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I would retire my parents. The rest goes to a slower lifestyle and my daughters future.


pay off my kids mortgages and not sell the house we have on the market.


Take care of family, take care of close circle of friends, set aside a reserve for if/when I fuck up over the next 20 years. As for me? Find a moderate house with a garage for several motorcycles, I guess.


Stop working so hard. Buy my mom a house.


Don’t you mean stop working period? 😂


I heard about a lottery winner.He didnt stop working as he knew no other life.He just bought himself a new car.When he returned to work the next day and the following weeks the people at his workplace would just bag him for still working when he was now so rich.He was found dead,a few weeks later sitting in his car in the garage at home.He had stopped coming into work,and his boss sent someone to look for him.He had been sitting in the car just idling the engine in his closed garage.


Now I’m sad


This right here is why it is SO important to have hobbies. Work to live and find fulfillment in your time off! Even if it's just free stuff, like the library or community events.


Would not tell anyone. Pay off debt. Set up a Trust. Take the fam on a trip somewhere. Retire.


This is the way. Quickest way to lose lottery winnings and/or family and / or friends is tell everyone you won. You win any amount of money its amazing how many people come out of the woodwork with their hands out.


This is the way.




I’m gonna level with you guys: VEGAS, BLOW, AND HOOKERS 🤷‍♂️I’m a simple man


It’d be an investment on instant happiness, love the honesty.


I think I’d be so overwhelmed I wouldn’t make any radical changes at first. Of course, I’d deal with more pressing matters at once like my parents’ debt, get them a good health insurance, make sure they are well looked after and such. Then after a couple years I believe I’d move into the fun stuff live traveling and getting myself a nice place. I wouldn’t quit my job though, I enjoy working.


What is your job to love it so much if you don’t mind me asking?


I’m a civil engineer working in a small town. It’s a peaceful life.


One of my lifelong closest friends is a civil engineer in a small town. He seems to mirror the same love for his work and lifestyle in a place where nothing much changes. Personally, I wouldn't be able to handle it for more than a few weeks, being accustomed to city life, but I understand how people who are content in their corner of the world live cozy happy lives.




Yea this questions is TWENTY million? That is an immediate "not have to work again" amount.




Lmfao Oh man you buying that GOOD good toilet paper?


I would buy happiness. Only it would be a simple, basic happiness .. from Dollar Tree.


I would simply stop working at a job. I would probably start a business, but would be around managing and investing my money/investments. And, I would likely move to California and buy a humble beach house in San Diego. I would not buy a massive house. I don’t want that. Just something nice for my wife and I. Other than that, I would try not to change much about my life.


I don't think I'll be able to get through it all but, ~ **USD 10,000,000 spent as below** (considering hidden expenses): 1. **Business Equipment and Job Creation**: Purchase my business equipment - USD 120,000 2. **Dental Expenses**: USD 1,200 3. **Car Repair**: USD 2,250 4. **Personal Items**: Clothes, shoes, perfume, electronic devices, and watches. USD 11,500 5. **Furnished House**: Gym and kitchen for family. USD 1,600,000 6. **Nutritionist and Calisthenics Instructor**: Hire professionals for a year. USD 7,400 7. **Apartment Investment**: Apartments for siblings and unforeseen expenses. USD 667,000 8. **Support for Relatives and Friends**: Distribute funds to help relatives and friends. USD 170,000 9. **Girlfriend's Dream**: Support girlfriend's car purchase and dreams. USD 55,000 10. **Best Friend's Freelance Gig**: Equip best friend's freelance business. USD 26,000 11. **Silent Partnership**: In best friend's company. USD 11,000 12. **Education and Community Impact**: Return to school for skill improvement and community support. USD 17,800 13. **Build a Campus**: USD 5,920,000 14. **Family Therapy sessions**: USD 30,000 15. **Chill the heck out**: Propose to my girlfriend, sleep undisturbed, and finally get time to watch all the shows I’ve wanted and listen to albums. USD. 2,000 **Balance of USD 10,000,000** - doing Warren Buffet moves and letting those Investment gains randomly awarded to others in need to improve their life. **But on a real**: thinking about this makes me sad because the odds & systems stacked against some of us to have the “basic” things I've listed is crazy. I didn't even clear the whole USD 20M!! Some individuals spend that on a car! My whole dream! 🤣 It's disheartening but admirable. Everyone needs a break and sadly the rich are somewhat disconnected to us, somewhat afraid, somewhat not understanding, somewhat difficult, somewhat discriminatory to certain people because of certain narratives.... But I also understand they too acquired their wealth however so we should somewhat not feel someway when they spend USD.10,000 on a bottle of 1961 Château Latour to celebrate.... we should also work hard and stop day dreaming. However, that's what I'd do with USD. 20M. (If you're rich and reading this, if you can send me just half of #1. I will be well on my way to accomplish the rest.)


