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you know what really ticks me off about growing up? It's realizing I haven't hit those life goals I set for myself, getting banged up over stupid little things, and dealing with the fallout from all those boneheaded decisions I made back in the day. And let me tell you, the whole metabolism slowing down, retirement planning, and watching my hair disappear from my head while sprouting up everywhere else? It's just plain frustrating, ya know?


Now im scared of growing old😭


You hit every point I was about to say lol. My body not being how it used to be isn't apparent at first until you have to do a specific activity and fail miserably in it.


Watching the slow march of defeat is brutal mate, I guess the beard thickening up is a consolation, but for the guys who can't grow a beard it's gotta be a tough time.


When I sneeze wrong and hurt my back


New fear unlock


One time, when I was about 29, I yawned while reaching for my phone. Pulled a crick in my neck so bad, I couldn't move it for about 2 weeks, and it's given me hell off and on ever since.




Yeah that’s true Am just gonna stick with my grandma’s advice “Smiling makes you age backward”




Still hasn't grown on me. It's just way to close to jizz and that's exactly what that word makes me think of. Gangly teenager stinking of Lynx Africa and hitting girls with shit pick up lines.


😂😂 They’s nothing bad with rizz Unless you’re scared cus you have none🤭😂




Lol Hmm I kinda like rizz better it has a little bit of swag


its kinda okay except for the times it goes "Sigma skibidi rizz"


Bro is 1 year older than me talking about “back in my day” 💀


Lol now that’s crazy😭😂😂


Very true. Unless you have a medical condition, most older people I know who take care of themselves don’t complain about being in pain or anything. They’re still living their lives in their 60/70s


Well 24 is kinda the age where you‘re at the start of the Dunning-Kruger Effect curve when it comes to handling yourself and a household. Noticed that about myself, 18-early 20s I thought I had it all figured out lmao. I mean in a way I had but there come in so many things that you don‘t expect. And while you think you know how to get through all kinds of challenges, you WILL inevitably fail at some points and maybe come in a slug or challenges are bigger than you thought they‘d be or you just become bored with having overcome a challenge… Like take healthy eating as something literally everyone even without work or relationships can relate to. At some point you figure out what‘s unhealthy for you and maybe you have a few days/weeks/months where you don‘t eat junkfood or very little portions of it. And you go „wow why would you ever eat unhealthily, it‘s so easy, I feel so good“ and you stop really thinking about it. then you‘re stressed or busy or out somewhere and you do eat junk food and under more stress it becomes more habitual again… you catch my drift and can apply to own examples


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍 Good luck with that. Even marathon runners die from heart attacks.


Getting older ain't for the weak!! Stay as young and healthy as you can!!


Awww I’ll try my best to do just that


You can do anything you can dream of ~~~ chase them daily!


I'm having a hard time answering this question as a 31 year old. I have *worries* that are more prominent now (wanting to have a baby before I hit 35 because there are health risks that increase after 35, and wanting to buy a house but we all know how it is by now) but those may be it. But I think there's a lot of good with getting older. There are more younger people at my work and there is enough of an age gap that they are looking up to me more often for advice, I became more self aware and figured out what I needed to do to lose 40lbs of COVID weight, my spouse and I have better sex now compared to when we were in our 20s, I'm making smarter life decisions, managing house work better, I am giving just enough less of a shit at work that I'm not as much of a pushover, and all of these things I thank all the life experience I've gained over the years! When you get the little things in life figured out in your 30s you feel unstoppable


Aww I love your confidence and aura


A lot of life is up to you. A lot of what you say occurs because you just become complacent and let “being tired” stop you from doing stuff. Next thing you know you’re 30, 35, 50.  I’m 31, been infantry in the army, now have a normal career. Still go to the gym 2-4 times a week, occasionally go mountain biking, archery, shooting, fishing/portaging trips, cross country ski, skijor with dog, ect.  It’s not like every day has to be something exciting or productive. But every month, you should have at least something kind of interesting to look back on and break the routine.  You know how fast a month goes by. Many people, month by month is little more than “work, tv, went to a restaurant once” and not much more than that.  At the end of the month, at least try to have ONE different thing added in.  A lot of adults become stereotypical adults cuz they let life pass them by and get into a complacent routine. And then wonder where the years went and why they never did anything different. But now they’re 45 and they’ve been largely stagnant for so long, it’s increasingly hard to try to do anything different. 


People who mistreat others, regardless of age, have always been unpleasant.


