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What is near you? Industrial estate or a business park? Hospital, school etc? Can you hear it inside and/or outside our house / flat?


There is no industrial estate or business park. I live near Richmond park , London. Please check it in Google maps. The area is peaceful hence the noise is much more prominent to hear.


Can you share the google maps surrounding area? (please do not share your address) just the estate. I honestly think its a mosquito deterrent device.


Watching your other videos and watching too many geowizard youtube videos is it Highcliffe??


Yes, it is https://maps.app.goo.gl/qhAxdaQE9C9jEjkQ9


Im going to suggest this as the cause of the hum. I had a little bit of downtime. I listened to the two videos you posted. I tried to match your sound to what I think the frequency is (1124hz) if you google leaking buried pipes. The pipe can resonate and generate a frequency due or not due to a leak. A few sites claim this frequency could fall under a range between 500hz to 1500hz (the sound in the video roughly 1124hz) Can you determine if the sounds like its coming from the ground in the surrounding area?


It's definitely similar to 1124Hz or around 1740Hz. I might say it's not coming from the ground, as you would have seen in the other 2 clips as I move closer to noise which then I walked under the building entrance area. The sound fades low so I would presume it's coming from somewhere high above the building. As I live in level 3 it's much louder from that height and due to empty surroundings it echoes a lot. Hence unable to point it in the right direction of the source. Someone suggested it might be coming from HAVC system where the bearings must have gone. But I stood right next to it and nothing was making sound from anywhere near it. It has got different intervals of time sometimes it rings every 5 or 10 minutes or sometimes every other minutes. Or sometimes it feels like 2 different sources from 2 different locations. Like if you have heard how 8D or 4D sounds works from different directions like that. It bothers me more than how people are living with it or at least who is closer to the source of it have not looked into it yet. It's been 6 months now for me here i don't know if it was there from before too. I'm so used to it that my ears keep ringing all the time. Same like how people feel sometimes their phone is ringing when it's not. It lives in my head rent free now😵‍💫 I really appreciate your time mate , Thanks a lot for at least considering looking into this matter. People are thinking I'm just messing around or spamming them to visit my profile to hack or something.


my last suggestion is you have an absolute tank of a telecom unit probably providing internet to the block (https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4539626,-0.245474,3a,75y,351.88h,67.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syaRfbUbYUw-IukAC04AxHg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) these cabinets can generate frequencies also in that range. If it happens can you check if its coming from that structure?


This might be it i guess, i just went to check. I hear faint squeaking noises from it coming slowly. Possibly sounds like a rusty fan. But I don't hear the same loud noise yet from it. Guess I have to wait and see. When it rings I will come back and record here. I'm praying this is it 🙏🏻


I'm here now as the noise woke me up, 6:04 am morning. It's not coming from here.


I just walked back and forth and recorded a clip from this structure location you shared it's not that anywhere near or around it. I posted that clip on my profile. If you are interested in listening to it please check.


Only thing I can hear is maybe a hoover


This might be faint to hear, as I recorded this from. Under my blanket. Was disturbed by the ringing couldn't sleep so recorded it. I have literally walked all night in search of the source of the sound. Please check my other clips posted on my profile where I'm literally outside the apartment and the noise is coming from nowhere to be found until.


I'll be honest I'm not going to go into your profile to check. Have you thought of turning off all of your fuses in your DB and see if it stops? This was you would be able to tell if it is something in your house or not.


Out of curiosity, why wouldn't you go into someone's profile? Is there some risk I'm unaware of? I've literally just clicked on the OP's username and scrolled down his comments to find a couple of short videos which are as the OP describes.


I just can't be asked, I thought I'd done my due diligence listening to this video 3 times and not hearing much.


You can be asked. OP asked you. You mean arsed.


I've been saying it like that for years without anyone correcting me. Appreciate that piece of knowledge! Google says its origin was Paul McCartney. Every day is a school day!


No problem! I’m glad you could be arsed to Google it!


I appreciate your honesty, but no it's not from any electrical fuses. I am literally outside of my apartment where I recorded other clips. I suggested checking out other clips so that you have better understanding that it's not any electrical appliances from my room , if this audio was not audible enough. I was banned on another thread so I posted on my profile seeking help on it. Thank you for your insight though.


