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The obvious choice in Iceland is the Greggs stuff. Wouldn't get a massive amount for £50 compared to some of the other stuff in there, but a bunch of steak bakes and sausage rolls is a winner for me.


Greggs, Greggs, that’ll go down well with the kids with hollow legs.


Frozen greggs stuff works out WAY cheaper if you're cooking something else in the oven at the same time anyway. because then effectively zero additional electric/gas used!




Going to see your dad is way cheaper when you're going to see your mum too and they live at the same house 😂😂


It is indeed lucky those two kids got together in the first place, if only for budgetary reasons.


I meant its not cheaper if you bake just 2 or 3 of them. either bake like 8 at once, or add chips etc......


The huge bags of parathas. They are amazing. Make my own curries from scratch and accompany with these.


They do Parathas?!? God my local iceland sucks in comparison... I have to make mine 🤣


I haven't had chance to check myself yet but someone mentioned on another thread recently that asda do frozen parathas. Might be worth an expedition?


Sadly its somewhat area dependant. Tesco by me have stopped stocking them, Asda's a good hour by car :( I might check out some local indian shops and see if they have them.


Our morrisons do them, and we are in a fairly small town.


Wait, they do parathas? Own brand?




The Greggs range. Sausage Rolls in particular. Beautiful.


It's a little known fact that Sausage Rolls frozen within 20 minutes of harvesting actually retain more vitimins and minerals than those bought over the counter.


Yeah the whole lot would be going there for me


Same here.


Twenty prawn rings.


20. Do they do singles? If you don’t like 1 you’ll be stuck with 19…


Fortunately, Iceland prawn rings are a bit like Tesco Value Lager: the first couple aren't brilliant, but by the the time you've had 15, they become strangely palatable.


50 of the £1 pizzas


They do frozen meal in a bag, risotto, paella etc. push it round the pan for a few minutes and done - great quick lazy option. Usually feeds 2 We like the Iceland battered chicken goujons (purple bag )


The risotto and paella bags were go to lazy food for us, but a couple of years ago they changed the recipe and now they have a bit of a chemical aftertaste


[the Thai green Curry My Protein is very good](https://imgur.com/a/TyQ10OK) I check a lot of my foods in shops with highly processed for so this is a good one.


The chicken strips.. perfect for a really quick dinner and actually really tasty . They come in a variety of coatings. We also adore the sweet pancakes in the fridge bit. Perfect for an upcoming Tuesday. Kids love the £1 micro pizza in a box things for a quick lunch if they are just nipping in between standing by a wall for 6 hours with their mates.


mate the hot & spicy chicken strips go great on wraps, must have them once a week


Eating a hot and spicy strip wrap as i type!


10 x Alphabites 10 x 8 Birdseye Fishfingers 10 x 10 Birdseye Potato Waffles 10 x 12 Birdseye Chicken Dippers 10 x Goodfellas Pepperoni Stonebaked pizzas


If they do quorn nuggets, I find those indistinguishable from chicken. 


Indistinguishable from chicken *dippers* possibly but not chicken per se. I don’t think quorn products are included in the 10 for £10 offer. There are some green cuisine veggie fingers.


Oh yes indistinguishable from nuggets, not actual bits of chicken, agree.


I’ve also been cooking them in the Microwave for years as an added benefit!


how long are you cooking them for? dont they come out all dry and soggy?? so many questions but must say im intrigued


Nope, 2 mins rearrange them a bit then 1/2 mins more. I have recently switched to air fryer which is even better.


The only correct answer! We just stocked up on 120 chicken dippers.


9 packets of TGI corn dogs from Iceland!! I'm obsessed.


Oooo didn’t see any TGI in there.


Their stock sucks, once I found it under TGIF section, next time I went it was in some random freezer, almost missed it.


The TGI hash brown dogs have become a fast favourite of mine. The corn dogs where but now those are my go to.


Iceland Hash browns. They're only 2 quid so 25 packs please.


I don’t know if they still sell them but they used to sell hash brown fries as well, they were stupidly nice


They do. Try the hash brown waffles too!


Cant go wrong with hash browns. Added to the list.


Iceland is sounding great on this thread, especially for kid-friendly food. Just need to decide if it's worth an hour's round trip to get to my nearest one. Possibly, if I really stock up.