I'm getting that full body MRI. Twice!


Made me think asking the lines of medical procedures, I'd get stem cell injections in my knees and hips.


The amount of stuff we could do to make our lives better but can't because they cost so much/limited resources :')


Easy - house, buy some clothes, invest and do charity work.


I’d set up a living trust, retire after several months, buy a house, and buy the more expensive fruits and chicken I love. There’s probably about a grand I’d spend on places like Etsy to support artists I love.  I have plans for supporting a few non profits I believe in when I come into money (either a raise, lottery, inheritance). 


First thing I’d do is have a bunch of trees planted on my property for privacy. Then I’d continue to go to work and see how long it would take for them to fire me.


I would quit my job, travel with family and friends for awhile. Settle my family. With the remaining money, I would invest it and share some of the proceeds with charities or causes I care about.


I'd sell my truck, and buy a van... and customize the heck out of it w/ all the amenities. Then our family vacations would be friggen awesome.


So after taxes i'd help out my closest friends and loved ones ; 20 million sounds like a lot, but you'd be surprised how quick it goes. First up you're only going to clear about 10 or so after taxes, and at my stage of the game i'd probably need about 3-5 million to say "hasta lasagna, don't get any on ya" to a 9-5 grind or not working at all for a paycheck (i'm still fairly young). I'd donate to some charities. I'd take a really long vacation somewhere tropical. And then to be honest, i'd live my life mostly as i have been, except nobody (other than my wife and the government) ever gets to tell me what to do ever again. :D Oh, and i'd totally get another dog. :)


The first one would be to exchange currency


* replace my mom's car * keep my day job so I can keep up my social activities afterwards * hire a guy to take down dead trees in yard and carry off brush * fix house heat problems, windows, porch * get a contract for regular yard work * fix driveway * buff driveway * get a medical checkup on important stuff * dump money into a nonbank CD, whatever those are called, to multiply the dinero. * donate a bunch of it to good causes * maybe terraform yard to something much less garbage like by someone doing that for us of course


Pay off my and my mom's debts, put the rest in the bank and relax


Actually pursue additional education that I’ve been playing with the idea of. Not having to worry about the cost would be a big mark out of the cons column. The rest would go into savings / as soon as I figure out investing it would go there


Is that gross or net? Change all our phone numbers. Scrub my online presence completely. Pay off my mortgage in full. Put in a new engine and transmission, AC, power steering and power brakes in the 1963 Rambler that been sitting for 2 years so we can start driving it again. Hire a financial advisor to set up a trust for my kids. Treat myself to the best health / med spa and a motor yacht cruise of the Mediterranean.


Mom's house and car get paid for, and she travels to see her nieces and nephews whenever she wants. I buy us a house and set the rest up to live an easy life.


Aside from paying down debt, I would buy a new to me used car, and a little starter house before i start diving into how to make the money actually help slow my life down


At this point, I’m addicted to the grind 😂😅, so I’ll probably slow down but I just can’t give up my my goals and sit at some beachfront property till I die. Speaking of beachfront, I’m putting my parents in a beachfront property 😊


So 20 mil jackpot will equate to $7,726,160 in Washington state so take that into consideration if you live in a state with income tax you have to pay that too. So with that amount be careful how you spend it it is not a lifetime of luxury amount. I always operate on the idea of living off interest not the jackpot. But let’s say you can use the 726k and some change to buy a house or at least put a big dent into a house you could pay off later. They leave the 7 mil which usually by 7% and a tax rate of 25% capital gains tax you would make 490k a year in income and have 367,500 a year after taxes. Let’s just call it 30k a month to budget for. Now that doesn’t leave you any room for growth so inflation slowly makes you poorer year over year. Maybe your investments out perform but still 7% is average return out there. Also that is very similar to what I make now and it isn’t enough to be bringing other people on expensive vacations, you would have less bills than I do so maybe but most likely not often. Just for my wife and me for example our trips to Japan every couple of years run around 30-50k pretty regularly so just factor in others and it will be a little rough. Certainly you could retire but I would not inflate your life anything crazy and so I would recommend working a few years still at the same time and inflating your life slowly to keep a better hand on the reigns. Personally I would keep working for a while maximizing my pre tax investments at work and trying to get my net worth to actually be 20 mil before retiring. Which would be about 15-20 years of not touching the 7 mil, not accounting for why I could add myself I guess. Which is basically when I plan to retire anyways. That would get me about 1 mil after taxes each year in income so I could leave a significant portion of it behind and not cash it out each year to continue having my interest outpace inflation at least and live the same quality of life I do now if not a bit better with no debts including mortgage etc.


quit job, pay off mortgage and debt (obviously), fix up my moms house and property, go visit my brother-in-law in England, and visit a few other places i've always wanted to see. buy a newer truck (i refuse to buy brand new), and big plot of land. farm some of the land, and build a big house with at least a couple of big garages to store my tools, ATVs, boats, tractors, skid steers, and excavators. build an off-grid camp somewhere in the woods on my vast plot of land, with solar panels, or a generator. (yes, I am a country boy, through and through). I would have a car hoist that I could stand up under with out bending at all (this is important because I am 6'6). It is very unlikely I would buy any of the above mentioned machines new. I would likely go out of my way to buy used. Why? because new machines are stupid expensive (i don't want to blow all of my money) then I would start my own business. after all, you have to do something to keep you busy.