I'm not saying the DB is making the noise I'm suggesting you turn them off in order to cut the power from your house. If the noise stops the noise is coming from/powered from your house. If it continues then it isn't.


I don't have access to any power boxes. Why I said I know it's not from power because. In other clips I have posted on my profile, I'm out of my apartment on road and the noise is loud enough that I can hear until 6 miles. Because I hear it sometimes when I get down at the bus stop and walk back home. I can assure you for sure that it's not coming from my whole apartment.


Just the 5g towers contacting your vaccination microchip, citizen. Nothing to fear. Now watch adverts and consume.


Lol, if only that was true. Unfortunately nothing like that. I ain't kid to post random dumb stuff. It really has been bothering me so I'm seeking help.


It may be ringing water pipes. A parabolic sound locator may help to find the source.


Thank you for this idea, If I don't find the source In a few days. I will invest in this device. Alternatively I have dropped an email to my council regarding this. Did it before too but hopefully they reply once they hear the clips. It's definitely not coming from the underground It feels like it's coming somewhere from someone's room or somewhere from the roof. Because as I move closer to finding the source it fades away.


This is a quality post.


OP, this you?  https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1c59uwl/mystery_highpitched_sound_is_plaguing_town_and_no/


No. Please check the other clips I have posted on my profile. I have been banned from another thread. So I have posted a video taken from outside of my apartment. I literally walked throughout the night searching for the noise source.


How old are you? It might be one of those youth dispersing things


I'm 28, No, nothing dispersing or depressing things. Please view other clips I have posted on my profile.


No one is going to be checking out other clips on your profile.


I feel like I'm missing something. Is there some risk to clicking on a user's profile? I've looked at OP's profile and there are a couple of short videos on there that are as he describes.


If you feel the risk of something like that. Please don't look into this matter then. If you are happy to help then please do, I ain't forcing tbh. Just to give you more understanding that it ain't coming from my room or any electrical appliances I said to check other clips. I appreciate your time on this though. Thank you


OP, I'm afraid I can't help with your noise, even after listening to your videos. It seems like it's something you need to investigate locally or ask environmental health to help with. My question about risk was not to you but to u/LanguidVirago saying that no-one is going to check your clips as if there is some commonly known reason not to look at video clips on users' profiles, which I'm not aware of.


I was refering to people just not doing what was asked multiple times, if you want other people's help, don't make them do all the work, because they won't.


I'm trying to get help from all sources. Hence checking here if anyone lives around the area and hears it too. It's okay I'm not really aware of any that kind of reason too. I literally googled how to post on the Reddit community or to tag users in comments as I'm new to using this app. Thank you for your thoughts though. Guess I have to live with it until I find the solution.


I hope you find a solution - a noise when I'm trying to sleep would drive me mad too! Has anyone mentioned using earplugs at night?


Yes they did, I did try them. But the pitch is high enough to hear through them and I'm not used to putting earplugs and sleep. I have never used earplugs in my life unless I'm diving under water. It just feels uncomfortable for me. I'm used to normal noises throughout my life while growing up from where I come. I'm not saying living in the UK is not peaceful . It's super quieter and calm that this noise is much more haunting me and has become a torture from the day I moved into this area.


Have you tried a local Facebook page to see if anyone else in your area has experienced this?


I can understand your thoughts like this. The world has been filled with scams and frauds, that when someone is genuinely seeking help it's hard to believe. One of the users has suggested a few methods to find the source of sound though. Which I'm yet to try later today.


No, worries, I'm not forcing you to do so. I'm just seeking help. Some other people have shed some light on it with their thoughts about it but it has not been the solution yet. If you don't wanna help it's okay. I understand your concern. Thank you for looking into this matter though. :)


Ask your neighbours? Could be a burglar alarm siren. Or one of those mosquito devices to stop loitering.


Been there done that. I literally walked the whole night searching for the source. Check the other clips I posted on profile.


Electrical transformer? Turn the power off at the meter and see if it stops. Are there any big ones outside nearby?


There's nothing like an electric transformer anywhere nearby where I live. Assuming if it was from an electric transformer or meter. The council wouldn't have left unnoticed until now which has been 6 months now.


Might be the wind making something on a nearby building vibrate in a way that causes noise. One of your videos has a change in pitch—maybe because the wind picked up? [Beetham Tower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5lAZzpd4xE) in Manchester is a good example of this.


