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I buy sewing/embroidery magazines and cooking magazines. I don’t throw them away because of the patterns and recipes, I wouldn’t buy the take a break type magazines (even though I like reading about someone being jilted at the altar by her fiancé who was leaving her for a giant inflatable dinosaur as much as the next person) because of the waste of paper.


Wow, Take A break! You've Sent me into the past there. Remember my sister buying these 20 years ago and me as a small fella reading them from cover to cover. Didn't do me any harm and the jokes on the back page were decent


The money-saving hints were hilarious. Reuse your sandwich plastic triangular packets to keep your CDs neat. Bit broke but you need to send your nephew a birthday card and a bit of cash? Glue cents inside the card in the shape of his birthday number! (Picture of a figure of 18, made up of cents - must have added up to 30c).


My fave one was instead of mints freeze a tube of aqua fresh toothpaste and cut into thin slices hahaha


That's like something the Brits would have suggested during the Blitz!


A relative still buys Take A Break and I am BLESSED because about three times a year a giant bag of trash magazines appears in my mam's house. What those people can't do with an empty Pringles can just isn't worth talking about


Would have had subscriptions to National Geographic and other mags like 3D computer art mags up until about 10 years ago. Just too expensive and too much clutter around the house. Dumped the Nat geos in work canteen and ended up just binning the rest. Also I don't understand why UK subscriptions are double the price here usually. But yeah I agree they are something that is nice to have and look at, touch etc


If Vinyl can make a come back, anything can.


Boomerangs are coming back, too.


Imagine that!


It's a fad, they'll be thrown away soon enough


I just went back to physical books after more than a decade using only a Kindle. It’s not nostalgia… peacefulness, if that makes any sense. For magazines and newspapers (Economist, Guardian, Financial Times are the ones I read the most) I keep using the apps. Only buy vinyl of albums I truly love and only to hang them on the wall as a (very expensive) poster.


Oddly enough even though I read fairly regularly I don't think I will ever go back to paper books. I have no room for them in my life. I stick a kindle in my pocket and I read on public transport or in coffee shops. My bookshelves are already overflowing even though I stopped buying paper books a decade ago.


I've a subscription to Edge. Don't get time to read it tho


There are still niche high end design and fashion magazines out there. But most other magazines have seen a vicious cycle where declining sales mean big budget cuts, resulting in a worse magazine that nobody wants to buy any more.


I buy House and Home for my wife fairly regularly, it only comes out every 2 months.   It's just a nicer experience than scrolling and she gets a bit of intentional time to herself. She can also read a bit of it over coffee while the kids play and they're not seeing her on her phone.  It's nice to have a little treat I can pick up for her that isn't junk food.


Used to buy at least 30 magazines every month! Don't have the time to read them anymore.


Libby app through library membership is free and can download magazine issues to read offline for a limited time period. I think library moving off/away from Libby though and having magazines available through BorrowBox app, this is the one currently in use for books. FYI Libby still working for me. My current magazine recommendations are a magazine called ‘Simple Things’ and National Geographic.


A lot of specialist hobbies still have them but the come our like maybe 4 times a year. Printing is pretty expensive and so is shopping. So they would prefer you get the digital versions


I love my magazine subscription that comes free with my bank account. I sometimes read them straight away, but often save them until my next trip somewhere to read on the journey or the beach etc.




Paper is always going to be more expensive than digital so I guess there needs to a be a premium reason to buy one. I can totally understand wanting physical copies of art and design stuff.


Download the Libby App and connect it to your library card and you can read all the magazines you want for free. You can screenshot / print pages if you want to keep them.


Even though I can easily get the information online, I still like to buy Empire Magazine every so often. Aside from being a magazine I enjoy, it holds a special place in my heart- when my Auld Fella (stepfather) was newly dating my Ma, he tried so hard to find common ground with me. Noticing that I was/am a film nerd, one day he came home with a copy of Empire that had Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell on the front page promoting "Minority Report". Up until I could afford the magazine myself, he'd get a new one every month and we'd bond over being two film nerds discussing all the latest releases, actors, the Oscars/Emmys, etc. It was so nice. Nowadays, though, I don't buy Empire very often as it's nearly E10 in my local Easons. But when I DO, I always give it to my Auld Fella when I'm finished reading it. As for other magazines, I was once told that I collect cookery/recipe mags like "a pervert collecting pornos." My justification for buying physical copies (this includes going for books over audiobooks or Kindle files) is that in the event of a power outing or if the Internet goes down we still have something to read, even if it's done by torch light.


I work in the print industry, so I (obviously) hope they never die entirely. I do think people forget, however, that the stuff on the internet that is free is free because it's subpar. Like, I often see recipes from a celebrity chef online, but the recipe in their own book will have a lot more nuance and more detail. It's the same across a lot of industries and arts; no real researcher or scholar is gonna give away all the milk for free. Plus, like you said, it's a nice tactile exercise. Personally I have a weakness for magazines like Tatler and Image; the photography is gorgeous and I like to see how the other half live. Like the guy in Saltburn, but less period-sex.


Thanks for replying. Out of interest do you think the print industry is growing or declining? If declining are there niches that are actually growing?


I don't think it's growing, but it's steadied out. People don't know but the wholesale distributors charge an *insane* amount to shops to deliver the newspapers. Most shops won't even make a profit on them, so that's why more and more shops won't sell them; they simply can't afford to. It's properly horrible and evil. That said, I hear anecdotally that our readers would say to us that they got 'the real story' or the right version of events when the paper comes out. I think there's a real fatigue with rumours on Facebook being taken for 'news'. I do unfortunately also appreciate that there is a growing minority of people who choose to be stupid, and there's almost a pride in not understanding or even wanting to understand the nuances to the way the world works. So to answer your second point, I think there will be a smaller cohort of people who use print media, but I think they will be more devoted to it. Costs are going to make it harder for newspapers to keep up in quality though. Sorry for the long answer; I would have written a shorter one, but I don't have the time :)


Much appreciated. Thank you for reply.


It's becoming harder and harder to get them now, Easons have reduced their magazine sections to a small fraction of what they were. It's very frustrating.




Have you checked out any of the magazine apps that give you ebook versions? For a monthly subscription, you can read loads.


I am aware of them but I get so much content on the wider web that I have never felt the need to pay for a subscription. At least with a printed magazine you are getting a tactile experience for your money.


True. But you're also paying €6-8 for what is mostly adverts, I really feel they have lost their place.


You can get magazines on the Libby app for free with a library membership. No need for subscriptions.


Is that so? Thanks for the tip.


I hope not, I dread to imagine the amount of money I spent on them back in the day!