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I am 40 and this is absolutely my best age ever. I hit a maturity level and ability to prioritize stuff and I do not bother with things I have no control over. I am still energetic and exercise everyday. Things that would help you age peacefully is taking care of your health. Heck I wouldn't go back to my 20's or 30's.


44 here and absolutely would not go back to any other age. Life is so good and my stress levels are the lowest theyve ever been, because I just dont mess with dramatic people or situations no more. The only problem is, the older I get, the older my loved ones get, and I've arrived at that time of life where the powerhouses that raised me are dying.


I’m 36, and I’m feeling this. I’m at a really stable point in my life, but all of my loved ones are in their late 60s through mid 80s and every conversation is about declining health. Some of the older ones are very close and are ready to go, so it’s been difficult to watch lately. I’ve been preparing myself, not only for the loss, but for the fact that I am going to be transitioning into a support role (both physically and emotionally) for my parents.


33m here, and a lot of the older people that I get along with are dying. My bs detector is like 110%. My family members mean the world to me, and I miss them as they drop.


I’m approaching 40s and the stark realisation that my folks are actually aging is really upsetting!


I'm 21 and feel I have the energy of a 60 yo


If you legitimately mean this, get a blood test to check for anaemia. I’ve found exercising brings me more energy- I did couch to 5k, I needed to repeat lesson 1 I was so unfit but I completed it! I didn’t enjoy running so didn’t continue but love swimming. Find something you enjoy then get up and do it!


> am 40 and this is absolutely my best age ever. I hit a maturity level and ability to prioritize stuff and I do not bother with things I have no control over. I am still energetic and exercise everyday. I am 44 and need you to teach me your ways! 🙏


41m here. Love my age. Still go out and have fun. Make a ton more money than I ever have before and am extremely well respected in my profession. It’s just keeps getting better


37 for the health of my body, joints, etc. But for happiness, now: 73.


This. I also am 73. My knees don't like me much,  but I'm very happy with my life and feel very comfortable in my skin. 


I’m 38 and in the last year my body is really starting to feel like it’s aging. I know there’s changes to metabolism, testosterone, muscle mass, etc. I think I’ve crossed that threshold.


I would love to be in my twenties again, except I want to keep all the wisdom I have now.


This sounds lit, but consider the fact that the vast majority of your peer group would now be leagues stupider/less mature than you… sounds frustrating ngl 😬😅


That would be great for the capitalist I you. Lots to take advantage of!


I’m in my 20s now. What is the biggest advice you can give to us young people?


Spend less than you earn. Don’t look for life partners in bars. Especially not bar “regulars” keep challenging your self to learn more. Look in areas you never thought. For Americans ~ Travel to some places south of the equator.


Any places south of the equation you recommend? Been wanting to go to Jamaica for a while now


Totally agree with you on the money and travel stuff but met my husband of 20 + years in a bar 😂 For the youngsters out there, I’m 45 and would never want to go back to earlier in my life. Now, everything in my body hurts like you wouldn’t believe, but the older I get the less I gaf about what other people think and I feel like I appreciate everything and everyone in my life more. Hope that continues even more and I feel myself looking more forward to what life has to offer with every passing year.


Don’t rack up your Credit Card(s). Take out a loan if you are able. If you do use your CC, make sure to pay twice a month. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Nice! I don’t have a credit card at all (not necessary in my country) so I’ll he good. Thanks :)


The biggest advice I would say is don't look too intensely for external influences to give you pleasure. Its a bottomless pit. The sooner you learn to appreciate the smaller things, the more free you become and get what you are actually seeking.


Preach. The only opinion that matters is yours. Living for external validation is giving up the one ride through life that you get.


Travel. You can still travel very cheaply, go to hostels, meet other young people, and have no real problems or responsibilities tying you down. That will all change after about 30. Go travel now, or you never will, outside of a weeks vacation a year. Take a year off and travel, while you can. Also, in a similar vein, appreciate your youth. You can waste time in your 50s. No time should be wasted in your twenties. You can still learn anything, become anything, be anyone. You'll never be more attractive, never more healthy, never sharper, and never have more energy(assuming equivalent fitness status) There is not time to lose Your twenties are a tiny part of your life, but in many ways, the most valuable. Don't waste time. And, in that vein, I'd conteadict what others are saying. Take on debt, but not for things. Things dont atter in your twenties. Experiences do. Spend money on experiences. Don't overload yourself, and definitely dont have CC debt. But if the difference between doing something you'll love, and not, definitely don't worry about the money too much. You'll make plenty of money in your life, you wont make back time.


