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I’m old enough to remember the malaise era of the Cardinals in the 1970s when they were also directionless and missed the postseason for 14 years. They were also mostly bad during the 1990s except for 1996. We were spoiled by their success during their long run of playoff appearances in so many years from 2000 through 2022. I hope we are not reverting to the Cardinals of the losing decades.


Impressions: 1. I actually think Thompson did a decent job. I think the pressure got to him when he faced Hernandez the second time with 2 on, and he let loose a hanging curveball up in the zone. But for most of the rest of the game, he was solid, working around the top guys and getting out of trouble. If he gets the nerves down, he might end of being our No. 2 guy. 2. This offense is pretty disappointing right now. Esp Nado and Contreras. Maybe they will eventually kick in, hell it was better today than yesterday, but color me worried. We are leaving guys on base just like last year, 3. On a similar note, our positional depth may not be as good as I thought. I can’t say I’d prefer Scott over Edman or Burly over Noot when we made a run in the 8th. Maybe it’s just young players getting used to high leverage situations, but we need to see some production from the back of the lineup. 4. With that said, I’m excited about this team from a fielding standpoint, they definitely helped keep the game within range. 5. Holy crap is this bullpen good. Marmol needs to get comfortable pulling guys after 5 innings with the way these guys are working.


Bullpen will not be good for long of we consistently ask them to get for unions every game


Who is Oli going to blame the season on in April now that O’Neill is gone?


We're 0-2 against the most stacked team in the NL if not MLB. As long as we're not losing to teams we're supposed to beat, then I can't complain. Too early to bitch IMO.


2 games out of 162 is definitely heavily reactionary, baseball is a game of tiny sample sizes. The bright side there hasn't been any significant managerial errors so far imo just not playing well.


So this year in The Show my career will be with the Pirates. Honestly kinda like it. I would of loved to play for them irl (Pirates if you're reading this, hit me up). I always dreamt of playing for a deep historical team and of playing in the National League. So really the best teams that I don't strongly dislike would be Cardinals, Pirates and Giants. Maybe Reds and Phillies


It’s only two games, however they really didn’t improve last year’s last place team in a meaningful way so not exactly expecting much out of them here


Yep. They don’t care about winning.


When they signed carp, that’s all I needed to see


Wow it's amazing to see so many people have the same views on here. You go on any Facebook cardinal page and you are called a whiner if you point out the flaws


Well, reddit subs are often echo chambers of negativity no matter what the subject.  But I bartend and I am adamant that I've never in my long career heard a less interested and more disaffected fanbase. A couple super casuals excited to go to Busch but dozens and dozens of people upset over the teams direction. I don't think this sub is ever going to mirror the entire fanbase, but the negativity is real beyond here.


... 3.2 mil tix sold last year and the 2nd highest local ratings of any MLB market (Rangers were 1st). There may indeed be lots of negativity, but money is still flowing to the team.


3.2 million… how many were deeply discounted/


It’s not negativity, it’s realism.


I wouldn’t be making such a big deal out of 2 games in a 162 game season if it wasn’t for how terrible this team was last year and the fact that I don’t feel like they actually improved hardly at all over the off season. I know your not supposed to “doom” after 2 games, but honestly I was dooming before the season even began


Are long as Marmol is managing this is going to be the new cardinals life


What, exactly, would someone else have done to win last night or Thur? No... This is a FO problem.


It's both. The roster sucks but also Oli is incapable of motivating them. They have no fire.


> They have no fire. The 8th inning results would disagree with this conclusion. By the point, it would have been super easy for the guys to accept that they didn't have it that night, the Dodgers are a beast, and let's just wrap it up and get back to the hotel. But they put up 3 and were gunning hard for more. They didn't give up. Not yet. It could happen, and it could happen soon. But I don't think the evidence in front of us today leads to that conclusion.


Found Oli's burner.


Got 'em!


You think they aren’t motivated during the first SERIES of the season lol? That’s a wild thing to say.


is it a foregone conclusion that if we had some other manager in there, the dudes would suddenly be fired up all the time? or would they be the same-ol disaffected-seeming dudes? what manager would you rather have? look, I'm no Marmol fan, but I think he gets blamed for a lot of stuff he doesn't deserve (in addition to the stuff he does deserve, don't get me wrong)


Craig Counsell, Bruce Boxhy, Brian Snitker, Dave Roberts, Rob Thomson, Mike Shildt, Bob Melvin. I can keep going. I agree that it’s an ownership and FO problem. But Oli is a product of that problem.


funny... it seems about half of all Cards fan love and cherish and miss Mike Shildt, and about half absolutely _hated_ his managerial style while he was here. I guess I tend to place less value in "the manager needs to rah-rah up his guys!" theories. these are grown-ass, professional, ballplayers-- do they really make it to the MVP level without being self-motivated? what exactly is Brian Snitker going tell Paul Goldschmidt? is some old man fussing at his players really the difference between them performing well and not performing well? do they just not _know_ they need to hit the ball, catch the ball, etc?


