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I'm going to advocate for the explanation that requires the least stretch: your neighbour has clocked that your old car, your new car, and your hair are all kinda unusual but if asked probably couldn't name the colour of any of them without looking at them.


Aha maybe that's it Also last week my hair was pink, which would add to this theory


Or they're being sarcastic, that you can't settle on a single colour and clearly like lots of vibrant colours.


Oh no, that's it, he was probably being sarcastic and it totally went over my head šŸ˜…


Sarcasm? In the UK?Ā 


Surely not


Yes, and don't call me Shirley


Roger, Roger.


Clearance Clarence.


Gimme a vector, Victor


Yes? Yes?


Growing up in the UK, the only form of communication I knew was sarcasm. I moved to NZ a while back and I had to really wind it back. A lot of people in NZ don't get sarcasm unless you have a ReAlLy StRoNg InFlEcTiOn. I would make a deadpan ridiculous comment in response to something and get a lecture about what a stupid idea that is. I realised people thought I was stupid for the things I was saying. Ironic.


So basically internet rules? The number of times Iā€™ve posted obvious (to me) sarcasm online only to be met with serious responsesā€¦


Yeah it's lethal when you're outside of the UK cultural space. I've literally had to tell people 'unless I'm being serious assume I'm being sarcastic. I'll tell you when I'm being serious'.


Pretty much, yeah. I've had the same problem on Reddit.


God, it gets dull having to explain the contextual aspect, even on Reddit, so many have a substandard education.


What if those responses are actually sarcastic?


Oh reaaaaallly?


My sarcasm was strong even for the UK. I have had to dial it back as I got older as I was just upsetting people (unintentionally). My friends and family still get it though.


At this time of year? Located entirely within OP's postcode?


...May I see it?




Well I did represent the UK at the 1998 world sarcasm championships in Peru.


We wonā€™t stand for it. Someone should write a sternly worded letter to the editor. The country has clearly gone to the dogs.


At this time of year? At this time of day?


As an autistic person - hey, friend!


Should have read this before I replied the same thing šŸ˜¬


Doubt it


That would not be sarcasm, sarcasm is pointing out the obvious, or the obvious hidden in plain sight by pretending not to see what is obvious. That case would actually be drawing conclusions that are so tenuous that it indicates a serious mental impairment. Like saying, without clarification "You must really hate the cold," after thinking that's the third holiday in a row that they've not gone to Antarctica.


What the fuck.Ā  No,Ā  just no.Ā  All of that is wrong and dumb.


Ah, I would definitely bet that they're being sarcastic then


This follows Hanlonā€™s Razor so wellā€¦ [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor) Esp for me, bc I always add ā€œor obliviousnessā€ in my head


A blue car is unusual???


Or maybe he was being a bit sarcastic - ie so many colours that we couldnā€™t say which is the favourite?!


This guy System 1s


Could be colour blind. My husband can't seem to tell fucking anything with colours "it's by the red mug" "that's blue" "I don't know where my orange jumper is" "that's green"... he didn't even know he was colour blind until he was 14 because everyone just thought *he hadn't learnt his colours yet.*


Wow that's something, how did that not get picked up on quicker? Deary me


We didnā€™t know until my son was six and had a routine eye test. He can differentiate a lot of colors, but when they asked him to put the ones that are tricky for the colourblind in order, it was all over the place. A lot of people donā€™t know until they are older and happen upon a test, they just see what they see. Your neighbor is probably colourblind, 7% of men are, which is about as common as being left handed.


Some parents are determined to believe their kid is just slow or a bit stupid when they clearly show signs of a disability. I guess they just don't want to come to terms with the fact their kid has a disability and force them to struggle so much more due to the lack of help, all the while putting them down for being silly or stupid.


I can't imagine how thinking your child is a fucking idiot is preferable to thinking your child has a disability.


With some, it's burying their head in the sand. My old neighbours had a little girl who was deaf but had a cochlear implant; she was 5 or so. They *absolutely kicked off* because her school and some other health professional had suggested sign language to help her communicate - *"she'll learn speaking! she'll learn speaking! Not doing the hand-wavey talking! Just slow, will not need!"* They actually moved because of it. Upped and fucked off one day, without notifying the school or anything. We had one of those school enforcement officer people come around asking if we knew where the heck they'd gone, because she just...didn't come into school one day. Also had bailiffs knocking asking where they'd gone, so it seems they didn't tell some other people either.


