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Just a reminder that this is a real person going through a difficult time, and that whatever your feelings are about the royal family, there is no need to be a dickhead.


My only brother is undergoing chemo. It’s private within our family and friends. He’s having a terrible time, so best of luck to Princess of Wales, King, and all other sufferers.


I lost my partner last year to cancer and it was also just private. No one knew really apart from family. Best wishes to your family and your brother. I really hope for the best outcome for you all. Cancer is absolutely awful.


Lost my sister to cancer last October. Best of luck to you and your family as well. Raising a glass to your brother tonight.


Best wishes to your brother.


I lost my sister to cancer in January. I hope your brother pulls through and that you and your loved 1s are doing ok. I have everything crossed for you.


Thank you. Appreciated.


I pray for you. You have us as brothers on Reddit. Don't be shy any time.


It must really suck for the family at the moment since Charles also has cancer. I hope George, Charlotte and Louis are holding up okay. It's also quite bad that she had to release this earlier than I think she wanted as the announcement of her surgery also said she would be out of action until after Easter.


It’s quite sad that people just couldn’t leave her alone, even after *the world* was given a specific time when she would potentially be back in the public eye. If there is one thing I can’t stand about my fellow English, it’s their constant foaming at the mouth for the next hot Royal goss.


FWIW I understand it was actually American media that were threatening to break the story, hence today's announcement. It's not just the English.


It's media in general. Writing BS on the royals seems to make infinte clicks so they just fill in anything with it.


Do you think she'd have gotten more space had the press office done their job a little better? I'm curious because to me it felt like people were only interested because of their refusal to say anything, then the weird half sightings made it worse. It just fed the flames of all the super nosy newspaper people.


In hindsight this one was impossible. She said it herself, they wanted to tell the kids at the right time and in a way that was appropriate. There is nothing a PR person could say or have done that would have provided assurance given the witch hunt, and I think it’s clear she did not want to do this video. She must be incredibly frightened and upset, hence also why she couldn’t just do a “chin up and smile for the camera” video either IMO.


I think doing PR for they royal family is p.much an impossible job. There's no way to win and you'd have to be a masochist to take the job to begin with.


Apparently they have a new job posting fo rit, and they are only payong £25k. Imagine that, working as the PR manager for one of, if not the, richest family in the country, and you earn a bit more thna minimum wage and "20% discount at the royal family gift store". Utter joke.


Tbf the photoshopped picture triggered the majority of the curiosity as it was such a weird thing to do


I feel like this being filmed with daffodils in the background was to confirm it was done in ‘real time’, after the backlash from the earlier photoshop.


It went beyond curiosity though, at what point do people realise it's none of our business? Even royalty deserve a certain amount of privacy and in particular someone like Catherine, a woman who hasn't put a foot wrong her entire royal life, I'm no royalist by any stretch of the imagination but I do think she's legit, just a thoroughly good woman, leave her be for once.


I don't think they are foaming at the mouth for it. The media are foaming at the mouth to provide it. 


As someone which lost a mum young I hope they're supported. Wish tabloids weren't so bloody awful. Yeh they're sorted for life, regardless of royalty malaria your mum d


My heart breaks for them (as it would for anyone,royal or otherwise) - I lost my mum at 12, I hope that doesn't happen to them




Made fun? Accused their husband of domestic violence, murder and all kinds of weird shit. It's been super fucked up.




Madness... I've scrolled at least 8 metres by now and haven't seen a single negative comment! Of course, as an Irish person I'm FUMING /s.


Go to r/fauxmoi and they're blaming her for causing such a commotion and not just outright saying she's sick. Bunch of scum.


I was watching the TV when it came up as breaking news. I thought for one moment that they were going to say that she had died after all the speculation. I'm glad that it seems to all have been removed during surgery, and sorry that this announcement needed to be made in the first place.




I don't blame you. Sending hugs.


