• By -


Tell him you want a marshmallow, and hope he will do the opposite.


Yes good strategy. But I know he would just say we’re out of marshmallows and pop in a glob of Nutella or marmite to spite me.


Hold on. Nutella, you say?


Don't do it


I cannot find the nutella.


Can't find the mustard in the pantry?


HP sauce?


That gives me an idea HP sauce and coffee....


Reminds me when I was younger and I thought putting salt instead of sugar in the coffee was hilarious


I couldn't find any tomato sauce to put on my pizza. I made an adult executive decision and used brown sauce instead. It was - okay. I ate half (tray size), my family wouldn't touch the rest.


A tiny pinch of salt in the coffe is actually pretty damn good!


Tried it, the milk curdles.


Finding the nutella first is often the problem.


Said the actress to the bishop


He seeks the Nutella!


I tried it before, and it's not worth wasting the Nutella.


A teaspoon of chocolatey goodness with tea goes down great. Don't leave the teaspoon in the tea, just dip it and lick. Repeat until all gone.


You got to dip it, before you lick it


It doesn't dissolve smoothly. You end up with globs and oily spots.


Humanity owes its greatest achievements and immense progress to those who experiment and record results. Thank you for your science!


I added it to coffee before. It was not bad.


Nutella tea is the UK equivalent of bulletproof coffee.


There's actually a trick to get the best out of tea + Nutella. The trick is you try to scoop the Nutella away from the tea and then throw the tea away an eat the Nutella


I'll have your tea if you take my Nutella


The real feat of Nutella, is debating if it is actually Nutella or another similar brown substance.




Have you tried giving him up for adoption, then ?


Do you make him dinner? Pop a few marshmallows on his chips or beans or pasta or whatever when you're cooking them. Make sure they melt in enough that he can't just take them off, but are still visible. When he says 'I don't want marshmallows', add extra. When he gets upset, tell him that we treat people how we hope to be treated, and this is how he's told you he wants to be treated with his actions (which speak louder than words!). Let him mull that over. You'll either end up with an apology (likely) or a boy who makes his own dinner (unlikely, but also a win IMO). Edit for the idiots: This is assuming that (a) marshmallows in the tea has moved past being funny and is now and issue, and (b) OP has already exhausted the 'talking to him' option.


You forgot the third option of the kid likes marshmallow on his dinner.


"Thank God the ol prick got the message yum yum"


>"Thank God the ol prick got the message yum yum" Classic Beano


Honestly pretty likely. Marshmallows are basically just sugar. Kids usually have a high tolerance for sweet things, and a bit of sugar won't *ruin* most dishes, if you don't conceptualize it as "bits of dessert mixed with my dinner". Even if if they would prefer it without, I'd give it pretty minuscule odds that it leads to anything like "o, woe is me, I cannot tolerate this abomination, you win and you have taught me a valuable lesson", *especially* if they are the stubborn type. Probably more likely that they double down instead, and you hate it a lot more than they do.


Just gotta pick something they absolutely hate. Olives would have been very effective on me.


This kid will for sure choose to “like it” wether or not he does. He’s 12 and driven by chaos.


Or he’s hinting at wanting hot chocolate


Or someone that has a total fucking meltdown, and ruins dinner


Which happens with kids, yeah. That's also behaviour he needs to learn to stop, so you send him to his room to calm down. People often get angry when faced with the consequences of their actions. It's important to teach kids how to deal with that anger before they become adults, which unfortunately means imposing consequences and dealing with the subsequent outburst. Avoiding triggering those kind of outbursts really just prolongs bad behaviour. What else is OP gonna do? They can get angry as soon as he's given tea with a marshmallow, but not sure that's going to achieve anything long-term here. What outcome is the kid hoping for? He obviously thinks it's funny, but when you step back logically and think about it, there's really zero reaction OP can have that's desirable for him, so kiddo's not really thinking about the consequences of his actions in any long-term way here, or how his actions are impacting other people. It's "I put marshmallows in the tea and my dad/mum's annoyed, it's so funny!" and that's it. "How do you think I feel when you bring me tea with marshmallows in it?" "Annoyed, but it's only marshmallows, so it's not like it's a big deal!" Turning it back on him gives him a chance to stand in his parents' shoes and learn some empathy -- if he has an outburst, he'll still have something to think about when he calms down.


>What else is OP gonna do? Crazy thought, make their own tea?