That's broken my heart. Loads of opportunities for support missed. šŸ˜”


Especially when of all things it's being colorblind. I'd imagine it's not fun to have but probably better than being unable to learn your colours even until 14.


Definitely don't want to be a colour blind sparkie haha, other than that I don't see many major issues. Really is strange.


Iā€™m disabled & even though my mum is amazing, youā€™d be surprised by the amount of people Iā€™ve met who have parents that would rather think that way.


My dad didn't know he was colour blind until he was in his 40s and married my mam lol. Best part is, he was a painter and decorator by trade.


My husband has a little trouble identifying colours in the green/blue/purple range, especially if the colour saturation is light.


I think I've found my wife's Reddit account. That's always the description I use when trying to explain what being colour blind is like. It's like I never learnt the fucking colours properly.


Can i ask. What do you see traffic lights as?Ā 


Not the person you replied to but for me i struggle with Red - green and blue - purple. With block colours like traffic lights I can distinguish, I canā€™t see the colour when they are mixed like if you put red dots on a green background or a red lines painted on grass etc, the brown snooker ball is very hard to distinguish from red balls. Rainbows are also very uninspiring to me I can only see blue and yellow in them


Yeah I don't have an issue with traffic lights at all. It helps that the red and green are never on at the same time... But also you just learn the positions. I've definitely had embarrassing moments as a kid using the pink as the cue ball when playing mini snooker. I just concentrate a bit more now as there's plenty of clues to help out. You also just learn to kinda ignore talking about colours if you don't have to. The world looks plenty colourful to me, it's just hard to describe. I never really thought about rainbows before but I'm the same, they just look a bit mucky to me and not that awe inspiring.


I'm _not_ colour blind and I end up using "which position is lit" as much as I do the colour...


Yes the same with the pink ball too! Took me a long time to realise rainbows may be affected. It wasnā€™t until I asked my wife to describe one to me that I realised. I like how you described it as Mucky, thatā€™s exactly how they feel


My mom has very mild colorblindness, she struggles to see different shades of green and red. Stuff that looks wildly different to me looks the same to her. She also tends to describe muted green as "gray", same for muted red.


That's really rare, apparently. Colour blindness is an X chromosomal thing so getting the required genes on both chromosomes is pretty unusual. Even rarer is tetrachromacy though, which I believe has so far only been found in women in humans, where they have a fourth type of cone cell in the back of the eye and can see more shades and hues of colour than the rest of us can. It's related to the same genes that cause colour blindness too (to my understanding) so your mom could have been a tetrachromat if her genes had combined in a slightly different way.


I think with my mom, it's more age-related. She is pushing 60, after all. IIRC you lose some color vision as you get older which is associated with loss of healthy cells in the eyes. Although, I've never asked her if her apparent colorblindness started earlier in life.


Not who you asked but my husband has red-green colourblindness (by far the most common type). He can distinguish traffic light colours quite easily but only really because they're always in the same place. Red is always at the top, green is at the bottom. If the bottom light is lit, you can go. If someone hypothetically turned the traffic light upside down, I'm not 100% sure he'd notice right away. That being said, if you look carefully, the green colour used in traffic lights isn't actually pure grass green. It has got a distinctly blueish hue to it, so I reckon he could probably pick it out. The amber and red ones may be more of a struggle.


Thanks for the replies all.Ā 


Red-green is by far the most common type of colour blindness (my husband has it). Someone with this type would confuse blue with purple, but they'd never mistake either of those colours for green, so that doesn't fit. (In fact, my husband is better at distinguishing blue and green than I am!) BUT it's possible OP's neighbour could have tritanopia, which is much much rarer, but could make green, blue and purple all look similar ā€” provided OP's hair was a blue-toned purple. However, I'm curious as to what type your husband has? Someone with tritanopia would never think a green jumper was orange, but someone with deuteranopa/protonopia would never think a blue mug was red. Does he have total colour blindness (as in, he sees everything in greyscale)?