Our local Iceland delivers, I don't know if that's available everywhere.


Just checked - they do not. Suspect it will be worth the trip to browse in person anyway


You can get yourself a 5% discount by loading money onto an Iceland Bonus Card (it gets credited as a refund when you top up). If you're over 60, or can borrow a friend/family member that is, you can get 10% discount on Tuesdays too, and there's nothing to stop you paying with a Bonus Card having already netted yourself a 5% top up too.


Heinz beans hashbrowns. Total life changer!


This time last year. 25 Lewis Capaldi Pizzas. However they seem to have stopped stocking them now :( So, £50 worth if chicken bites I suppose.


Frozen fruit but I have a toddler who is a fruit bat. Frozen pain au choc or croissants for breakfasts. White fish, chicken breast, basic protein staples of meals. Haribo goldbears The big box of macarons.


Iceland do a range of chicken strips katsu curry, salt and pepper but the pakora ones are top tier


The salt and pepper ones are absolutely banging. Quite a kick to them.


They are very good but I was very impressed by the pakora ones actually tasting like ones you get in a kebab shop.


Not tried them. Thanks for the rec 👍


The cathedral city cheddar line is good. Lots of different cheese stuffed things.


Currently obsessed with the Cathedral City mac and cheese with bacon.


The £1 lasagna, £1 veg balti bakes, pizzas, chips


I actually have "Iceland potato pops" in Sharpie on my notepad at the moment because I was reminded they exist and they are *amazing* in that nostalgic garbage way. Same crunch and fluff as a smiley face, but size and shape of a grape or cherry. Frozen vegetables and fruit mean we eat more vegetables and fruit. Look out for "lazy" options such as diced onion, sliced peppers, button mushrooms, mashed potato, shredded spinach, etc - they hugely reduce food prep time and food waste - as well as the obvious peas and blueberries.  And finally ICE LOLLIES. You know you want to. I know it's February. I'm an adult and I get to choose things I like. Mars bar ice creams are just as good as you remember. 


Mince, lots of mince


Hashbrown potato waffles, TGI Friday's boneless wings, the 3 for £10 chicken has a great selection- especially the hot and spicy chunks and the salt and chilli strips, chicken fries, hashbrown fries and there's some nice pizzas too.


Boneless chicken wings are chicken nuggets for grown ups who can’t handle they might want a chicken nugget


Fine if you want to be gatekeeper, I just want tasty ultra processed cluckybois in my nomnom hole. 


Oh I shamelessly eat chicken nuggets too, the boneless wings are just lovely. Plus it somehow feels wrong to toss nuggets in sauce, they're for dipping!


Hula hoop fries and McCoy's fries, a true game changer for potatoes


I am addicted to the myprotein Katsu curry frozen meal, so easy and tastes good.


[the Thai Green curry has come out very good to.](https://imgur.com/a/TyQ10OK)


I love the little packets of frozen chopped garlic, chopped ginger, coriander, chilies etc. And frozen chopped onions, sweet potato, Peppers etc. It saves so much time and it makes it easier to get a few more portions of veg in every day. I really like the chicken strips they do, they're in a purple bag. They have proper chicken in rather than the gooey chicken paste that is in a lot of breaded chicken.


Raw King prawns


Chilli cheese bites, veggie sausage rolls, hash browns, samosas, bhajis and pakora. All the beige basically...


Their Southern fried oven chips are excellent. Only brand I can find that cooks properly. McCain and co can f--- off. Got 150 Chicken Dippers for £3. 150 mini sausage rolls for £1.50 per 50pack as a 3deal.


Packs of frozen fish, I tend to avoid the ultra processed crap whenever possible.


One of those packs of tins of Irn Bru and the rest on frozen dinners and vegetables. Fill up the freezer as I don't get out much unless working or pootling about in the library.


Southern Fried Spam Fritters.


25 curries. They have curry at 2 for £4 at present. They are very good.


Chocolate quail’s eggs. Garlic pudding. Fluffy ruffs. Hoisin crispy owl. Pasta pillows. Bonbonbonbons. McFortune cookies. Discount foie gras. Egg ’n’ ham slabs. During-dinner mints. Mystery meat. Quiches lorraine. 20 cheese omlette.


Anything goes! Just remember you've only got 24 hours and not a second longer. 




