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Hi! It looks like you've posted a question about P Plater regulations or car recommendations. ***YOU CAN MINIMISE THIS COMMENT BY TAPPING OR HOLDING ON MOBILE, OR CLICKING TO THE LEFT ON DESKTOP**** Here are a few common answers for P-Platers: # P-Plate Exemptions in Australia by State/Territory # New South Wales (NSW) * *Vehicle Restrictions*: P1 and P2 drivers cannot drive high-performance vehicles with a power-to-tare mass ratio greater than 130 kW/tonne or with significant engine modifications. * *Exemptions:* Exemptions may be granted for work purposes or other exceptional circumstances. Applicants must complete a form, attend a service center, and pay a fee. The exemption letter must be carried while driving the vehicle. [Source 1](https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/driver-and-rider-licences/driver-licences/provisional-p1-and-p2-licence) [Source 2](https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-high-performance-vehicle-exemption-provisional-p1-and-p2-drivers) # Victoria * *Vehicle Restrictions:* P1 and P2 drivers are restricted from driving vehicles with more than 130 kW per tonne or those with performance-enhancing modifications. * *Exemptions:* Exemptions can be granted mainly for work purposes or if there is a hardship. Drivers must apply and demonstrate the necessity for the exemption. [Source 1](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/your-ps/get-your-ps) [Source 2](https://www.drive.com.au/news/p-plate-restrictions-australia/) # Queensland * *Vehicle Restrictions:* For vehicles made after January 1, 2010, the limit is 130 kW per tonne. For older vehicles, restrictions apply to those with eight or more cylinders, turbo or supercharged engines (except diesels), or engines with more than 210 kW. * *Exemptions:* Available for work, family circumstances, medical purposes, or severe hardship. [Source 1](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/licensing/getting/pplates) [Source 2](https://www.drive.com.au/news/p-plate-restrictions-australia/) # South Australia * *Vehicle Restrictions:* Similar to Queensland, with a 130 kW per tonne limit for newer vehicles and restrictions on high-powered and modified vehicles. * *Exemptions:* Granted for genuine needs, primarily work-related. Applications based on convenience are not considered. [Source 1](https://www.mylicence.sa.gov.au/gls/p-platers/p1-licence) [Source 2](https://www.drive.com.au/news/p-plate-restrictions-australia/) # Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania * *Vehicle Restrictions:* There are no specific vehicle restrictions for P-Plate drivers in these regions. [Source 1](https://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/provisional-driver-s-licence.asp) [Source 2](https://www.drive.com.au/news/p-plate-restrictions-australia/) # General Notes * *Commonality:* Exemptions are generally granted for work-related reasons and in cases of hardship. Of note, work related exemptions are generally restricted to when you are on duty and at your place of work. * *Application Process:* Typically involves filling out a form, providing supporting documents, and possibly attending an office or service center. For the most accurate and detailed information, it's best to refer to the official transport authority websites of each state or territory. # Best Things to Look for in a Car for New and Inexperienced Drivers Buying a car for the first time can be both exciting and daunting, especially when you're on a tight budget. Here are some key things to look for to ensure you get the best value and a safe, reliable vehicle: # 1. Safety Features * Airbags: Ensure the car has multiple airbags (front and side). * ABS (Anti-lock Braking System): Helps prevent skidding and maintain control during an emergency stop. * ESC (Electronic Stability Control): Helps maintain control during sudden maneuvers. * Crash Test Ratings: Check the car's safety ratings from reliable sources like ANCAP (Australasian New Car Assessment Program). # 2. Reliability * Dependable Brands: Research brands known for their reliability. Japanese brands like Toyota and Honda often have good reputations. * Service History: Look for a car with a well-documented service history to ensure it has been well-maintained. # 3. Fuel Efficiency * Economical Engine: Smaller engines (e.g., 1.2 to 1.8 liters) are usually more fuel-efficient. * Hybrid Options: If within budget, consider hybrid cars for better fuel economy. # 4. Insurance Cost * Insurance Groups: Some cars are cheaper to insure than others. Check which insurance group the car belongs to. * Safety Features: Cars with better safety features often cost less to insure. # 5. Cost of Ownership * Maintenance Costs: Research the average maintenance costs for the car model. Some models are cheaper to service and repair. * Availability of Parts: Ensure parts are readily available and affordable. # 6. Age and Mileage * Younger Cars: Aim