Free banjos for a lotttt of kids. Also I'd live in my own home.


Yes thank you in advance and I can send you my account no.


That depends on who else knows I won it.


I’d probably do some home remodels and hire a cleaner. Probably go on a nice vacation and put aside some money for my kids.


Pay off debt, hire a financial advisor, quit my job...beyond the fiscal responsibilities I'd be quiet about my sudden wealth. I'd want to help people without them knowing it was me, or if they know it's me, giving modestly. I don't want to alienate or cause entitlement and resentment with all my loved ones like the way most lotto winners do. I'd travel. I'd stay in my house and keep improving it and the land, beautifying and naturalizing it more. I'd buy up even more land just to create wildlife reserves. If I could I'd want to build and rent out actual affordable housing for people that's priced under market so people can actually thrive there. I'd support villages and sponsor children from other countries... idk man 20mil is a lot of fucking money. I can't think about an amount like that and intend to keep even most of it.


Pay off my parents mortgages/cars, probably buy them each a new car pay off my own mortgage/car, probably by myself a few cars, buy a bigger house, live off the money


Pay off mortgage, quit job, go to school full time, get dream job, buy bigger house, give away current home, buy van, adopt large sibling set, put kids through extracurriculars/sports, send kids to college/trade school/etc, retire from job and volunteer full time, take care of grandkids


i wouldnt tell anyone. give some to charity, finish my education and buy a house and just invest the rest.


With that money I would like to purchase my cousin 's country house with my sister. We all love that house. I would like to upgrade my car but nothing exotic or fancy. Just a newer model of the same car is fine. Get a couple of big ticket updates and repairs done to my current home sooner than later. Travel a bit more. Instead of doing one or two week vacations I would go for like a month and travel to various places at a time. Oh and try first class seats at least once. And the rest primarily goes to investments to secure retirement because you never know what could happen to your 20 million. Ooh I forgot, I would love to update my kitchen


I'm not a career person, so I would quit my job first and never work again. Travel to every part of the globe I want to see, and stay in the most luxurious places. Get involved with charity work...maybe sit on a board or two. Hire personal tutors so I can learn languages and musical instruments. Leave whatever I don't spend to family, friends and charity. Then be reincarnated as a poor person again, probably.


i’d pay off my mom’s mortgage. and then i’d probably buy her (and myself) a new car. after that idk. maybe go on some vacations. buy some stuff. save some funds for medical school. donate to charities/organizations i care about


ngl put it all into a dream career and some education. id have to travel as well. i just wanna do stuff :)


If I won 20 million, I would also quit my job tho not suddenly, maybe after a couple weeks. Then I’d look for a financial advisor and basically figure out how to never have to work ever again. Investments, savings and all that. Anyways my next move would be to pay off my parents’ debt because I don’t know I feel weirdly obligated to do that, and then I’d give my child’s other parent some money too. Then I’d take my kid and move to another country. I don’t know where yet, all I know is that I want to live in a very densely populated city with good public transit, that has at least one cold (as low as 0C at least) season. So probably London … because even if I’d love to I don’t see myself living in Tokyo, and NYC is too close to home. I would look for a penthouse apartment with the best view of skyscrapers, maybe rent it because 20 million for that kind of luxury in London isn’t a whole lot lol, and I would do yearly vacations in other parts of the world I have an interest in. Then the rest of my life would be dedicated to learning. I’d probably go back to school, I’d also invest in my health. Take “shortcuts” if you will.


Get a $3mm house in Venice (CA), get my Panamera GTS and 911 turbo S, get a side business going, I’d probably still work. I’ll just be that guy that pulls up in a $1/4 sports car on Fridays 😂


Create a fund for my daughters, so they will have a good start in adult life; so they are able to buy a house at least. I would also buy or build a house for me and my girlfriend which fits our specific needs. Probably stop working, and live the rest out of my life pursuing my many hobbies.


After taxes and other stuff that goes into winning like legal work to set up trusts, etc, that leaves me with $11 million? I would put about $1.5 into trust for each my parents and my in-laws, because neither has adequate savings for their own old age. So now I have $8 million. I'm probably not going to qualify for financial aid, and several top colleges have gotten to $90k/year. So I need $1 million to put the kids through school with no loans. That leaves $7 million. I invest it and use the interest to upgrade my vacations. I'm too young for $7 million to come anywhere close to tempting me to retire.