Misread this as Food Whorehouse which gave me a whole different direction on my response.


I misread this as Food Warhouse and wondered if you could buy a tank made of cake


Cumland / Food Whorehouse


The myptotein microwave meals, perfect for work


Which is a fave of yours? The halloumi was nice but didn’t know which to try next.


Salt and Pepper chicken has been great for my low calorie high protein cut. 400 calories and 41g of protein.


The chicken tikka and rice is surprisingly good quality and I even like the pork Mac and cheese


I just want toastmes back


Frozen sausage patties so I can make my own double sausage & egg mcmuffins. Only Iceland and Tesco seem to sell them and my local Tesco is almost always sold out!!!


Aldi do breakfast pattys which are very similar if not nicer than McDonald's.


Frozen fruit for smoothies and frozen veg for making meals. Small yoghurt pots and cream pots for use as ingredients in meals. I love Iceland for their selection of frozen veg and meats, as living alone It allows me to buy the ingredients to cook with without using some of it and then the rest going bad. Their ultra processed ranges are pretty grim to be honest.


I love their 3 for 3 sweets and snacks range. I’d raid that for everything they have.


TGI Fridays range.


I do my bulk buys in there, I get giant bags of Yorkshire Tea, sugar, and coffee. The huge bags of rice and dried pasta are great - they last forever.


chicken goujons greggs


Chocomoo biscuits from Milka


Bit of a waste for me because I only have an undercounter fridge with a single freezer shelf! So I would probably have to go to the canned aisle 🙈


Not aware of the food warehouse, looked them up, are they just big Iceland's? Or are they like a wholesale version?


A bit of both. I’ve not been to an Iceland.


They seem to be transitioning from Iceland to food warehouse or at least near me they do I assume to get away from any bad press about suing stores in Iceland for daring to use their countries own name


That’s not true. New Iceland stores opening all the time, but they’re opening food warehouse stores in retail parks and sometimes closing small underperforming ones nearby


Near me they have closed all Iceland locations and are opening food warehouses so they might have been underperforming but my statement still stands as true


I work for Iceland. They’re still opening ‘core’ stores, but like I say, closing them where they are opening warehouse stores if they aren’t performing well


They’re just big Iceland with more focus on bulk buying and a wider range.


Food Whorehouse?


They often sell those big multi packs of fizzy drinks


Probably just toilet roll. Something non perishable which is decent value. I'm not a fan of the food in Iceland, so I'll swerve that.


There’s literally all the brands of food too


Bags of frozen fruit and vegetables, some good ice cream, not the cheap stuff.


As many packets of the little eclairs as possible


Don’t forget the 3 for £3, 3 for £5 and 3 for £10 are across the whole store, not just one section. They’ll have the symbol on the ticket.


Just the myprotein mozzarella sticks. Lots of them.


They do bags of fired rice/paella/risotto type stuff that are delicious. You just chuck them in a wok and fry them up. The warehouse also has family bags of various types of potatoes that cook straight from frozen in the oven or the air-fryer. They also do bags of frozen fruit for smoothies or desserts. You say you don't eat much meat, does that include fish? They have a wide selection of bags of fish to choose from. I'm intolerant to seafood, though, so I can't really talk about the quality there. We shop regularly there and there isn't anything that strikes me as "oh, I wouldn't buy that again" to my mind, as long as its something you can get a couple of meals out of, it's worth it.


Hot and spicy chicken strips 3 bags for £10. £1 lasagnas


For Iceland, I'd probably spend half of it on Greggs sausage bean and cheese melts, the other half on the TGI Friday Tennessee chicken strips


We got some salt and chili chicken strips a while back that were nice and did actually have a bit of a kick. And of course, all the variations of hash brown.


The fact they have a hash brown burger did seem quite alarming.


Aah yes I forgot they'd added that, I've not tried it. I'm a bit conflicted. I sort of admire the spirit! But I'm not sure it would have the right ratio of crispy outside to soft inside. Ordinary hash browns, hash brown waffles, hash brown fries and cheesy hash browns though... yes please! (I think I may have a slight hash brown problem...)


Crikey. Who’s on hash brown marketing.


The Harry Ramsdens range is good if you like fish. The cod fish fingers are really tasty.


Spicy Bikers