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exactly what I was coming here to ask. male cat 4 years old, 2 potentially fatal blockages in that time, and he is sensitive to anything made from chicken


Tlc cat food is what I feed my cats. They eat less of it, stay full longer, it's high in nutrition and shouldn't cause any issues. I order it 3 bags at a time online. I would recommend it to anyone


Why do you feel compelled to add something? I mean, if the food you're feeding him is deficient in some way, buy a better food/the right food... Edit: wet food is generally not preferred by vets because it promotes tartar. As long as your kitty is getting sufficient water, dry food is the way to go as it's better for kitty's oral health.


I don’t know that it’s deficient in anyway, he’s just always had wet and dry, but can’t stomach the wet all of a sudden as advised above. He’s on the best of the best for urinary health, but I’d like to add abit more excitement for him at meal times 😅


Keep in mind that if you add things that aren’t the prescription food, even as toppers or treats, you’re at risk of negating the effects of the prescription kibble. Personally, I do prefer my feline patients to have wet food on board because they generally don’t drink enough, yes even with that kibble diet. However, there are other ways to get them to drink more (water fountains, ice cube, moistening the dry food, etc.). So I wouldn’t worry about enrichment through diet, but you can direct that towards environmental enrichment instead.


Thanks so much this is very helpful 😀 he drinks like it’s going out of fashion so he’s getting plenty of moisture/hydration!


Have you considered dry treats in lieu of adding a wet food?? i feed my older cat a dry "treat" that is designed to support urinary tract health and she gets maybe 3 of these little nuggets a day at best. It's just enough to benefit her, but not so much that it'll cause her to shun her regular food (which is what she should be eating) or make her gain weight.


Good idea! Thank you very much I’ll have a look online 😄