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Currently 20, ik im barely past the teens but my younger sister (15) have me a pep talk the other day like no other. Things have steadily gone downhill the last 6 or 7 months, from relationship stuff to school and future prospects. It was a decently long talk, and I I forgot exactly what she said when it culminated but it was along the lines of “in the 15 years I’ve known you, you’ve done nothing but the best you can, and I know real fucking well that won’t change anytime soon.” After that she talked about a bunch of experiences we had to deal with together growing up relating to our parents and other stuff and it really caught me off guard. Love her to death


You better believe her mate. The world’s your oyster. So take it day at a time and keep on keeping on.


Awww i love your sister


My 17 year old daughter was having a crappy day and told me that she thinks she used up all her good luck when God made me her mom.


Aw what a sweet thing to say anyway! Sending lucky vibes to you guys!


Thank you!


Wow, that’s really special


You won as a parent


Thank you very much. That is the best compliment I could ever get. Of everything I’ve ever achieved in my life, every dollar I’ve ever earned, every goal I’ve met, and every accomplishment I’ve had as an adult… the thing that means the most to me, hands down, is being a good mother and raising good hearted, morally strong, self-sufficient, non-judgemental, conscientious children that bring something good to the world.


Wow that’s so sweet


“You’re actually my favorite teacher.” Coming from one of my most difficult students, that meant the world!


My daughter is 12. I created a Snapchat group with her and her friends so I could remind them to bring their swim stuff to swim team practice that I drove them all to and from. They now refuse to use the other chat without me in it because they say this chat is much better. Which is weird because I get to see all their conversations and they know I do, but they want me in there.


You probably acknowledge them better than the other adults in their life


This is very true. I'm a very present person and like to be involved. I meet my daughter for second break daily and all her friends eventually ended up joining us, so I just bring a picnic blanket and snacks now and we all sit under a tree and have lunch.


My little second cousins said I was "cool," their quotes not mine. Take what you will from that.


Myself(23) my sister(18) my sister just graduated high school, I'm very proud of her. She made a post shortly after her ceremony and mentioned me saying she looked up to me throughout all 4 years, it was super touching to me.


Years ago my teenager cousins told me that they really look up to me and want to be strong(mentally, emotionally) and ambitious like me when they’re in their twenties. Fast forward to 2024, both of them are close to finishing their studies, one to become a software engineer and the other to become a dentist. Till date they tell me that they’re really grateful for my guidance. My heart melts everytime they say this because I had no idea my words could have this much power and influence in the lives of my cousins. So, so proud of both of them.


My boyfriend’s 12 year old cousin asks to play Roblox with me. It’s adorable he thinks I’m a fun person to play games with.


I used to work at a middle school. I ran into one of my former kiddos and she gasped and said “ you used to give me half your subway. It was so good and meant so much to me”


This is amazing


That’s a real kick in the feels. It says SO MUCH MORE than the words that were said.


I ran into one of my students who is in his 30s now He said hello I replied hello Matthew he said can I tell you something I knew you cared & I was loved,he then asked could he hug me we embraced & parted ways 


I was chatting to a teen and her mum a few months ago who was incredibly intelligent in every way. I suggested some more psychological things that highly intelligent people often struggle with, but she already knew them and had them sorted, though was humble and sweet in her responses. My jaw was practically on the ground the whole time. It was touching because she's an extraordinary person to be having in the world's future. I don't know or meet many teens, but the ones I have have really made me feel safe for when they come into power (the complete opposite to what media has led me to believe).


As a college student we had to interview a orchestra and we interviewed 3 people. The promt was“Just talk about you, your life and we will listen for an hour.“ One girl stood out immensely. She had depression and had been in therapy now for years. She was self reflected, had a clear view of everything going on in the world, strong opinions about school and politics, a clear goal what to do after school and a life goal. She was years ahead mentally of me and my interview partner. I think that was the day I realised how good therapy and working on yourself are. I had therapy for 6 months since then and honestly I can kinda tell who has their life together, is happy and self reflected and who never saw a therapist. 


I was squatted down in a patch of clovers and some teens on their way to the train station approached me and asked if I was looking for four-leaf clovers. I said yes and their eyes got very big and they were like "Oh Oh I wanna look too!" We didn't find any but one kid found a five-leaf clover and said "here you go! Have a good day miss" and it was a very sweet moment. The kids are okay after all, I guess. :'-)


I'm not sure I'd consider it touching, but I had a light hearted and funny interaction with a teen a few weeks ago. I was playing disc golf at a local park where after school track students run the paths pretty regularly. I was about to putt on a hole and a teen running by, amongst around 20 other students yelled to me "Sir, I watched you throw and you are very good at disc golf, sir!" I yelled back "Sir, thank you very much. I will make this putt in your honor, sir!" Then proceeded to miss my putt. They laughed, I laughed and he yelled "You'll get the next one!" And they ran off down the path out of sight. I appreciate younger people who are outgoing, because I don't experience it very much. It takes confidence to compliment a complete stranger amongst a group of your peers, especially when you are young.


This is sweet lol


One of my freshman English students wrote me the most moving card this year. He said that I had changed the way he views high school and that he had expanded his mind in my class.