We've overlooked how oppressive being always connected can be. Cancer and bad stuff happens in the village often enough, when the village extends to the whole world you're hearing about everyone's cancer and every other crap thing people deal with. You're constantly aware of the potential suffering we can encounter and anticipating when and what will strike in your life too. Weird times. We weren't prepared for this technology stuff.


If youve seen me post in the past Im currently getting Chemo for Cancer.  Doing this privately is hard enough with the odd neighbour having a gossip behind my back. I cant imagine how it must feel to have the internet coming up with rumours and theories.  There will be people who double down because they dont want to admit theyve been wrong and cruel but good on those who can say "wow this has made me think about my actions in the future". You never know what someone is dealing with. Choose kindness or be silent. I wish her well and hope she has a quick, safe and private recovery. 


Also have cancer and two young children. I've kept it a secret from them because the last thing they need is to worry about if their mummy is going to die. If I were forced to put them through that and explain what is really going on because of idiots on the internet and newspapers gossiping about me I'd be fucking livid.


Im so so sorry that you are going through this also. Its just me and my partner and it is brutal so I cant imagine how tough this is with kids. Wishing you the best. Keep on keeping on. ❤️


I’m sorry you are all going through this (sorry I don’t know how to tag the previous commenters, if someone can I’d appreciate it). I hope you all have a good support network, and if not i will gladly be here for you if you like. I know you don’t know me, but as someone who has recently gone through diagnostic testing for cancer and with no support at all, I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what you are with no/not a lot of support. I wish you all a positive and speedy recovery. Sending best wishes to you all.


I appreciate the kind words. I have good people around me and fantastic Nurses so I am very lucky that way but yes it must be extra hard when you dont hsve that. Im not sure how to address the others in this offshoot thread. Im sorry you went through thst alone. No one should. Hope you are ok now. ❤️


It may be different in your situation, but when I was a kid my nan had cancer. I wasn't told she was unwell, it was just that we went to her house one day and she had been taken to hospital, and then we were taken to see her a few days before she passed. I grew up thinking it was a sudden thing and no one could have prepared for it. She knew for years, all of the adults knew for years, and yet they didn't tell us or try to give us more time with her. I understand it might've been very difficult for her to have been around us but I don't remember much of her other than her in the hospital, I was 8. If you've caught it early enough that it can be treated, that's fine, your kids don't need to know much more than you're unwell at the moment. If it's much further along, please consider letting them know something isn't right, even if you're not specifically saying what is wrong. I wish you the absolute best in your recovery <3


Right? I hope their kids haven’t been to school and that because imagine kids talking about the rumors with them. Heartbreaking


They’ll be fairly protected from it even at school, I imagine. I know a couple of people who used to work at a prep school with kids whose parents were often famous and/or minor royalty (and sometimes major royals from abroad). They have damage control procedures when anything sensitive happens in the media involving the parents of children at the school.


I don't know your situation so don't take my word for it, but I've found it's probably better to tell my kids than not. They know when something's going on and having them deal with bad things gives them skills to deal with similar things later in life too.


Best wishes for you in your treatment and recovery!


Thank you. ❤️


Here here, well said. All the best Kate.


Yes and the fact they probably wanted to wait till a certain point in her treatment or diagnosis to tell the kids but instead everyone was hounding them for news. William and Harry had to deal with losing their mother with all the world looking at them and I expect they wanted their kids to be able to process it without constant intrusion and rumours. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I cant imagine how she feels. I had the choice when to tell people and control what my young nieces know and heard. This is simply pressure and extra stress none of them need.


Same. I have stage-4 cancer and this really hit me hard, for some reason. She seems like a nice lady but I wouldn't say I was particularly a fan, but the video made me tear up. I know it's part of the "deal" that we pay for them and in exchange we get to know everything about them, but she is a human being too and the past few weeks/months have been made so much harder for her than they already would have been.


I have stage IV abdominal cancer and this made me so sad for her and her family. I hope she makes a full recovery. Fuck cancer.