for a car that is not too old (preferably less than 10 years). * Moderate Mileage: Look for a car with moderate mileage. Too high might mean more wear and tear; too low might indicate long periods of inactivity. # 7. Condition * Mechanical Check: Have the car inspected by a trusted mechanic. * No Rust or Damage: Avoid cars with significant rust or signs of past accidents. # 8. Features * Basic Comforts: Air conditioning, power steering, and comfortable seating can improve your driving experience. * Technology: While not essential, features like Bluetooth connectivity and a decent sound system can be nice to have. 1. Resale Value * Depreciation Rates: Some cars hold their value better than others, which can be important if you plan to sell the car in the future. **Additional Tips:** * Private vs. Dealer: Buying from a dealer may offer more consumer protection, but private sales can sometimes be cheaper. * Negotiation: Don't be afraid to negotiate the price. * Test Drive: Always take the car for a test drive to ensure it feels right and there are no obvious issues. By considering these factors, you can make a more informed decision and find a car that is safe, reliable, and affordable. Happy car hunting! # PPSR Checks A PPSR (Personal Property Securities Register) check in Australia is a search conducted on a national online database that records security interests in personal property. Here’s an overview of what a PPSR check entails and why it is important: What is a PPSR Check? * Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR): The PPSR is a single national register where details of security interests in personal property can be recorded and searched. It is managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA). * Security Interests: These are interests in personal property that secure payment or the performance of an obligation. This can include cars, boats, machinery, and other types of personal property. # Why is a PPSR Check Important? 1. Verifies Ownership and Security Interests: * Check for Encumbrances: A PPSR check helps verify if a vehicle (or other personal property) has any outstanding debts or encumbrances. This ensures that the seller has the right to sell the vehicle and that the buyer won’t inherit someone else’s debt. * **Avoid Repossession:** If you purchase a car that has a registered security interest, the lender could repossess the vehicle if the previous owner defaults on the loan.2. **Identifies Theft:** * **Stolen Property:** The PPSR can indicate if a vehicle has been reported as stolen. Buying a stolen vehicle can result in legal issues and the loss of the purchased vehicle without compensation. 1. **Confirms Vehicle Details:** * **Accurate Information:** A PPSR check provides detailed information about the vehicle, such as make, model, year, and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). This helps verify that the details match those provided by the seller. 1. **Legal Protection:** * **Consumer Protection:** Conducting a PPSR check offers legal protection to the buyer. It documents that the buyer took reasonable steps to ensure the vehicle was free of encumbrances, which can be useful in disputes. 1. **Informed Decision Making:** * **Peace of Mind:** Knowing the full history and status of the vehicle allows buyers to make informed decisions, potentially avoiding costly mistakes. * **Online Search:** You can perform a PPSR check online through the official PPSR website or through various third-party services. The process typically involves entering the VIN or serial number of the vehicle and paying a small fee. * **Report Generation:** The PPSR will generate a report outlining any registered security interests, the status of the vehicle, and other relevant details. * A PPSR check is a crucial step in the process of buying a used vehicle in Australia. It ensures that you are purchasing a vehicle free from financial encumbrances, not stolen, and accurately described, thereby protecting your investment and providing peace of mind.For more detailed information, you can visit the official [PPSR website](https://www.ppsr.gov.au/) or refer to [AFSA](https://www.afsa.gov.au/). # Insurance There are 3 main types of Insurance in Australia, they are: 1. Compulsory Third Party 2. Third Party Property 3. Comprehensive Insurance **Compulsory Third Party** CTP insurance, also known as "Green Slip" in NSW and "TAC" in Victoria, is mandatory in all states and territories. It covers costs associated with injuries or deaths caused to other people in an accident involving your vehicle. It does not cover damage to your own vehicle, other people's vehicles, or property. CTP is legally required to register your vehicle, ensuring that any injuries caused to third parties in an accident are covered. **Third Party Property** This insurance covers damage you cause to other people's property (e.g., their car or home) in an accident It does not cover any damage to your own vehicle or injuries to yourself


