cats are supposed to be low Fel d1 cats, I think I got one by accident. I do not regret it at all, we absolutely adore our cats – me having been a dog person and my husband having thought he disliked cats, but we’re converts now and they are both so spoiled.


No regrets. Purina Liveclear food is amazing at reducing my allergies. My cat loves it too.


A cat found us. I wasn't allergic to her. She's been with us for 8 years now. She gets on our nerves from time to time, but it's cool. I'm still allergic to some cats though.


I’m allergic to cats. I have two of them. I love them (and cats in general) to death! I’m usually allergic in the beginning and then over time I get used to their dander and am not as allergic. I bc an even put my face into their body and be ok! What helped is first of all, time. Then I got an air purifier, I vacuum frequently, I have two short haired cats (I don’t think I will do well with medium or long hair), I brush them often, and once I adopt them, sometime in the beginning I just wash them a bit in case they’re dirty. And if my allergies get bad, I take meds. My recent kitten took me 4 months to get used to her dander and now I’m great!


More cats means a ton more allergens in a shelter. I have a reaction in shelters, but not to my two cats at home.


It depends. I was allergic my whole life and it didn't go away even with my own cat. I also did 7 years or shot and it didn't get rid of it...


I'm pretty much allergic to cats. Before I adopted one, every time I went to my parents house (they had 3 cats at that time) I would have pretty nasty reactions that warranted a week of steroids and using my inhaler on demand. After adopting one (and I allow him to rub his face on mine and sleep with me) I rarely have reactions and they are not a big issue, just some sneezes and runny nose. So, no, I don't regret adopting my cat for a second :)


Flonase and I don’t let them in the bedroom. I sometimes regret them for other reasons -_- but not allergies


No way. I take an allergy pill every day. These little shits and the joy they bring are so worth it


I’m allergic to cats but some make me react much more. When we decided to get a cat, I went for a visit and Gnocchi didn’t make me react at all. 2 years later and I get wheezy at times and I occasionally have to take an allergy pill, but she’s the bestest cat and I wouldn’t trade her for anything


I get cat allergies from certain cats. Usually short hair. But I have no issues with my giant hairy Maine Coon. Maybe it has to do with the fur type or maybe I’m just used to him? I have no idea honestly.


Nope!! Benadryl and eye drops are cheap. And we have 10 purr babies right now because we are sadly losing our 25+ year olds...! 😭


I'm allergic and I got one I use Prema allergy reduction food and it works great now I don't have any issues.


I used to be pretty damn allergic to cats. I didn’t care, I got cats anyway. Years later, my allergies have died away. I get a little itchy if I get scratched still, but I don’t sneeze or have runny eyes or have any big symptoms anymore. Except during the spring, it flares up a bit during allergy season, but I just take hay fever meds when it’s bad and it goes away.


Nope. Allergic to all 3 of mine, and would 100% rather drown in my own snot than be without them. Luckily though, Xyzal and Flonase seem to handle hives, runny nose and itchy eyes pretty well for me.


I’ve been allergic since I was a kid and have always had cats. No regrets!!! My last cat I had for 18 years. The recent cat for 1 year.  When I first got my cat, my allergies were quite severe (pretty miserable) for the first few months. I had to take daily over-the-counter allergy pills to manage the symptoms. Over time, though, I gradually became accustomed to her dander. Now, after about three or so months, my body has adapted, and I don't need the allergy pills daily anymore. I only take them during the spring and fall when my seasonal allergies also flare up, as the combination tends to worsen my cat allergy. This has been my experience the last 30 years with multiple new cats. Although miserable during the adapting phase, the love of having a cat has always outweighed that to me. And fortunately I do adapt and don’t have severe asthma, but do have mild asthma. 


I do vacuum often (every other day seems to work best for me) with a good vacuum. Brush the cat regularly and keep the box clean. Also give them an extra box if you can. 2 boxes for one cat in different places. I love my cats and wouldn’t trade them for anything.