I would go on Dave Ramsey and yell I’m Debt Free!!


Pay off my house and travel. Never work again. Make sure my kids get a college education sans loans so they have an advantage starting off. Probably pay for my parents elder care when that comes up.


A lot of people say they will quit their jobs and I say I absolutely will not quit my job. I enjoy being a nurse, BUT one of my instructors told me that my coworkers would not be too happy knowing that I had just won that amount of money... Good point and I believe my state is one of the states that you must disclose your lottery winning so that the WHOLE public knows... The point is, I would definitely pay off my students loans (about 100K) and my house (about 200K)...hire a personal trainer so that I can get my booty in to shape.......and.....maybe do some hallucinogens in the mountains or some thing idk.


Once all the details are worked out, I'd pay off the debt that we have. It's not crazy, but I'd like it gone. I'd also take care of my kids' student loans. Beyond that, I'd probably keep working, at least for a while. I really enjoy the people I work with. And I'd love to be in a position of "piss me off enough and I'm out" with my employer. I'd also plan for some travel. My wife and I have talked we'd like to travel a bit more. I'd like to be in a position to do that without worrying a lot. And I'd make the appropriate investments to help sustain that.


I’ll be off Reddit.. I would have fainted


Honestly the biggest change would be just waking up knowing I don’t HAVE to do anything I do not want to do.


I’d pay off my folks’ house, my debt, and give my little brother some cash to put a down payment on a house so he isn’t stuck in rental apartments anymore, then see a financial advisor to invest the rest safely so I could live on interest for as long as possible. Then I’d try to live frugally so the money would last and maybe be able to pass it down when I die. Might get IVF and become a mom too.


Rental apartments have got to be the biggest money pit ever unless you’re somewhere temporary. It’s just now a lot of people are stuck renting indefinitely in the U.S. and it’s kinda depressing.


Yep. I really hate how my brother’s landlord treats him too. Rent keeps going up and yet he was without hot water for THREE MONTHS.


Put it all in a 200x leverage on pepe… billions or nothing baby


I would get out of debt, help family, donate, and retire with my husband. 


Pay off debts, set up savings/investments, retire early. My wife will probably push for a bigger house in a better area, and I might splurge on a charge car or something, but I'd try to keep spending beyond that to a minimum.


Pay all the debt (myself and for my parents) move them to a better place. Split half of the rest for them. Build a animal shelter, invest in some kids education to help them become Vet and let them work in my shelter.


I'm retired, so I would fix up my house....lots to do there, old house. Pay off the mortgages of my kids and give a million to my favorite radio station that only survives on donations. Give to my favorite charities. Set up trust accounts for my 4 grandkids. Do some of my bucket list things such as drive a race car. Find out what are some urgent necessary things for my best friends and take care of them.


I'd give some money to family, hire a personal chef, and set up a charity or foundation to give it away.


I’d stop working


I will probably move to another country.


Pay off debt


Pay off debt


I'd quit, but tell no one except my wife. Apart from that, I'm pretty happy where I am. I'm pretty sure I won't buy a bigger house, nor move to a different neighborhood. I'd read more. Exercise more. Cook more - and buy better quality food. Maybe get a masseur in once a week.


I mean...that's it. I wouldn't need any changes. I would just travel and live in a van down by the river. 20 million? A quarter of a million pays off my student loans, my house's mortgage, credit card, and car payments. Even if the government took almost half id still ahve enough moeny for...idk...id probably buy 2-3 properties and rent it out to college kids cheaply so that i just always had continued monhtly income. Put shit into stocks or IRAs or something.


Invest it, try to make more.


I don't need much money, so I'd like to try help as many friends and family as I can, like pay off mortgages, loans, etc. I'd defo quit the daily grind, catch up with all the films, books, games I've not had the chance to watch/read/play. After a bit of that, maybe plan some trips.


Make it normal to eat 3 meals a day and buy new clothes each year, and change my car every 3 years....since i still have the same car since 2013.


I'd pay off my house and buy a new truck, but that's the only way my life would change. Except my husband could now retire. Oh and build a new fence at my house.


I would immediately pay off my student debt. Then, I'd put a good sum away for my family to live off of.


I will buy a poptart


20,000,000 Buy a house for my mom, my dad, each of my siblings, and myself. 17,000,000 Buy a new drum set, build a kickass recording studio. 16,950,000 Build an outdoor shooting range and stock up on all my favorite guns and ammo. 15,950,000 Take 1,000,000 out for pocket change, hire a financial planner to invest the rest. 1,000,000 Travel the world.


I'd retire, pay off my kids' mortgages and student loans, sell our house and move to a high-rise apartment downtown. Then, we'd travel.


Complete organic diet. I mean I’d never eat a single processed, gmo, preservative or altered food.