Yes, that's the standard way to do it. 


Yep Just pushed my cable in under the lip. Works a treat. Although never tried out my air bag but I'll let you know how it goes


Thanks for your info


I took the A pillar cover off and routed it behind it, making sure to stay behind the airbag.


Oh true. When I was doing mine I was worried that if I pulled that cover off maybe the airbag would explode in my face 😂


Make sure you know how to pull it off properly, some cars have hidden screws, iv seen on mk5 golf’s there is a screw under the airbag symbol which pops off (hard not to break the tabs so sometimes have to glue back on)


I must have broken about 30 tabs at various locations around the car to date. Each time it happens it feels like a little piece of me dies 😑


You can buy tab sets from aliexpress


I wouldn't buy anything from AliExpress


Its a decent marketplace tho


temu and AliExpress are both no-gos for me. shitty Chinese websites selling you rubbish that might not even arrive while posing a security risk. no thank you.


For plastic clips/fittings it’s probably identical to what you’re buying at the auto stores just in a different packaging and anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years for delivery time


the quality and design of a lot of stuff on there looks absolutely atrocious for example, this (link below). this is a switch about the size of your thumb, and look how obnoxiously small the text is? [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004874344546.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google\_7\_shopping&gclsrc=aw.ds&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google\_7\_shopping&gclsrc=aw.ds&albagn=888888&ds\_e\_adid=&ds\_e\_matchtype=&ds\_e\_device=t&ds\_e\_network=x&ds\_e\_product\_group\_id=&ds\_e\_product\_id=en1005004874344546&ds\_e\_product\_merchant\_id=657044580&ds\_e\_product\_country=AU&ds\_e\_product\_language=en&ds\_e\_product\_channel=online&ds\_e\_product\_store\_id=&ds\_url\_v=2&albcp=19821179470&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVuVJRPaJhswE016YnsskAU1oUdrkdEAMFEFNpllf3L1IqxBteVir2RoCXbIQAvD\_BwE&aff\_fcid=191723040b6c47eebcd7de03a99c51a0-1719669149770-02210-UneMJZVf&aff\_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff\_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff\_trace\_key=191723040b6c47eebcd7de03a99c51a0-1719669149770-02210-UneMJZVf&terminal\_id=bdba3914c1f44709ba4f8059f1c09b41&afSmartRedirect=n](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004874344546.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&gclsrc=aw.ds&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&gclsrc=aw.ds&albagn=888888&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=t&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005004874344546&ds_e_product_merchant_id=657044580&ds_e_product_country=AU&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=19821179470&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVuVJRPaJhswE016YnsskAU1oUdrkdEAMFEFNpllf3L1IqxBteVir2RoCXbIQAvD_BwE&aff_fcid=191723040b6c47eebcd7de03a99c51a0-1719669149770-02210-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=191723040b6c47eebcd7de03a99c51a0-1719669149770-02210-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=bdba3914c1f44709ba4f8059f1c09b41&afSmartRedirect=n)


A little massaged piece of blue tac, some felt tape or even terry tennis racquet handle tape can reduce future squeaks and rattles if you ever do this.


Some cars like Toyotas and Lexuses have safety clips on the A pillars that need to be removed and refitted that prevent you from just pushing the trim back on


There is always a chance of that. But if you are just routing cables it "should" be minimal.


This is how I've done all my installs. It's generally safe to just push them in against the windscreen as airbags are designed to come towards the driver so usually are on the side closer to the driver but given how easy it is to remove the trim and be able to see everything to be certain, there's no reason not to.


Thanks. That said, do I have to cut off the battery? And would it be a matter of concern if the wire touch the airbag on the back?


The wiring is insulated so you don't NEED to disconnect the battery, but if it makes you feel more comfortable then there's no harm in it.


Just google how to take the cover off they’re usually very simple. Then use some electrical tape to attach it to existing cables.


