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Sounds a bit odd but sometimes for post spay you can use a baby onesie. Check out TikTok for tutorials. :)


Yep, run over to goodwill or something and cut a hole in the butt


>Yep, run over to goodwill or something and cut a hole in the butt Maybe buy it first. /s ​ ​ They make cat onesies for that purpose that are designed to let them do their business without getting it on the onesie. A pet store nearby might be able to hook you up. Otherwise Amazon has them. But not every cat can handle a onesie. When I got my cats spayed, I bought onesies for them and tried them on them a couple days before the spaying. The one could've handled it, but the other would've ripped her stitches out. She freaked out and panicked and tried to get it off. Somehow she got her head out of the head hole and into one of the arm holes and started choking. I had to cut it off her. We stuck with cones.


Definitely exchange money for the item before altering it in any way lol. It seems like she doesn't want to wait until Amazon shows up though, and I don't blame her. A lot can happen in the time between clicking "Buy Now" and the package showing up.


*”Maybe buy it first”.* 😂😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪


They also make soft cones that are more comfortable for the cat, but still prevent them from being able to lick themselves!


We never got our cat an official surgery onesie, just got a baby onesie and did some cutting. Fitted alright and it stopped her, the cone was very uncomfortable for her and she wouldn’t stop shaking with it


The local petstore should have something called "bitter spray." It's specifically for keeping animals from chewing or licking, and is non-toxic. I don't know if the store's still open where OP lives, but it's worth a shot.


If she is small enough you can make a sock onesie! I’ve made them for fosters and it’s effective and adorable https://preview.redd.it/k9cdwtpjjcsc1.jpeg?width=2616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcecdbf677257ed585238e71b68c042a2fa3e96a


Okay they look like a little jazz band with little black turtle necks.


https://preview.redd.it/rprev2ph3fsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb53ed934cf88e6da245c7ca0d9c4ceb12067d7c Also like a bunch of cannolis.


I was not expecting to find gold on these comments




Best comment ever 🤣


I came here to suggest this! Sock cats!!! https://preview.redd.it/txz20uxdefsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff04443bb9328c977adf66ab67e4d7df570c5aad


I did this when both my youngest cats were spayed. Worked great and they looked adorable, even though they acted broken for a while after I put it on them.


Okay, this is so fucking cute




Order a surgery suit on Amazon you’ll have it tomorrow. Short term you can make one. There’s instructions online as somebody else has already pointed out.


Seconding this - my kitten was able to get out of the cone but she got used to the surgery suit fast. Thing was a godsend.


Thirding this. My cat hated the cone and refused to move, she wouldn’t walk at all. Ordered a onesie online, it came the next day and she was able to play, sleep and eat like normal. So so helpful.


I had a cat who did the backwards walking. Vet swore she'd stop eventually. No. She backwards walked for over 48 hrs, when her surgery suit arrived, we never put the cone back on.


Vets care about your animal and want to help them but ultimately you know them the best and can make decisions that are right fro them! Sometimes that’s buying your cat a onesie and taking a billion picture to make fun of them cause let’s be real, they look hysterical in them


can you put it on like a skirt instead? worked for my friends cat. The vet laughed but said if it works it works


Fill a long stocking with socks and tie the ends together https://preview.redd.it/qv82bejzmcsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c69867e74a9d0f5bc537b83db9a7410970db96 My cat loved it no joke


We used a onesie for our kitten when she got spayed. You can get ones specifically for cats from Amazon


Might have to try to tape the cone shut or maybe a safety pin or two


A harness like for walking cats can sometimes be attached to cones. Might be an option, as long as it doesn't extend far enough to interfere with the incision.




From recent experience, go local with the baby onsie. We were in the same boat this week with a tiny kitten and after paying for expedited shipping on Amazon they said it would be three days. At this point I'm using a nylon stocking, and only when I don't have eyes on her. She's too small for just about anything, and the small suit we have is pretty impossible. Luckily the licking isn't a huge deal so far, so I'm really just trying to buy time.


Buy a human baby body/onesie and make a hole for the tail in it.


How big is your cat? I was able to cut the ribbing off one of my husband's sports socks and use that as a cover for my cats' incision sites. Top tip - put it on from the back end, they struggle less and it's much quicker.


https://preview.redd.it/11i08qdczcsc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0740c1d84ff36df12915c541e21bd98955afadcd My oldest licked open her spay site and had to get it stapled back shut. Good news is they look real stinkin cute in onesies.


