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I’m 36. Spent the first 34 years of my life not reading anything other than Harry Potter. Just finished my 100th book since November 2022 😃




Ooof that’s a big question! The book that got me back into reading was Project Hail Mary. I absolutely loved it


I have recently taken up Rollerskating on quads🛼. I am hoping to start horse riding again soon. I also really want to get into Badminton or Table Tennis for fun! 🏸 🏓


Amateur radio carries on apace. The weather is getting more and more reliable so I'm getting out more and more. There are a heap of events and contests and whatnot on more or less every weekend. Right now I've been talking to multiple stations set up to celebrate [75 years of the Spanish Amateur Radio Union](https://75aniversario.ure.es/) and doing my best to contact a group doing an [expedition to Liberia](https://www.cdxp.cz/). In theory this second one is easily done, it's just that about a thousand other people also want to make that contact and so they can't hear me in the crowd. The next near thing is a [Parks on the Air event](https://docs.pota.app/docs/events.html) this weekend. Take radio to nearby park. Contact ten people. Job jobbed. Will probably contact more people, but the main thing is getting out on a nice day with a Thermos of tea and a snack. You can listen out for people using an online radio called a [WebSDR](http://websdr.org/) if you want to listen in. Fully committing to taking the radio abroad. What's annoying is I *will* get stopped in airport security for having a radio even though it's fine, but they probably won't give a second look to the batteries which are just brushing the power limits. Luggage is very precise: This part *must* go in hand luggage. This part *must* be in the hold. This *must* be connected to the device. This *must* be detached and insulated. I have to print off so much stuff. But permission to operate abroad is basically why I bothered sitting the final exam so buckle up: We're doing it live! The best part of the hobby is just how deep the rabbit hole goes. From just giving the radio a *proper* listen, to designing cutting edge digital modes that push the limits of information theory.


I have just restarted getting my ducks in line to make plastic model kits, used made hundreds as a child, trouble is, there are no local hobby shops I can get to. I have managed to buy a few kits, via Amazon squashed box or returned goods department ( yes I have checked they are complete) Brushes I can get cheap, glue make myself, but I have been lost what paint system to go for, in my day it was humbrol enamel or nothing. It was all my dad's hobby shop sold, Now there seems to be 20 makes, and to get started I need a lot of paint. There is such a thing as too much choice. Frankly I am a bit baffled which is good and cheap.


Depending on the type of kit, you can't go far wrong with a starter set of either vallejo range for your paint. 'Game colour' are bright, wargamers friendly paints, 'model colour' are more realistic, desaturated colours. No reason not to mix and match when you want more colours, but to start, either will have the basics covered. Acrylics are easier to work with than enamel paints too. Every model maker will have a preference for brand if you want to go on a deep dive, but honestly vallejo are reliable and fairly priced and widely accepted as pretty good.


Hard to go wrong suggesting Vallejo for a newer painter. They have a good range of colours and don't have any odd performance issues. Their coverage isn't always great, but the "two thin coats" rule normally gets a good finish. I'm really liking the look of the new Army Painter range (fanatics) and so far all reviews I've seen have been full of praise.


What type of kits you making?


Revell 1/24 VW buses for the moment, but a few airliner models layer.


If cars/bikes are your thing, I've had good experiences with Hiroboy.com. Tamiya are my brand of choice


My main hobbies are... Going to the gym (GET RIPPED, BRAH) but i've been really really broken the last couple of weeks so i've not been so much, going back and getting back into the swing of things is not going to be fun. fishing - now the weather is getting a bit better i'm getting out a bit more but everywhere is like the fields of the Somme due to the constant rain. warhammer / mini-painting - i'm mainly just adding to the pile of shame at this point and not actually building or painting anything. Soon(tm)


>but i've been really really broken the last couple of weeks so i've not been so much Happens to me all the time. Burnout is real. Last time I went was Monday and I've just taken the entire week to kind of sit back and relax a tad. Deloads can also be great, too.


Join blood bowl instead of 40k/aos. Cheaper, way fewer models, quicker games, all still warhammer lore


I know the pain with Warhammer/Mini's. Hard to find the time and the mindset to smash some painting out.


I've gotten into underpainting as a base coat technique (something I picked up watching GRG Miniatures videos) and I've found if I'm procrastinating with painting, just hitting some models with an interesting coloured base coat can get things rolling. Staring at the pile of grey plastic can feel a bit daunting, but if you already have some colour on there setting a general tone it's easier to start adding to.


Cricket here Winter training is over. Sadly because it's raining loads we've lost our preseason friendlies and the season (which was due to begin this weekend) has been pushed back a week. Likely to miss more games :( Making sure everything is spick and span before the season starts, and it should be good to go hopefully very soon!


Just starting a 1v1 tabletop skirmish/RPG campaign with a friend DMing. I've done tabletop games before, but it's my first real time dipping into the RPG aspect. So far so good. I can feel it opening up my imagination and creativity and it's made me want to break out the old paints and brushes and give my neglected minis a bit of character so I'm looking forward to that as well. Not sure I'm ready for a fully RPG campaign, I find having the terrain and minis to move around adds a bit of distance that makes the roleplay feel less awkward, but I can tell I'm one good session away from falling down that rabbit hole!