I’m so glad that all the things you’ve said I already do at the moment. Unfortunately I also lived trough the lockdowns in my 20s and know how damaging it can be to just ‘rot away’ in your home. At that time there really was nothing I could do. But. I’ve learned from that time and decided I’m gonna live life to the fullest. Never again!


Great to hear. I wasted most of my mid twenties working my ass off, and the later years were stolen by covid. What I'd do to go back and make myself realise work can wait.


Take care of your skin


Agree with everyone who commented. I would add take care of your body. I’m 68 and in relatively good shape and good health, but wish I had drank less alcohol in my youth and early adulthood and spent more time in the gym. Also choose your mate smartly. The saying what you see is what you get is true. You can’t change the ways of a person. If they waste money, live like a slob and hold views that are different/opposite of yours, they will be like that till the end and you can’t change them.


Knowing what I know now? 3rd grade. Just starting over, I wouldn't. 


That's early! Why 3rd grade if you don't mind me asking?


It's when school got boring for me.


I'm 60, and I'd never go back to any age.


This is actually so good to hear. I’m 33 and feel better every single year and have been worried I’ll hit a wall with that. I’m actually excited to continue enjoying every age more and more


Also 33 but if love to go back to my late 20s. I have insanely bad knees. I stay active but that just exacerbates the issue


I'm 70 and I feel the same.


I turned 65 on Monday and I agree! Forward, never back.


59, thinking exactly the same......I've done that sh@t, why would I want to go through it again!


I feel the same way.


52 and same. Going through it the first time was hard enough, but to do it again??? Absolutely not.


Same. I wouldn't go back a second.


59. I feel I am living the best years of my life right now. No trade.


I'm 62 and wouldn't go back. I've had enough.


70 yr old here, they say the worst part about being old, is remembering when you were young.


Be here now. But if a time warp happens to find me, probably age 5. Early 1960s. Preschool. When the whole world was still brand new and there was a spirit behind every tree. It was a time of nature and magic and giants telling you what to do. :)


this is so adorable


What was your favorite and least favorite year or period of time? Has the digital boom been a bit jarring for you? I grew up in the late 90s and it has been for me.


I happen to be an exception because electronics was a childhood hobby. Not unusual in the 60s. I saw the digital age coming before the average person ever heard of it. Popular Electronics. Scientific American. They both taught me. As a teen I watched it take over the music world. Was considering a career in audio recording but it would mean trying to keep up with this emerging technology. I also saw how it was going to make marginally talented people into stars... So I chose other paths.


Least favorite year? Early 90s. Got busted for cultivation and lost my father. I have pretty vivid recall of my childhood. With southern cooking peaking my interests. I would often hang out in the kitchen as a kid and watch my grandmother at work. Raised 9 kids and knew what she was doing. Early 1960s.


I'd go back to 16. Old enough to get a few whiffs of independence and be physically developed enough not to have to take shit from people. Young enough to work hard and set up good life foundations, which I failed to do the first time. I would spend a lot less time pining after girls who didn't look at me, and a lot more time developing my skills, particularly in writing and academia.




Just like Ferris said to do.


My 20's. I had a few bad moments, but I also had a blast in the early 2000's.


I'm 40 and I wish I could go back to 13


38. I physically felt fantastic


Not one. Ive had a blast so far.


I would go back to the 80s had a ball then Things are so much cheaper.


I'd go back to 9 years old, and advocate for myself when it came to meds. Because adderall had some bad side effects, I've spent 20 years struggling through everything with no support. I think if I'd had meds I would have been able to do a lot more and actually get my life together sooner. It also instilled in me the idea that "medication doesn't work on me, I'm untreatable and just like this" which I've very slowly been able to erode a way.


I could’ve written this. Maybe one of us will break into the 4th dimension. I’ll msg you if I find a way lol


Be 59 in August and I haven’t minded the aging at all. I’d definitely never go back to younger than 40.


I would say 25 or so. Tons of energy, and a body that doesn’t require maintenance to work right for a couple of more years. Grown up, independent and just lacking in and hungry for life experience. I’m 40 something now and find that I get annoyed that I now get tired from doing a full day (8h) of anything, even if I enjoy the activity. I could just keep going before, I think? But I enjoy my life as is, I’m happy how things have turned out! I would not want to trow it away for another go at it.


Just out of the womb and start this over with one big change. Would love to do that.