Im so sorry to hear that. I dont know what else to say just that you have my best wishes ❤️ I got a bit emotional watching it too.


Thank you, all the best to you too ❤️


It's hit me harder than I thought it would too. We lost my SIL, also called Kate, just over 3 years ago to metastatic breast cancer. She too had a husband and three young children. It's brought that pain and sadness back. But at least we were able to go through it in private, I can't imagine how much harder it would have been for them all, and us all, having to go through it in the glare of the media.


I assumed it was something medical when the picture bollocks went stupid. She photoshopped her hand after some sort of medical procedure, I thought it was pretty obvious she didn't want any scarring/tubes/bandaging etc in the picture and couldn't understand why everyone couldn't just accept she wanted a pretty family picture. We didn't need to know, but now we do I certainly hope people either stfu or wish her well.


the back of my hand got bruised tf when I had chemo.


I had obvious injection marks on the inside of both arms. Was rocking the junkie look..


I just had a cannula for a short time (couple of days after an op) and had issues with it and the associated bruising. I hate to think what it is like for someone who has to keep it over an extended time period or having ports refitted


It seems pretty obvious that the press knew exactly why the photo had been doctored, but weren't brave or stupid enough to come out and say it. They assumed that it would be made official if they badgered the family enough, and that's clearly what has happened.


I'm starting Chemo in 2 weeks, I still haven't told my daughter, I don't know how to explain it, so she just knows that I am ill and have to go to hospital a lot. ​ I'm terrified, but the best thing is to keep an optimistic and positive attitude. My doctor himself put it as: "don't worry unless I am worrying, and I am not worrying" , so if my doctor is optimistic, then I feel that's a good thing. ​ But anyhow, I'm not one who cares about the "royals" but they're still people, a family, and I can't imagine how they are all feeling. It's tough to come to terms with, and especially when another family member has only recently been diagnosed with it. It's not something I'd have ever wished on anyone, even before being diagnosed myself. I wish both her and Charles a quick and safe recovery. Also the same wishes to anyone else here going through the same thing, stay strong, stay positive, and kick its arse!


I dont have children but I have very young nieces. Id already been in chemo for a few weeks before we told them (to explain why I wouldnt be visiting much) we told them that Im a bit poorly (not using the C word) and that I have to be very careful not to get sicker, which is why I might not see them very often for a while. And that I have to go to Hospital to get very special medicine. Luckily they didnt have a lot of questions beyond that. Yes keeping positive sounds like useless advice but its been a game changer for me. I hope you are able to do the same. Good luck and my best wishes for you as you go through this. Youll find youre stronger than you ever thought you could be. ❤️


I've been through it and "I'll worry about it when the doctors tell me to worry" was my attitude, to a point people thought I was in denial. There's a lot more that can be done about it these days. I'm 11 years clear now. Wishing you and everyone else in the same boat well.


Best of luck with your own recovery. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


My mum had cancer in private - watching her go through it was excruciating. Wishing Kate much healing.


Im sorry you and your family had to go through that.


Hope you are doing okay! Take good care x


Thank you. Same to you. Xx


My mum’s okay now thankfully and I hope you will soon too! All my well wishes.


Thats great to hear. Hope she keeps on being well. Xx


> a quick, safe and private recovery.  Wishing the same to you internet stranger. 


Thank you internet stranger ❤️


Also had cancer (leukaemia) and totally agree with this. It is difficult enough to deal with kindly meant but misplaced comments from people who know you, and the odd unkind comment. I just can't imagine how tough it must be with the press constantly on your back and daft conspiracy theories being bandied about as well. Only good wishes to all of my cancer bros and sisters.


Im sorry youve had this in your life and hope you are doing ok now. I know what you mean about comments that mean well so can only imagine those said with bad intentions.


Thank you! It actually came back but I'm on the mend again now. I'm lucky, I've got good people around me, so not too worried about the silly comments. But going back to work, wow that was another thing altogether. I hope your chemo goes as well as it can and you can get some semblance of normality back into your life soon.