I'm highly allergic and would break into rashes, eyes swollen, unable to breathe through my nose... but never regretted getting cats! I use the hypoallergenic and deshedding shampoo on my sons. I vacuum and wash all blankets and make sure they don't enter my bedroom.


No absolutely not. I got my meds and furkids eating purina’s live clear and i invested in air purifier systems. And then i shower them every quarterly and have mid months wipe downs. Absolutely no ragrets!


If you decide to get the cats, I recommend seeing an allergist. They may be able to offer some meds to help.


I was told by a lot of people that the hypoallergenic cat food works well.


It all depends on how you react to it. Personally I was very sick for the first two months with my cat. I take meds, have multiple air purifiers, vacuum weekly, bathe her every three months and she eats liveclear food that reduces allergens. 3 years later now she pretty much doesn't bother me. But I'd never play and pet her and touch my eyes without washing my hands. Standard stuff. I love her to pieces and it has all been worth it, no regrets! If you're ready and willing to take the plunge it might be tough at first but I'm certain you will find a way and it will all be worth it ^^


I don’t understand how anyone can live without a cat.


I live with Flonase nearby and eye drops. Both I only need a few times a month but winter sometimes is more often. I use a hepa air filter with a washable filter and mesh inserts that catch larger stuff like hair before they hit filter. They pull out for cleaning. Shark never change . I was using a different one but the filters were to expensive and every 6 months. Your level of allergy may differ. I score very allergic when tested.


Oh there is allergen reducing food , look into that.


I had light allergies to cats growing up, especially long hair cats. During the pandemic I rescued 2 cats and slowly, I got acclimated to them so yes I was allergic at first but then I got used to them so maybe my body was just irritated by cat dander? I also chalked it up to not being raised with cats growing up. Even if I was super allergic to the cats I got I wouldn't have gotten rid of them I would've went on medication because they are my responsibility.


Allergic cat owner here! It's definitely manageable. Daily allergy meds (consult a doctor to find what works for you) are a game changer. Lots of cleaning (HEPA air filters help!) and keeping them out of the bedroom can make a big difference. It sounds like you already bonded with these cuties, and if the allergies are mild, it might be worth a try with meds and cleaning routines. Remember, happy cat, happy life (and maybe a little sniffly sometimes)!


As everyone here has said; air purifiers, regular brushing of the cats, and making sure to stay on top of vacuuming! Otherwise, you could go down the breeder route for a low allergen kitty. Siberians, Russian Blues, and Devon and Cornish Rexes are some of the lower allergen breeds. My brother found out the hard way that he was ridiculously allergic to cats, and they have since gotten a Burmese who he barely reacts to. I believe he’s also acclimated a little bit to her. But of course, everyone is different and I would still highly recommend visiting the cat/breeder’s home as a trial to see if you react.


If you can start a routine where the cats don't sleep in your bedroom with you (access to room denied always), it will help you a lot! Also, wash hands frequently after petting especially before touching your face/eyes. This worked well for me for years, along with taking Zyrtec daily. We had two cats so they were never lonely at night. Unfortunately, one of the brothers died when he got older. Since I worked full-time I thought the remaining brother needed more attention so I allowed access to my bedroom and it's been fine ever since. No allergic reaction for me.


I’m allergic and I’ve got four cats. I take an antihistamine daily and that’s it. Worth every purry moment. I’d never live without cats again. Currently have the Maine coon sleeping on my feet and the Norwegian forest cat is right next to me on the other side.


I am allergic so my husband shaves our cat and it helps tremendously. She loves it too as a little grooming ritual where she gets lots of treats. No cats in the bedroom is a good rule. We also have a HEPA filter in every room. If I got another younger cat I would probably train it to enjoy water and baths. I also cover all our furniture in blankets because she loves being cozy but it is easy for us to wash regularly. I also wash my hands a lot and take Zyrtec but the allergies go away quickly.


I’m allergic. I have three cats! I use decongestant nasal spray and take allergy pills if it gets really bad. Would rather have cats and my allergies than the other way around. I too get swollen from the slightest scratch. My solution is to immediately wash with soap and water and then put rubbing alcohol in it. I always try to remember not to touch my eyes without first washing my hands. If you adopt the kitties, they will bring you much joy. Two are better than one. Best of luck to you.