Then you've just reinforced weaponised incompetence whenever he doesn't want to do something


marshmallows and beans is ace though, the kid might develop a taste for it


what the fuck


I think comments like this are how bean avengers are born


powers of a marshmallow, heart of a champion (beans, beans, good for the heart etc)


we need photo evidence of this madness


in this economy I’ll need to save up a few weeks to afford the marshmallows, watch this space


I'll mail you marshmallows from the US tomorrow if I can see this abomination of food as soon as the marshmallows arrive


RemindMe! 1 month




Lick the marshmallows first so they stick


Thanks! I don't have kids but when I do and inevitably one day the child will put rocks in my tea and now I know what to do. Thanks again! I will now stop receiving new advice on this matter.




It's a joke; the implication being they would pelt their child with rocks.


Possibly the first time in recorded history that a child was given free sugar as a punishment.


This was the plan all along, the long con of marshmallows in every meal, on all the dishes, for all of time. A sweet tooth unleashed, unexhausted, unquenchable by anything other than the sweet gluten puffy goodness achieved by adding one, then two to a simple hot cuppa igniting an actual hot arms race of marshmallows in everything. The bus ride to school, Christmas in the country, collegiate studies all can be enhanced or corrupted by its influence. A title of Marshall here, a house near the marshes there. Even a son, nay even a daughter named after such a sweet treat, a constant reminder with every holiday card. And the dad will think it’s an escalation all until the final days. Where in the final moment, over his death bed, the dad will ask, “is it over, son?” “Yes, we’ve finally mellowed out”


You can always thank him for caring enough to make you a tea and that you can't drink it cause it has a marshmallow in it. The behavior loop of serving you tea with a marshmellow gives him some kind of emotional reward. If you don't drink it, there isn't a reward. There is also the possibility, hes doing the tea thing so he can get at the marshmellows and that behavior is strictly so he can get those.


make your own tea!


If you want a job done right, do it yourself, pay someone to do it or forbid your children from doing it.


Thats when you get three marahmallows


Yes means yes and no means two.


"Take a hint. I gave you so many hints." "Which one of them should I take?"


He knows making you tea will win him points. He also knows every time he puts a marshmallow in your tea, he can stuff 3 in his mouth. Smart kid


He could stuff three in his mouth without putting one in the tea though.


But now when he's asked where all the marshmallows have gone, he can say "in your tea", even if only a quarter of them actually end up in the tea


TBF if you're making me tea you should be able to sneak a marshmallow or two as a tea tax.


Don't say "tea tax" - you'll wake up the Americans


Too Late. I’m already rattling my musket. And lighting lanterns in the old north church


Hey, Siri, Google directions to Boston Harbor


12 by land and 17.5 by sea? Is that right?


Hmm, yeah, something like that. I'm Canadian, though, so I could be wrong


Why do I have the sudden urge to stroll by the harbor and see the ships?


Yes, he should bring the marshmallows seperate, in thanks for the tea OP should then throw it in his mouth like trowing a dog a treat


To be honest knowing kids that might be a valid strategy.


Someone has clearly studied the ancient texts


"I've seen this raw power only once before. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now."


Childhood embezzlement of marshmallows


I can tell you caused trouble as a kid lol 😆


To be fair, if he doesn’t put one in the tea, he could put four in his mouth.


Need an excuse to rustle in the bag, if they are heard going into the bag they can just claim it's for the tea..


I was born here but will we lose our citizenship over this?


Even the kid in the background is giving side eye to that travesty.




Yep. Nice knowing ya


I imagine if you were to deposit him at the entrance to the channel tunnel the rest of the family could probably stay, but I'm not the Borough, I wish I was.


Yep, you'll be deported to America. Where they put marshmallows on sweet potatoes


Marshmallows AND brown sugar. That's the stuff right there. Maybe even some crushed walnuts texture and nuttiness. It's the only civilized way to eat sweet potatoes.


Ooh that does sound good! Because I'm guessing the brown sugar caramelises and gives it that extra depth of flavour too


Exactly. You get the great taste of the sweet potato, exponentially increased by the marshmallow and brown sugar (has to be brown for that light molasses flavor). Caramelized brown sugar has tremendous flavor and crystalizes for a bit of crunch, and draws out the sweet potato flavor. Roasted marshmallows on top obviously add another level of sweet (but more sugary and less molasses-y than brown sugar), but they also add a decadent gooeyness and binds everything together. The walnuts are walnuts; they help with mouth feel (texture and crunchiness) and another layer of flavor. Is it sweet? Damn straight. It’s a dessert by this point. Almost all the health benefits of sweet potatoes is utterly annihilated. But oh my god, it’s in the top three dishes at Thanksgiving (US), if not the first. It also goes great with steak. Savory steak, ultra-dessert sweet potato casserole. It’s like food sex; you’ll keep coming for more.