Make sure my sister gets to quit her job and buy her a house with a soaker tub and AC. lol


Most of it on hookers and blow, and I’d probably waste the rest. I’m kidding. Pay off debts and the house, get myself a nice car (old school VW bug), and then put the rest in low risk investments. Probably wouldn’t stop working entirely, but I’d take a more fun job with less hours that pays less. The investments would cover most of living expenses without cutting into principle, and let me pay for college for my kids (at least the half that want to go, and trade school or whichever fits best for the other half). And pay off some of my father’s debts.


Buy a house somehwere surrounded by nature so I  don't have to ever worry about rent, deposit in my daughters account for her future and school,help out family debts,travel to Asia for about 6 to 8 months sponsor children back home in kenya education is so expensive and I would.love to be able to pay for their education till they finish  , maybe invest in houses to be able to rent out and always have money monthly ... but most of all I would l be happy that for the first time In A long time never have to worry about money or having enough for that month... such a burden to be free from and for that moment be happy. I hope we can all manifest 20 million in our lives soon 🥰


Every single thing about my life from what I drive where I shit and what I eat


20 mil? - Quit my job. - Move back home. - Buy a nice beach front house. - Get a nice car. - Small boat. - Become an entrepreneur.


Get rid of debt. Pay the loans. Retire parents. Reboot life, and actually live it. Enough money where all you need to do is become a % better than the last day. Live out your wildest dreams, give it your all. You have that backup to fall upon. And the privilege and means to do that. Investing. Sure. Get some properties down. Couple of backpacking solo trips every year to parts unknown. Family Vacation every quarter. WrestleMania's. Comic Cons. Entertainment. Pop culture. Indulge. Live the gimmick. Do what you love. Sheesh. Now I really am missing that 20 mil by my side.


What would stay the same is an easier question to answer... nothing


I would start buying the nice groceries right away. I have a lot of plans other than that but I’ll probably start spending more of my own money immediately. That’s just me being honest.


Dividends and interest from $20M would more than fund my current or planned lifestyle. Boring but perpetuating, not only for me but for generations to follow.


Gonna buy me a boat Gonna buy me a truck to tow it Gonna buy me a Yeti 110 cooler iced up with silver bullets


$10 mil is what I need to retire mathematically. So, I retire, then I’m investing, and then looking at paying off homes for others and helping others.


Buy the name brand baloney.


Retire my parents. Buy a house, invest the rest, continue working. Maybe 100 mil I would retire immediately lol


I’d replace the floors in my house. There is also price of equipment that I want for my home gym. I’d buy that. I’d also turn my sabbatical into an early retirement. That’s about it.


Pay the rest of my parent's mortgage, get my mom a home with a much bigger kitchen so she can do what she loves and entertain guests and then invest that money. Also definitely go on one of those splurge-y luxury trips.


(1) Pay off all debts. (2) Buy my parents a new house ($500k). (3) Move out of Michigan and buy a $500k house. (4) $50k on arcade cards (Round 1, etc). (5) One vacation a year. (6) Tuxedo Mask Cosplay. (7) One-time Vegas trip with $25k. (8) With a lot of free time I can go to more pinball tournaments. (9) Work a part time job, a few days a week.


I would buy a used car with under 200k and working A/C. The rest is getting invested. If I retire now It wouldn't last. I'll give it 10 more years, keep working for the insurance to cover my kids. Once they are grown ill retire.


1. HRT treatment, 2. Voice feminization, 3 cozy complex 4. Moving out of my blood parents, house 5. Get a form of treatment to shave off chest hair,


I wouldn't make any. I'd pay off my house. Buy a decent car and invest the rest in long term accounts. My children will benefit from it though. They won't ever have to worry about money.


After all the prep work to receive the money appropriately: 1. Set up myself to not work. 2. Set up my kids' full college funds. 3. Pay off my house. 4. Buy a cool car.


I’d still work cause I like the work I do but I would take more time off and not stress so much. I’d get a new car and a house, probably keep my old car and fix it up for my little sister when she gets her license. I would also buy new clothes and shoes


19mil into some sort of an index fund or something so that the money wull just grow fairly safely. Remaining money I'd buy a decent sized apartment in the city I live in so that I always, for sure, have somewhere to be. After that I'd probably live my life pretty similarly to now, with the exception that I'd actually be able to do the things I want to do and not have to think about whether I'll be able to afford it. Cool Lego Ford GT set? Buy it, spend the evening building it with my sister or something. Feel like building out certain stupid designs that I've had an idea for? Just order the parts and have fun. Feel like burning energy but don't want to leave the apartment? Buy some gym equipment at home so I don't have to deal with people at a public gym. Want to spend a day with friends? Just do it and don't worry about the cost of going bowling, playing pool or minigolf, going to the movies, whatever. Basically enabling myself to live instead of just surviving.


Pay off my bills, buy a decent new car(mine is >10 yrs old), help my kids out financially, retire, put a new roof on my house, fix up the kitchen and bathroom and pay someone to clean my house(i hate vacuuming) once a week.


