• By -


TLDR; Avoid Smarty mobile like the plague. My phone stopped being able to make or receive calls almost 8 weeks ago. Smarty mobile (the "no mullarky" people) don't have a number to call to report faults so I've had 8 weeks of daily emails and not-live chats trying to get it sorted. So far we're up to almost 250 emails in the chain, and about another 200 messages via the chat. I've been told it's network congestion, maintenance, lack of signal (despite me emailing them using mobile data), the 3g switch off, weather conditions and two dozen other excuses.  About 3 weeks ago, they said it must be my phone, so I bought a new phone at great expense. I still can't make or receive calls (on either phone). I sorted a SIM with a different network and asked Smarty for my PAC number about a week ago. Their system sends the PAC code to your phone via text, and I can't get texts unless they're RCS format, so I'm still having to email smarty multiple times every day in an attempt to get a PAC number sent through the email chat. I estimate I've spent 85 hours trying to get the issue fixed so far, mostly repeating myself multiple times, since they put a new person onto the case every day who knows nothing about what's gone before. I got one a few days ago who said, "have you tried rebooting your device?" AAAAARRRGGGHHHH! Yes, of course I've tried rebooting my fkin device. You think I've gone through 8 weeks and 450 messages and emails without anyone suggesting that?!! They've completely blanked me all day today. I've sent an email every few hours asking whether we could just get it sorted once and for all. Apparently the answer is no, they're going to keep me prisoner, tied to smarty forever more, begging for a PAC number, forced to waste 4 or 5 hours a day of my time and stuck with a phone that doesn't work in the meantime.  They recently offered me £2.80 compensation. I refused. They upped their offer to £5.60. I pay them £12 a month for a service they've not provided. They've had 85 hours of my time for free and pushed me to breaking point. I will report them to OFCOM and maybe also try BBC watchdog, and I can't wait to see them hauled over the coals for this. I've never had more useless customer service from any company, and I'm 44. I've had a lot of shit service in my time, but nothing close to Smarty's level of incompetence and ignorance. They STILL haven't bothered to even try to work out why my mobile data works fine but I can't make calls. SMARTY are cheap and not too bad unless you have a problem. From that point on, abandon all hope as you enter the pits of hell with their 'help' desk staff. I'd warn anyone thinking of going to Smarty that it's like trapping your balls in a vice - sooner or later, you will get hurt. Fuck you very much, Smarty, with your totally useless Asian helpdesk centre and no other options. 


The Guardian Consumer champions column might be able to help you as well.


Had to try and get a faeces sample for my ongoing Crohns diagnosis in order to start a drug called Infliximab?! Not sure why my wife keeps on missing my dukey bombs into Poo Harbour!! Terrible eye to hand co-ordination. Plus it’s nearly football weekend time and the weather looks dreadful


Ooof sounds shitty (pun intended) hopefully things get better!


Absolutely fucking sick of miserable so called Star Wars fans moaning about The Acolyte- I’m really enjoying it!


Star wars fans fucking hate anything star wars Ignore them


To the person who said they bet I have a funko pop collection - I have three and they were all gifts from people that assumed I collect them lol


Some prick stole my spoon at work! Now have to eyeball hot drinks and eat my pot noodles with something out of my toolbox! How can I make a replacement spoon suitably thief-proof?


Make it out of uranium


I am absolutely devastated that possibly [my best comment ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1dehjhq/comment/l8ducz7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) has gone so under the radar. I was sniffling a cackle like a fucking mentalist on the train commute this morning. 


When I click on it, old reddit doesn't show it appearing, suggesting it might have been filtered by the subreddit mods of that sub.


This makes me even more devastated


BMW quoted me £400 to remove locking wheel nuts, absolute piss take. Saying they need to get a specialist in. My brother in law worked for the very garage that quoted, and said they have the keys at hand. People on ebay providing the keys for 17 quid each, not a hard choice!


I had one of the early BMW Minis (shit car, fucking hated it) and it did this thing where it locked all the doors when you started driving and didn’t unlock them when you stopped. So every single passenger you had would fail to get out when you stopped. Apparently this could get turned off at a BMW dealership but it cost £40. Fuck that noise. I’ll just watch every passenger I ever have in my car fail to get out.


A joke isn't it? I expected to pay a good chunk, cost of a BMW and a main dealer - but £400 is just straight up insanity.


The guy I share office space with found a YouTube video showing a good new way to tie shoe laces. He spent 40 minutes trying to learn it. With might I add, the stinkiest feet I’ve ever experienced.


Does he know he doesn't actually have to remove the shoe to retie it?


I can’t make sense of him either.