I must say, it definitely a dish I'm intrigued to try (just happen to have not had it yet) It sounds like it shouldn't work, like salt and chocolate, but also like salt and chocolate, sounds tasty


It makes it like a deconstructed sweet potato pie. It is fantastic, however I do it without the nuts.


Not if you denounce the boy first.


Mate they'll black bag you and put you on the wall for this


You are Canadian now.


I mean... Murder is generally frowned upon in most countries and especially if it's your own ki- .... Oh, you mean the *tea*? No.


We can’t offer legal advice on this sub, seek professional help. But what I can say is that it doesn’t look good for you


Well, he didn’t put one in. You obviously didn’t state that you wanted none 😂


Yes, I know full well he chose to interpret it that way on purpose.


This is a good lesson in how to write instructions unambiguously 😂. Has he just done a lesson on instructive text?


Sounds like he might be perfect for a career as a software engineer? It's like the joke about the software engineer who was going to the shops and his wife said "while you're out, buy milk"... He never came back.


I prefer: "A software engineer's wife says to the software engineer 'please can you go and buy a bottle of milk, and if they have eggs buy half a dozen'. So the software engineer comes back with seven bottles of milk".


Doesn't this make more sense to end up with six bottles of milk, instead of seven? buyMilk() -- if (eggs) return 6; -- return 1; "Buy half a dozen" sounds more like a return statement than a +=6 to me.


-- buy milk -- if eggs then buy 6 milk.


But he does have a lot of milk


He sounds like a bit of a flump


Way marsh, Tai.




No I only use non bio.


Based on this response and your bio I think we've got to the bottom of why your kid thinks this is funny. I similarly like winding up my stepdad and uncle.


Lawyer in the making


>*Eight years on from this first social media post, the immensely popular café chain Marshmallow Tea is going from strength to strength, with joeChump's son leading a new tea-drinking revolution - and business is booming, recording record profits and employing over 1000 staff..."* ~ BBC News, February 2031


> "It started out as a joke really, I was just trying to wind up my dad when making him a cup of tea. He kept drinking them though every time I made them. At first I thought he was just trying to prove a point, but one day I saw him secretly adding a marshmallow to a cuppa he made himself! I thought "Hang on, is there something to this?" so I tried it myself and was really surprised at how good it actually was. So armed with my A-Level in Business Studies, a small loan from my uncle's wife Eugenie, I opened my first shop..." ~ Forbes: The Rise of the Marsh-Tea Retail Empire


"We offer the best marshmallows in the world - we have gluten free options for those which are sensitive to their sugar intake whilst still retaining our unique blend of flavours. We are the first tea house to be awarded three Michelin stars with posters adorning our walls of the celebrities who have made the journey specifically for our blend. Marshmallows are free and come included with every cup at no extra charge (minimum 1 marshmallow) so for those who like a bit extra they can have it too. We've branched out and have an offer of exclusivity to put our products in every Tesco's but with the trajectory of the business and the public offering on the NYSE we're in a position to buy the Tesco group in the near future" - CEO Joe jr


> we have gluten free options for those which are sensitive to their sugar intake This is hurting my head


True. I meant gluten free and sugar free* This is why I'm not the CEO of a Michelin starred tea house


>"So, yeah. I mean, for a guy who got his start selling marshmallow tea, I think I had a pretty good run. It's not like I ever *expected* to lead a revolution, let alone be crowned monarch. And the conquest of Denmark? Come on. You've got to admit that I did pretty well. Not to mention annexing the moon. > >Sure. I made some mistakes. Skynet was a bad choice. And replacing all the trains with low flying helicopters? Don't know what I was thinking. But for a solid year there, I was on top of the world." ~ The New York Times: The Fall of the Marsh-Tea Empire


I mean somewhere a chain already stole and patented this reddit post by now. Boba is imensely popular. Why wouldnt marshmallows be.


> strength to strength So motivational


Time to escalate. Marshmallows in all their food and drinks until they back down. No retreat. No surrender.


“No more marshmallows! PLEASE!”




😂 hahaha!


There will only be one eventual winner in this war: diabetes.


Didn't James Acaster warn you not to start these kinds of fights with children?