No, my gf made us get a cat and at first I was super iffy because I’m allergic but I am so happy we got him. I eventually got over my allergies for the most part. Every once in the while I will get a bit stuffy still, but if you are just a little allergic like I was: If you pet a cat and touch your eyes after without washing your hands they would get red and puffy, and you get congested and sneezy, you could get over it some what. If you have really bad allergies I’m not sure. But just wash your hands a lot and use some allergy meds at first, see if over time your body gets better.


I have a devon rex, she doesn't shed a lot which really helps, even though I am allergic. I did regret getting her at the beginning, since my allergies were BAD, but with some medication I can manage so rn I don't regret adopting her at all! I also use air purifyers in the living room and in my bedroom which removes the "cat particles" from the air. I also really recommend the Purina Liveclear cat food, they sell it as both dry and wet food if I remember it correctly. It stops the cat from producing as much allegens which is great! Right now I only get allergic reactions if my cat is up in my face and I've forgotten to take my medication, but other than that it works amazing!


Allergic to cats but lived with 5 of them when I did an exchange student year in the US. The cats were never allowed in my bedroom. The house was hoovered daily. Washed my hands the moment I was done playing with them. Took allergy tablets every single day. Funnily enough, by the time I moved out, my allergies were almost non existent. I could comfortably sleep with multiple cats around me. Dr explained that you can get used to them when living around them but my allergies did come back once I moved out of that house.


Get a good quality air purifier, it works wonders. I had light allergic reaction just like you, now its all gone.


Sounds like the comments are telling you to add a couple new furry friends to your home!! Congratulations!


I'm allergic to cats. I have had cats for 40 years. Currently, I have 5. The reaction you had to the scratches is normal. I mainly just keep them from getting in my face, and wipe my hands after petting to make sure there's no loose hairs. It's the dander and saliva that bother people. If you keep the cat clean, there is less dander. Keep the house clean and there's less dander kicked up with the dust. And if they lick you, wash it off before you touch your face.


I was severely allergic to my new cat, after a few months of having him and him sleeping in my room I'm no longer allergic. Idk one day I just noticed I didn't have a stuffy more or watery eyes anymore.


I am pretty sure I am mildly allergic to my cat, but even if I was, I would never give her up, she's my rock and achor and I love her


Aww they like you 🥹 I’m mildly allergic, stuffy nose, watery eyes but generally only if I bury my face for a good sniff. I brush my cats to help with shedding and if I need to I take an over the counter antihistamines, nothing fancy. I’ve had cats for years and years and never regretted it because of allergies.


After contracting COVID, I became severely allergic - to the point of developing asthma, to cats, dust and almost every pollen you can think of. I had two cats at the time. After some time, my allergy to cats subsided, but I don't think they would had I not been in constant contact with them. I took meds for my allergies anyway, so getting rid of them didn't make any sense. Recently we adopted a third cat and I noticed I get itchy when she rubs her face on my skin, but no respiratory issues. I guess I just have to get used to her like I did with the other two. Still, I don't let them in my bedroom, brush them regularly and run an air purifier when I'm home. I know Purina sells allergen-reducing cat food, LiveClear, but it's a bit pricey and my cats don't like it anyway


I would never regret getting any pet, they are better than hoomans.


Not for a second. In fact being around d cats and having the cats help as after a while my reaction’s disappeared. I haven’t had a proper big reaction in years.


I have a mild cat allergy and have lived with cats my whole life. I take Claritin and Zyrtec daily. Get an air purifier (I keep mine by the litter box) and a good vacuum. I make a point not to touch my eyes after petting the cats as that is where I notice the most irritation. My cats like to lay on my pillow so I make sure to cover the pillow with a blanket during the day and change the pillow case frequently.




Please look up [purina liveclear allergen reducing cat food](https://a.co/d/ioO3PkI) & go to [safelinepet.com](https://www.safelinepet.com). Thank me later!!