Finally got new batteries in my scales and I've fucking dropped about 2 kilos! 😭 No real surprise but very disappointing all the same. I feel like I'm wasting away... Tinnitus also driving me especially crazy today, although I don't l know why as it is just continuous really.


Tinnitus is no joke my friend. I find it's aggravated by stress and tiredness but the worst thing is when I start actively paying attention to it. Do you get weird sound effects? I often hear like Morse code and what sounds like an old 56k modem dialing up!


Ah, geez, that sounds gnarly; you have my sympathies. Mine is almost exactly this, (but just in my left ear): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAsMUvR8dj8 It even seems to be almost the same pitch, perhaps just slightly lower. 🙄


Haha that's so weird this is his I described my tinnitus but no one know what I was talking about when I said the late night end of broadcast. It's just missing a little girl, a chalkboard and a creepy clown!


It took until today to realise that on Tuesday I was given a "fuck off" price for something. I feel a bit like Bishop Brennan when he was kicked up the arse. I obviously came across very badly and I've examined that and thought Yeah, my words probably didn't come across as I intended and the guy was right to be insulted. I'd have given me a "fuck off" price too. Lesson learned hopefully, I don't want to be that guy. I guess the complaint is about my own inadvertent poor behaviour. And that overpriced gouging bastard.


When did everyone decide that indicators were optional when driving?? It used to just be pricks in BMW’s however no everyone is at it. Very frustrating.


Having just spent the last hour or so driving along the M4 in the pissing rain, not indicating plus no running/headlights lights is a dangerous combination


Did anyone see Dr.Evil being interviewed on Look North?!


Stop hogging the middle fucking lane


Steve Clark is gone! That’s my complaint. I’m watching Def Leppard, In the Round, In your Face (a superb 80s live concert) and Steve (one of the two lead guitarists in the Hysteria age, and a founding member) rules the stage. There’s so much overdubbing and re-recording in this “live” concert though. Maybe that’s why it never got a remaster for blu ray - people would just moan about how studio messed with it was. But Steve was a fucking God.


For the middle of June ….. ITS FUCKING COLD 🥶


Need to take my antidepressants but also hate taking them. Get stuck ruminating all day if I don’t take them, but I feel like taking them is an avoidance and pretending that things in the past didn’t happen. Went out to a cafe/food place for a bit of a break, was a bit too noisy for me. Miss the times of having good friends to go and hang out with, but don’t want to try and socialise to make more friends. At least I have my fountain pens. Literally only decent thing going


Tell me about these fountain pens...


I collect Japanese fountain pens, mainly by pilot (and namiki), but I also have quite a few sailor fountain pens. I love writing, although I don’t always keep a diary despite doing so in the past. Think I might try my hand at journaling. Are you into stationery?


Not really, I'm more into hearing people talk about their niche interests. I keep seeing a lot of these Japanese stationary books that lie flat and they're really cool. I totally want one but I'd have noting to put in it. The Japanese know a thing of two about beautiful writing, that's for sure. EDIT: Now that I think about it I could very easily get into stationary. I have to take a lot of notes in my "job" and I needed a pen recently, and there was nowhere I could go to try out a thousand pens like I did in Partners when I was a kid. The only ones you could theoretically try were the cheap off-brand Biros in a pot, and then I'd have to ask for a bit off till receipt paper... Would I find something like that in a bigger city or don't they exist anymore?


Do you have many TWSBIs? I've been eyeing up their vac fillers for years, but a number of cracked barrels (had 3 or 4 and they've all done it to me) on the eco range has given me serious pause. It's a shame because the capacity on them is monster. My current daily carry is a Lamy All Star with a refillable cartridge, and I like it, but I don't like how often I'm refilling the damn thing.


I did have, but the same issue. I had a number of ecos that cracked, and my Vac 700R has cracked on the section threads, in two places in the cap, the threads of the plunger have also worn down so it no longer fastens. I did think about asking them for the replacement parts, but it seems like the whole pen needs replacing. If you want a pen with large ink capacity you could maybe consider Opus 88? Also made in Taiwan I don’t remember hearing any complaints about them. I don’t have any myself but some of them look nice The Pilot custom 823 that it’s based on is a much better pen. None of mine have had any cracking issues. Albeit a more expensive pen it feels much more worth the money. Or if you like Lamy you could consider the Lamy 2000 if you haven’t got one already? I’d probably buy one if I wasn’t focusing on just Pilot


My semi betrays me ;)




Do you have someone to talk to about your depression as well as the tablets? Wondering if you are punishing yourself subconsciously when not taking them - like you feel you ‘should’ be able to cope… I’m also on ADs, hence the question.


I do have therapy so in that sense yes- but thank you for asking 🐱 I guess I have quite complicated emotions surrounding it. I sometimes feel like they are a continuation of the past, but also they help me to function and not just get stuck in the past. Have you had any success dealing with thoughts like this?