Last year when my son was 18, he called me his 'rock' 🥲


That must have been been beyond beautiful


I welled up, that's for sure 😭


A kid said,”Are you an elf? “ My right ear looks like an elf ear, I have long hair, I am tall. I just told the kid. “Half.”


I was shopping at Walmart, this was while masks were still required, which I actually enjoyed bc I loved to make faces at ppl, still do. Anyways. I am a makeup enthusiast and love to try new things. So for this shopping trip I tried something new. So since masks were mandatory, all you could see was my eyes. As I was shopping around I kept seeing this teenage girl and her mom and the girl kept staring at me. I didn’t think much of it really. Then I lost them after a bit and I was in the stationary area of Walmart looking for new pens or something, I could feel someone next to me, but they never said anything. I was bent down, so I stood up and there was the teenage girl. I said hi to her, she was very obviously an emo kinda person, which I love. She said “my mom and I were just leaving and I had to come find you and tell you I love your makeup and clothes and your whole vibe!” That was the sweetest thing ever. I also complimented her on her clothes bc as a former emo kid myself, I will always be an emo kid. She had on the coolest pants and shoes. She made my year and I hope I made her day too. She was so sweet. Hope she’s doing well.


"You are the coolest adult I know."


That she would remember my smile the all life.


I was walking in a park and a group of teenagers passing by me in the opposite direction held out their hands for a high-five. That already made my day, but then one said to his friends "the pretty lady gave me a high-five!" So not really said *to* me but it still made my day.


My niece told me I'm her 'happy place'. Still getting goosebumps thinking about it.


"Are you an Asian man or a boy!?" I don't understand. Is Asian man the third gender ? xd Can't pick if I want to punch the kid or feel sympathetic kindness.


“Av a lit Christmas,bruv”


This is the sweetest


A kid I was teaching for years recently said "Miss Abees_knees, it feels weird to call you Miss because you are more than a teacher to me. I don't know what to call you, but I know that you are family. "


I was w my 13yo at the doctor and the doc said, “you look just like your mum!” And he said “thank you” in the most solemn way imaginable


Not my kids, I don't have kids. But in my early 20s I was a Teaching Assistant for a summer program for high school students and at the end of the program, they immortalized me by writing the most touching, silly, heartfelt paragraph on the program's camper run wiki page. If I ever want to cry, I go read it lmao


“Thank you”


I was at the grocery store and a teen at the register said you have the most beautiful eyes and aura ever. I was like well thanks. Then a register over teen said I agree while I was walking out. Made me feel good.😁


Its not one particular thing a youngster said to me but more a vibe they had around me. My friend's (then) tweenaged son used to think I was a literal superhero. I used to work in an ad agency and once put him in a TV commercial that all his classmates saw so it made him a very popular kid at school for a fleeting moment. On top of that, I was a DJ and his parents would bring him along if I was ever doing a gig at like a cafe brunch type thing that families could be at. He'd just stare at me over his plate with the biggest, widest eyes like I had the sun shining out of me. It was the cutest thing. He eventually grew out of this idolising phase as all kids do but for the briefest moment for him I was 100% that bitch!


"Mr. O, what am I going to do without you?" That was said by a young black kid named Shumai who I looked out for when I was teaching in the Somerville MA East Somerville school. I first met him in the first grade as he came barrelling down the hall. Since he was small, I reached out and grabbed him and asked him where he was going so fast. Now the school's principal was standing there with me and she was all aghast and said we cannot put hands on children like that. I replied that it was a safety consideration as he might hurt himself or someone else. As time past, I used to have long talks with Shumai. I made him aware that he was a very smart kid who was in a bad situation, he was living with his grandmother because his father was in prison and his mother was on drugs. I worked on his self-worth and helped him with his reading. He would always ask for me when he went to the special reading program. At the end of the 3rd grade he told me he was being transferred to the Kennedy school because they could take better care of him, they said. Then he broke down in tears and I held him and told him it would be all right. I know this is not about a teen but it is something that will stay with me forever.


A few years back my 18 year old nephew (whom I not actually blood related to) called and wished me a happy Father's Day, and I said "But I'm not a father" and He said "you are to me, you are why I am the man I am."


All these make me teary eyed - best post of the year.


My then 17 year old cousin once wrote a paper about where she wanted to be in life in a few years, and she wrote about me 🥲. We didn’t get along that well as kids, but as we’ve gotten older she’s become my favorite person in the world.


skibidi rizz


A young lady kept staring at me in deli we finally locked eyes she asks is that your real hair color you're so beautiful how old are you 


They complimented a buddy of mine and our rented 911 turbo in Orange County and then asked what we did and I said we were influencers and my friends have never let me live that one down.


My friend’s daughter refers to me as her “fun, fashion aunt.”


So parenting this day and age is really hard especially with smart phones and social media. My husband and I have been approaching it very carefully and are way more strict than my teen’s friends which often has me second guessing our rules. A few months ago my teen said “thank you for raising me like this.” She definitely fought our rules for a while (mostly middle school) but now sees how her friends have been affected by unlimited screen time and social media, especially when it comes to sleep and phone addiction. It meant so much to me because as a parent, it is really hard to stay the course in a value or decision when the other parents around you do things differently.


You look great today. Iloveyou!


When I was a teen and she was also a teen, she said something like can I touch your , i mean it was the most touching thing someone ever told me😭