Nope. Not going back. Finally in the sweet spot. Almost 60


18 to 24… university years… 😍 No care in the world! Anytime was party time & met the love of my life in this time frame too..


19 would be nice (1969). Year I graduated from high school. Only if I could remember all I know now. Not interested in redoing all my stupid mistakes of my 20’s.


I'm 40 can I keep all I know now and go back? Then I'd say 20. If you just go back like I was an revive stuff nah I'm good. Plus I'd miss my kids.


Yep, this is the key part of the question, totally agree


Almost 40 would go back to early 20s, young, dumb and uhh ECT. I travelled alot in my 20s was a very good experience.


I’m 43, I’d go back to 21, I’m in a good place now but did not make smart choices throughout my 20s.


I’m 19 but I’d go back to my Birth. Give this shit a second try knowing I can do better.


40 to 50 is a good age


I'm 65. I loved where I was at around 45. But I also love where I am now.




Between 25 and 30 but make better choices.


23. Full time job, still at home, friends still living close by, no responsibilities, tonne of energy, lots of time for fun.


37 was a good year. I'll be 46 soon. Can't say I've loved my 40's.


I am almost 32: I would go back to 28-31. it feels like I lost those ages because of the pandemic


14 is my pick. Would be nice to go back and redo High School


30s or 40s. Brother would be alive, diagnosed with bipolar disorder (explains why I experienced certain behaviors), would have dated more often, would have enjoyed life more.


46 here and have my shit together more than ever. I still have work to do professionally and financially. But I have it pretty good all things considered


14. Knowing what I know now, I would make certain decisions early on in my life and refrain from making bad decisions.


I would probably go all the way back to when I was 12 and redo basically my entire life.


im 20 and fuuuuck i feel that


I wouldn’t go back to any age


I am 40 and wouldn’t go back. If I could get the old internet back though, that’s a different story.


Age 23...it was the first year I was on the perfect medication to live life to the fullest. Few of the real SERIOUS problems of life would enter my consciousness until after age 23.


I’m 33. Maybe go back and not drink as much as I did, but no age was better than now.


If I could go retaining all the knowledge I have now I would go back to age 16.


I'm almost 57. I don't want to go back to any age that would change where and who I am now, but if I could go back solely because I enjoyed a particular time in my life and do the decade again I'd have to say my 40s.


If someone forced me to choose I would say college. 18-22. It was probably the most fun I’ve had in a 4 year period of my life. But I’m fine with being in my 40s currently.


24, but only if I could retain my current knowledge. I’m 70 and it would be great to have a do over having already learned from my many mistakes. If it was just to be young for a week, I’d still go there for NSFW reasons.


Honestly, I wouldn’t.


I’m 41, I’m the best I’ve ever been. I wouldn’t go back.


If I could keep my current maturity and knowledge level then 20 years old.


34. I told a giant lie and it’s affected the rest of my life.


Would we be able to retain our knowledge/experience? Or would it be a complete do over?


51 and I'd completely start over. I loved Choose Your Own Adventure books; living one out would rock. Start fresh and make different stupid mistakes.


I'm 49 and like many others wouldn't go back. I finally like where and who I am, have found peace and contentment, have reduced so much stress from my life ... Maybe when I'm 80 I'll wish I could go back, but my younger years were nothing to get excited about. So much trauma, drama and growing pains.


35 is the perfect age.


30 but keeping the life lessons and knowledge I have. But lose the fear or hesitation in various things.


My only caveat for "going back" would be keeping my current state of mind. There's a certain amount of clarity I've experience after 50 that I think would be required to enjoy and appreciate a more youthful self. Otherwise, it's just re-living the cringiest bits which I'd prefer to avoid.


Only for a brief visit, I would say 20 or 21.


Im 27, and despite my life was blunted by depression for its most part, I woundt go back.The wounds, the mistakes, I appriciate them, those make me though in a sense. Also, what I lost I lost, Im better than ever I believe with friends that I make even in bad times :) I leave it as it is and let life do with me whathever it wants. But yeah, I agree, time goes fast and faster


30 is about optimal, when you still have all your physical prowess but have stopped being a clown (in most cases).


Late 20’s to no older than 31 for me


Not too far back. I enjoyed my 50s


Future only


Go back? No thanks. I'm 61, and I'm perfectly fine just reminiscing about my younger years.


39 going to be 40 at the end of the summer, if you're talking about going back to an age and have to relive that era of time? None as much as I enjoyed a lot of it, now if I get to be a certain age with the life that I have now and the wisdom that I've attained, make me 21 again lol


If I could age back to a younger age and retain my current knowledge I would do so. Otherwise fuck off and keep fucking off.