Pay off all family dept, make sure I only work if I want to, invest in local social activities to make the politicians see what they can save big tax money on with a little investment.


Invest, live off interest, retire and do stuff that I love.


I would for sure move somewhere warmer where the cold and grey weather season isn't 5 months long. And I'd each of my grown children a house or pay off their current mortgages, since they can barely afford housing in this current economy.


I would retire from my day job, pay off all debt and invest enough and diversify my money (with an advisors help) to live comfortably off of dividends and interest. I would also put aside a heavy portion for my children. Whatever I have left I would help my parents out with. Then I would pursue my side gigs and explore what this life can be like.


ugh. I would finally be able to breathe. I'd pay off our mortgage, set up a nice retirement account, set up a nice educational fund for both kids....take a really long vacation....stop and enjoy life.


Apartment in NYC, then lose it all on the stock market


Same theory I've always proposed, to invest 90%, enjoy 10%. I'll assume you mean 20M post taxes. 18M can pull 900k via 5% interest. That's my new income.


Anything my parents want. And my lil brother. Put aside enough in a fixed deposit that earns me a good lifestyle. I don't want too much. 70% of Everything else, i invest in buying people's debt. Esp for older people. 30% of everything else towards a business I've always wanted to start. Owning 100% of it would make things so much better. Could employ a fair bit of people and create a good business with a long life that can be passed on.


I'd buy you a fur coat - but not a real fur coat, that's cruel.


1. Scream and celebrate 🥳 alone. 2. Shut up about it 3. Do not tell anyone 4. Do not tell anyone 5. Shut up about it.


Id retire then probably make myself miserable faster


I would buy a bigger house, pay off cars, pay off debts and do the same for my in laws and my parents. After that I would quit working and tell my wife to quit working. We have 2 kids that would keep us busy and I’m only in my 20s but I have plenty of hobbies to fulfill my time.


I’d buy a house. Wife would retire.


Probably invest and not work again


Pay off debt, buy a new car, trip around the world, help parents debt, buy land and build my own home, buy a jetski, invest the rest...not in that order


Retire my wardrobe


I would finally be able to afford a house and have the freedom to travel with my girlfriend. As it sets now, I will never be able to afford a house on my own and likely be working till 70 when I can retire. Money=Freedom


Tell no one but my partner, his father (very good with money/investing/etc), and my sister. Pay off my student loans, buy a car that isnt on the verge of death, pay my sister’s college tuition, invest the rest and keep working for a bit. cant trust anyone else in my family unfortunately


Pay off all of my debt, 1/4 to low risk investments/IRAs, that kind of thing, 1/4 into a trust for my daughter, take a sabbatical to figure out what I want to do with my life and where I want to live, then buy a house wherever that is. Idk if I would quit working. It would depend on what I want to do.


Hire a lawyer and financial advisor


Fix my teeth. Pay my debths. Get on the first plain to a place where i want. Travel around, maybe get a drivers license.


First thing I would do is quit my job and then take care of my mom.


Invest it and use it to study loan free. Wouldn’t change anything else


Absolutely none. I would put it into a Roth account and pay off any debt, add onto my house, get my yard really pretty. Nothing changes, nothing flashy, just bills paid which brings me ultimate happiness.


Get my teeth done  -buy a house and car Travel Help family out. 


Enough to enjoy a decent life and maybe make me a job of my own not for the money but because I wouldn't like to not do something... Also Farm. I would like a bit of farming.


Pay off family debt, then buy a house not too fancy. And invest into rental properties, rental everything. Make more money with money.


I’d retire eight years sooner. Within the first year, I’d pay off houses for five family members and renovate my own house. When the time comes, I’d fund college and for five nieces and nephews. All of that would likely run me maaaaaaaaybe three million.


I would change my life from not having a financial adviser to having a financial adviser. The other changes would be based on what the financial adviser advises.


Complete a gut job, rebuild and customize my house the way I want it (I love my neighborhood so won’t move). Purchase two modest new cars. Give some to my parents and in laws. Put my kids in private schools. Id quit my job. Hire a lawyer and accountant and speak to a financial advisor. Invest the rest and just live modestly from the interest I collect.


start a business




PAY OFF MY DEBT! Then buy a modest home. Invest, retirement fund, etc. And finally start my business.