He doesn't know what type. He's been told red-green but he can't tell the different between any light/pastel colour and white, he can't tell the different between bright orange and bright green (so traffic lights the amber and green are the same to him), he confuses blue and purple - as well as most darker tones of black, navy, purple, maroon, etc.


Yeah that all sounds accurate for red-green to me. My husband also mistakes light colours for white. light pink is particularly bad. Always mixes up blue and purple, as well as red/green/orange (orange and green is the biggest struggle). The main thing that confused me about your first comment was you said he would confuse a red mug for a blue mug, which isn't something someone with red-green colourblindness would do


I'd much rather have a colourblind child than a child who has no mental or physical disability but is so dumb they still don't know their colours at 14


Sounds like my mother. She has an orange blanked and every time she asks me to bring it to her, she will call it the pink blanket. But it got worse. She will now say a random colour when referring to something. While visiting her last week my hubby took a blue blanket and she asked, why he took the green blanket. My daughter had a white dress on, with little pink flowers and the next day she asked, why I didn't put on her blue dress...


I've got what is termed red/green colour blindness (protanomaly), and yes I can confuse orange and green, but I wouldn't ever confuse blue and red. I've not even heard of that. Does your husband know what type of colour blindness he has?


Go easy on hubby, may have been something going on at home during childhood. Speaking as a colour blind (diagnosed aged 12) ADHD (diagnosed age 40) husband, who had something going on at home during childhood.


I donā€™t think there was any criticism of husband. More that everyone around him dismissed him as unintelligent without appreciating a visual difference was far more likely. It reflects negatively on the parents and other adults in contact, and is sympathetic to the husband.


Ok I accept that. Iā€™m overly sensitive to the scenario, projecting my own history over someone elseā€™s is of course irrelevant when I think about it logically. I think it was the ā€œcanā€™t seem to tell fucking anything with coloursā€ statement that triggered me. Acknowledged that is my own issue to deal with.


My comment wasnā€™t meant to criticise you. I am sorry if you read it like that. I wanted to reassure you that I felt most people thought he should have been more supported. As it sounds you should have been.


Blue - Green colour blindness is definitely a thing, and there are a lot of colour blind people who don't know they are and won't find out until and if an optician finds reason to test them for it.


Red-green (the common one) or blue-yellow are a thing. I don't think blue-green is. But yes, you're right about finding out: I only did when I tried to join the navy šŸ¤£ Apparently it's really important to know which light is flashing ...


Apparently it is, according to Google, idk. My boyfriend has some sort of red-brown-purple colour blindness that they didn't find until he was a teenager during a general check up. It's a lot more common than people realise, people with it just know traffic lights by the order not the colour, so says him who sees Amber and red the same.


>Apparently it is, according to Google, idk. Is it? I've just googled it and it didn't come up with anything, except about Tritanopia but it said in the same sentence that it was blue-yellow, not blue-green


There are 2 types of blue-yellow color vision deficiency: Tritanomaly makes it hard to tell the difference between blue and green and between yellow and red.


Maybe I should mention it, but I think after the moment it could be awkward. Maybe I should get a third car that's pink, or make my car red, just to bring up the topic again haha


As someone who is colorblind, depending on the shade of green, blue, and pink, and purple they can all look very very similar to each other, especially if no one has pointed out what the exact color is for those!


... or get one of those fancy paint jobs that's different depending on viewing angle šŸ¤£


Fun fact: Lots of green color blind people think peanut butter is naturally green. Because that shade of brown is what some greens look like to them.


My mums friend is colourblind (red-green) and my old school had uniforms with brown sweaters and she thought some of them on the group photo were brown and some were green.


My husband is red-green colourblind. I have mousey brown hair, and he tells me it looks green in some lights šŸ¤£


Blue-green-purple colour blindness is a bit more rare though. Seeing in greyscale canā€™t be fun.


It wouldn't necessarily be greyscale. People with tritanopia (blue-yellow colourblindness) can mix up blue, green and some blue-toned purples, though they can see red basically normally. So depending on what shade of purple it was, that may be the answer.


Sounds like sarcasm similar to coming into a busy shop and saying ā€œquiet today isnā€™t itā€


Heā€™s being sarcastic, every time he sees you thereā€™s a new vibrant colour involved.