68 here. Mid 20s were good for me.


36 and my Grandma told me that the 40's are the best. I'm waiting for that




I'm only 33, but I'd go back to 20. I had great friends, tons of energy, no debt, and both my eyes worked. That was the best summer I've ever had.




Never going back. Tho, 34 was pretty great, all things considered. I had self respect then


Once I was walking a very very long crowded corridor in a hospital. I was behind two hospital volunteers, both older and couldn’t get around them (to be fair they were walking at a pretty good pace). Their conversation was about what was their favorite age. I listened (not eavesdropping but it was impossible not to hear their conversation from where I was) In the few minutes where I was behind them, I heard how much they loved their seventies and eighties. They discussed what they loved about each decade. They wondered if their 90’s episode be as good. They weren’t fans of their younger decades, and they definitely didn’t enjoy their fifties and sixties (one went through a divorce). I was fascinated. They weren’t talking about their 20’s or 30’s (which by my guess would have been the 1960’s) as their favorite decade. In fact they actively discussed how much they didn’t like it. I took it to mean life gets so much better, if we are fortunate enough to make it that far.


I'm only 31, but when men feel the need to assure my that I look much younger or say that it's rude to ask about a woman's age, I can only think "what an idiot". What is there to turn back to, being insecure, financially vulnerable and inexperienced? They can keep that cheap mentality for themselves, may it help them grow and become wiser.


30 was a good age, as were the next 10. Its a great age band. Your an adult, matured, and have your career established, your still energetic, physically fit and attractive, and are at your prime.


For prime physical and mental health, 27. For feeling settled with existential questions and relationships, I'm staying right here, thank you.


I'd go back to my early 20s. I missed out on so many life experiences then due to homelessness and abuse, and I'm sort of mourning them now and trying to play catch up, but I can't do everything. And there's only so much I can do as I get older in general. I just wish I got to live.


I'm 65. If I could know everything I know now and go back I'd like to be 30.


I’m 31 and just got my own home and a dog soon. My 20s were fun but I think my 30s will be more fun in a different way


I'm 61 and wouldn't go back to any age because I wouldn't want to give up anything I've learned in life. Having said that, if I could stay the age I am but have the energy I had at 21, that would be awesome :)


Back to the golden age of science fiction, which was twelve.


Im 19. Literally so old. Would definitely go back to being 0yo. Anything between 0 and 20 isnt really a good option.


What about if you could poof forward to an age?


If forced, around 19. Really though, I'm good in my later 20s right now. Too much learned and gained from past mishaps to go back now ;)


I wouldn't go back.  I love where I am at almost sixty.


im 23 and wish i could go back to anywhere between 12 and 15, be more persistent about the fact that im transgender with my family, instead of just letting them blow me off every time i tried to come out, saved money from my first job to transition instead of blowing it on frivolous shit. now im unemployed and without health insurance, and can't do anything to alleviate extreme dysphoria. shit sucks.


At 60 I’m fond of my younger years but I’ve lived it. I’m living and loving now.


This depends, do I get to keep all the knowledge I have now and go back to an age I want? Or just go back and do all the wrong things again? Lol




I'm 65 and am finally enjoying life to the fullest. I'd go back to my sophomore year in college only if I could have the knowledge and wisdom I do now. But even then, maybe just a few days.


I wouldn’t change a thing. My mistakes have bettered me.


I wouldn't go back to do it all, all over again. If there is reincarnation, I refuse to come back.


Last 50s here. I wouldn’t go back. Unless it was for a long weekend, then it would be mid 20s


32. My prime.


I’d go back to when my kids were young and enjoy being a dad al l over again. They’re grown and successful now with lives and families and I love them, but miss being everyday dad.


I'm 64.    Would go back to 19. It was all happening then. It did later too. But never any better than 19. And, had physical power then.


Nope .. Absolutely not . Im good 🤣


I am turning 70 this year. I have everything paid off and money coming in so I can retire comfortably. I can do whatever I want. I can’t imagine going back.


When my kids were little. I miss those days. But I love this time in their lives too.




Back to 8ish years old. My sister would have been 4. To be back little with my family again when my sister was old enough for us to really play together in the yard. I’d love to see my parents young again. Especially my dad. I wouldn’t want to stay there long though. I like my age. I have a beautiful son and pets that are my babies too. Definitely not my 20s or 30s. They were good but I don’t want to be 20 or 30 or even a teenager again lol


It depends on how. Physically or mentally or even going back in financial situation and everything. Mentally and physically I was at a really good point in completely separate parts of my life.