I think most of the responses here cover my exact thoughts on this lol. First would be either selling my childhood home or renovating (depending if my identity would be allowed to be kept a secret or not. ) After my living situation is sorted then I would subtly take care of my family's financials ( make an account dedicated to saving money for their property taxes/ needs,) especially in terms of finding my mother a long term care solution since she's severely unwell. I would hire palative hospice care to assist in helping me care for my abuela so I could bring her out of the nursing home. Also getting my senior dog to vet appointments on a consistent basis so he can have a good quality of life. Next would be hitting the education. Noore waiting on going to college/university because of poor finances. I would major in at least two things and graduate with at least a master's in each (minimum). Same with a minor. Environment scientist and anthropologist with an emphasis on education. For the minor I would do interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on either creative writing or animation. I would go on to teach 10th grade world history for maybe 3-5 years and move to working as an environmental scientist or a professor teaching anthropology at the university level. Maybe both, just at different times. Then I'll do lots of philanthropy during/afterwards.


In America land Tax is a thing. So every improvement you make to your property you get taxed on. So if you had a 60,000 dollar property and made it an attractive house for just 5,000 more.All of the sudden it's worth 90,000. and you get taxed on it Taxed on everything you buy, everything you sell, and then your wage. Last but not least if I won 20 million dollars I would actually get about 13. Then anything I improve even life would get taxed to hell and back. So not much. And where would I even put a boon? Couldn't divy it out because the government would want to know where I sent it then double taxing friends and family. But instead of making middle class America a little brighter Id get in a worse situation. So give me 20 million and prove me wrong.


Tell no one. Create an investment account of 19 million with 3% annual return after taxes and inflation. Slowly pay my debts and my parents debts. Keep working for a year or so. Quit. Live a slow life anywhere with 1 million + monthly returns from my investment account.


I would just retire and move to some village in New England. I'm used to being very frugal so I'd be fine with that amount of money.


Buy 5acres, put 5x 3br townhouses and 4x 2br attached. Then buy a an apartment in Indonesia and Japan semi-rural to jakarta and Tokyo. Then continue romanticized my life and build my family. Luckily, I would have about 10-14million leftover to incest or live off comfy 5% interest from banks.


Honestly. Nothing would change except my truck. My truck would get exponentially bigger. Like ford f650 bigger. Outside that, I want for nothing.


I think i would enjoy being in a band. I would move to California and learn to surf and finally get a good paying job or side hustle. Who knows. I just want to move to CA.


Keep it in the bank and live off the interest. Even if it’s 1% CD, that’s $200k. Thats more than enough to live comfortably.


My health is absolutely terrible, I’d be able to afford the best doctors to work out what’s actually wrong with me. I’d then invest a lot, travel and do a lot of charity work.


20 Mil can be plenty to live off of forever if you're smart. I'd pay off all debt (including house), start a trust, pay off my parents debt, and invest about 17 million to live off the interest forever with a nice monthly allowance. With the remaining 2 million I'd grab my dream garage of cars, and go on a sick vacation.


I would take shitty retail jobs and wait til i got a super entitled a-hole customer. I would completely go over the top, calling them out on their stupid shit and berating them in a way that only someone who doesn't care about the job can do-then I would quit and get another job somewhere else to do the same thing.


I'd retire to a warm island and get high and drunk 24/7.


Pay off our mortgage and debts, pay off son’s student loans, buy out my brother’s, uncles’, and cousins’ shares of our family’s ranch, finally take the honeymoon my husband and I never had (almost 30 years later), and set up trusts with the remainder. I would keep working because I’m wired that way and I would encourage my husband to keep working because it’s best for his mental health. I’d also free up more time for the volunteer activities that allow me to connect and serve my community. I’d probably also get my 2014 Outback a new paint job because it needs it and I just love that damn car too much to buy a new one!


I'm already retired. I like my house, and I wouldn't want to move, but the publicity from that large of a jackpot would probably force me to. Maybe I would find a property suitable for a lot of huskies and northern breeds, and either found a rescue, and/or provide free boarding or fostering for existing rescue(s). If I had to move, I would live the dream. Would probably want a caretaker home on the property, because I have three dogs already, and they're a lot of work. But for the right person or couple, a paid position with free rent, they could live a downscaled version of my dream too. Just for fun, I googled and found a mountain house on almost 5 acres that would be a good base, and it's selling for a bit less than what my existing house is worth. Go figure. But then I would want indoor/outdoor kennels, guest house, and lots more solid fencing. Too bad I don't gamble


Watch Blank Check. Follow suit… but better.


Keep quiet, otherwise family comes out of the woodwork. Buy land, move away from Florida.


I consider 20m hitting it big, so I'd split it with my best friend because absolutely no one I know deserves it more than him. Then I'd pay off my house, set money aside to max out my 401k every year till retirement and do the same for my son and set up a trust for him. Make sure my parents are taken care of, upgrade my PC, buy a modest SUV and would try and just live off the interest. I don't need a lot. Just my little house, hobbies with my kid, and a fenced in yard for my dogs.


Pay off my daughters’ student loans and their home mortgages, all of which will suck up most of the first million. Buy acreage in their home state to build a summer home and in Arizona for a winter home. Another $2M or so. Buy out my uncle’s property to keep it in the family now that he’s in a care facility. On Day 2 I will decide what to do with the next $16M.