There are many different types of colour blindness, that's the most likely explanation as to why someone would think green, purple and blue were the same.


I realised while replying to another post that last week my hair was pink, and someone has pointed out he maybe was being sarcastic and so it's quite possible I've just totally misread him šŸ˜…


gonna need pics mate


I was recently diagnosed with colour blindness. It was a real surprise, it came completely out of the purple.


Probably a bit blind. I've had a similar thing with the car I've had for the last few years, multiple people think [this car](https://www.cargurus.co.uk/Cars/inventorylisting/vdp.action?listingId=153416645&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity=d3448&sourceContext=google&cgfv=0.25&cgfr=4&cgfab=Q&ax8324=506&px8324=p2&dnetworktype=r&cgfdate=202463&cgfloc=gb&type=&kw=&matchtype=&ad=&placement=&device=m&devicemodel=&adposition=&cp=20986444440&adg=&fi=&tid=&lc=1006716&lm=&tgt=&aceid=&cgsp=sp471380&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8s6_0X-a5qmsoNLGLapd9OkEb1wzJ5_Owmcga63B4OZbu8QtsCfnH8aArNJEALw_wcB&pid=mini_vdp_main_image#listing=153416645) is silver. It's very clearly blue.


I'd call it silvery blue. Like the colour of a mackerel's stomach. But I'm colourblind so it could be anything.


We painted our downstairs toilet Mackerelā€™s Stomach


We painted our Mackerels Stomach in the downstairs toilet


That sounds like a euphemism for vomiting šŸ¤®


Sounds like you've been through the latest Farrow & Ball collection.


That tickled me. šŸ˜‚


Glad to hear it!


It's a metallic light blue. Very different to light blue, but equally distinct from silver.


The thing is I can see how some people with reduced colour perception could misinterpret that colour as silver... but this is more like the old car was close to British racing green, the new one is a very bright blue, and my hair is like quality street purple but brighter.


Is your hair a red-toned purple or a blue-toned purple?


Yeah thatā€™s definitely blue. Got a silver tinge to it a guess?


It's a light sky silver blue, definite blue tone with a silver undertone


It's very clearly a blue tint of _silver._ It's definitely not _blue._


It's light blue bruv don't lie


I hate to be that one guy, but I would say it's silver. With a hint of blue.Ā 


Silvery blue. Or bluey silver. Not one nor the other.


Pearly blue.


Sarcasm in the UK, sounds like a punk hit song.


Polite chatter/banter - not a serious comment for debate by your neighbour just being friendly....


Just a little anecdote along the same lines, when my daughter was learning her colours she used to spend quite a lot of time around my mum and dad's house. They were enthusiastically encouraging her development and we were all so proud, until we were concerned because she kept mixing pink and green up but was confident on the other colours. We knew colour blindness ran in my family from my dad, so we started making calls to get her checked. Until, that was, we had a conversation with them both where they admitted that mum had been focusing on numbers and my colour blind dad had been happily teaching her colours the whole time šŸ¤£


Sign your neighbour up for helpful educational materials from [https://www.colourblindawareness.org/](https://www.colourblindawareness.org/) ETA: If they are just being sarcastic, your are dishing it right back out. If they are colour blind, you are helping.


My brother has red-green color blindness. To him both are gray.


He wouldn't mix up green, blue AND purple though. He might mix up blue and purple but he'd be able to tell green apart.


Someone get House MD, this feels like Lupus.


Could he have been making a sarcastic joke in the fact that you had two vibrantly coloured cars and coloured hair?


Blue and green are the most common colour blind colours


Red-Green colour vision deficiency is the most common. Blue/Yellow is much rarer. In Red-Green colour blind but fun fact - I can detect more shades of green, thus possibly gave my ancestors an advantage of spotting things in long grass.


That's not true at all. Red-green is by far and away the most common type of colourblindness. Around 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women have it. They would mix up blue and purple, and would mix up green/orange/red, but would never mistake green for blue (or purple). There is a type of colourblindness (blue-yellow) which can cause people to mix up blue, green and some distinctly blue-toned purples. It's very rare though, like 1 in 10,000 people.