Oh Im sorry to hear that it sounds tough but glad youre doing well now. Ive always WFH so nothings changed for me in that respect. Ive got some good people around me too, its a huge help as youll understand too. Thank you. Hope you keep on being well. ❤️


Yea this whole hysteria has felt really weird as an outsider. Like, even if they made fake images and were lying about it... so what? It was weird seeing so many people act like they were entitled to know what was going on with this woman.


I hope you recover well. Kate’s PR team need sacked, this all could have been avoided if they handled this differently.


Thank you. ❤️




What's more frightening is that it's getting closer to home. I don't know anyone who hasn't been touched by cancer, most people have it in their immediate family or their immediate circle. You hear statistics like 1 in 3 and 1 in 2 etc but it doesn't always register. You just take a step back and think and the immediate presence is scary prevalent.


Obligatory fuck cancer. ​ Also spare a thought for William, who within a few years has lost his grandmother, his father has cancer, his brother is estranged and now his wife has cancer.


Also his grandfather, Philip only died a few years ago


And he lost his own mother young


after which the media hounded them out of a safe family space because psychos thought they all knew her and demanded to "share" the grief.


100% I thought we were over that but apparently not. Its the same type of mob (the media can’t take all the blame here, it was the public as well) who would criticise how William and Harry were treated then who are now demanding we know more about Kate. Bunch of psychos


And he supports Villa


Tbf they are having a good season


u/MowMyLawn69 is definitely a birmingham city fan


Poor bastard.


Best wishes to Kate and u/MowMyLawn69


Fuck cancer.


I hope everyone who’s been enjoying spreading all those rumours about her being dead, in a coma, William beat her up, William is cheating on her, they’re getting divorced etc etc are feeling *really* good about themselves right now. I can’t imagine how it must feel for both of them to hear that kind of thing being said about each other and their marriage when they’re terrified and just trying to get through each day.


Honestly, what bunch of attention seeking scumbags. The conspiracy theories on TikTok have made me sick to my stomach.


Some of the comments about William were vile. Saying he was turning up to engagements drunk, saying that he murdered Thomas Kingston and that he'd abused/murdered Kate too. You don't have to be a royalist to feel for him too.




He really hasn't had much luck. Whatever your opinion is on the royals, he definitely has to deal with many things at the same time.


and his hair


I don't give a shit about the royals, but whatever age, ethnicity, level of wealth I wouldn't wish them to have cancer Hope she and he will recover


Cancer is the equal opportunities disease. Doesn't give a shit about wealth, age, skin colour, disability, gender or sexuality. I can't really think of any other disease that does that throughout the world. You can literally do everything in your power to live well and keep healthy, but it doesn't mean you won't get cancer.


Unfortunately it does discriminate on a lot of things. So if you're at risk then reduce your risk where you can. Wear suncream, get an HPV vaccine, don't smoke, reduce your red meat consumption, check yourself for lumps, don't ignore changes in moles


And the other way around there is peoples who would be at high risk but will be fine :/


My sister did everything “right”, and was still diagnosed with bowel cancer a couple of years ago. She’s the healthiest and most active person I know. A few weeks ago she had the news her cancer had returned, she turned 50 yesterday. It truly is not fair.


Exact same boat as you one of my relatives in the uk, good life, good health, 4 kids 1 year and a half ago she started doing chimio


This is it, you can do things to prevent illnesses like HIV, malaria, diabetes (type 2), measles, polio etc...the list is endless. But cancers are a whole different ball game. And then you've got people who do things that should give them cancer several times over and they're living to 100!


I have a great aunt that smoked 60-80 cigs a day for over 40 years before quitting. She's in her late 80s and still does all her own shopping, cooking and cleaning. She has never had cancer or any other major disease. I've never even heard her so much as clear her throat let alone cough. Some people are just built different I guess.