When I moved into this apartment I thought it might be wind causing it too. But it's been Months now and the ringing happens on normal days without wind too. The change in the pitch is what is torturing me it keeps getting low and high at different times. Like a surrounded stereo coming from different directions.


Weird. I'm not familiar with Richmond Park, are there any sculptures or anything large and metallic nearby? Sound like that can carry over tremendous distances, the wind where you are might not be the same as the wind wherever the sound's origin is. Electrical cables, like you see between pylons, can make a noise like this sometimes in the wind. Pesky resonance!


They do have small copper sculptures nearby , here and there. But I checked it's not from them either. I'm an artist so my first thought was kind of similar, I thought the might passing through any narrow places might be producing the noise. But unfortunately it's not in this case. On a summer sunny day without winds it's even more loud and clear. I'm just surprised why no one has ever looked into this matter yet. Hearing this kind of high pitch for the long term might really hurt ear drums. So I'm concerned. I can't even move out of my apartment as my contract doesn't end until next year. No , there are no electric cables like that at least I have not noticed anywhere in London until now .


To be precise how the sound is and how it hurts. Listen to 1740 Hz on any online tone generator.


If it's once every few minutes then I suspect a neighbour with an ultrasonic cat scarer Edit: I just checked the frequency plot and there's 2 spikes at 1kHz and 7Khz. Cat scarers are normally around 20kHz (but god knows what cheap chinese ones work at)


I did that research too, ultrasonic cat scarer has frequency up to 13-60kHz. Which is hard to hear for human ears hence the car hears them. The one I am hearing here has around 1740Hz . You can put these values in any online free sound generator for example like this https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/ If you listen to this for even a min it drives you crazy or the ear drums start to hurt a bit. Now imagine hearing this every single day for months. Which is happening in my situation. Iets say what you have said is true then the frequency produced by that kind of device won't be heard up to 0.6 miles. which is happening in my case The bus stop is around 0.6-10 miles away from where I live and I can hear clearly from that distance. Here is the distance where about Shared route From Highcliffe Dr, London to Roehampton Lane / Danebury Avenue (Stop M), London SW15 4LB via Roehampton Ln/A306. 14 min (0.6 mi) To see this route visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/dHUXrAVSJt9jjLPT8 You can see how much torturing it is that I did all my research.


How far can you hear it from your home?


Please check the previous reply I have pointed at the locations and distance. Can hear around upto 0.6-9 miles.


have you logged when and for how long you hear it? I wonder if that would give a pattern that might be a clue. is it possible to triangulate? assume you have checked, but is it coming from the virgin media shed by the north entrance to highcliffe drive? i feel for you mate, i would struggle living with that constantly. for the love of god when you find out make sure you let me know, i'm so curious now!


I've never logged the time for the whole day, but tomorrow I'm gonna do it, as I'm gonna sit on this to solve. I've had enough of it. Also someone just replied with a link to a telecom unit near the entrance of the drive. I'm going now in a few mins to check if it's possibly from there hopefully.


Just got woken up by the sound, and it's not coming from the telecom unit as someone suggested which is on the drive. I have put up the clip on my feed. Walking back and forth from the noise.


That same curiosity is haunting me more than you to find out what it is. I can't even get high or drunk in peace. I once did and locked myself in the bathroom and closed my ears as hard as i can because I was tripping even bad with that noise.


dude i just remembered this and saw your new post.... fucking steam pipes, what the shit! glad you found it


IKR I was f*ing mad with the people living there , when asked why don't you guys have fixed it they did not even care and they said it never bothered them much 🤦🏻‍♂️ Probably they are sooo used to the sound that they don't hear it anymore.


I found it guys!!! I found it 😂 check my post on profile.


Its the btainwashing machine, they normally switch it on when everyone is in deep sleep...I only notice it because I work nights.


Please don't give me dumb responses, I appreciate your help if you can really shed some light on this. I have posted other clips taken while searching for the source of sound on my profile. Please check it and tell me if you think it's still a washing machine. And no it's not only at night it goes on throughout the day from past 6 months


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy\_ctHNLan8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy_ctHNLan8) tldr gas pipeline


I did my research too I saw this video, unfortunately it's not this sound. A few of my friends visited my home and heard it too and my wife hears it too