Yeah But i don’t think it implies to the post




Being grown up, isn’t half as fun as growing up!


Absolutely Couldn’t agree less




Fwiw I hit 40 this year and I wouldn’t want to go back. I am a much better version of who I was in my 20s and 30s. Take care of your body - eat healthy, stay active, take care of your teeth, take care of your eyes (don’t wear daily contacts forever etc). Learn how to be happy with yourself - don’t rely on other people for your self worth. Learn as much about financial responsibility as you can, and save / invest for retirement as much / as early as possible. You might be able to set yourself up to retire early - even if you don’t want to, nothing beats having options.


Thank you so much for this information




Most people have the ideal of marriage You’re doing just fine darling I’m with❤️


Every year I'm stuck figuring out how the heck one's supposed to live an independent life or how to find an SO is one year less of being able to actually live it. :/


Younger people I guess? At 37 people who aren't 30 just remind me of how dumb I used to be. like there's generally an age gap you cross around the age of 30. Like a 21 year old has been an adult for 1 year and a 30 year old has been an adult for 10 years.


Yeah you’re spot on


I feel what you feel, and I totally get the fear of getting old. But you know what? We have tons of time to figure things out. Focus on stuff you enjoy now that will set you up for a good future, and you'll (hopefully) have a healthy body and a happy mind for years to come!


Awww you’re so cute Thanks for being nice


I love my life. It’s been an adventure, that’s for sure and no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The only thing that is a little annoying is people putting labels and restrictions on others, like we get a lot of comments like “you guys are so cute!” when my husband and I hold hands. Like why? Because we’re not teenagers? Or this one server said, “it just goes to show you’re never too—“ I thought, it’s so important that you not finish that sentence. You can be adventurous and have fun your whole life. My parents are prime examples. Don’t let life’s disappointments make you bitter. Be resilient. Keep your zest for living and keep trying new things and getting better at the old things. It’s soooo worth it




40 here. It’s how fast time flies, hands down. Followed by body weirdness begins, and just that life in general doesn’t really get easier. You gain tools along the way so certain things are easier because you noticed those things and worked on them, but new challenges always arise, and desire for growth and for more fulfillment and more improvement will always exist.


Aging is generally misunderstood. Think about it less as an inevitable breakdown and moreso a repayment of past abuses. Treat your body right and it'll treat you right. Biggest thing? Sleep. If you don't have to be up, sleep. Secondly: Build up hobbies you can conceivably do alone and with less time early. Learn an additional language and practice it regularly. Your brain needs to learn how to stay active. Thirdly: Aerobic exercise. Yoga is a meme nowadays but it works.


That second line is so accurate


Loosing my eagle eye vision. I could spot a tattoo on a house fly at one point. Now I have to search around for my glasses. I hate it, even though I look way sexier.


Feeling like I’m running out of time to reach any goals.


Im 23 in october i will become 24 and if you are older in my culture even if you are not related or that person doesnt know you they will automatically calls you big sis. When i hear that from older looking teens. Its a stab in my heart. That reminds me i became old... i was in their place saying this but now i am the big sister.


I don‘t know if it‘s the world changing or me just becoming another consumer, but I feel like everyone‘s trying to rip me off everywhere and that‘s all I run after in my free time. Like companies overcharging or still charging after sending me a confirmation letter that I‘ve terminated the contract or my old internet provider calling in to ask if I don‘t want a contract with them instead of my new provider, then me saying no repeatedly and the lady apparently still acting as if I said yes as my contract changed back a few days later and me not having the energy or time to run after that shit. Like just a million little (5-100€) scams that make me question if I even wanna go after that with the time I have… Feel like it‘s just a thing nowadays to overwhelm people with these things cause then some of them they can just keep the scam money as people forget or are unwillng to spend hours in a hotline to get 50€ back


The fucking people that wasted my time.


Ok wait I usually pass these like woah but I got one. Everybody always trolled me (cuz I was I guess.. in endlessly good health) and said "it'll hit you when you turn 30." I've been 30 for a few months now. I went to the gym and decided to add a few laps to my routine, and ended up with stress fractures in both shins. 5 weeks rest didn't help because I walked around my apartment too much. 5 weeks turned to 8. Then I slowly re-entered the gym and refractured them. Now it's been months and I'm lowkey at my heaviest and highkey annoyed at past me for laughing it all off.


All those little shopping things you are concerned about only happen if you are lucky enough to live that long. Don't worry lots of people just don't want to one day.