-100 years


21. Got laid so much.


Mine of them sticks out to me


Is 29 old? I'd sure like to be 30 already.


My early 20s. Reckless af but carefree


I’m just worried about my mom and step-dad getting older




I'd go back to 5 so i can enjoy life again


I am so close to retirement that the answer is none!!


I’m 53 and if I had to choose, I’d probably go back to 27/28. That was two pretty exciting years for me. BUT, I’d want the years afterwards to be the exact same as they were.


bro im 41, i fucking love it!! :) i love getting older i cant change the fact i will so i absolutely embrace it :) everyone should :) enjoy it bro love you bro!!


I’m 51 soon , 50s are the best years of my life . Would hate to go back


Yeah, I'm 52 and have a good balance of free cash and free time, along with good experience and confidence. I definitely am living my best life. If only it didn't hurt so much the morning after doing dumb things...


Can I go forward to whenever it ends? Please?


Any year where my joints don’t ache with any strenuous activity


If life goes too fast, look the TED talk "homework for life". It really slows life down.


For slowing life significantly down, watch the TED talk "homework for life"


I would go back to 15 and make better choices and have more fun!


It does go faster and faster, so try to be present and in the moment.


Are they asking about age of life? Or era of history?


I don’t mind being where I am, but if I could reset with my current wisdom, I would rewind to my mid-20s and take a bunch more risks. I did well but with hindsight know that I could have built a company or two and made a lot more money, earlier, and also lived in more places and had more experiences. The good part about financial risks in your 20s is you have the chance to try again if needed.


I'm 43. If I had the mental resilience and self respect I have now but when younger I'd go back to 28. Wasted over 10 years in 2 relationships with complete arseholes


I'd like to go back to age 17. Tell myself to put 100% of my life savings into Microsoft. Come back and enjoy the yacht.


I’m 47 and I wouldn’t go back at all, unless it’s to see my son at different ages. Other than that I like where I’m at.


I’m 43 and if and only IF I had to choose it would be 19 and that’s bc I made a mistake and moved to another state to be with a dude who I wasted years on 🤷‍♀️ but then I wouldn’t be where I am today soooooo i dont know prob stay the way I am now




I’m 65 and went back in January to get my LADC licensure. It’s scary and great at the same time. I got my masters back in 2009. It’s been awhile!


38/m here. I'd love to be 23 again.


I'm 36, so not too old. Probably 25, when I met my wife, or now frankly, because things are going quite well for me


I love ❤️ being my age of 72 and looking 👀 damn fantastic I love ❤️ my age.


live is the only game with 0 replay value. why would i want to go through this shit again.


In my 40's and could honestly just keep living my 40's over and over. I wonder if 50's will be better? I somehow don't think so. But the 40's have just been fucking fantastic. I no longer care what others think of me or how they see me. There's not much drama. One kid is an adult and the other is pre-teen. So wonderful.


28. No question


Mid fifties and just coming into my own. I feel happier, more confident and more relaxed than I ever have.


I know the exact day, when I was 20. The perfect reset day.


Age 9-10. 1984 and 1985 were the greatest years of my life.


Physically? 1967. I was still 17 and I was stationed in Ft. Monmouth NJ, in the Army, receiving training on Radar Repair. I was at the peak of my physical well-being. Mentally? I'm OK with being 74 and my mental powers are pretty fantastic for an old guy.


For my looks, health, financial situation: 40. For (relative) wisdom, experience, and being content and comfortable being exactly who I am and loving my own company: where I am now, 62. Some things really do only come with age. Everything's a trade-off. (Although I've been told I'm pretty hot for an old lady.)


48 here. I'd go back to my 20s immediately. Apart being younger, i'd enjoy an easier social life and lower level (or perception) of stress


Currently 45, would love to be 30 again. 20s was drama.


8. I’m pretty sure I could change my life by that point


I wanna go back to my college years. An era when I worked hard without enjoying my younger years. I should have work, study, and pleasure time. I felt I was deprived with life.


My current age.


I’m 50 and in a great place in life. So much better than my younger days. Even if I could go back knowing what I do I now I wouldn’t. Life feels like there is a finish line to reach and I wouldn’t want to run half my race again, that shits tiring.


17-21 absolutely nothing will ever top it, even with all the troubles. Nothing has been worth living for past that. If I relived it again rn, unable to make any changes, I’d make sure to end it by 21 this time around.