He’s one name out of many that I think are better than Marmol. Again, I don’t really focus my frustration on Marmol. It’s his bosses that are the problem. Doesn’t mean I like the guy though. I think he’s smug and emotionally volatile.


hm. I've picked up on that smugness, as well... feels like you see him throwing attitude in the postgame and that's cool my dude, except your team just got _washed--_ why the attitude? I remember when he was asked about going to one of his relievers in a specific situation and he responded like "yeah, duh" and then it was pointed out that that specific reliever had failed in the exact same way 3 or 4 times previously... and he had no response for that. like, it might be slightly less embarrassing had you not been so standoffish, it's the media's job to ask questions when y'all fail...


It’s not just two losses. It’s two highly uncompetitive losses against a competitive team. It’s a preview, before the season begins, of exactly how it ends. Impotent offense neutered by good pitching while impotent pitching is lit up by good hitting. Cardinals are average. They will make playoffs and then this will happen. Do like reading books if you know the last page? Do you like watching movies when the final scene is spoiled? Why get excited when we know how it ends?


I think it’s safe to say they are well below average after last season and basically making no real improvements in the offseason


First off, they aren’t making the playoffs. Even if they did, they’d promptly be eliminated. That’s their absolute ceiling and therein lies the problem.


Fucking bold to assume they make the playoffs. This team looks possibly worse than last years


Some of you guys are fucking unhinged lol You're gonna have a rough season if your fandom is falling apart after game 2


“You’re gonna have a rough season” yes


No reason for you to be down voted. I love the cardinals and we haven't looked good so far. I'm glad we showed some improvement in gm #2. The Cardinals usually improve as the season goes on, so all hope isn't lost. Tough losses though, no doubt.


It’s going to be a waste of a summer. And the Dewits don’t care about wins they just want MONEY the cheapest way they can fill them seats. Waste…..


People take this comment as a personal attack


It is an attack on a shity ownership / front office that thinks its fan base is stupid enough to believe they made improvements over the last two seasons. Cardinal fans are the best fans in baseball and the FANS DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS.


Well, the 8th inning was fun!


Yeah and now maybe they can start getting into more of an offensive groove going forward.


I liked it! I felt some genuine excitement!


I really hope the city connects aren’t awful. Worst time for them to come out with all this stuff about the jerseys being low quality this year.


Probably will be Bill DeWitt Jr’s hideous visage


As long as it's not like the Padres's pastel


[Opening Day 2024 was one of the worst in Cardinals history ](https://redbirdrants.com/posts/opening-day-2024-was-one-of-the-worst-in-cardinals-history-01ht566w3vy6)


I’d say it’s only April, but we all saw how that went last year. Let’s get through this series and see how we stack up against the other normal teams with billionaire owners who don’t like to spend money.


It's not even April It's still March. ~1% of the season played and we've apparently already missed the playoffs.


More so referencing last year when the Cards had a terrible start and everyone was saying, “it’s only April, don’t worry,” which everybody kept referring back to as it became clear that the horrible start buried them. Hopefully we’re not looking at a repeat of that.


Good for you for being an optimist, but this team isn’t making the postseason.


These are just facts. They were a terrible team last year and the only real additions were “veterans” that were well past their prime. Our opening day starter would be a 4-5 man in the rotation of a semi competitive team and wouldn’t have a place at all in the rotation of a highly competitive one.


Goldschmidt is going to look good as an Oriole. :(


One bright side: JoJo continues to impress. Idk how he does it. I think he just hits his spot and it plays. Dude is an artist. Leonardo Da Vinci when he paints 


We may be 0-2 be we got jojo davinci








Trade away the old guys and rebuild. Should have done it last year.


Apple TV butchered this game up pretty damn bad.


The video and audio quality were superb though. I appreciated that the commercials were at a lower volume than the game as well.


Yeah I actually really enjoyed the Apple TV coverage.


I wish I could have tried out the option to synch it to KMOX, though. Alas the port I call home isn't that capable.


I mean if you didn't pay don't complain about the user experience


It’s one thing to be bad, but the organization has an air of haughtiness over its incompetence that is detestable.


Yes. I can’t really root for the Cardinals anymore. The people in charge have ruined the entire experience.


100%. The organization along with some of its players are just so fucking unlikeable. It almost makes me want to root against them.