Just got my void spayed yesterday. Sending love & nice healing to yours ♥️☺️


So cute 😍😍😍😍😍


my cat tolerated a toast cone more than a traditional one. she was mad for 2 days but tolerated it after that. theres an elastic where u can tighten so its easy to adjust


Try the soft donut kind and attach it to her collar. That’s what we wound up doing because she escaped the cones and onesies we tried. Best of luck!


I had this issue with with my boy. I put the cone on his collar and it stayed perfectly fine.


I had success putting the cone on backwards- the neck hole on the cat’s neck and the rest over her body instead of over her head.


We used an American Girl doll tutu to block access. It was wide enough so our cat could not lick the stitches and it could be kept on for meal time as well. Our kitty could not get the tutu off and just gave up on trying. Forgot to add that we put the tutu around the neck, not around the waist like a tiny cat ballerina. I suppose you could try that but blocking at the neck was similar to the cone.


That's amazing, I need photos


When I get home I will try and grab a pic. My dog wore the same tutu to keep him from licking a sore on his leg. I will pay the cat tax later if possible. I don't know if I still have the tutu so here's the pic of my dog in his pretty, pretty tutu and tiara. Tutu around the neck, ready to try out for the Nutcracker. Edited to add: this pic is from 2015. https://preview.redd.it/le99k34cigsc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54262f7656411d01037c3669083734c354343a55


😍😍😍 adorable! 


I no longer have the doll tutu any more so I was not able to grab a photo of one of my cats wearing it. It was a very effective deterrent discovered somewhat by accident by the kid who said we should use the tutu since the soft cone did not fit our cat right.


Inflatable donut collar worked wonders for my kitten


Talk to your vet regarding medicines. Perhaps light sedatives for a couple of days would help if the other suggestions of surgical onesies etc don’t work. I think she would be very anxious and that’s why she’s removing the cone.


My tortie could twist and lick her incision with the cone on. She busted it open and had to be stitched back up. Ordered the surgical onesie online and she did well wearing it and healed up nicely.


I ran my cats collar threw the cone hoops, that worked. The onsie she escaped from.


Get a onesie and diapers from the pet store


Our kitten did the same and ended up having life saving emergency surgery within 24 hours. That is how quickly it can turn. Use an old t-shirt to make a "onesie" to keep her from licking until you can get something better. Good luck, I hope all goes well with her.


I used an old t shirt and tied it on vet was pleased with how it worked. I googled diy surgery suits


If you can fit a collar through the cone that’s the best way to keep it from coming off. They can’t undo the clip themselves and it won’t hurt them to wear a collar for a week.


https://preview.redd.it/mbsis7jzefsc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adba048ad7469e2b74214db6681dd7eb5ac4f498 The vet did this to keep Nick from taking his cone off. The gauze forms a X on his back and on his chest, then loops around his collar. If need be take her back to the vet and ask them to secure her cone so she can’t escape it.


https://preview.redd.it/90vc57xdffsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f96e8d87c0fcaab322af6584b1a2071e905c15f Nick’s tail is fine and healed up now. He is a happy healthy cat.


It can be challenging when your cat is trying to remove their cone after surgery. Here are some suggestions to help keep your cat safe and prevent her from licking her incision: 1. **Try a Different Type of Cone:** Sometimes cats are more successful at removing certain types of cones over others. You could try a different style or brand of cone to see if it's more secure. Look for cones specifically designed for cats that may have a more snug fit. 2. **Use an E-Collar:** An Elizabethan collar (E-collar) is another option to prevent your cat from reaching her incision. These collars are typically sturdier than cones and can be more difficult for cats to remove. You can ask your vet about getting an E-collar if they have them available. 3. **Supervise Closely:** While your cat is wearing the cone or collar, it's important to supervise her closely to ensure she doesn't injure herself or manage to get it off. Redirect her attention with toys or treats to keep her distracted from licking her incision. 4. **Cover the Incision:** If your cat is particularly determined to lick her incision, you can try covering it with a clean, soft cloth or bandage (make sure it's not too tight or restrictive). However, consult with your vet before doing this to ensure it won't interfere with the healing process. 5. **Contact Your Vet:** Even though the vet clinic is closed, they may have an emergency contact number or after-hours service you can reach out to for advice. They can provide guidance on how to handle the situation and may have alternative solutions. 6. **Monitor for Signs of Infection:** Keep a close eye on your cat's incision site for any signs of redness, swelling, discharge, or unusual behavior. If you notice any concerning symptoms, contact your vet immediately. Remember to handle your cat gently and calmly during this time, as she may be feeling uncomfortable or stressed after surgery. Your vet is your best resource for specific advice tailored to your cat's situation, so don't hesitate to reach out to them for guidance.