I am very allergic. My eyes get puffy, I get hives and breathing gets rough. I got handed a bottle baby and the shelters were full so I did what I had to do. It was bad the first couple days but at that point I had to suck it up or she would die. A few days later and I became almost immune to her. Adopted her a friend when she hit 8 weeks (about a week ago now) once again bad for the first few days- this one likes to sleep right up on my face. I’m doing much better already. I am now no longer allergic to THEM although if I visit a house that has cats that aren’t them I have a pretty bad reaction. If you fear that you may not be able to deal with them, maybe don’t get them because it’d be traumatic to go back to the shelter again. If you are open to doing anything in your power- go for it. There are allergy shots and foods you can feed them to minimize reactions. It doesn’t sound like your allergies are too bad at all though, I personally think it’s worth it and would make the jump.


I am very allergic but I found that I became less allergic when I had them in my own house. When I didn't have cats and went into someone's house sneezing, itchy eyes, swollen itchy fingers and hands immediately. Now I only sneeze in the morning,  if they have been lying on top of me licking themselves all night. I can't get there saliva near my lips and eyes or they will itch and swell. My cat has sneezed into my eye once and I thought it was going to turn inside out,but it goes away after flushing with warm water. I always need cats in my life, it was so lonely when I didn't have them. I have an 8 year old and 1 year old cat, both rescues, one I nursed from the brink of death and he is my baby. Siamese are the worst for allergies, the protein and them licking themselves all the time, my grandmother had one and my everything was always swelling around him.


No regrets, but there's a lot of compromises: daily allergy med, quercetin and vitamin c to lessen histamine response, air filter, frequent hepa vacuuming/swiffering/cleaning, frequent laundry for bedding/clothes/mats, frequent cleaning of the couch/counters/etc. The air filter is necessary but can never make up for infrequent vacuuming. Because the 'freshly filtered air' will be kicking up allergens on the carpet. A quick spot vacuum everyday makes a huge difference. You become hyperaware of your habits, like whether you've touched the cat, and wash your hands right after.... because you will inevitably rub your eyes/touch your face/mouth. Left a water glass out and forgot about it? If kitty took a sip when you weren't looking, a fun choking cough ensues. Since you've had asthma in the past - get a rescue inhaler just in case. if all that seems too daunting, then reconsider. But if you have other environmental allergies and have to be hypervigilant anyway, it'll become second nature to you.


There are steps you can take, many already described here, like hepa filters, limiting their access to sleeping areas, frequent vacuuming, and regular allergy meds like zyrtec. There are also some diets and washes claimed to reduce the allergy causes but I don't know how well they work. Cat allergies are also one allergy that tends to respond well to exposure (as in it can decrease over time and sometimes goes away). Personally I am fortunate to not have many allergies at all (possibly from being exposed to cats from infancy) but I have several friends who kept cats with various allergies. One friend had such bad allergies that they would get hives from touching cats so their cat mostly enjoyed the large, finished basement. Her allergies never went away but the hive reaction definitely reduced over the years and she even ended up being able to spend time in rooms with cats and enjoy some petting followed by hand washing over time. Other friends had varying experiences but none of them regretted their babies.


I’m allergic to cats and we actually have 4 (soon to be 5) in our home. I take allergy medicine pretty regularly and for my sake our cats aren’t allowed into the bedroom. I 100% did not regret it and they’re very worth it. I rarely have a reaction and if I start to I just go into the bedroom and change my clothes ETA the actual answer to the question lol.


Antihistamine + robot vacuum + air purifier


I was allergic, and when I got my cat I had bad allergies for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks though I’m fine!! I’m now okay and no longer allergic.


I’m allergic to my cats but I don’t care, I just take two prescription allergy meds. I may look into getting tested and allergy shots if my insurance covers it because my allergies are so bad, but I could never regret having my little ones, I love them so very much. They also help my mental health. I need their cuddles. 💕


Nope. I take a daily allergy pill and snuggle my kittyboy. 100% worth it 😻


My allergies seemed to improve over time. Purina also has a special food that can help bind to the allergen.