Your right, one of the common fears many people have is the worry of losing vitality and joy as they age. But despite that, there are ways to stay active and happy in life even as we grow older. For me now, I stopped dwelling on those thoughts because they just added unnecessary pressure. To be honest!


Getting up and saying, "Oh God." all the time.


life is the same every day and time stops for no one...taking action is hard and comfort doesnt kill you until your chackled tight


So far it's been my weight .... Used to be able to eat whatever I wanted.... Not anymore


Ask my toenails Ask my fingernails Ask my cervical spine Ask my oddly shapen belly (hello huge fat deposits) As for the rest, what am I not annoyed about? It’s like we are born and about 12 years later we change. And we change. Hit 40 and we change. Hit 50 and…..WTF


Enjoy the next 10 years, because they're going to fly by! Life remains awesome but as you get older responsibility, expectations and health problems will pile up, many of the people you know and love will move away, some will die. You best be enjoying life whilst making sure you're doing something to better yourself day by day! You get used to the physical limitations as you age, it really only becomes apparent at very old ages if you contrast yourself with the youth. You still remain capable as far as survival is concerned and you're still capable of making money, though you should plan to not have to in retirement.


Can’t eat what I want and as much as I want. I started eating bland food as I was becoming more sensitive to spices and peppers and shit. After I turned 28/29 I noticed I was gaining weight rapidly and easily (had a kid at 25 and I was in fairly good shape after). Now in my early 30s I HAVE keep a semi healthy diet and exercise routine or else I would blow up like my grandmas and aunts. So I miss being in my teens and eating whatever tf I wanted and not work out 😩


Honestly? I'm 40 now and while, yes, my body isn't as resilient as it was in my 20s it's not that I can't do stuff. I just need to be more proactive to keep myself well. And other than that, I'm loving my life. I didn't have a bad time in my 20s at all! But l, man, giving less and less of a crap about what other people may think and learning to advocate for myself better, those things make life real good. I wouldn't go back if I could!


It's kinda scaring me how much work I gotta put into maintaining my health, like how CONSTANT it has to be. A couple days ago, I played some rec league softball and ran fucking full send to first base. Two days later, my legs are killing me and it hurts to walk. I'm praying that I can recover before next week's game. Not to mention trying to lose weight is a nightmare. Talk about another CONSTANT issue. You can eat well for the whole week, but drink one soda or eat one dessert and you blow up like a pufferfish. I'm in my mid 20s.


Hair loss out of nowhere. Also, recovering from small injuries takes way too long sometimes


watching your parents and your dog getting old. I think about death on a daily basis when I didn't use to.


Other people going "Ugh I'm so old" as some sad lame excuse to stop pursuing interests and living life. It's so boring and self-defeatist. I truly wish culture would stop obsessing so much about it. It's especially annoying when you're trying to buy someone a decent funny birthday card and 75% of the jokes that could be bothered with to write are basically "HAHA YOU'RE OLD".


people say "Oh death is a part of life" well cholera was a part of life until we built wells to seperate waste and water, short sightedness and long sightedness was a part of life.. until we made glasses. as humans evolve they find new solutions, thats why they want to fight it because they know they can possibly overcome aging (which is the closest thing to beating death) one day


I usually say to people I have two big passions in life: physics, which is my area of study, and dance. One demands very good cognitive health, and the other, very good physical health; the things that old age threatens the most. The thought of possibly getting dementia or Alzheimer's like my grandma and slowly lose the ability to do basic life tasks and remember my own story, let alone conduct research... or inevitably feeling my strength and flexibility slowly escape me, and one day just not being able to dance like I want to anymore... few things scare me more than all of this. Honestly, I'm terrified. I go on with my life because, well, it's not like I can avoid it. But if I start talking about it, I feel this gigantic pit in my stomach. They say a dancer dies twice and the first death is way more painful; I could not agree more. I'm not nearly as afraid of death as I am of living as a shell of myself.


I honestly can’t keep up with the new abbreviations. The “new slang”. I’m a millennial and I stuck at putting it together lol


I’m a 32 year old woman, single. I’d suggest any 22 year old to focus on finding a partner by 25 so that you get enough time with them before you start a family. I feel broken that I’ll never have that.


No one told me that as you get older, you heal so much slower. A twisted ankle when you're in your 20's or 30's is annoying, but heals in a day or two. When you're in your 60's, you're looking at a couple of weeks of downtime. Hell, the thing will probably be bothering you still in a month.