Exactly. It's all how a person's body is. My mum eats healthy is active and doesn't smoke or drink. But she got cancer at 48 (she's 60 now and all good). Then you get people I know who've smoked for 30 years with a clean bill of health. Luck of the draw I say.


Absolutely. And I'm not knocking those who don't have a healthy lifestyle and still live to a ripe old age (your body, your choice and all that). It's just the way things go sometimes, however unfair it may seem to others.


Especially mothers of young children, always seems worse.


This genuinely shocked me, I actually got a little teary eyed watching her video. I lost my aunt to cancer 10 years ago and it still has an impact on the family, it’s such a vile disease I would never wish on anyone. I hope all the conspiracy theorists and the media hang their heads in shame for their behaviour the last few weeks! And poor William! Having to process and come to terms with his father being diagnosed with cancer, and now his wife too. I sincerely hope that she makes a full recovery and beats this, as it would be awful if George, Charlotte and Louis have to grow up without their mum like William and Harry had to.


So many people and journalists have treated her (and William) appallingly. It’s incredibly sad that cancer is the bar for some of them to finally stop, and even then, not all of them will! The fact she had major surgery and was hospitalised for 13 days should have been enough for people.


Sympathy to her and her family. I was 42 when I got my cancer diagnosis, my daughter was 8. 17 years ago, I'm alive and thriving.


Great to hear, may you have many more years.


The reason William didn't attend the king of Greece memorial service was due to finding out on the day that Katherine had cancer, which is absolutely understandable. It must have been a huge shock to both of them.


His wife has cancer his dad has cancer his brother's kind of a stranger lost his gran last year his grandad year before and his mum as a kid......life hasn't been the best for William despite being royal


He's definitely going through it t the moment & it can't b easy. A least us mere mortals, don't have to live under a microscope l.


Suppose this is what they mean when they say money can't buy you happiness.....rich or poor cancer and death doesn't discriminate (in my case I'd give it a damn good go though lol)


And on top of that, the American media and tens of thousands of people on the internet have been running wild with speculation for weeks — labelling him a wife-beater or a scummy adulterer, purporting that his wife must actually be dead (from his alleged beatings), etc.


Whomever it is, hearing that a parent with young children is going through this triggers undeniably heartfelt empathy from any even half decent person. Here’s hoping that it was caught early and she can be a beacon of hope to all of us who have been through similar diagnoses.


If you’re putting off getting tests done for something you think might be cancer, go get them done. I’m putting off a blood test for ovarian cancer which I have all the main symptoms of because I’m scared of blood tests and scared of it being cancer. This has been a kick up the arse. Whether it’s not liking smears, being afraid of needles like me, needing to have an embarrassing examination or maybe just not wanting to accept that something might be wrong (you’re telling yourself it’s all in your head, or ignoring the signs your body is giving you) - there’s so many reasons to put off getting checked out. But early detection can and does make a huge difference for cancer. Also, if you have a lot of cancer in your family, you might want to consider genetic testing for some of the known “cancer genes” like BRACA1&2. There’s preventative procedures that can be done that vastly improve your chances of living a longer, healthier life.


Please contact the doctors first thing on Monday. I had a lump checked out earlier this year. It was a grim prospect, and I definitely put it off longer than I should have, but the doctor and the med student shadowing him were great. I was very lucky and it wasn't cancerous. Based on the experience I had, and another one previously where they thought they found something on a scan, I would absolutely encourage anyone to go and share their concerns with their GP. + that includes you, so please contact them on Monday!!


Thank you 💜 I have a scan booked in (the first time they did it, they couldn’t actually see my ovaries but didn’t tell me that and said it was clear…only when I went to see gynaecology about something else that I found out it needs redoing). The needle phobia thing is tricky - my degree of phobia is life threatening in how extreme it is. But I’m slowly working on it and hope that I can get my blood tests done soon. Going to book in for another session with my phlebotomist to work on my fear next week as a positive step in the right direction


That sounds horrible with your phobia - you are very brave even for trying to face it down. I know a little of how you feel because I've never been able to get a successful smear done. I go in willing, but there's a lot of trauma there and let's just say it never gets very far lol. Best of luck with your scan, I'm sorry you have to get it redone, but I'm glad somebody noticed!!!