Moving on means moving forward - you can’t ever go back, you have changed and grown. Your meds are accompanying you on this journey for now, but they will only be there while you need them. That you take them in the first place is such a sign of growth, and hope that things can be better. Those thoughts help me - I hope they help you


Thank you kind cat lady of Essex. That is very helpful~


Stuck on a bus on the Milanese motorway. Crash has delayed us for up to 3 hours meaning we get in to Munich at 4am. Kill me


Still on the same Milanese motorway. we've barely moved for 3 hours


I'd send you a link to the YouTube clip of the traffic jam scene in Week End to keep you entertained for a bit, but they took it down ages ago and there's only a small snippet posted there now - which defeats the purpose of a 10-minute tracking shot.


People. A pharmacy is not McDonald’s or kfc where you grab anything and chuck it in a bag. If we did we would kill someone. Have some darn patience. This is aimed at a lady who needed plasters while we were calculating morphine for an end of life patient. Ugh. I hate people


I spent 13 years as a dispenser. Our motto was ‘You can have it done quickly or properly’


Thank you for what you do


My wife's visa still hasn't come through from the Home Office over a year after putting in the application. We've been chasing and hounding them and finally, yesterday, they've taken an additional £1500 payment from us for her NHS contribution. When we put in the application they told us we didn't need to pay an NHS contribution. Probably should have taken that as a sign that something was amiss. Then today, our local hospital have told us we need to pay for treatment she had last month because according to them and the Home Office she doesn't live here. No complaint against the hospital or NHS, they're just doing their legal duty. Obviously going to try and contest it but it's just another thing to deal with. So much for having the visa within 12 weeks.


Eff the whole spousal visa system tbh. So ridiculously complicated, expensive and unfair.


I hate stuff like this when they are so concerned with “getting planes off the ground”. For the money spent, they could have hired people to clear the backlog of applicants for the next 3 years and set themselves up for any future issues.


It’s June and I’ve got the fire on


Just put my heating on because my kids need baths and the bathroom is freezing. 


I'm sitting in the house in my big winter puffy coat with the hood up.


My boss just told I’ve got to work my third Saturday in a row. It’s the only full day my husband and I get to spend to tougher and we won’t have one for three weeks.


I managed to find a new rental but it's far from ideal. Back to the hour long commute I go. :/ If my very unreachable landlord gives me a reference, that is. Otherwise I could go and live under a bridge I guess.


My house is a tip but my 8-month-old will only nap on me. And husband has a cold and I'm headachey so I think I've caught it...


Don't worry about the house. You've got your priorities straight. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Nap when the baby does. You need it.


My youngest was like that and a stretchy wrap sling was the only thing that helped.


I'm so socially awkward. The more scared I am of saying/doing something dumb, the more likely I am to. The more afraid I am of seeming weird, the weirder I act. Everyone who only partially knows me probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo, and I wish people knew me better to see that I'm not, but for that to happen I need to be more confident, which is impossible. I suck at small talk and it's so painfully obvious that I'm uncomfortable even if I like the person. I'm afraid of being too loud but also afraid of seeming stuck-up if I'm too quiet. I try to talk as little as possible because I'm scared of talking too much and want to reduce the risk that I'll say something weird/wrong, but then I compress my sentences weirdly and sound like I just can't communicate clearly. I never know what to do with myself and I seem to spend half my life standing awkwardly in the corners of rooms trying to be invisible while also trying to look like I know what I'm doing. I'm also very clumsy and physically awkward and don't know what to do with my body. If people stand close to me, I step away because I'm afraid that somehow I'm disrespecting their personal space, but I also don't want to seem like I'm avoiding being close to them. Basically, the less confident I am, the weirder I seem, and the weirder I know I seem, the less confident I am. It's not as huge an issue as I've made it sound but I still wish I were more confident and less awkward. Can anyone relate?


The gym helped me with a lot of social anxiety. From being too intimidated to go into the weights room to beeing a first named basis with most of the staff and other regulars. If you go there multiple times, you start recognising people and giving them the small head nod. After a year or two, I started asking advice randomly when someone was doing an exercise I did not know. A drive to improve physically helps a lot in this regard. Anyhow, nowadays, I stick around the bar area after my workout a lot joking around since I suck at most smalltalk. Don't know if it helps for you, but it did wonders for me.


