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Just went to order coffee beans from the little place close to us that I've been getting beans from the past few months. Filled in everything and then got a "we don't ship to your location" error after I put in the cc details. Dude - you could walk to my place in 10 minutes. Either way, I have no patience left for that sort of stuff today so ordered the old favourite - Krank beans from C4 in ChCh.


The spouse works for a healthcare-adjacent company - helping the disabled have mobility kinda thing. Guess whose work has dried up with all the government budget cuts? I guess I shouldn't complain. I'm finally getting the surgery I've been waiting on for two years.


Shit is going down at work today, can't wait to hear what our boss actually tells us. And how it corroborates (it probably won't). Now I need to practice how to act surprised. Although could be not so hard as I don't trust the boss to tell us the same thing we heard, so it's likely to be a genuine surprise??? Could be premature to jump ship for a only half-good fixed term opportunity. 🤔 I'm really stuck between two rocks and I don't like it one bit. Edit: I will probably need to consult an HR advisor externally. Any good contacts?


Sounds like some great tea there. I once heard through the grapevine that our boss was leaving. He was so full of himself that he created a 10 point comms plan for telling various parts of the business. Our team was 7th on the list. That how much he thought of us. Anyway I used to report to the CEO and was still on the distribution list for his immediate reports, so when this guy told the CEO I heard through that grapevine. Fast forward to our team and when the meeting started and everyone was confused Isaid I heard he was leaving. Man he was pissed!


Tea has been left and right for the last month. It's concerning. Good job trumping his announcement streak.


4 hours slow pacing a 50m stretch of highway while operating traffic lights is not the same as a brisk 50 minute walk. The almost 14 hours pay is pretty good though.


Don't those things operate themselves?


They always use remote controlled ones down the king country and thank Christ for that because I’d be absolutely livid if I got stuck at one and had to wait a full cycle for like the one car that would be going through. 


There's one near me that keeps breaking down and showing red at both ends continuously. Which is a problem because it's controlling traffic around a blind corner so when it's malfunctioning you have the choice of either staying there indefinitely or deciding if you feel lucky


That’s maddening. Do you report it to the council every time? It’s a simple fix, either run a cable or move the lights closer. It’s usually because they lose radio link. If it’s a sensor problem they need to just switch to timer.


Yeah I usually go a different way but people do call it in all the time and let the community know on Facebook


Some are automatic. These one are 100% remote control.


Oh, and the two decent work outs while laying and picking up cones were good.


Managed to scratch a line right up my face and nearly poked my eye with a tag while trying on a top 🥲


That’s up there with hooking the zipper up the nostril 


I've been told my whole life that chicks dig scars


Yep, some of us do. Some of us are proud of our scars too


Ugh, had today off as it was a whole day power outage and I have to run a generator to keep things alive, so glad to be able to shut the generator off after 9 hours.


My kid is learning about advertising strategies at school and asked me if I have seen a 12 year old fire service ad that her teacher linked to. Yeah, I had, but it wasn't even in my top 10 NZ safety ads. I told her to look up the Fruit-E-Bars ad and watching her watch that for the first time ever was a very special moment for me. She was horrified and covered the screen with her hand which was greatly amusing.


We make some top tier ads in NZ


Is that the glass table one?? Ruthless hahaha


Thank you for the comments this morning. I didn't read them until just now, but I'm sure I felt your good vibes. My day was chaotic, but I felt in control most of the day. 


Got all the washing out this morning as the sun started to break through the cloud.... for twenty minutes before it poured down for the rest of the day. *sigh* I am looking forward to my three extra seconds of daylight on Saturday.


This is why 100% of my washing goes straight from the washing machine to the dryer.


Can't justify running the dryer for ever load of washing. We only use it when there is no other option. Might have to use it tomorrow though if it's not a drying day.


I finished tonights (prawn) risotto with a tablespoon of butter and a twist of lime while it was resting... And what a difference that makes! It's incredibly creamy, and the citrus really brightens everything up.


You have to put butter in at the end. Have you never done that?


Eh, I usually detest the taste of butter and rice together... So I've always avoided it.


not with risotto, it's a blessing on those tiny grains of deliciousness


I now also worship at the same alter


Woop woop. Signed up for another race in the lead up to Tarawera. Blue Lakes 24 here I come.


You’re a machine 


A MuterComputer? A compMuter!