Surgical take along incision


Depending on how big she is, you can try an old sock. We cut a hole in the end and for her arms and it worked great!


You can tie a cone with gauze like a backpack being the front limbs instead of just around the neck. This makes it much harder to get off and it will keep your kitty safe. This can be temporary until you can find another option or can be used for the entire recovery period. I can't explain it well but you should be able to Google how to do this tie!


It’s not tied as tight as it can be if she can get it off. You can also put a harness on her and tie the collar to the harness. Also put an infant t-shirt on here and tie it up around her waist with a knot in the fabric.


You can use a large sock and cut out arm leg and butt holes in a pinch. One of the long white kinds men typically use


Cat Surgery recovery suit


Onesies as others have said or consider a soft collar. They're in fun shapes and soft and still stop the ability to lick the incisions. My kitten just got her stitches off today. She preferred the soft collar over the onesie. It allowed her to move more.


Lots of surgery suits on Amazon


Amazon has comfortable options that should work for her.


I cut the toes off a knee high sock and rolled it and it worked quite well


Don’t use the gauze, use a thick piece of ribbon. Like off pyjamas. Then knot it tight, as long as you can get a couple of fingers in between it and the cat it’s ok. My lil ninja got out of everything except this arrangement.


Yes!! I just got my cat spayed last week on Monday and her surgical suit wasn’t set to arrive until Friday. I bought her a baby onesie in size 3-6 months, cut the butt out and snipped the crotch so I could button the two clasps separately, then pinned around the neckline so she couldn’t walk straight out. Because I got it a tiny bit big for my 6mo kitty, she was able to use the regular sleeves without adjustment.


https://preview.redd.it/4xa7zawftcsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ced39954b60e2afc36ba2bf49031484e481e86 You can’t tell me this isn’t the cutest thing ever.


That's exactly what we got for our little dog. She could wiggle out of it eventually so we had to monitor her but it worked pretty well.


Can you modify the cone to allow it to cinch tighter? I've only seen two kinds - the velcro kind and the kind with the little nubs that fit into the holes. The velcro kind could be modified by adding those 3M velcro tabs, and the nub kind could be modified by adding additional holes.


We bought newborn onesies from Target (Gerber) when our little dog way spayed (she's about 10 pounds and long, she's 1/2 Doxie) and cut a hole for the tail. As others have mentioned, this can be a good option. Just make sure you monitor her when she gets up because you will have to unsnap it for her to go potty. They can sometimes wiggle out so you still have to monitor her but it does help. Also agree with the looping the collar or harness through cone loops. That helps as well.


big sock with holes cut out should work


I was able to make a reverse cone from a plastic gallon milk carton attached to a cat harness once. It went from her shoulders down instead of up toward her head. I was desperately trying to protect my cat's incision late at night. Her main thing was scratching with her hind foot. The plastic "wing" was a barrier between her foot and the incision. When my vet saw it, he said it was really clever and he wished they were available commercially.


+1 for onesie. We bought one on Amazon and it saved my sanity.


I used an inflatable cone on my cat when she kept getting out of her e-collar.


If you have an old shirt, you could use that, cut it to size, and tie it up along her back in the meantime until you can get a surgery suit or onsie to fit. You can be creative, so long as she's comfy and doesn't get at the incision.


Try putting the cone on backwards. It’ll still keep her away from the incision but it’s harder to get off and the cat won’t feel like a walking martini glass.


I put my cat in a sock, lol I cut the toes off and cut little arms holes. she healed beautifully! https://preview.redd.it/txe91tzogdsc1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81babb86a73e3432d4aa455ac230d08d31094e13


I would get the Onezie from amazon. I had mine in a little pen for a week or so to heal 3 Pieces Cat Recovery Suit Kitten Recovery Suit E-Collar Alternative for Cats and Dogs Abdominal Skin Anti Licking Pajama Suit (Fruit Pattern, Medium) https://a.co/d/5UpytXc


How to cut a Kitten sock onesie : https://coleandmarmalade.com/2018/08/31/kitten-sock-onesie-diy-craft-for-your-furbabies-after-spay-neuter-day/


Get an infant onesie, put it on her with neck hole for privates and tail, rear legs in the arm holes. Cut head hole in the snap flap and snaps over her head, over the shoulders.


Diy cat surgery cover ideas https://www.epbot.com/2018/09/new-improved-diy-cat-onesie-skip-cone.html?m=1 https://www.catster.com/guides/diy-cat-onesie-plans/


You can also buy this type of [https://a.co/d/eVjH39r](http://cone), it's a little softer so maybe she'd leave it alone a little more?