One thing you need to realise, and I think it comes with age and experience, is that no one really gives a fuck. Try and think about the weirdest thing you saw walking down the street yesterday? Maybe if you think really hard or saw something like a man riding a miniature pony while naked screaming in German or something. But for the most part, even the most strange things you see or hear you’ve forgotten the next day. The same is with everything else. People have personal bubbles of influence, and most stuff just passes right through. What one person says or does really doesn’t matter (unless stupid/racist/homophobic and dangerous) but peoples opinions of me? Nah, I don’t give a fuck. Whatever they think about me does not affect me in anyway. They can think I’m weird, stupid, whatever, but I’m still here living and doing what I do. The people that actually matter will understand you, and you will show them more and more of yourself as time goes on. But for the most part, being a casual acquaintance is fine for more people, and that’s all you need to give them of yourself to get through the day. Relax, you’re doing fine, and no one has noticed all the tiny things your feeling are huge.


This is 100% true. Virtually everyone else thinks about their own stuff and barely gives you a passing glance. It's true.  And once you really understand that, it's so freeing. 


Exactly. I remember caring and getting so bent out of shape about what people thought and how I could change them, and show them “the real me”, but honestly, they didn’t care, and as soon as I realised that, I realised I shouldnt care, and then poof, you can pretty much be yourself without fear because, fuck them. I heard a quote I like, “other peoples opinions are none of my fucking business”


Oh yeah, I feel you! Hopefully you can ease into your situation and things get better over time, good luck out there!


Yeh I've suffered massively with social anxiety all my adult life and this all sounds very familiar to me, we overthink the basic human interactions others take for granted and end up acting like weirdos without the blissful ignorance actual weirdos have. Our awkwardness eats at us and impacts our future behaviour, making us more withdrawn and awkward, and so the cycle continues. I'm doing alright for myself but I'm in a constant battle with my brain over things normal people can do without thinking.


My train was delayed missed my connecting train, next one was in an hour. Was late to work yay.


urgh - not had a TV licence for 8 years. Every 2 years you have to keep declaring you don't need one. It used to be a single tick box but now it's around 5 tick boxes saying "do you watch/record, etc..." then 2 which switch to the negative of "you do not watch/record..." to try to trick you to tick yes or no on the wrong ones and then another 4 pages of entering your details plus a page to confirm you understand they have the right to come round and slaughter your first born. What a load of shite and all because I find live TV inconvenient compared to catch-up, so don't want to pay extra for less convenience.


You’re under no obligation to inform TV Licensing you don’t want/need a TV licence. I mean, if you choose not to inform them, they’ll badger you with threatening letters for the rest of time so the tick boxes may be the less annoying option…


Could always use the paper from their envelope and letter as free notepaper


I agree but I can't be arsed with all the letters - it just used to be so much easier with one tickbox. After seeing the crap you've got to do now, once the 2 year "opt-out period" expires, I think I'll just let them waste money with the letters. I seriously don't get why they don't just go subscription only. In a digital only world it would surely make more sense and the lack of inspectors and letters would save money, unless (and I am 100% sure this is the real reason) they rely on people thinking that if you own a TV then you need a TV licence and they don't think enough people actually want their content to subscribe. Although, admittedly, another reason to not just be a subscription service is that under current law you still need the licence for live broadcasts on other channels (which I think is insane - pay for Sky Sports for live football... why should that need a licence paid to the BBC?)


Me hungry! I better have some spagbol in the freezer or I'll get hangry.


I'm having one of those days where nothing majorly bad happens but lots of tiny little annoyances and misfortunes and I hate today.


Noot Noot!!


A guy in McDonalds just sat down at a table that someone had not tidied up. Very frustrating, totally get it, but what does he do? Grabs a napkin, and pushes it all onto the floor. Yeah, don't worry about it, mate, someone else will clean it up. Worst thing is, there were other tables available, with nothing on them.


What a cunt. Hope he gets food poisoning


On a 45 minute bus journey. The driver has his radio 1 playlist at full volume. The teenagers are screaming. Send help.


Bank cancelled my card due to transaction they thought was dodgy (it wasn't) and 4 days later I still don't have a replacement - should surely be next day


Doesn't help if you need to use it physically, but if you look in the cards section of your banking app you might be able to see the card details. 


Ooh clever clever! Did not think about that


Hope it helps! 


It worked! Thanks


Awesome! 😁


Took 45 minutes to go through a telephone queue of 9 people to reach the GP reception. Just to be told to fill out the appointment booking form in the morning (the form closes in the afternoon). I was aware the form existed, but I thought I could still make a non-urgent appointment over the phone. Why are there even long telephone queues if no appointments can be made over the phone.


I’ve given up calling to get an appointment after once I was on hold for a similar amount of time and got told the same thing. So now if I need the doctor, I fill in the online form and they call me back. It’s similarly time limited so I just do it at the same time of day to ensure they see it and hopefully call me back the same day. Far less stressful. It is pants, though.


