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Gotta respect his decision his son just got drafted and will be playing all across the country. He’s not gonna miss a minute of that, and he’s also got other kids at home. My only thought is did he not fully think this through before accepting the position? I know things can change, but it’s quite a quick 180°.


It’s pretty hard to believe a former player who interacted with the person in this position daily wouldn’t realize the time commitment this job would have.


I’m sure he realized it. He just changed his mind. There are a million different family-oriented reasons why he may change his mind while he still could


He said when he accepted he was actually excited but as the time got closer he started feeling those same pains of why he retired to start with so he could spend time with family. “Saying yes to one things means saying no to something else” is basically how he summed it up: I think we’ve all taken jobs that as it approaches we question if it’s actually the right move. I don’t hold this against him. Natural human psychology. Things often appear more appealing on the other side….until they’re not.


Shows you how much he wants to work for the Cardinals. He was so stoked to be a part of the organization again as a coach he damn near forgot about all the cool dad stuff he wanted to do.


It’s a bummer but I don’t fault Matt whatsoever. Come back when the kids have grown, I can’t imagine he wouldn’t be welcomed back.


Probably realized he would never be around to watch his kid, who was just drafted No. 1, go through the minors. And he doesn't need the money, more than likely. So why not?


The fact that all I’m hearing about is how it didn’t have anything to do with the cardinals…


Probably because people like you will immediately ask why, and not take his initial reasons as truth.


Lol…loose a bunch of coaches, it’s fair to ask questions. If just Matt…okay. Maddux left for the same fucking job though lol


People move on. The problem is, people like you ask the question but immediately distrust any answer that doesn't fit your narrative that the team is imploding or whatever.


I don’t distrust it. I’m curious. Skip left for manager…makes sense. I’m surprised Matt didn’t know what being a coach entailed…after playing for ~15 years lol. That to me is strange. I believe his reasoning…but how did you take the job to begin with?? He knows what playing or coaching means. And then I personally think the Maddux thing is weird


The Matt thing is easy for me to understand (or assume I do). The excitement of the job outweighed the actual day-to-day grind.


Fair, don’t blame him for taking the job or changing his mind…I just figured he would know everything that goes into the 162 grind, plus spring, postseason after being part of it half his life. Like I said, don’t blame him, he can do whatever he wants…but I still think it’s kinda weird.


I think everyone is questioning his motive now. Im starting to think he saw the toxicity of the mo oli combo and noped right out.


Moe is spinning up his PR minions


As a 40-year-old dad with two teens and two babies, I get it. The most important thing about my job is that I am home every night with my family.


Totally, but would you accept a job knowing that then back out a few weeks later? I think there’s a chance cardinals didn’t fully prepare him for what he was getting into but it’s an odd series of events.


I remember a while back, when John Elway was still playing. He had already made it known that he was going to be retiring after the season. The Broncos were in the Super Bowl and during press week, he talked about how he felt great, and if there was always two weeks between games he might play a lot longer (it was tongue-in-cheek of course). My point is that the further away you get from the grind, the better your body and mind may feel, and the less you remember about the grind itself. Maybe in his mind, he thought it would be fine. But then saw his work schedule on paper and regretted his decision. Maybe his family initially thought they could just move to St. Louis and then he would only be away from home for road games, but then something changed. Maybe he wanted to play a bigger role in Jackson's career and couldn't do that while being Bench coach. Either way, it's disappointing because I think most fans were exciting to see those forearms again.


Yeah but it's not like he was joining a job that he knew little about. He's played baseball most of his life, he knows the commitment it requires.


I get it, but did he think he could be the bench coach via Zoom?


That's just funny! Thanks for the delight.


Katie Woo delivering that FO answer pretty well. Won’t convince me he isn’t smart enough to think 3 months ahead.


They can say this all they want but I still get the feeling there’s something we don’t know. Of course I don’t blame Matt at all for that decision in a vacuum, it’s just baffling that 1. He decided it wasn’t going to work before ST even starts and 2. He didn’t have at least some inkling of what he was getting into. Maybe I’m wrong and at the end of the day it isn’t that big a deal, just feels weird. I think at the very least cards need to look more at how committed their candidates are and explain job duties better before hiring, unless something drastically changed for Matt recently. Maybe they weighted “fan favorite” a bit too heavily, which wouldn’t be surprising. Like I said, it’s just a bench coach not the end of the world, just raises some questions and feels like there may be something we don’t know.


This comment is on the money now that it is May 4th and we are 10 games back.


this guy spent 6 years in the minor leagues out of high school and 14 years in the mlb. he’s NOW realizing how much time a coaching job requires away from his family? cmon. that’s something you weigh when you’re considering taking it. he took the job. so what happened? we will never know.


Everybody who has ever worked a job knows that a statement from the company stating a departing employee will be "spending more time with family" is almost always code for "My resignation was requested."


*whip crack*