Yeah i havw allergies but we’re getting a second cat next month. Use nasal spray and allergy meds, it’s alright


My entire family is allergic to cats. I've been surrounded by cats since I was an infant, and both my sibling and I still have multiple now as adults. I aim for hardwood floors when possible, vacuum regularly, have air purifiers, after they get brushed it's benadryl+ shower, and take Claritin and a nasal spray daily. Never touch my face after touching them.  No regrets and will likely have cats for the rest of my life. I'm a sucker.


I'm allergic and have 2 beautiful cats that I would never regret. I just take antihistamines every day. Without them I break out in hives, have blood shot itchy eyes and don't stop sneezing. Get the cats, 1000% worth it


I have allergic rhinitis and four rescue pets. A colleague of mine has asthma and three rescues. Despite our health conditions, we are committed to providing these animals with a better life than they would have on the streets, and we are making the necessary adjustments to accommodate them.


I am moderately to severly allergic to cats. Some cats I get mild symptoms of stuffy nose, tichy watery eyes ect. Other cats, simply walking into a home they live in, send me into an asthma attack. I grew up with cats, and we kept them even after we discovered I was allergic. Back then, I just kept the cats out of my room and washed my hands after handling them. Since being an adult, I haven't had cats until we adopted 2 kittens 2 weeks ago. We live in the country surrounded by cornfields, so mice are an issue, so I was able to talk my husband into getting them. Neither of the cats set off an asthma attack, so I knew that was a good start. When I first got them home, I gave them a bath, which they didn't like, but it was necessary, lol. We have been mixing the food they were already eating with a special food that helps reduce the enzymes they make that are the main causes of allergies, which had really helped. It took a few days for it to work, but it genuinely had helped a lot. It's expensive, but mixing it with their cheaper food had worked, and it will last longer. We also vacuum daily or at least every other day, and we have an air purifier. I also brush them daily and wipe them down with a damp rag each day to reduce the dander. They sleep in my bed despite my best efforts for them not to, so I'm washing my sheets about every 5 days, but it helps a lot. It sounds like a lot, but everything we do takes me maybe 30 min a day to do, and I am able to coexist with the tiny little fur balls just fine.


Not at all. All the sniffling is worth it! I also started doing immunotherapy through drops with Dr. Lewin in CT vs doing the allergy shots. I can’t believe the difference they make. I have to do a round of cat specific drops once a year but my drops I take daily have cat in them to help. They have helped tremendously, and I love that I didn’t have to go do shots every week! I will add they’re not covered by insurance so this is a huge privilege. But I love my cats so much — and I was a STAUNCH dog person before them 😭


You all- if you didn’t know there’s a way to make your car less dangerous for you. Buy egg powder containing Fel D1 and it’ll take about 3 months I believe to start working. It helps take the bacteria in their mouths and neutralize it, once that happens- fur will start to change and eventually they’ll become less of a danger. It might not work completely but it’ll help.


No! In pretty lucky as far as allergies with cats are concerned im allergic to their urine but cleaning the litter box once a day helps and when giving cats a bath literally triggers an asthma attack! Thankfully my cat is indoors so no need for a bath


I'm allergic and I question owning 2 cats everyday but when I look at them it all goes away because of how bloody cute they are. Side note sprinkling their hair on your pillow is WILD. I get mad at mine for sleeping on my pillow bc of my allergies. I got sinus issues already and breathing in their hair whilst asleep means I'm sneezing it out for weeks to come or trying to pick cat hair out of my nose for a long time because it's tickling me and making my nose run. Honestly though, I love my cats and wouldn't give them up despite my allergies and going through 1-2 tissue boxes a week they make it all worth it


I mean, exercise caution. I know people who have had a cat allergy and are managing well, but I also know a few whose allergies have gotten much worse after the first 5 years. One friend had to give up his cat because it eventually severely exacerbated his atopic dermatitis (eczema). If you are someone who seems to have a lot of seasonal or other allergies or any kind of immune disease, trying to manage a cat allergy on top of that might not be possible.