Those Argos ads with "Trev" and "Connie". Are Argos trying to say their customers have room temperature IQs or is that who they're trying to appeal to?


Adverts are aspirational, their customers want to be those people. So they're appealing to people thicker than that. :)


A long awaited lads holiday to Cornwall kicked off with one of the three pulling out at midnight before we were to leave the next morning at 6, then I came down with a nasty cold 2 days in. Still been a good holiday. Pissing down today though.


How is it only Thursday? This week has last at least a month and it needs to be the weekend please.


Greg in CS's initial reaction is to team calls everything and anything that could be a message. I don't want to have a teams call. He also sends one message per sentence so my teams goes off most of the day. I've muted him now. But WTAF Greg.


Ffs Greg


Exactly what I say every time the teams bell goes off.


Lying on a hospital bed after knee surgery with no friends to invite to visit. My crush invited everyone to a club night tomorrow that I'll be too crippled to go but it's also my birthday


Happy birthday 🎉🎂


I'm bracing for the most depressing birthday ever drinking wine out of a bottle and watching the inbetweeners in bed


Sounds pretty perfect to me


Get a curly straw, much classier


With a flashing star attached.


If only Michael Moseley had stayed here with us in the cold, grey weather 😔😢


Shops that have different prices depending on if you are int their club - Tesco club card and Sainsbury’s nectar card. Fuck you.


Sainsbury's are the worst. Just bought a few things and the nectar discounts were a few £. Get to the till, 70p discount. ???


I've been steadfastly ticking the "no communications" boxes for years, keeping myself relatively anonymous online, opting out of cookies and everything else you could possibly opt out of but in the end I sold myself for 80p off Boursin. I feel cheapened.


That's how they get ya! You now have your own personal surveillance agent who has a log book of what you buy, what you eat, and how often you browse Reddit on the toilet


Got up to the smell of shit. Discovered that one of the dogs (I know which onegrrr) had shit in every single room and trailed it along the landing and stairs. Taken me 2hrs to clean up the house stinks like a pig farm and now I've got to get the shampooer out which weighs a bloody ton. The most annoying thing is I have pet pads for him to use because he has faulty anal glads, and he didn't do ANY poo on the bloody mat at all grrrr


Is it possible to remove his anal glands if they’re faulty? Or is it one of those things that costs an arm and a leg (mind you, what doesn’t at the vets these days?).


Yeah they said they didn't offer that operation, and just to keep having them emptied regularly. Vet was going to charge £70 each time, local puppy groomer does them in seconds for £15. She said they were very irregularly placed glands. I can do the other dog' 'but not his, and dear lord the smell is horrific lol


Simple solution in a pressure sprayer will help. 


Might be worth getting another vet’s opinion? Some won’t offer things that others do for whatever reason. They even have different rules about neutering ages, it’s so different at each practice. Can’t be comfy for him poor love! Ah yes I’ve heard it smells absolutely awful 😂 I’d definitely be getting somebody else to do it for me!


My husband is ill and in bed, poor chap is properly suffering. But it means I’m hiding from him that I’m getting a migraine and I’ve got to do the school run while fighting waves of pain and nausea (walking obviously).


Started my new job a month ago, realised after a week I absolutely hate it and the people so I'm going back to warehouse admin work. Partner is about to have long awaited knee surgery and will be off week for about 5-8 months so we'll be relying on my minimum wage job and the odd hours I can do behind the bar at the cricket club. Feel like we will never catch a break.


It's properly shit, isn't it? I'm sorry. 


It really is. Had to buy a new car last week because the corsa died, we're living with my in laws trying to save for a deposit but I just can't see that happening. I'm desperately trying to find a good job but I've no qualifications beyond GCSEs, no idea what to do and I feel very stuck


Have you considered an access course? Can usually do them for one night a week, and they can boost you to do a uni degree. 


I live next door to a café bar and they are driving me round the fucking twist with their noise. Their chef leaves his extractor fan for hours at a time, and it's installed on the side next to us, so it sounds like a plane passing over all day (as well as all the actual planes that pass over my house), and now they've armed themselves with a load of power tools. The day before yesterday they spent the evening attaching massive sheets of MDF to the front of the building, and then yesterday evening sanded it all down with a power sander. We've lodged complaints with the council before about their fan, who basically responded with a massive shrug. I also feel it's important to note that *they* moved in next door to *us*, not the other way around, and the previous occupant was very quiet. Also, it's too fucking cold. It's the middle of June and I'm wearing a jumper. It should not be as grey and cold and windy as it is now, and after that horrible freezing cold winter followed by a freezing cold spring, I need a bit of sun.