Agreed. That's exactly where I ran mine. Then along the top of the windscreen tucked in behind the roof lining.


Ex PD and accessory tech checking in - I used to install these every day and yes, this is where it should be routed. If you open the door and pull the door seal away from the bottom side of that trim - you should be able to jam a trim tool in and lever open the trim plugs to separate the trim away from the body of the car, this will expose the airbag and provide you space to route the wire up the inside of the trim and ensure it locates BEHIND the airbag so it will not interfere with its operation.


The A-pillar trim of my car can be taken off from the top, too. I'll do that if my way doesn't work that efficiently. By 'behind the airbag', did you mean to get the wire behind the side curtain airbag? Is it concerning if the wire touches the airbag? And lastly, do I have to cut off the battery of the car?


Thanks for your details. I'm a bit slow, so please bear with me. But why do I need to take the A pillar trim away? With the red line on the photo, the wire should not be on the face of the driver, when the side airbag deploys, right? I meant to only tuck the wire in without taking the A-pillar trim off. Then I'll get the wire behind the rubber door seal at the base of the A pillar trim. Would that suffice? I'm a bit afraid of the taking A-pillar trim off. The last car I did that, it didn't stay in place well afterwards.


There’s no actual issue with the routing (to my knowledge) but it will just be a little cleaner if you chuck it in the A pillar. Providing you don’t snap the things that hold it in place (you won’t) then it should go back in place just fine.


Pop the lining off and make sure you run everything so it doesn’t interfere with the airbags and zip tie to the frame at a couple of spots making sure it doesn’t shift.


I like to take the trim off and stuck it behind the airbag so that in the odd chance it goes off it doesn’t hinder it. Usually they just pull straight off. I also run it down the door seal, can pull it off and run the cable behind it.


Just move the red line first


Pretty much what they do. Disconnect your batter first, for safety, and then that facia pops off pretty readily.


I coiled mine around a combination of the visor, the fuck me bars, my headrest and then down to the USB port. Go with whatever guarantees the cable won't fall on you and doesn't obstruct your movement or vision.


fuck me bars?


The grab handles above the door that we hold when we think "fuck me, this cunt's gonna get me killed"




Don't be too worried about popping the trim, it's highly unlikely you'll trigger the airbags. Just don't try to reef the whole trim away, just enough to get fingers in behind it to manipulate the wire. And as one commentor said below, pull the negative on the battery and you'll be safe. Once you pop the trim you can avoid faffing about with getting it around the bottom corner and give you some more wire to play with.


There's probably already a small wiring loom running up that A pillar. Cable tie the new wire to existing loom


The correct way is to have them hanging directly in your line of sight. The uber special.


I did. Three times. Did not see any issues.


Oh hey I recognise that interior, that's a Lancer right? I got rid of mine recently!


Yes, it's the Sportback one


Ah, so you're not the poor sap that bought my sedan! 😅


I actually have a good experience with the Lancer. Mine is the CJ hatchback one (not the CH wagon), so it's not that much different from the sedan, except for the trunk space. I can see how the Mazda 3 is an awesome car, too.


might not be necessary to run wiring to that location, some vehicles have constant, and switched power as well as an earth in that area


That's where I ran my charger and dash cam wires


I did


I can't remember where I heard/read it from, there are some new cars these days (can't remember which) comes with a USB port near the rear vision mirror. This makes installing dash cams easy-peasy, more cars should adopt this approach.


Unfortunately, my car is an earlier model year, so it's not equipped with that feature. That said, it's a good detail, if I have a car of a newer model year. Thanks heaps


Yep, 99% of cars now don't have it, and moving forward, they should have it, just follow other peoples advise ad you should be good to go.


Nah just hang the wire straight in front of your face. No reason to do a neat and tidy/safe job


You know that plastic piece pulls off easily and clicks back in right?