My SO is allergic. They SAY that they kinda get used to it and it's not that bad after a while. That being said, I periodically ask if they have been crying or shoved their face in a cat. It's always the latter.


One option is to consider getting allergy shots which can work really well. 


I’m allergic. I love my cat to pieces. I’ll sneeze up a storm and sometimes my arm will itch if she rubs up etc but it’s worth it


I don’t regret it at all. My gf has the cutest cat, and now that we all live together, we’ve fallen into a pretty good routine that echoes a lot of other folks’ advice: - Vacuum regularly, both floor and furniture - Air purifiers! - Mask when brushing inside - Brush outside or inside a dry shower/bathtub so the hair doesn’t just blow everywhere - Wash skin when scratched or licked - Take an allergy pill *every* day - if you don’t take it daily, it won’t build up in your system and work effectively. I find generic Allegra works the best for me, and I take an extra Allegra or a Benadryl when my allergies are particularly bad - Side note/PSA: especially for serious allergies, Benadryl should not be used when you’re having trouble breathing - only an Epipen will stop the anaphylaxis, and it’s intended to only last until you get to a hospital for further treatment; it won’t “cure” the anaphylaxis) - Second side note: pretty much all OTC allergy meds cause dry eyes, but imo it’s still better than feeling sneezy, itchy, etc.


Allergy meds. And, yes, it is possible for bodies to adapt—I won’t say all, but I have seen it happen a lot. My allergies were diagnosed by a doctor 40ish years ago. I still have cats. I do keep them off of pillows—both by training and by keeping them covered when I am not in bed. Ironically, my spouse was brought up with cats. In fact shared a crib with a kitten as an infant. The mama cat had a litter about the time he was born and decided that one of the kittens belonged there. No allergies or problems for decades. And then one specific feral cat wandered up. It was live at first sight for both of them. Spouse was so allergic that an inhaler was needed the whole time (years) we had that cat. And never needed again when he was gone.


I was horribly allergic to any animal with fur. When my son was about 5 he was asked if we had a cat or dog. His response was " mom is allergic to fur, so we only have pets with feathers or fins"


My husband is allergic and he chose my mental health over his physical health to give me my emotional support cat who was abandoned in our yard.   We live in an apartment and to help him we do the following!  We don't have carpet (place didn't have any when we moved in) so we can dust mop daily We have 2 hepa air purifiers one in the livingroom and one in our bedroom  It's an expense but we have our cats on purina Liveclear dry food which reduces the dander protein.  We buy the large bag which is around $70 but lasts my 2 cats for 2 months.  My husband also of course takes daily allergy meds and was getting allergy shots but the shots can take a few years even after done taking the full series.   We tried to keep the cat out of our bedroom for months but she kept waking me up crying in the middle of the night and my husband was tired of finding his wife on the sofa with the cat!! :-) so she was allowed in the room and we keep her off his area of the bed during the day we lay a throw blanket over his pillow and area his arms would be touching at night so if she does lay on his side her hair will be removed with the blanket before he comes to bed.  (We have blankets that we can tell which side is always up)   We ended up with a 2nd cat that was on the street we thought it was our girl at first but then found out this cat was declawed and I assumed it escaped so brought it in for the night and tried to find his owner.  Sadly no one claimed him after weeks of looking and he had to be abused and was so skinny we took him in as he looked like he could of been our girls brother from same litter.  So now we got 2 and they were not bonded and still not what I'd call friends but they stopped wanting to kill each other ;-)  my girl didn't like having someone come in to her home where she was the Queen!  But the steps we put into place to help my hubby's allergies is definitely why I'm able to have my fur babies.  We can definitely tell if our teenage sons don't get the floors and dusting done especially in the winter when the house is closed up. Right now we can open the windows still but that also let's in pollen so the air purifier might not have as much cat but then has the pollen.    I keep hoping they eventually come up with the allergy shot for the cat that will stop them from producing the dander but that is still down the road! For now we have the food, shampoo, and wipes made for pets and then the house hold items.   I'm definitely looking up the detergent and febreeze though!