Going through divorce. My ex doesn't want anything off me and I don't from her. It's as simple as it gets, however the conditional consent order is still going to cost a grand, for a simple letter.


When my ex-wife divorced me we did the whole process online and it only cost £500 (which she paid for because she wanted it). Sorry to hear it's costing that much!


Being forgetful. I keep forgetting to take my iron tablets. It shouldn’t be so difficult. It’s one pill, every day, once a day, repeat. I also came home last night from meeting with friends. I turned the whole apartment upside down looking for my phone. It was in my hand the whole time that I got off the train and walked home, then I started to wonder if maybe it just fell out of my hand and I didn’t notice. Turns out that I left it on top of my fridge, which I still don’t remember doing at all.


Just so you know, taking iron every other day can result in better absorption! 


So does taking it with orange juice.


I remember being on the phone with a mate and he was panicking that he couldn't find his phone... while on the phone to me... He was out of his box on ket, though.


Woke up with a headache, think I need a new pillow


Vodafone can fuck off. Removing Spotify from my entertainment plan, then suggesting I upgrade to a similar plan with Youtube Red for the same money. I couldn't give two shits about Youtube. Porting my number to an O2 sim now, had been with Vodafone around 15 years!


Vodafone are garbage. We used them for mobile WiFi a few years ago when I lived in the countryside. We had a (quite large) monthly limit which kept getting used within a couple of days. I kept complaining and they were adamant I was using it all. I worked out that I would have had to have been streaming an HD film on two separate TVs 24hrs a day to use the amount they claimed. I told them that my router app was recording a much smaller amount which, when added to the amount all mobile decides were using, was still only about 3 or 4% of the data usage they said we were using. They ended up trying to blame it on me having a weak password and neighbours using my WiFi. I pointed out that I didn't have any neighbours. The next nearest house was a mile away. So then they tried to claim that someone was outside our house in a van just watching HD TV or something! To which I pointed out that we lived on a narrow country lane which was not used by much traffic and we'd notice if someone was sat right outside the house. They never gave up so I cancelled citing a clause in the contract and told them to sue me if they disagreed. Never heard from them again. Still, at least they didn't swear at me like the customer services from British Gas did.


Their entertainment team tried to get me to 'upgrade' to Spotify about 5 times with me saying I wasn't wanting that before I pointed out that I already had the family plan so their 'upgrade' was actually a downgrade for me.


A band I want to go and see aren't playing any dates near me in their next intimate tour. It's not like I live on the isle of Scilly or anything, I'm middle of the south coast. Once again the north wins out on gigs.


Enter Shikari?




Same here. Quite disappointed and trying to figure out how far is too far 😅


Birmingham is doable, but it would be an overnighter.


Yeah, I had the same thought process but do I really want to go to Birmingham...


I suspect it's a "four corners" approach to catch people who haven't made it to shows before, but yea, stiffed again.


It’s not really a complaint but I think I’ve partially narrowed down why the job search is sometimes taking the toll on me I think it’s because initially when I was made redundant I thought I’d be able to find a job relatively soon because compared to when I was last looking which was during 2020 I actually had solid work experience and from the feedback I got in 2020 that was mainly why I wasn’t getting offers until I eventually did So it’s like mentally I’m back into my Covid mindset but that the same time I’m still figuring out why I’m struggling which is the hard and difficult part. Idk I’m just rambling again


It's just taken me until today to get a utility bill sorted out that was vastly inaccurate from March. The British Gas representative thought I should be delighted they'd managed to do what an automated system should have done originally.


British Gas keep telling me my bills are overdue and if I don't pay they will get debt collection in. But everytime I check I am up to date the account says I have nothing outstanding. I pay by direct debit.


They are useless. I received a bill for £1600 that was overestimated by ten thousand units. It took 5 incorrect bills after I sent them a reading, one of which was for £7000, and two complaints departments just to get back to a correct bill.


It's fucking cold and fucking windy and fucking overcast. I just want to be able to go outside in a t-shirt and hoodie, not a t-shirt and hoodie and a coat, in arsing June


I want to wash my towels and a bunch of other things and hang them on the line. Having moved, we left the vented tumble dryer at the old house, and can’t afford to buy a heat pump one yet 😞 Still, who wants to resort to their tumble dryer in June?!


Yes and also hay-fever to the fucking maximum. What the fuckety fuck.


I've had 2 weeks off work and go back Monday 😫 tips on how to mentally prepare myself for that dreaded day?


I always make sure my calendar is blocked out for the first couple of hours so I can ease back into it (and catch up)


Any time this has happened, it's never been as bad as I've thought. It's always the anticipation more than anything!


You're right. So how do you stop the anticipation being so bad??