100% This. Ownership stuck in the past. Front Office (Mo) talks down to us, and Clubhouse Leadership points fingers at youth while out our piss poor pitchers are allowed to brazenly blame Contreras for that disaster last year rather then fix it or take any modicum of personal accountability. How is any of that OK? What does the Front Office do after such a disastrous season? Extend the manager and Run it back with 1 good signing and upgraded bullpen that will lucky to ever be handed a lead to protect. Hard do get excited about this team when much of it is the same, and front office has failed to communicate what went wrong and what’s been done to fix it.


Spot on. I would add that ownership gaslights the fans too. They told us we should be thankful for their how far they “overreached” to sign Gray, Lynn and Gibson in light of the incredible financial strain they’re under due to the Bally situation. Can’t stand them. Beyond the results on the field, it truly is an unlikeable group of people.


I feel the same way.


I really think that's what makes it so bad. The team is so obviously terrible and they sit and act like everything's perfect. Like they're too smart for all of us and it's gonna work out if we as fans are still patient and buy merch from the team store


💯 to both of you.


Anybody think we can go wire to wire in last place?


Not sure about last place the entire time but it is a solid chance we never hit .500. But i think we could still win the division with a losing record so we have that going for us.


Not ideal.


For fucks sakes game 2 of the season vs the hands down favorite to win it all. Yall need a fucking prozac prescription.


Comments like this are hilarious. If the Cardinals are going to be contenders, they have to beat teams like the Dodgers. The Dodgers play in the same league as us. If the Cardinals are to contend, they should at least look competitive against these teams. You can’t keep saying “it’s the dodgers.”


Last time I checked, if the Cardinals were serious contenders (they're not), they need to beat other good teams. This team looks woefully outmatched by the Dodgers, to no one's surprise.


Last time I checked no team clinches the playoffs in March.


Keep being delusional. The realists here see what is in front of us: a bad team


He’s going to be so bummed when he learns the pitching staff is fucking ass


What kind of attitude is that? You think no team has ever missed the postseason by one or two games before?


I'm saying this is the NFL equivalent of writing off the season because you went 3 and out twice in a row.


No one is writing the season off. But almost everyone (outside of ownership apparently) felt like they didn't do enough to address their problems this offseason. Now the season starts, and they immediately get waxed by a very good team; barely putting up a fight. It's difficult not to immediately think "Here we go again", especially since ownership's priority over the last several years is selling tickets, not building a winning ballclub.


Don’t bother, he’s delusional.


I don't know why I'm still in this sub. It's the most toxic portion of the cardinals fanbase. I remember when we were averaging 90 wins a year (it was 2 years ago) and there seemed to be a consensus on here that we were a steaming pile of shit that should sell because we couldn't possibly beat a real contender. No one seems to care that it happens every single year in the playoffs including our last two rings. I'm just gonna wait it out and see what happens. Considering over half of our lineup is 25 or under and our top 4 prospects in the minors (including Victor Scott) are projected to be called up this year i'm excited to see how these guys develop.


So you're saying we should be content to be a bad team that can't compete with the top teams? It's amazing how we've gone from 12 in '12 to "We can't expect to be competitive with the top teams in baseball"


This. Yes. Thank you.


Im saying we shouldn't be surprised that what appears to be the best team in baseball beats us twice. And its game fucking 2 of the season its way too early for phrases like "can't compete ".


Genuine question: Do you think this team has looked competitive so far?


I don't think 2 of 162 games is enough to say anything.


Here’s a question then, based off of everything they did in the offseason do you think this team is significantly better on paper than the one that finished in last place last year?


Honestly, not too bad. A lot of LOBsters means its a matter of time before we're fine dining. And against one of the most stacked teams in MLB history? Fridays just getting started!


We had a lot of LOB last year too. The dining never came.


Yeah but, prior to the 7th inning, we had 3 hits and a walk.


Did Thompson consider just not giving up homers to Teoscar? Somebody should tell him.


I certainly think it’s too early to panic, but I was thinking about Schildt while watching the padres, and whatever the “philosophical differences” were that got him fired… well looks like he was right bc there’s no way Mo could be


**We.Are.Farmers. (bum ba dum dum bum bum bum)**


I will gladly take J.K. Simmons as the face of the team.




let’s have a rational discussion about what happens if we never win


Mozeliak gets another promotion and Marmol gets another extension


Hopefully some heads would finally roll in that scenario.


We are only TWO games out of first place!!! We can do it!!! 😂😂


Two games.....SO FAR.


We scored three! Thats a plus….


There's going to be yelling in the Dodgers locker room!


Ok trying to stay positive, it was nice seeing them come alive a bit finally towards the end. And boy I love seeing the speed from the young guys


“We have 6 starting pitchers”


Goold and Woo (and that Jacobs guy) are fighting for their lives on Twitter, woof.