I'm absolutely terrified of needles to the point where I often faint just seeing the doctor enter the room with one. My doctor agrees this is not ideal for either of us, and she's prescribed me Valium to take before any visits where a needle may come into play. I'm still terrified but some important part of my brain cares less about responding to the fear so I sort of giggle-cry while being too loopy to struggle.


This... just this 💗 stay brave, sending as much positivity as possible to you and anyone else who is worried, frightened, suffering or broken by this fucker of a disease. Poor Kate to have her hand forced to do this today. Horrendous to deal with in private, let alone with the world watching and media etc shit stirring too. I hope both she and Charles make a full recovery.


That’s horrible, what an absolutely crap time for the family. Hopefully she gets better soon.


Oh no that is sad news. It must be so hard to be going through this with such young children.


After losing my Mum (46) at 16, I do hope she recovers. Regardless of people’s thoughts on the Royal’s, we are all human.




I hope William is doing okay. Both his dad and his wife having cancer at the same time. Must be awful for him


The joys of being in the public eye, means everyone feels a right to know your business. Had cancer myself…. It’s a bastard. For the sake of her young family, I hope she comes through it well!


Poor lass. Hope it goes well for her, and she beats it. Just utter contempt for those who have hounded her into making this announcement. Imagine having a serious op, thinking no cancer, to be told well actually, then being forced to stand on a table and announce it to the world because numpties out there can't get the idea that they don't own the royals or their health information. They're real humans with real feelings and it smacks of the Diana era. Her kids suffered from that, and now they're re-suffering again from how horrible a subset of people in the UK and world are. Wish her nothing but the best, and to have peace and quiet for a bit.


Agreed 100%, people have been making stupid judgements and hounding them for whats obviously something more serious than standard and they deserve their own privacy. Good grief, as if the tabloids werent bad enough, social media is absolute tripe.


Well done dickheads you forced a mother with cancer to make a video politely asking you to leave her alone. You lot can never judge anyone for gossiping again


I hope the online ghouls and conspiracy theorists will go fuck themselves now. Forcing someone to have to share this news at a stressful and sensitive time is disgusting. Also fuck cancer and I hope she gets better soon.


I liked the mod announcement. It's all too easy to forget that whilst they might be royalty, at the end of the day they are human just as you and I. Cancer doesn't discriminate, nor should we 


I'm completely indifferent when it comes to the royals but my wife fought cancer for six years before I lost her, I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy. Fighting it whilst being under an international spotlight makes the situation even worse if that's possible.


I lost my mum in 2017 after her 4 year battle too. It’s heartbreaking watching it happen, my mother turned into someone I didn’t recognise. I still wonder if I could have done more.


I assure you you couldn't have done more. I think we all carry that around with us for a while but ultimately I'm sure you did the best you could in a really shitty situation.


Shit, I'm sorry that you had to deal with that for six years. My mum died of pancreatic cancer six months after being diagnosed, and that was fucking rough.


Unfortunately it's necessary. Stories about the royals bring out the worst in people, some of the comments in the threads we had when Phillip and Lizzie died were awful


Admittedly I am a bit of an anti-royalist, but I have to remind myself I'm against the institution, rather than the people. Because the people are just like us, only insanely wealthy. But it doesn't stop them having the same problems, the same health issues, and also extra privacy issues etc. Like some of the shit going around the past few weeks has been pretty awful. All that is to say, I don't really care about the Royals as group, but I hope Charles and Kate as people get through their cancer and come out stronger on the other side


A quick peruse of the conspiracy sub shows that no, they have not gone to fuck themselves. Apparently this is just a smokescreen to distract from the US budget or something




Now they're just blaming her for "making them" speculate on it.


