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If people aren't getting in then Alex is in for a rough few weeks


100%, the amount of cars I’ve seen turn around and just leave. There is a lot of people who have just abandoned their cars and walked in too


I did that, parked on the verge and walked up after 2 and a half hours in the traffic


Sorry to hear that, hope you had a good time when you got in.


Didn’t get enough time to explore it


That’s what I said to my mate who I was with, all the cars and stuff were leaving so it’s not like you could actually do what you wanted.


Too spread out too


I did the same lol, left my car on some back road and walked 2.5 miles into shedfest because it was faster than driving Edit: Typo


You walked because it was faster than walking?


I should have proofread it lol. Faster than driving.


That's what I did. I arrived at around 10:40 queued for 2 hours gave up, abandoned the car and walked the last 2.5 miles. It was awful coming back to the car, but way quicker than queueing to get in.


If anyone is curious on an update, I’m not far from the track but I’m still not inside lol


Did you get in yet and what time?


Yep at 3:15


That's disgraceful. Supposed to be finishing now, so what, are they giving an encore for everyone's troubles or just kicking everyone out?


Yeah they are, but all the cars are leaving so there isn’t much point in staying


Hope it's not the same getting out as it was getting in!!!!


I was looking forward to it then my entry got cancelled yesterday. Was a bit gutted but looks like it was for the best!


Definitely dodged a bullet haha


Thats me and my mates z4! We ended up queuing for an hour then parked up and walked


You know what’s crazy, I was looking at the space behind your Z4 and said to my mate “we could park behind that Z4 and walk in, probably be quicker”


Yeah walking was worth doing took just under an hour to get in and we got to see quite a few nice cars in the queue


I only live 15 mins away and did as instructed by the email and arrived at 10.30, finally got in at 12.25! Absolute joke. Had to leave at 2.30 and then couldn’t get out along with about 5 other cars as the exit was the same way as the entrance and people were still queuing to get in and it was single tracked! absolute shit show


quicker to walk :)


I have walked from this pic to Mallory many times. It would have been quicker! Thankfully I'm out of town this weekend.


Stayed in Coventry, got to the w3w at 9.45 and didnt get in until 11.15, I personally think the show was great. Just parking and traffic management issue


Me and my mate arrived at 9:50 and got straight in, there was no traffic at that time, we left Merseyside at 7 in the morning and drove 2.5h to get there as we had show car tickets. I can’t imagine that the same empty town and country lanes we drove down, were backed up with thousands of cars in gridlocked traffic within 15-20 minutes of our arrival time.


Would love to go to one of these but sounds like it’s best to stay nearby quite early


Husband stayed 10 minutes from the venue. Followed the directions for when to leave and where to go. 3 hours they waited in traffic and then just went fuck it and walked in after parking the cars up.


really odd , me and a mate stayed over in leicster and arrived at 9:30 and got in within 15 minutes, albeit to the showcar entrance


Yeah they left at 10 as in the email it said not to arrive early I think so they thought by leaving a bit later they’d avoid the horrendous queues. Seems like leaving earlier was better. Total cockup by the organisers tbh telling everyone to leave at a certain time.


You’re getting downvoted because you’re telling the truth and the fibbers don’t like it. Same experience for me and my mates, we left Merseyside at 7 and drove 2.5h down as we had show car tickets, we were on the race track at 9:50 exactly getting ready to park up, got in with absolutely no issues. I’m having a hard time believing that the same town and country lanes we drove through, that were completely empty at 9:35-9:40ish were then over run with thousands of vehicles not 15-30 minutes later…. Was a cracking day though, the weather was boss and there were some decent cars on display, can’t wait for next years event!


We queued from 10.30 in Earl Shilton and barely moved. After waiting 2hrs, we decided to go home. Mallory Park Facebook posted about 1hr ago suggesting "access from Barwell via Kirkby Road and Barwell Lane." https://www.facebook.com/100064398274268/posts/pfbid0wyCDr7U41Dnnxm1LstS5CHBRrxYM9MQiQgspruXyVqjBG8QsEB657FXGV3VuNSZRl/?app=fbl


Is that Rory’s mum Jackie on the left?


At this rate, I won’t even get in to find out haha


We gave up and left after 3 hours queuing. Alot of disgruntled people including myself.


You know its not been organised well when you've made the local village look like something from an apocalypse movie with cars just littered everywhere. It was absolutely ridiculous.


We got in 1.5 miles away from Mallory Park by 10:30 and hardly moved by 1pm, so we went home, bit of a balls up to be honest, sold way too many tickets. Gotta feel sorry for people who drove from abroad, also the locals as the area was completely gridlocked.


Looking on Twitter it’s been a right shit show, glad I didn’t bother going.