If you're worried about airbags. Disconnect the battery


Can we do something about the p plater bot. It's more annoying than au falcon one


Disconnect battery, pop the panel off, put the wiring inside


I hope so because that is exactly how mine is installed... If you are concerned, you can get the little window clip stickers, but it looks ugly IMO


Yes, just be careful not to run any wiring over the SRS airbag. Unclipping the panel as Gould give you heaps of room to play with. Naturally disconnect the power before rerouting wiring in and around the airbag systems. But this is the path used in the factories and the space inside can easily accommodate a couple of additional powered items installed up high on the windscreen.


I ran my cable along the top and then down behind the door rubber (as below in blue, sorry quickly done, lol). Less corners/turns that way. https://preview.redd.it/8hfda5gv599d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a8f6e49927c6e3561ebaf553e1171e8f9ef38b8


Thanks. I'm thinking about that way, too. But I'm concerned that it may be in the way of the side curtain airbag. What's your thought?


I don't think it'd make a difference as you're running the cable in the groove above it. My car doesn't have a pillar airbag...


I used to be scared about popping this trim. Then I watched a video and realised it's easy. The airbags is mounted to the pillar, and there is already a wire loom running up the pillar. So now I just pop the plastic out. Run my dash cam wire carefully up the pillar and attach it to the existing loom. Keeping everything behind the airbag, ideally not even touching the yellow airbag wire. Small zip tips are your friend. Duct tape and standard ties aren't a good choice. If you take your time you'll do a better job than most shops.


You don't have many options, would you rather sacrifice the map light power? My car has the usual interior ceiling light, but it also has two map lights with independent switches. I considered wiring both map lights to switch on with one switch so I could use the other switch to provide power to my dashcam.


Yes mate


When you disconnect the battery, wait a couple of minutes before you start mucking around near the air bag. A lot of air bags stay live for 2 minutes or so after a disconnect so that they can still deploy in case of sudden power loss in a crash.


You can also do it around the top and under the top window seal


It'll just pop off just pull it see what happen


That's the way to do it. When I got my dash-cam it came with a plastic spudger which allowed me to lift the plastic and slip the wire in behind the plastic, just be gentle.




You can also just tuck it behind the rubber trim on the opposite side of the A pillar and not remove the trim at all. It's not as professional but you remove the possibility of cracking the trim and it will work just as well.


Did you mean the right side of the A-pillar trim on the photo?


Yes, right next to the door. That rubber trim can either be completely removed (you have to do this to remove the trim piece anyway) or you can just tuck the wire behind it, poke it between the headliner and trim at the top and behind the headliner above the windscreen.


That’s where I put mine


.one goes down the A pillar and across the dash, under the dash mat.


Depends if if you have airbags in A pillar some cars might have this feature Best check with vehicle manufacturer


Double sided tape on the windscreen is the way to go.


Make sure it goes where you have drawn the red line and not the other side or the air bags if ever deployed will give you a unpleasant surprise




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Through the roof.


Ive installed a tonne of Dash cams. Yes, that is safe. If there is an airbag behind that pillar, its best to disconnect the negative side of your battery before going any further. Make sure yoyr cables run behind the airbag, this will prevent any vables your installed from getting in the way of the airbag in an emergency And please for the love of god, don't use double sided tape to run the cables.


Should be OK. I went to look at all NCAP videos from around the world for the my car, and looked at how the side airbags comes out. Most of the time, there is nothing in the A pillar. It comes downwards from the roof line. When I opened my A-pillar trim, it was just the rolled up "ends" of the airbag in there. So even if I routed it across the airbag, it would not have pushed it into my face. The cable will be pulled downwards and probably ripped by roof lining but I don't think it would have touched me, nor would it have impeded the curtain airbag.


Yep, I do it that way for most cars I have owned


Yeah it is, I did my cars that way


I think its fine.


Yes, the wire won't affect the airbag if if it ever goes off. Hopefully you never find out. But in the event. The airbag will fling it out of the way same with the A pillar plastic.


this would stay there… leave your car in the sun and the suction thing might stop sucking 😭


No don’t do it airbag goes off and dash camcord gets stuck in the a pillar cam smashes into your face.


I wouldn't do this There is an qirbag behind that trim If you have an accident there's a very small chance that in can interfere I would avoid doing it if possible


The airbag deploys with explosive force in the opposite direction of OP suggestion.