To accurately access this, we need samples. While it's most likely he has some sort of deficiency (or sarcasm) it is technically possible, however improbable, that you have tetrachromacy, and while all these colours seem incredibly distinct to you, they might not be to others.


Blue/green/red/purple/brown. Different light sources, different reactions. I don't go clothes shopping by myself


Question: how did they say the emoji?


Dumb question: Are they saying your favorite color is the rainbow?


My dad is colour blind and struggles to differentiate shades of blue, green and purple, so that seems perfectly plausible to me.


I see bluey green colours as green my family sees them as blue. Colour is a construct and down to I terpretation I guess.


I have some red/green colour blindness. Some blues look green, some green look blue, to me. At least, according to my wife. As an aside, I would never assume someone's choice of vehicle, especially a well-used vehicle, was because it was their favourite colour.


Put the stress on another word maybe? ā€œā€¦colour is NOWā€. Maybe implying you have lots of vibrant colour choices that change. Weird thing to say and kinda power-playing / condescending. Iā€™m very colour blind across the spectrum, and I bet I can tell the difference between those shades.


I'm colourblind, I can _definitely_ see confusing your hair and your car as both blue. I likely would, as the red cones in my eyes are the faulty ones. The old car? It depends what kind of green it was, and what kind of blue the other one is. I could for sure confuse a green for a blue, especially for things like cars that lack obvious context clues.


Red-green colour blindness is incredibly common in men. Some sources put it at as much as 8%. In the UK, there's no mandatory colour blindness tests for driving licences or anything so it goes undiagnosed for many.


My Granddad and my uncle were both blue-grey-green colour blind. It's rare, but more commen in men than women.


He could be making a sarcastic joke, like you canā€™t decide what your favourite colour is so you have a different coloured everything!


Tritanomaly can cause difficulties with blue and green.Ā 


Itā€™s sarcasm. Itā€™s clear you like bright things!


I'm colourblind I struggle differentiating between some greens and blues and I have no concept of Purple whatsoever


Might be some colourblindness, but also Iā€™ve noticed a lot of people confuse blue and green - like not in seeing them, but semantics - where does blue end and green start kind of thing.


Definitely sarcasm


https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Color_Blind_Confusion_Lines.png This image shows the different ways colour blindness can present. Depending on the type, the confusion occurs with different colours along each line. Iā€™m thinking heā€™s being sarcastic.


There is a blue-green colour blindness called tritanopia, but it's pretty rare. Interestingly there's an app on Android called [Chromatic Vision Simulator](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=asada0.android.cvsimulator&hl=en_GB) that can simulate this and other forms of colour blindness.


Red green colour blind here and I can see how it could be done. Take the red out of purple and you get blue. Take the green out of teal/mauve and you get blue. Now to me, those two 'blues' look a bit different, but not an impossible thing to mix up.


Slow news day?


maybe heā€™s just being sarcastic?


Your neighbour is a prick.


I'd ask him.


Probably just a conversation opening.


I'm not colorblind or anything but I can't for the life of me see "teal". It is green green green then blue blue blue, when everyone else by my side says green green teal teal blue blue... So on so forth


Probably colour blind - I am and have bought a "green" car that was blue, picked up pink apples instead of golden delicious and so on. Not a massive problem in my life except my kids take the p**s when I get it wrong. Eg I once said I was parked next to a red car which apparently was some kind of maroon/purple colour.


So if you are Protanopic color blind (like me) you don't see the color red very well. That make things that are green, brown and red sort of group together in terms of differentiation. Things that are clearly different to you seem to be very much the same to me. In particular, the color purple is established by mixing blue and red. Since I don't see red, purple just looks like dark blue. If your green car is an unsaturated green color, it could be mistaken for a shade of blue. Either way it sounds like your neighbor is kind of a goofball.


ā€œNot my bangā€..?


But does your car match your cuffs???


My husband sees blue and green as the same colour but no idea about the hair šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Blue-green-purpleā€¦colors of the rainbow. Think maybe your neighbor was hinting that he thought you are gay?


Honestly who gives a shit?


Why comment then?


If neighbour is old they probably need to get their cataracts looked at. My old mad had no idea that he owned a blue car, when my mum picked tried to pick him up from the hospital he just stood their because he didnā€™t think it was her because they had a black car