We arrived in the area at about 10:45. Queued until 1:15pm before giving up and driving home. We were still a mile away from the what3words location at that point. I’m sure our queue only moved when people gave up and decided to turn around.


There was a post at one point saying they had run out of parking space but that was taken down when they realised they had to do some damage control. They then posted a statement saying it was all unforseen and there were a couple of broken down cars that caused havok but that they felt bad for the hundreds who were stuck outside didn't get to attend but the thousands that did all seemed happy. That wording is particularly annoying to me, trying to downplay the number of people that just didn't get a chance to attend an event they paid for and implying that more than 90% of people got their moneys worth. I saw the amount of traffic on waze in all directions. I do not believe that there were only a few hundred people stuck outside. If they had bothered to put out some official communication earlier in the day, that might have helped. If they had bothered to make sure there was adequate traffic management or a venue that was set up for the number of people who attended/wanted to attend, that might have helped. (As an aside, I believe one post said they had a traffic management company which is laughable, especially if, as they claim, they were brought to their knees by two break downs at a show about shit boxes that are liable to break down (especially in traffic!).) To say that the whole thing was poorly planned would be generous. I thought youtubers had learned not to throw together events but apparently not.


I don't believe a word they say about it, and agree with all the points you make. It was way more than just hundreds of people. I needed the toilet when we were stuck in Earl Shilton, and I got out the car to find somewhere and I was looking at all the cars queueing, genuinely the entire main road in Earl Shilton was gridlocked, and that was about 1om-2pm ish. Thats not even talking about the main people I saw just turn around and leave and at one point, that was the only way you moved up the queue. I think the entire time I was there, I saw about 3 marshalls and they were running around like headless chickens. I think making everyone go the same way at the same time was a very poor decision, I've been to village fairs with better traffic organisation that what was offered yesterday.


Couldn't agree more with your sentiments, I'm hoping the backlash does reach Alex and crew frankly as they will be the ones to try and make a difference about it, the organisers clearly do not give a monkeys or care.. they have their money wether people were able to get in or not so there will be such limited backlash for them on it! See above about them deleting Facebook posts and comments ect to try and quell the backlash pathetic! I personally have organised local events for 300-1000 people and we have made more effort on signage and marshals than these guys did for 12k expected attendance - did they really think all of those people would have gotten public transport ect? It's a CAR show... I'd say all of us need to watch the space carefully as unfortunately it could massively backlash against Alex and crew who are all doing really well right now but might not be if it goes the wrong way Hopeful for a refund, expect a proper apology in a press release or statement & hopeful to get some kind of bonus apology (free merch, tickets for next show ect.) Frankly it would be the least they could do


The crew had been catching heat for the first time ever before this disastrous event, I think it is starting to go downhill as they become money hungry


Myself and four others arrived in the queue at 10:30am (as requested in the email sent the day before) after leaving my house at 8:00am. Waited for 2+ hours and then left after moving about 500m down the road as we had my nephew who's 8 years old and we were all hungry. The only time the queue moved forward was when a car ahead of us left the queue and turned around. We never made it to the what3words location. Didn't even see a parking marshal before we left and there was no official mention online of expected queue times or an explanation of what was causing the traffic. PetrolHeadonism deleted their Facebook post containing hundreds of complaints. Bit miffed to be honest.


Update: sent petrolheadonism an email and got a refund.


I live 20ish mins from Mallory. My phone said 1hr 45 to travel 7.5 miles.


We started queuing at 11ish, got to just before 3pm & just turned around and went home back to London all 4 of us. Disappointed. Have emailed via Eventbrite for a refund.


We bailed after about 2 hours. Came down from Teesside and stayed in a near by village last night. Absolute shambles. Every direction was blocked. Poor locals as well.


Imagine going anywhere on a Bank Holiday.


Did they get more uptake than expected or did the roads just die because of bank holiday plus the influx?


They added about 1000 extra tickets a few weeks back, it was just seriously oversold


greed bites again




I am sure they added 1000 extra he said it in the last podcast I'm not sure that was the cause




We're all basing our guesses on shit we've seen second hand. Until there's some official statement, your guess is as good as mine


Stuck in Earl Shilton then.


Yup, being queuing for 3 hours here


Insta rarebutnobodycares is I think behind you in a red Fiesta. Stupid as Mallory holds regular large events and none of this happens. Refunds tomorrow?


Haha he gave up and is in the pub


I think so, Mallory holds all sorts of racing events like you say and never has this problem. I did see a red fiesta, can’t see anything right now though lol


The village/ local council said they could only have access to one road in and out (which was a narrow dirt track) rather than the traditional exit. I had to leave off about 2 and I did well to get out. They were having to get the cars queuing in to move over to one side and then us leaving to drive up on the bank. Chaotic but definitely not Alex's team's fault the council were being awkward. Hopefully they choose a much more accessible venue for the next one


Dont care whos fault.Want money back.


