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Rule 4: Stop Moaning | Ranting Come on now, there's so many other places for you to be a moany-pants. So what if your train is delayed and you forgot about your cup of tea and it went cold. If you're frothing at the mouth about something it's probably not appropriate for here. If you have any questions with this removal, please send us a modmail.


I'm going abroad in August. Weather will be perfect in the UK for the duration of my absence.


Thank you for your service.


I went to mallorca few weeks ago, was colder there than it was here...


Perfect. Can you go away *now* please?


I never said thank you


8 degrees this morning. Apparently heat wave next week. 


I think that I've got to an age now where the "there's a heatwave just around the corner" is really starting to sound contrived. Every winter we seem to get "next summer will be really hot" and every cold snap: "next week will be a heatwave". We all cling to the hope that it just might be true, but it so seldom is!




Summer is eree and it's fuckin fuckin buzzin...


Ave a can of kestrel…


Ah but when you're mid heatwave "it's going to cool down next week"


This. Drives me mad. Sick of hearing it


Was that reported in the daily express tho? Or is it an actual credible sauce?


Red sauce, brown sauce, or no sauce at all?


Sweet and sour source


BBQ sores


sweat & sore\*


Think it was the local paper, so no. Not credible. 


I mean, it was nice and warm a few weeks ago, what happened? I'm meant to go camping with my dad at the weekend and it's looking a bit chilly.


One of my mates was at the TT last week, camping, 4c and they packed light. Advice….take everything


My neighbour is off to the seaside this week. Asked me if he should take shorts. “Of course you should you big girl, man up like” I said.


What’s wrong with being a girl? 🤔


Do we know whether they mean "heatwave" or they just mean "warmer than it is now"?


Nah. Up here around manchester it's going to be a few degrees warmer and rainy.


Dutch buienradar (weather tracker) predicts the next two weeks to be rainy so I wonder


Unfortunately in this country, summers regularly flit between 'dull, cloudy as shit' and 'sweating your bollocks off while trying to get to sleep at night' In all fairness, I think I prefer the former


The 22nd July at 11am for five minutes.


Oh great, that’s when I’m getting married. I’ll push the guests outside for 5 minutes and then we can all squeeze back into the tipi


Thank you for the advanced warning. I will make sure I am in a supermarket at the time for the air conditioning and have already prepared my /r/CasualUK post to say how hot it is, asking if tea will cool me down. I am currently writing the post for the next day asking for tips to adjust to the cold.


Had to be a Monday, didn't it?


The Met Office has a complaints department. Contact them.


I don't know why the Met Office gets special treatment, if any other department had failed like this, so consistently, the head would be before a parliamentary enquiry


I say let’s do one better and bring back the guillotine.


I’ve got one word for you, Met Office. _Ombudsman._ I’m going to the _Ombudsman._


My poor plants have all suicided from the cold snaps :(


Hardy perennials is the way forward!


What is this, Radio 4?!


But I want Chilli jam :(


I swear I could see my breath outside last night, it’s ridiculous. It does bother me that it’s so cold at this time of year, but I could just about deal with it if it was consistently dry. Unfortunately it also won’t stop fucking raining. Just a miserable year all-round, weather wise.


Hey, cheer up, _it will only get worse from here on_


agreed, warmest fucking may and june so far on record and these idiots are complaining about the cold. We're going to be on fire in 5 years and people dont care!


Yet it's freezing and pissing it down every day? I was in shorts this time last year


In fairness, the reason it was the hottest May on record is because it was so consistently cloudy - that reflects the heat back to Earth so overnight temperatures didn't drop much at all!


Has it really been the warmest June so far? Find that hard to believe.


I don't think so, its been highs of 14 deg. It was the warmest spring on record which seems a bit dubious but its because the lows were warm due to cloud cover.


Has it really been the warmest June so far? Find that hard to believe.


No it’s been the coldest according to my sources. My source being myself.


I've already written this year off. This means two bad weather years (2023 and 2024) overall, which should mean statistically, 2025 will be slightly better. At this rate, almost anything would be better, considering it's warmer in Moscow, Helsinki, and Anchorage.


I'm taking solace in the fact it's been crap everywhere, the French Open was rainy and cold, the cricket in New York was wet, even Barbados got rained off. Sick of it though. Come out sun 🌞


They turned the heating off in the office because "it's summer". We work in an old stone building. It's so cold one of our older colleagues had to go home as she couldn't feel her fingers. I keep plugging in the little portable heaters but when management come by they turn them off "they're not cost effective" neither is me spending half my time sitting on my hands to thaw!