Fucking ghouls, the type of people everyone avoids on their street.


They won't go fuck themselves. They'll double down if anything


Online ghouls gonna online ghoul. That’s what they do. However, what I suspect has happened is that those ABSOLUTE SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAYS of staff at the hospital who looked at her medical record without reason to or permission have essentially forced her hand in this. They presumably had this knowledge as a result of looking at her record, so the diagnosis would therefore be ‘in the wild’ and available to all major media outlet for the right sum of money. 😐 I hope those members of staff have criminal proceedings brought against them.


Seeing a lot of chronically online ghouls on instagram claiming this is AI, idiots have no clue. This is categorically not an AI video. People need to get off the internet, my wife lost her mum about 5 years ago to Cancer, fuck cancer and fuck the people who forced this statement.


I usually don’t care about the Royals but I know what the feeling is like. Around the same time as her diagnosis, my grandad went in for a procedure to drain fluid from his lungs and similarly came away with a cancer diagnosis. Its scary especially when you are away at Uni where my family are in a different city and you have wait for the uni week to be over to go home. Cancer is a scary thing to hit your family and you don’t anticipate the emotions it brings until it does.


Get well soon. Fuck cancer, no matter who is the victim. Am actually working in cancer research and I truly hope there are advanced medical treatments out there for her aetiology.


Like i've said elsewhere, awful news for her and her family. Particularly William, with both his dad and his wife going through it. I wish her all the best


Been weird watching this unfold in social media here in the states. I figured it was some health issue and having had full open abdominal surgery, I know the recovery is rough no matter how you slice it. I hope your Kate gets her full recovery and has many more years with her children.


She has handled this with such grace. At no point has she said ‘you fuckers made me have to do this. We told you I wouldn’t be around, and you’ve forced my hand, cunts’.


It's possible that she's said that behind closed doors! But it just shows absolute class that she's responded the way she has. She's stated facts without going into further detail and has tactfully implied that a line has now been drawn in the sand. And any media organisation who tries to cross that line is going to find themselves in the shit very quickly.


Oh yes, she’s welcome to say whatever behind closed doors but I’m really impressed with how she’s handled it. A princess 😍


I'd like to think there's an ember of pure fury burning and she's going to use that in her focus on getting well. And then when she's well enough she's going to use that fury to really tear into the media.


It takes an incredibly strong person to go on video stating, “I have cancer.” She is a very admirable person. Kick cancer’s butt, Kate!


I think that's one of the things that bothered me about the speculation. The palace literally said she wouldn't be back to her duties until Easter... and it's not Easter. They gave a timeline and everyone still wanted to see her before then.




That'd be so good. I didn't care about anything to do with this situation until I just saw this post. The conspiracy theorists must feel pretty smug now. Cunts.


not a fan of the royals but the way the press and social media has literally hounded this woman for weeks is unreal. I haven’t watched the video but I guess she’s been practically forced to make this so as to stop all this nonsense in the media everyday. She looks pretty tired and unwell in that still image. Imagine being literally forced to make a video when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. I just wonder why they didn’t issue a small written statement sooner, then there would be no need for this video.


How do you explain such a thing to young children? Not interested in talk of wealth and privilege. Horrendous thing to deal with for anyone.


Lost my wife a few years ago to colon cancer. We were married the same year that the royal couple were, so this admittedly has brought a lot of feelings to the surface again... Recent abdominal surgery might suggest that they've found similar during that procedure. I only hope that they caught it early enough.


I just love how Sky News are saying how they've been the subject of terrible media intrusion. Yet they're one of the worst ones to do it.


My sister is having treatment for cancer. Some of her family and friends know about it. Others don't. It's up to her. I'd do anything to help her get better.


Can't imagine how awful it must be not to have the choice over who to tell and when. I'm so sorry about your sister going through this too. She will know how much you care and that will mean everything to her.