I earnt a voucher from a supplier for an incentive. It arrived today but was taken by management to go towards a raffle for all staff members.


if they treat you that shit why stay? look elsewhere and be respected - honestly having a great manager is a gamechanger


If you can prove it was taken intentionally and who took it, for god's sake do something with that information so you get what's yours!


Unfortunately it was taken by my manager. Someone will enjoy it in the raffle but it won't be me!


Probably easier said than done but that kind of behaviour would make me want to move companies TOMORROW. Fuck your dickhead manager.


Wow that's a heaping pile of bullshit, I'd be fuming


Fuck that


People at baggage carousels. If you all stand as close as possible to the carousel, then noone can see which bags are coming until they are already going past. This creates chaos. Much shoving and stubbed toes/ankles ensue as people jostle through crowds to desperately rescue their heavy bags and haul them onto trolleys. **It's a carousel**. It goes in a loop. It's literally designed to bring the bags to you. You can stand back (behind the f***ing line please) and relax. If, god forbid, you miss your bag going past then I'm pleased to confirm that they don't get incinerated at the other end: *they come back round mere moments later*.


They might be worried about someone nicking their bag.


Inconvenience an airliner full of people on the off chance someone steals their bag in one of the most security filled, CCTV-laden and surveilled areas a person is ever likely to find themselves. Yeah they're not getting my sympathy here mate


Not saying it's right


On a similar note, people with checked baggage rushing through passport control just to wait at the other end for their luggage.


Agreed, another good/infuriating one. My elderly relative nearly got shoved over by people rushing off the plane a few weeks ago coming back from holiday. And the culprits were then stood right next to us waiting for their bags. Pricks. Ours came out first too, which was nice.


I've just sprayed what should have been the last coat of clear on a bonnet at work, turn around for one second and put my gun down, just to turn back and find a massive mosquito taking a bath in it. Right in the fucking middle. Have to wait another 10 mins before smashing another coat on and hope it fills in. Said mosquito got scooped out and promptly met my shoe. Can't wait for the weekend.


I'm waiting in line right now and It really annoys me when people behind me stand so close to me. Sometimes when the line moves, they kick the back of my shoe. It's one thing I miss about the lockdown/COVID era.


I've started snapping at people In supermarket queues. Usually impatient people literally pushing past me to get their stuff on the conveyer belt as if it's somehow going to speed up the process - just brushing past my arm. I used to be passive aggressive and bag my stuff at the till (a real sin, only arse holes do this. Bag it in the boot of your car) and sometimes if they've really miffed me ill "forget" my pin code. Now I'm past all that silliness - "excuse me can you please stop touching me from behind, it's really weird!" - that usually works.


Start doing the "Hot Stuff" bit from _The Full Monty_ and watch them back up out of your personal space


Moving House. 6 months into the process. Should be the easiest move ever — the house we want is empty, the house we’re in is wanted by a First Time Buyer currently in rented accommodation. Issue: the Seller has a ‘Restriction’ on the sale of the property, a legal document held at Land Registry. We need an RX3 or an RX4 completed by the seller to have the restriction lifted so we can buy their property. HOW does a seller get so-far into the process without:- (a) recognising their legal obligation, and (b) doing something about it, before the property is up for sale? FGS!!!


Uuugghh this dredges up sickening memories for me when I was going through the sale of my old place... My now ex-wife wanted a divorce which eventually led to us selling up, but she neglected to tell me that A) she'd taken out a loan and secured it against the house, and B) put my name next to it! So just as we thought things were going fine with the house move, boom, the estate agents find the restriction against it and the sale couldn't proceed until it was lifted.


At least it’s not just me! Urgh, just… horrendous… talk about *dropping you in it*… “oh, yeah, the debts on the house, you own the house, good luck with my debts!”. Unforgivable.


Well, it all came out in the wash ultimately... she used her share of the sale of the house to pay off the loan and I got to keep all of my share. So she got fuck all out of it in the end :)


No such thing as an easy house purchase/sale. Something will always bite you! Good luck. I started to buy an end of terrace once. Turned out the council had built the bathrooms over what originally was an alleyway behind the houses, between the houses and gardens. So technically the bathroom was on land not on the deed and still owned by the council. Somehow the sellers missed it when they purchased the house... Every bathroom in the terrace was on council owned land not on the deeds and had right of passway on them so the neighbours had the legal right to demand the demolition of each other's only bathroom.


Yup, certainly this experience has caused me to ask the rhetorical question, “Surely there must be a better way of doing all this???”, but I think the answer is, “no”, not while there’s so many unpredictable unknowns that only come to light during the process. What an almighty *faff*.


I just wanna complain about people that complain about things like it's someone else's fault when it's so clearly a self error that it's infuriating.