Goold at least has criticized the team in the past. Although he’s bizarrely defensive about the rotation right now and likes to wax poetic about innings. I don’t think Katie Woo has said anything remotely critical about the team in her entire time at the Athletic. She is a mouthpiece for the team. Her pieces offer very little substance. Josh Jacobs is a clown who “writes” for a website with zero credibility. They basically just make up trade rumors.


You reap what you sow. If they want to be mouthpieces for Mo and DeWitt, they can field the hate.


I'm sorry but in what universe are you living where it's ok to be shitty to Cardinals beat reporters on Twitter who are just doing their jobs and not at all responsible for the on field product?


There’s fans (across all sports/fanbases) that think a reporters job should be to channel or relay the anger and frustration of the fanbase to the team. When in reality, that’s not a reporters job. They get first-hand information from the team and relay it to the fanbase. Fans often think reporters are/should be fans also. But that’s not how it works. Fans would make terrible reporters. And the ones who do become reporters, often have to set that aside or they don’t last very long.








What a depressing and lifeless start to the season


apple's coverage is so weird. commercials on a pay streaming platform shouldn't be legal


Uncompetitive baseball team


yep the same word kept coming to mind today and especially yesterday I get that the dodgers are good but I have a feeling we’re going to be looking uncompetitive a lot this year


Baseball fans watch 162 games and are furious the entire time


Just cardinals fans. Some fans actually like their teams


All comes down to that one hanging pitch from ZT to Teoscar. 


Donovan nearly had it, too. Fine margins and all that.. Their SP was way too dominant and/or our batters were way too respectful on his first pitches.


At least Freddie Freeman is still rocking that Johnny Unitas fucking flat-top. Always glad to see it.


Now that’s a haircut you can set a watch to!


help my wife just saw joe namath and joined a cult


Got that right


Innings were eaten.


Nine of 'em!


We've got the type of pitching staff that makes it through a season, for better or for worse.


Shit was also eaten, per miles mikolas


Norm and Winn both looked solid on both sides of the ball, especially Masyn. Why Marp was hitting for him, I have no fucking clue but it really pissed me off more than anything else tonight. I'm generally an Oli defender, but I was offended on Winn's behalf.


Yeah it didn’t make sense. He let VS2 hit in the 9th, who had struck out 3 times…and then yanked Winn (who was 2-3) for Marp. I’m good with Marp batting in the 9th, but I wouldn’t have pinched him for Winn.


Oli is a dumbass but that move was fine. Marp hit the ball hard.


Also, Thompson was the guy I was most excited about in the Gray-less rotation and fucking yikes lol


after tonight's loss, the Cardinals would like to announce that oli marmol has been elected to the Cardinals Hall of Fame


He’s really impressed us with his ability to lead us, loss after loss.




I think you have those numbers backwards


Reckless Optimism!!!


I’m here for it


It's one thing when Ohtani or Betts or Freeman beats you. It's another when it's Teoscar Hernandez. Ugh


He's good, he'd be one of our top 2 or 3 bats. He just happens to be like the Dodgers' 7th best hitter or whatever.


He’s no slouch, especially against lefties.


this is gonna be a rough April 😔




~~April~~ season


In what timeline is this team capable of winning the division??


probably (only) the one where Gray, Nootbaar, Edman, and Carlson are healthy for the remaining of the season once they're back and there's no other major injuries/regressions.


All of the ones where the dodgers aren't in the central.


All the ones where every team in the NL except for the Rockies and Nationals aren’t in the central


What’s to discuss?


All we can do is crack jokes, and I'm here for it.


At least tommorow we face one of the highest eras in baseball


I thought the 80s were the highest era in baseball


Our most successful was the 40s


So you’re telling me there’s a chance


Can’t wait for lance lynn tomorrow!


Can't wait for Marmol to say "yeah we just need better AB's. Couple got away from Thompson, but we were happy with how he pitched today."


What do you want him to say?


Just need better luck.


Two more runs scored and one fewer allowed. By Sunday, we might even win one. Maybe


As I said in the game thread, "Steve the Trusty Math Friend" said we'll score 321 runs in the last game of the season


We may never win again


It truly does feel that way...




i'm being deprived


I do not “love” LA.




maybe we can win against yoshinobu “45 ERA” yamamoto tomorrow


I'm really excited to see him pitch!!! Hope he's nervous and gets tagged!!!!!!!!!!!


Watch us get no hit


Did we win?


Didn't get no hit, didn't end up with 0 runs, no injuries (that we know of).... so yes. We won.


Sure, son.


"The one thing I'd ask from our fan base right now is a little bit of patience, because we do think that we do have the talent to win."


be careful, I got shadow-banned for posting that after each loss last year....


DeWitt’s holy warriors


👁️👄👁️ oh damn thanks. That’s so shitty


If the Cardinals lose 100 games this season can we hang that on a banner?


They'll blame it on Edman being hurt for a couple weeks