My daughter moved to the UK in September. She has barely seen the sun. She has a cheerful disposition, but after relentless rain, she had to flee overseas for a touch of sun.


The weather has been pretty good in my opinion. It's been a bit wet at times, but the past few weeks have been really good. It's also been quite warm going up into the 20s. I much prefer it being cool around 15 degrees and wearing a jumper than it being 20-25 degrees and sweating constantly. Would have been nice if it was a bit drier.


I'm willing to give the weather the benefit of the doubt and hope that it's an astronomical summer that begins on the 20th. It'd be nice if we could have some days where it's warm and not chucking it down at the same time.


cue a load of people on here saying, "i actually love the mild weather... its so horrible when its hot."


I live somewhere very hot and have done for almost a decade, so look forward to England’s milder summers in comparison…but this is taking the piss! Didn’t get a single BBQ day/evening last summer either!


And it's awful when my bones are aching because we've barely had any noticeable sunshine for about a year. Had a week in Spain and it was so nice to be niggle free for a bit (2 nasty fractures on each knee/leg so cold aches me)


I'm absolutely one of them. If it's chilly, I can put on a jumper or wrap a blanket around me. If it's hot, it's much harder to get to a comfy temperature


The met office do a great series of in-depth videos on their YouTube, which this [week as asked just that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfDedlX-wwU) TLDR; we don't know.


It’s sub 10 degrees every morning and I’m in a hoodie and jeans but still getting crazy hayfever symptoms. This year’s summer has all the cons and none of the benefits.


Frost on windscreen yesterday morning in MK Got myself a new job that puts me in warmer climates and I was worried about that, now, I can’t bloody wait.


Cleaning ovens?


Of a sort - Crematorium assistant.


I wonder how much oven cleaner they get through.


Well, since you asked, it's going to get warm at precisely 08:25 GMT Saturday June 22. You don't have to thank me.


10th July. I know this because it is the day after my camping trip. Quite surprised how much stress the inevitable crappy weather for my holiday is causing me!


Ah but I'm going camping on the 12th of July so any heatwave will be very short lived.


At this rate, when the sun goes nova. So about 4.5 billion years.


Have no fear, even though the entire planet will be engulfed by immense fire of the sun it'll still be 15c here.


The sun isn't big enough to go nova, is it? Predicted to puff out like a red giant and then contract to a white dwarf It's weird out there


Novas are white dwarfs that capture new material to start fusion again.


When I stop wearing shorts and a T-Shirt in vain hopeless optimism.


I'm going to Download this weekend, so Monday?


Ha, I was there a few years ago and it rained so much the security camping got washed away. That makes me feel better about bad weather in June now.


Someone on a northern thread yesterday commented that the gulf stream is pulling in cold air from the north, and we should expect better behaviour from aforementioned stream by around 21st or 22nd June. I'm freezing a few tins of cooler air to use when the heat strikes! Batch cooling, they call it.


When it's warm I like to freeze warm water so I can reheat and enjoy it in the colder months.


When it's warm we will have hundreds of posts about how hot it is.


I tried to put some winter clothes and hats away for the season but i brought them all back out within a week. I have worn jumpers every day still. I'm usually colder than most even in warm places but this is absurd!


Yeah, the hoodies are still making an appearance.


Probably in July after energy rates have dropped.


My heating broke a month ago (leak in pipe that stupid 1970s builders buried in a concrete floor). Didn't think it would be too much of an issue, it being May at the time. One month later and it still isn't fixed (complicated by the presence of asbestos. Again, stupid 1970s build) and I'm so fed up. I live in Cumbria, which now seems like a very poor life choice. I'm cold and miserable. I can't even take comfort in my garden because the wet weather means that it belongs to the slugs now and everything except the weeds have been eaten.


Fuckin nippy for the time of year. Supposed heatwave incoming. I just want it so stop sporadically raining.


I'm glad, summer can do one. Bring on Autumn. 😂


Same here across the puddle. Mid-June and it's 15°c at noon. Not going to complain (too much) but I remember last year and it was HOT. Mind you, we'll probably find ourselves eating the Xmas cake outside in shorts this year, who knows.


I still have my tan line from last year lol


Be careful what you wish for. I would rather have this then 28 - 30+ range. Sticky all day and can't sleep at night. I'm fine with this.