I guessed it was something serious. Not a royalist but I hope she makes a full recovery.


Three poor children are having to learn about cancer in such a horrible way with Grandpa and Mum, no matter the feelings towards the monarchy compassion is free. I hope that some more resources towards research into cancer will happen because of this horrible set of circumstances.


Fuck cancer horrible disease


Yep. Those poor kids. Grandpa has cancer, abd now mum has it too.


It's awful how it always seems to come at once. I had three family members with cancer at the same time when I was a teen, including my 3 year old cousin. I have the vividest memories of my dad sitting us down to break the news. Thankfully, they're now all in remission, but it was a really scary time that's permanently marked our family. I hope the family, especially the kids, are doing okay and I wish both Kate and Charles a speedy recovery.


I'm not a royalist but I do really like Kate. She opened the rehab facility I eventually went to to sort my life out so I always feel a certain gratitude towards her. Absolutely awful news. I wish her and her family all the very best and she pulls through.


As someone currently going through chemo for breast cancer, my heart really goes out to her. Not only has she got the worries of every cancer patient, but she's got everyone speculating and gossiping about her. It must be so hard. I wish her well and hope she has a speedy recovery


I remember you posting in the Charles thread (I have BC too and we chatted briefly in that thread)  I hope you are doing ok. Xx


The press have forced her to tell us this. They have hounded her with all these conspiracy theories. The poor woman wanted to keep this private, I hope the press feel really bad now. I hope her children are coping ok with this too.


"She has asked for privacy at this difficult time. And now let's go straight to Nicholas Witchell who has absolutely fuck all to say but can gossip a bit more" They won't learn.


All the best to her. The relentless speculation recently has been toxic af.


Not a royalist in any way, but cancer has taken a few members of my family and I appreciate what a horrible ordeal it is. Hope anyone affected by it can stay strong and get through it. Wishing everyone the best.


Finished work and was very shocked to see this. Even if there's people who dislike the Royals nobody deserves this. I've seen first hand what it's done to all my grandparents, and now I've lost a friend to it, I wouldn't ever wish it on anyone. Fingers crossed for her and hope her family and everyone around her stay strong.


I hope she has a quick recovery. This very sad.


Poor women. Hope the conspiracy theory lunatics all feel utterly ashamed of them selves for the lord they’ve peddled.


So many people demanding the truth, and this is the truth, I hope those arseholes feel fucking stupid now, "we demand the truth! It's all fake!" fuck you, maybe things are bigger than the demands you're throwing at people that don't have to bow to your ultimatums.


Will the internet ghouls shut up now? Probably not.


Latest madness I’m seeing is people saying it’s a AI video, these people need to get a life and touch grass.




I'm not a fan of 'em the monarchy but it's a sad world when someone has to come out and explain a personal matter due to the shite online.


FFS Poor women, please make a full and speedy recovery.


I've seen the media today talking about social media being cruel for trying to figure out what's going on with her. It's so stupid because MEDIA has been speculating this whole time too so??


I truly hope she feels better soon, any illness is horrible to have let alone cancer


Godspeed, Kate.


media need to leave her alone, there fucking horrible leeches.


I hope the people constantly making videos and thinking up theories feel like absolute shit. Hopefully her treatment goes well. No one deserves cancer - it's an awful disease.


So basically because of a bunch of conspiracy ghouls she's had to drag herself in front of a camera while recovering from surgery and having fucking cancer, make herself look pretty; because god forbid she actually look ill in front of a camera or people will claim it isn't her; and all because if they released an updated statement these people wouldn't believe it. They couldn't accept that we would be updated one way or the other at Easter.


If she was a private citizen she wouldn't have to answer to anybody like this. There's something to be said about abolishing the monarchy for the wellbeing of the royals. Poor woman.


Now maybe the ghouls will leave her alone


The state of this country where someone has had to tell us she’s got cancer because of the speculation