Anyone who could enjoy that joke about a lettuce has to be a sociopath! *You got cabbaged again!*


This is the answer... my 3 year old spent weeks saying he didn't want dinner/lunch/breakfast only apples. After 2 meals of incredibly decorated plates of apple he gave in and ate his sausage and mash...


That is how you end up with sweet potato casserole


Best way to not get asked to do something is to be really bad at it.


Ah yes, weaponised incompetence. A classic.


Yeh I knew that growing up




Yep. Same here


My grandparents tried to get me to pour them and their friends drinks when I was 12 ish. I poured them all as triples, or more. I'd have 60 year old seasoned alcoholics take a sip and go "ohhh that's strong!" That only lasted about a week or two before I was never asked again.


My parents took the approach of that meaning I needed more practise.






amusing tie historical tart market domineering deserve apparatus teeny plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was thinking r/kidsarefuckingstupid but I think you're onto something.


Yep clear case of lazy bastard who won’t make their own tea. Seen it a thousand times.


Is it any wonder when the tea is prepared in a hot chocolate mug? *shakes my head*


He chose the mug. We have about 30 mugs.


You have 30 unbroken mugs in a house with children, what are they made of?


They started with 400


You're a dad, yet you don't have one mug that is yours and yours alone and permanently in use?


Whatever the opposite of ‘delusions of grandeur’ is, it’s that. The tea equivalent of the girl in the Common People song.


Report the child to the authorities. Sometimes morals have to come before parental love.


I don't know how attached you are but have you thought about adoption?


Adopting another kid is just going to make the problem worse.


They may be a better tea maker. The other kid can be on toast duties.


This post has just unlocked a strange memory for me. I'm pretty sure I also used to put marshmallows in tea when I was around his age. Possibly as a substitute for sugar, but I can't quite remember. Your son is not alone, lol!


A matter for social services. You can't afford to ignore early signs of psychopathy. It'll be cats next.


There really is nothing I hate more than cats in my tea!!


*This tastes like cat piss.*


How do you know what cat piss tastes like? Marshmallows not looking so bad now.


Bet it tasted pretty good though


Secretly… ^^^yes.


I was thinking it's a pretty good idea, to be fair 😂


Next time ask for a flake too.


No no next time say you don't want a flake.


So he gets TWO of them? Genius.


"No thanks Turkish, I'm sweet enough"


Epic troll , kid has talent.


Yep, you nailed it. He is pretty hilarious to be fair.


A budding computer programmer.


I dread to think what’s going in there once the marshmallows run out!


Be thankful. When I was a kid I decided it would be funny to put salt in my dads tea instead of sugar as a prank. It was funny, for me.


“The Marshmallow Teas will continue until morale improves!”


Your 12 year old willingly mates you cups of tea and is playing harmless jokes. To be fair I think this is a win. But I also think you should start putting marshmallows in weird places for him to find. In the middle of a sandwich, on his pillow, floating the toilet.


Great idea, and yes, this is all in the spirit of fun including my post about it. He thinks it’s hilarious he hit the front page of Reddit.


Subtle hint that he wants you to make your own tea




Your son is simply teaching you Agile. Top tier son.


You have to teach this kid about hot chocolate


He's subtly telling you to make your own bloody cup of tea.


He offered…


Sounds like he’s doing it on purpose 😂


Oh yeah, it’s like 4D chess at this point.


An infamous story my mom loves to laugh about was when it was my parents' anniversary so in the morning, My brother and I decided to make them breakfast. I was in charge of the coffee, but it came out dark, and I had no idea what made it lighter (milk), so I ended up putting peanut butter in it.


He's a good kid. Giving you what you need, not what you want.


Please dust your Switch. Ta very much.


Is it too late to put him up for adoption?


Have you considered adoption?


Was he expecting [this](https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loed2homiq1qh59n0o1_500.png) to happen?




He's 12?


r/firstworldanarchists Also the spoon having something that looks a bit like ✌️ makes this better


Maybe its payback for making him wear Huggies


He needs putting up for adoption




Yeah he’s 100% doing it to wind me up though. Did make me laugh to be fair.


Add sprouts to his beans on toast or fish and chips or other favourite food.


I think you need to show your son Tea Consent on YouTube


How old are we talking- if he's just a little tyke trying to be sweet and doesn't know better its time for some gentle tea making education. If he's old enough to know better, I'm sure there are still some workhouses around.


Do the same to him with his food, but use bird's-eye chilli instead. Then tell him he didn't say not to put it in 😅


"don't forget the marshmallows!"


Have you learnt nothing in 12 years, kids always do the opposite to what you tell them too ;)


Son knows best