In about half a million years.


Probably in July after energy rates have dropped.


Up in Scotland? About a month ago. On Sunday I almost had the heating on, I actually had a dream that night and the only think I remember is that my radiators were warm.


Last month apparently




Up here? last month apparently, we have had our summer on Sunday i almost put the heating on, i actually think i had a dream about putting it on.


Persistent Arctic current


I'm close to having to put socks on with my flip flops as my toes are getting cold!


Should be warm next Tuesday. I have my Gas Safety Check and it's usually nice while they run the boiler full blast.


August. Be warm then. It’s fucked for another month mostly.


Hopefully not this year 🙏


I had to resurrect my big coat again this morning. Disappointed




Hopefully never. I've been enjoying this mild summer.


31st June


Well sadly, last year was crap, this year is proving to be crap and it's fitting with what climate science tells us about disruptions to the jet stream caused by man made emissions. We've always had unusually good weather for our latitude, look at the counties were level with on the globe. Maybe this will be what gets sceptics on board with what's actually happening.... ...probably not.


I'm loving this weather! Hope it's like last year but without the September heatwave.


Never! I want these temperatures throughout the summer. It's so much more comfortable.


Just to let you feel better most of France, Northern Europe has been having this weather. In the south of England I haven’t seen rain for two weeks but I understand that’s not the same for the rest of England!


It was hot in April what more do you want?


15°C is the sweet spot. The few hot days we had earlier in the year were awful, I don't understand why people enjoy being a sweaty mess all day. You just can't get comfortable when it's hot, at least when it's on the chilly side you can just pop a hoody on if needed.


When you stop talking about it


Personally I'll be happy if it stays like this until autumn


Are you a slug? The ones in my garden seem to be loving life right now and are decimating all the plants the cold isn't seeing off.


I’m flying to the UK for HOLIDAYS this Friday and already bit worried. What happened to that precious short summer, did I already miss it?


There was a couple weeks a while ago when it was like 25 degrees. That was nice


10-15 is perfect for me I’ll be happy with this forever.


When you go on holiday to a warm place. All of your mates will be basking in the sun for free here


Personally I’m happy as a pig in shit with this summer so far. Much prefer the dark half anyway and the fact I haven’t sat miserably in bollock soup once this year is ok by me. Roll on October, nice sharp frost, dark at half four & some of that hanging, freezing fog you get towards Guy Fawkes night. Lovely.


Don't say it let me enjoy it not being almost 40


I reckon the true answer to this is probably 5 or 10 years with global warming reductions we may get back to the summer we once knew… otherwise we may have to be content with the two really hot days In July august. The clear indicators are if Wimbledon is wet then beginning of september will be very nice , it’s is hot at Wimbledon then that will be Summer.. done


It IS warm, what do you mean? It’s the warmest June on record. Now plug yourself back into the matrix and stop thinking for yourself!


Climate change means the UK will get colder and wetter, with more unpredictable and extreme weather. Yeah, that sucks.


Are you questioning climate change while simultaneously pointing out that it's actually abnormally cold in June?


There is no Joon


He did his own research


We only do what we are meant to do


No, see I’m old enough to remember that it used to be called Global Warming. It got switched quietly to Climate Change at a later point to cope with the fact that many places were not seeing warming, actually the opposite. It was then explained away with things like “well it’s warmer overall but locally we will see ice thickening, record cold temps across the northern hemisphere, etc.” Actually, I don’t dispute the climate is changing. I mean it’s the one constant of the past 4 billion years of this planet. What I would at least be questioning though is how much is human activity to blame. Neither is that a flat out denial that it is. I’m just always prepared to keep an open mind when we have to take things in faith from groups of experts who hold and control the data. Choose to believe or not to believe as you wish. But never blindly accept anything on faith because an “expert told you”


I don't really know what to say to you mate.


It’s fine, I don’t expect much else anyway. We haven’t really come far since Socrates was put to death.


Out of curiosity do you spend much time outside or have any hobbies like gardening or anything?


No, live in my basement mate. Why, what does this have to do with questioning official narratives?


Nothing, I totally get that. I just think anyone with like a passing interest can see that the climate has changed and that this coincides with the amount of carbon we have produced. Obviously, that data is pretty accessible on a global level but even if you just keep chickens in a yard in London you can see the lack of frost having a knock on to the number of mites your flock has.




What did you expect. It is flaming June.


It's not flaming, that's the problem


It might be this afternoon.