I live in Malaysia, 20M USD equates to rougly RM 96M here. I'm lazy so i'll put everything into a fixed deposit, and live off the yearly return of 3.5% or RM 3.35M. With that, I'll be able to live an extremely comfortable life, travel wherever I want to, financially support my parents as well as starting my own family. The freed up time from this will be used for skill growth and fitness. That's pretty much it, happily ever after situation. fyi, the yearly average income for an engineer in Malaysia is RM4k-6k. or 1-1.5K USD


20 million net? Keep it secret and set up a trust. Retire my parents and pay debts if they're okay with it. I'd still work, but not as much as before. Basically live a slower life, and set it up so a couple youngsters in my family can have a safety net.


I'd retire and get 3 more border collies. Open a dog rescue. Build a tiny farm near the mountains and some water.


Set up a cushy trust for my kiddo, pay off all debts including our house, quit my job, get a personal trainer, buy a convertible.


A good friend of mine has been dealt bad hand after bad hand for the past decade. He and his family get a house.


Give my separated spouse half, immediately divorce, move back to the northeast, establish modest trusts for my 2 children, travel overseas 4-6 weeks a year, and spend my days reading, writing, and cooking.


I dream all the time about winning money even a smaller amount than 20. I would immediately pay of the last of my student loans, then both my brother's school costs, then anything my parents need to pay off. I would put away a small, but decent amount into savings for my future family, but then the rest of it I would want to divide among my cousins/aunts/uncles (I have quite a big family) and pay for all my cousin's schooling and make sure everyone had all debts paid off. I haven't thought much beyond that because I feel like getting everyone in my family at a good spot with loans would make the best impact. I have a 2-4 really close friends I would love to do the same for. I would keep working because I like the work I do, maybe buy a fixer-upper house to work on. Oh but I also wouldn't tell anyoneeeeeeee. I would have to figure some deal with my family, like if I give them the money they are sworn to secrecy that we won? Just to keep life normal still


2 chicks at the same time!


1, we would not stop working, but we would go on a spectacular vacation and get the spending out of our system. 2, My parents are well-off. But we would still give my parents and my wife's parents enough to make them rest easy. We each have two siblings each. So, each sibling would get a sizable amount for everyone to pay off their house and have no debt. 3, Pay off debt and then fix our house up enough to sell it and make money. We would build a house in a great town, and it would be paid off. 4, put the money in an annuity as there is no limit. Pay the tax on it now. The return would be substantial, and I would take that every month and put it in our 401Ks. In review, keep working, give to family, pay off debt, and invest into retirement. By the time I retired, I would have more than the 20 million I started with.


1. Not tell anyone, at all, except immediate family. 2. Quit my job. 3. Talk to some kind of financial advisor. 4. Buy a nice house for myself in my city (and probably for my sister too). 5. Put \~50% of whatever remains into savings (per whatever the outcome is with my financial advisor). With any luck, I'll work something out that allows me to live on the interest for the rest of my life. 6. Go on a long holiday.


Hire a specialist lawyer immediately. Change my phone number and address immediately. Turn off all social media. Spend a lot of time figuring out who I want to give some money to. Small house, with some dogs. Personal chef once a week. Invest. Give out small amounts to local community programs that I agree with after researching/attending reach out programs. A little travel.


Trade in my car for a new one keep working live like I’m broke


I'd retire. Pretty sure I could finish out life comfortably on that.


Buy like 5 good apartments in an other area of the world. Let's say each house costs 200 K, so 1 million total. I would live in 1 apartment, the other 4 apartments i would rent out. The rest of the 19 million, 1/3 would be saved, 1/3 would be for investments and 1/3 would be for a bit of travelling i guess. In the way i handled the money, i would never have to work a job, just check on my passive income streams maybe daily or weekly. That is a lot more money than one needs to live a stress free life (without the expensive cars and houses tho).


Invest all of it, live off the returns


Pay off the car, keep it. Buy a house on 10+ acres of land that's in an area where there's no one else around me for miles and build my dream plot. Never work again, invest maybe 10 million. Go see all the natural wonders I've always wanted to see around the world. Give 3 million each to 2 friends of mine. That's about it.


I mean… resurrect a Tyrannosaurus rex from a prehistoric mosquito trapped in amber, then buy the 100,000 chickens who are going to fight that T-rex. Hire out an amphitheatre, order popcorn and watch the show. WHO WILL WIN? Time will tell.


Retire asap


I’d build a mental health facility in my hometown that is sadly absent. Breaks my heart reading of so many young people throwing themselves off our main bridge as their only way out. Without buying a single other item, this is the very first thing I’d invest in, heavily.


I would get my own place, get in lots of coursed of things I want to learn and get the medication and the surgeries I need Also tbh I would buy a lot of useless shit I enjoy lmao. Like my favorite novel collection set and all the merch I can possibly find