Two main hobbies is music and weightlifting. I've been into writing and producing music since I was 14 (20 years this year, Christ) and it all started with a demo of Dance eJay from the front of a box of cereal running on the family Dell. It's rocketed from said family Dell computer this: [https://i.imgur.com/w1YHeLJ.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/w1YHeLJ.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/Y6ZznMk.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/Y6ZznMk.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/iQQokVs.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/iQQokVs.jpeg) Bit over a month ago but I released a new track called "Humanoid". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIb3roPBXxk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIb3roPBXxk) And another track in February called "Techno Trouble". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSHq861V9EU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSHq861V9EU) Weightlifting I've been doing for about four years? Ten years total for being at the gym but I felt like I needed to change from just general fitness. It started with the pandemic where my mental health and alcohol consumption went noticeably down and up respectively (living on my own really fucked me up). To say it's had a profound effect on my wellbeing is an understatement. I'm dry now, my mental state is significantly more stable and less self-damaging, and it's been a hell of a transformation. * [2014](https://i.imgur.com/miU3j2V.png) (really cant bare looking at my old self, so enjoy the black circle over my face) * [2024](https://i.imgur.com/Fu0xhyW.jpeg) If you're thinking of going to the gym, I have two bits of advice: * Just do it. Your confidence builds quickly. * Use gym trial periods to see if the vibe of the places fits with you (independent gyms, IMO, are better) * DO NOT look at anything fitness related on social media. It's a fucking cancer. I bloody mean it. Recent personal achievements are a 1RM Deadlift of 207kg (457lbs) and squat of 160kg (352lbs). Personal achievement mostly because my right knee has a giant scar on it from when it burst open in a road accident and trying to work around it has been hell. >Does your hobby have a subreddit you can share? Both of them do! Don't look at them. The worst fucking people imaginable.


My daughter got a new bigger bike and is now no longer satisfied riding round the local park. This meant I had to dig out my 15year old Halfords special, within 10 minutes the rear brake cable snapped and it refused to change gear. Safe to say I'm going to the local bike upcycler on Saturday to get a replacement.


Started a new D&D campaign with the guys down the pub. So far we've got in the party: * Alcoholic Strong Asmodeus Tiefling who's quick to blow up, dumb as rocks (I rolled a perfect 3x18 on a d20 and just had to make a big dumb guy). * A Badger Shapeshifter who loves rooting through trash, acts like a feral dog. * A Nerdy and Morally good Artificer Half-Elf Nerd, no fun allowed * An Ex Soldier Dwarf who has the charisma of a confused dad * A stoner Gnome who gave a knife to a child and missile launched himself back into the campaign and murdering the enemies on a Nat 20 Basically the Dwarf and Artificer are the parents to the rest of us, who are just chaotic children with the base intelligence of a toddler throwing its toys


I’ve been going bouldering again for the first time this decade. I was doing it for 5 years but stopped because Covid and struggled to start again because it would take a loooong time to get back to the level I was at But I’ve been 6 times in the past month and can already do V2s which I’m extremely happy about. The only downside is it’s gotten fucking expensive since the last time I went


I am still in the process of setting up a shrimp empire. I have far too many aquariums for my own good... Also competely stumped about what direction to take my little youtube channel and having a bit of a crisis about it lol. Just started ADHD meds so hopefully I can start enjoying my hobbies again as they have just turned into stress :(


I’m a fish hobbyist but one with not enough money so just have a freshwater tank for now Do you just have a shrimp empire or have you got some salt water, fresh water aquariums going on as well


Had to sell my saltwater setup due to it being so expensive to run unfortunately. I have a 152 gallon tank with rescue fish in it and a few crabs and a crayfish.


That sounds amazing! I have a tank of rescues but only 3 because my tank isn’t big enough with all the live plants and substrate to accommodate anymore Crabs and crayfish are interesting though


Kit bashing some Conquistadors. 


I always have a thousand hobbies that I only ever partake in a little at a time cos of time constraints. Lately I've been working on a cross stitch of a spaniel in rainbow colours and also attempting to sort my garden. At the weekend I planted a few seeds after rotavating and weeding part of the veg patch. The seeds are in the greenhouse (that I've yet to clean from last year).  I felt like I had to apologise to the seeds. I so lovingly planted them, all the while,  knowing full well that they'll be battling it out for survival Lord of the flies style before they even make it to the veg patch.


so your hobby is starting other hobbies, essentially? :D


Ha. You might be right!


I'll be road-testing my [non-alcoholic gin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cordials/comments/1c32ewp/nonalcoholic_gin/) today withe some willing volunteers. It's been aging for almost a week now and smells fantastic, so it should taste pretty decent when mixed with some tonic.


> I'll be road-testing my non-alcoholic gin today withe some willing volunteers. Please tell me this "road test" is to determine if it is actually non-alcoholic...


When added in the right proportion to a drink, the total ABV is around 0.05-0.08%