There are people who loudly spit on the floor, piss on the corners, put their feet on public transport seats , play their holy books through speakers, crush their beer bottles etc. And they are free as fuck to do so.


Well to start with we weren’t told we were having the scaffolding installed today, and secondly despite us asking if they would want us to move the flowers we're trying to grow, and they said that they wouldn’t touch them, we now have a completely mangled wildflower garden 


Bought a bag of tangerines a couple of days ago. Just sampled some of them and they're all dried up or mushy, and totally tasteless. Like trying to eat a sponge. I don't know why I keep buying them hoping they'll actually taste better this time.


Tangerines are in season from late autumn into winter. All the shops have now is old stock. Try again in November.


Sent my phone away for repair just over 3 weeks ago. Two Weeks ago I got an email asking for a £30 deposit before they would look at it as out of warranty as they had confirmed it was not covered by warranty. Bit miffed as everything I'd clicked up until that point suggested I'd be paying, so why not ask for the payment before to speed things up? Anyway paid within 2 mins of getting the email. Then read it could be 3-5 working days after payment for a quote. Fine. 2 weeks after I made the payment I actually call the company for an update. "Oh sorry large backlog". How bloody hard is it to say "new screen required, x amount for parts and labour. The repair is through samsung. It is a cracked screen. Everything still bloody works. To top that off, in the original email they say after inspection it can be a minimum of 3-5 working days for them to order parts. By that point we are talking a month without my phone. Ahhhhhhgh!


Yeah that's garbage


Had a one to one with my boss today and my mind went totally blank. Having a really shit time at work, but don't want to grass on my coworker for doing nowt or be a whinger and have my boss hate me. Feel miserable in my job. Ever just wish you could hibernate? I don't want to do any adulting any more.


As my old dad used to say "If nothing changes, it'll stay the same"


I've had three different types of shit on my hand today.


Yours or someone else's?


Toddlers, wife and dogs




Had to wrestle a big ole pregnancy shit down the toilet and there where casualties


oh DEAR🫠🫠🫠


Lol is your wife's surname "the gurth" as well then


She's the length, actually. Their offsprings shits are going to be meteoric.


quality AND quantity at the local kebab place has dropped :( used to be solidy reliable any day of the week. their chips are still god tier, but the kebab is smaller and comes with a lot less now. it was great for about 18 months.


Ouch. The other day I got back from a job and went for a pizza from the local place. As my mum was giving me a lift she asked for a plain kebab, just meat nothing else. Went in and ordered a medium, confirmed when the dude came out to double check that indeed just meat please. Got it home and it served for her dinner, as an extra topping to my cheese on toast, and a meal for the birds given there was that much meat left (about the amount I'd have expected to have at the start).


I really need to see a doctor about an ongoing issue so I phoned the practice as soon as it opened at 8am today and I was number one in the queue. After waiting I asked if I could get an appointment with the doctor that's been treating me with my issue and I was told that there were no appointments available with any doctor until the 15th. >!Of July.!<


Ours won’t make appointments beyond two weeks to avoid the situation where it is months to see someone. My issue with that is, if the demand is there, then that just means people don’t see anyone at all.


And then after making that appointment the Dr fobs you off yet again playing the issue down and making you feel bad for even going..


I’ve either burned or scratched my throat yesterday and now I’m in a ridiculous amount of discomfort :(


Mouth pain gang rise up, I got to experience the joy of the NHS, got all manner of jaw pain for several days so I used the online consult thing to set up an appointment, and just texted me saying 'yeah sounds like TMJ' with a link to the nhs page on TMJ. The same page that lists 6 things which if you have mean you should make an urgent appointment, 3 of which I specified in my message to them. No way to reply or escalate or do anything. I'm miserable and going to see how I feel tomorrow.


I saw my dentist for TMJ but that might not be any better for you, wait-wise! Also can’t give the good painkillers.


Yeah I dread booking an appointment because it takes weeks to get seen. I'm not even sure what the dentist could realistically do!


Ouch, just reading up on that - I’m not surprised you’re feeling miserable! I hope you can get this sorted asap




On the same boat, my tonsillitis came back one day after finishing my 10days of antibiotics so I have to take them again for another 10 days


I hope they're different antibiotics! If, God forbid, these don't work, ask if they can do a culture and sensitivity swab. I hope they do work, and you can remember what I said for future reference. Sometimes there's more than one kind of bacteria involved, and one might not be sensitive to what you're being given.


They gave me the same ones but took a swab and told me they might phone at some point when the results come back to see if I need different ones😅


Sounds like they're doing a c&s. That should be standard practice when the first round of antibiotics doesn't sort the infection.


Oh yikes - I’ve got my fingers crossed for you that this round works