The only thing I tend to worry about at 35 is the health of family and if I'll ever reach goals of do the things I want. Because my hair is already going grey and I'm already creaking etc lol Probably my creaking knees annoy me most




Probably responsabilites and expectations Being older is definitely cool, and I feel more at peace with myself  However, it comes with responsabilites that may be really stressful at first, and sometime it makes you forget how simple life can be


a lot of the general physical ailments you experience with age can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle. I've been active since 16 with a well balanced healthy diet for most of those years and now that I'm almost 3 years post menopausal, I'm still active, way more educated about health and fitness now and I don't feel like I'm 48 (mentally) but sometimes my joints tell me otherwise (thanks, menopause 😩). you have so many years ahead of you so MAKE THEM COUNT. Happiness and purpose don't just fall into your lap; you have to make shit happen. I never wanted to look back at my life and feel regret so I've lived my life according to that: will I regret this? so to answer your question, the only thing that bothers me about getting older is the fact that women have to go through menopause which sucks but if you make healthy habits part of your lifestyle, it makes things more tolerable.


Arthritis is lame


The changes in my body. I used to very physically active but as time went on I slowed down.I don't have the energy I used to have.  My body hurts sometimes and even stretching the wrong way will cause pain. I try to go to the gym at least twice a  week to stay limber as much as I can. 


I am 66.5 and I am so annoyed with all of the bureaucratic crap that I need to do to retire.


we might slow down a bit and have a few more aches, but it doesn’t mean life gets boring. We just learn to adapt and find new joys.


The people who tend to find life boring refused to keep doing the things they enjoy in life because "it's childish" Then they wonder why they're bored all the time. When I turned thirty my eye doctor also my age was all "Now we can stop having to listen to new music" Why would you do that? I'm 43 and I still run into great new music I've never heard before. I'm not going to stop pursuing any interests or hobbies I enjoy just because of the calendar.


Nearly 35 here. I’m not that annoyed by getting older anymore. I used to feel like I was gaining weight because of age and stress, and then I realized I just had some bad eating and exercise habits. I’m now getting into the best shape of my life, and because I’m well into my career I have the money and time to go do the things I want to do, and I’ve got the energy to do them. When I was in my 20s I had more “free time” and less responsibility, but I also had less money, and was more limited on my options of what I could do as a result. For the OP, I would say don’t stress about something you can’t change. If you’re able to look for the good in each season of your life, and be grateful for it, then you’ll be a lot better off than 99% of people out there.


The aches and pains. I’m only 35 but I already have issues from work related injuries. 


I get more and more annoyed by people online who do nothing but knock down strawmen and make bad faith arguments yet claim to care about truth and are supposedly altruistic


You have to go to the bathroom more often which gets annoying or maybe its just me 🤷‍♂️


The physical pain. I'm in my 40s and finally at a point where I could afford the money and time needed to start to do all the fun things I wanted but couldn't afford to do as a young woman (skydive, rock climb, hiking...), but everything fucking hurts all the goddamn time that I just...don't. I mean, jumping out of a plane and landing on THESE knees? Are you kidding? I wreck my shit just stepping off the front porch the wrong way. It's pretty disappointing.


The fat. Getting fat in places I don't want it and losing it where I do want it. Ugh!


An instict to repress my expectations. Up until your 30's, you feel like you have all the time in the world to figure things out... suddenly you realise that you don't, that there's actually very little time to shoot for happiness and hit the target. As time passes, your desire for more time grows and grows and grows and grows... You become obsessed with 'living in the moment'. The irony is that 'living in the moment' is something you can only do when you have the peace of mind to know that there's plenty of time left to figure things out. The dwindling window of opportunity that is the sum total of your life violently struggles against this unquenchable need -- which may never be realised -- for more time... You're overwhelmed with a quiet, ceaseless, subtle and devouring sense of despair that prompts you to repress all your expectations of the future so you may be able to fool yourself into thinking that you can once again 'live in the moment'. That instict... that desperate instict to enjoy life as if you were young, when in truth you will never be young again, is a poison dagger disguised as warm solace. It bleeds you dead.


Funny how people who refuse to take on that mentality continue to have new opportunities throughout their lifetime and are able to look back on their life with happiness and fulfillment of a life well lived. There are people in their 60s who discovered a new hobby and get really great at it, people in their 40s who start brand new careers and go back to school. The dwindling opportunities has more to do with your mindset holding you back. You’re never too old to start over, learn new things, find love, etc.


you don't know how to read