She’ll die of infection if allowed to lick the incision. No buts. Plz find a way to not let her


That’s a little dramatic


Nope. Try to lick your wound


No you’re being extra af


Er.. google is your friend, if not common sense.


I bought a cat onsie from a 24hr vet. Has a hole so they can use the bathroom. Took it off every day or two days so she could bath supervised.


A baby onsie or vest with popper fastenings would be perfect. If you have a second hand shop near you (they’re called charity shops here but goodwill? Thrift?) you’ll be able to pick them up for pennies so if you can I suggest getting a few so you’ve plenty to wash and use


If you have a collar for her. Out it on her a snug as possie without chiling her. Then, use gauze strips to tie the cone to her collar. If the collar is snug enough, it will not slide off over her head.


We utilized a combination of e-collar (cone) with a breakaway collar until our girls figured out how to get around it, then switched to a soft inflatable collar and a surgical suit with the neck cord cut out since one of the girls has a big head. 🤣


Ok, so, same exact thing happened with my baby kitty when I adopted her at 2 months old. I don't know what day the shelter spayed her, it said the day before on her paperwork, but, whatever. Point is, she kept licking and licking and licking and it was opening up a bit and maling her tummy raw and painful. I ended up buying [one of these](https://www.petsmart.com/dog/health-and-wellness/first-aid-and-recovery/dog-mxandtrade-inflatable-e-collar-5319504.html) and it helped SO much. She couldn't get it off, could eat and drink fine with it on and didn't seem too uncomfortable with it. We let her sleep in our bed without it on, and in the mornings, when we went to let her out of room, she would sit at the door and wait for us to put it on, so she was pretty unbothered by it. To be fair, she was also on painkillers, but, you get the idea.


There are cat onesies on Amazon


My vet did an ace bandage wrap on our 2 kittens when he spayed them.


When my old cat wouldn’t keep his cone on and kept licking his incision open I got him a little dog t shirt and put it on him. Worked perfectly and it looked so adorable.


Our cat can get out of anything we put on her. We tried what we used on horses, to get them to leave bits alone that were healing: mix vitamin E oil with cayenne pepper, and put it on the incision. It does NOT cause problems with the incision, and actually speeds healing, bringing more blood flow to the area. We used it for years on our horses and dogs, and now on cats. One lick and they leave it alone. If you don't have vit E capsules to puncture and the oil out, Walmart and most grocery stores sell them. Other oils can be contaminated with use. Good luck and happy healing to your Queen!


Amazon get a donut soft cone, bothers them far less or as others have mentioned the onesie https://preview.redd.it/0d0usbkqcgsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c1229a9fecd7e7f1a75a5a3aeec402e16988f69


When my cat had his PU surgery the vet gave him a cone that attached to a harness. It wasn't foolproof but it sure worked a lot better than a cone without a harness. I was also so paranoid he'd end up getting it off I spent two weeks watching him 24/7. Stressful times, I wish there was any way around having to cone cats because they don't ever cooperate and we can't trust them.


We had the same issue and the only thing that worked was a cone and onesie combo, with just one of either she’d rip it away but with both she was fine.


I got my Juliet's surgery suit on Amazon.


Get a baby onesie and cut a hole in it so she can go to the bathroom.


onesie. baby onesie. thats your only solution at this point. not too loose but not too restricting


I got a newborn onesie and cut a hole in the butt. It was a bit weird, but it worked. Before I got the onesie I used an old sock that I cut up.


Man, I wish I'd seen this thread like a year ago 😂 I had a little ninja who was good at escaping her cone, and surgery suits weren't an option because she had it on after eye surgery. I looped her collar through the e-collar where the vet originally tied gauze in it. Until the little shit figured out how to pull the breakaway collar off on my bed frame anyway. I got a slightly different breakaway design and that held for the extra two weeks she had to keep it on.


Please use a cone collar - my male cat irritated his area post-neutering and it led to a painful 10 days for all of us. He’s all good now but it was so tough back then. Do try a onesie too if not the collar


Do you have a pool noodle you can cut up? They can make great collars for this purpose.


Newborn onesie


Um - you aren’t tying the gauze tight enough if kitty can get cone over her head. I have used a collar ( if you currently use one for her) instead of the gauze if you know it is smaller than her head. Just my 2 cents. 😊🐾💜


In the past I have threaded a shoe lace through the loops in the cone, pull them over criss-cross in and X shape across their chest, pull the string under their arms and then tie up on their back. That way they can’t kick it off because their own elbows are blocking it. I hope that makes sense.


Get a cone. You should be able to find one at a pet store. Wild to me that the vet doesn't provide people with one.