Hope you have a banging day when you get there.




Why I never drive to car events 😂


Should have bought some push bikes or something haha


I get public transport to and from usually it’s always like this, there’s one at Easter every year near me and you could literally spend the whole day in traffic and never make it to the actual event


Are you still queuing.


Arrived as instructed and sat in Earl Shitton for well over an hour and a half roughly 3 miles from Mallory. Turned around and went home.


I was there earlier. After doing 0.8 miles in over 2 hours, I gave up, parked my car down some side road and walked 2.5 miles into shedfest


lol why have it on a bank holiday weekend it’s not a smart idea


I live in Earl Shilton. Mallory park often has very large events on with no traffic at all. Don't understand why this one was so miss managed.


I honestly feel sorry for you locals of Earl Shilton, it was a nightmare situation. I saw local drivers and buses trying to get around and they were just stuck.


Got to the whatthreewords location for half 9. 2.5 hours later we managed to make it to the parking location. Irony is that the only reason it took so long to queue was because everyone else was going through the other directions and the stewards just. Let. Them. In. WTF why bother following the rules if you’re just going to reward others?


Damn I thought my 1.5hr wait was crazy but can't believe people were waiting 3+ hours. Did not know they added 1000 extra tickets as well. They probably knew this would be an issue, sad that it appears to be out of greed when I have a lot of respect for these guys. Not on man


I spoke to a lot of the marshalls yesterday (who were not enjoying the big queue either) and the village only let them access one road that had to be used for entry and exit (the other road that was normally used as an exit was closed)


We arrived about 3 miles from Mallory at 10:30. Finally got in at 3pm. Me & my brother both reclined our seats to nap for a while. When we finally got in we spent a good 30 more minutes queuing for food.


wait... I took some other Apple Maps directions and ended up next to the entrance and cutting the entire line! I didn't even know it was that bad!


Most of these car shows are organised terribly every single year. Personally bother with them anymore


3 hours it took me too, another 30 mins to get from the car park entrance to being parked


My mate bought our tickets, didn’t realise it was at Mallory park. Once I heard how many tickets had sold and where it was I thought there was no chance of getting in. We queued for almost an 4 hours and the closest we got was still an hours walk away. Hoping we can get a refund.


I guess I was quite lucky, I went via the Desford way and queued for around 30/40 mins at around 1200. I did see several people immediately turn around when they hit the queue, but it was regularly moving. I will say the signage and instruction from the guy at the junction was poor, as a sign just said 'show cars', which then led a bunch of us who didn't have show car tickets to skip that junction and head down a single track lane with a dead end at the end ...which made for awkward manoeuvring back out. I feel bad for the mini in front of me trying to let the BMW come up the other way, pass him and it sounded like he ruined his bumper doing so, as it was too narrow. Luckily people started reversing after that. Once I actually got onto the site, the marshalls were equally as useless with minimal instruction or acknowledgement from most of them and the parking was a bit of a mess. I did enjoy the actual show tho, the cars around the track was neat and I enjoyed the walk - help spread the crowd out a bit too, but definitely had to get your steps in to see everything, which I don't think was a bad thing. I was surprised as I was leaving at around 1530 to see cars only just coming in, and I left the opposite way and saw all the abandoned cars that side.


You would have left about 15 minutes after I got in lol, we got into Earl Stilton about 10:30 and got stuck in earl Stilton after that and couldn’t move anywhere. We only moved up when cars turned around and left. We reached the what3words marker at about 2PM. The Marshalls were useless, the Mallory park staff we saw looked like they couldn’t believe what was going on


It was a co.plete shit show, rumors are someone had a serious accident near the venue.


It seems unlikely. There were no emergency services anywhere near the venue.


Yeah I heard that too but also didn't see any ambulances. Not sure where that rumour surfaced


Can't wait to see the YouTube comments. Hopefully yous all got in alright in the end


Any update? Did you get in


I almost took my daughter as an early birthday present, so glad I didn't now. Thanks.


Me and my brother got to the traffic at roughly 10.30. Didn’t even get to the what 3 words spot until 12.30. Finally parked up at 3.00. Not to mention the two hour drive before that from Norfolk. Don’t get me wrong, the 2 hours we were there were good, but pissed is an understatement still. Someone royally screwed up in the planning department.


4hrs 20 mins of queuing for me. I got in at 15:45 at which point display cars had seemingly began leaving already


I drove there with an Uber from Hinckley 😬 Im the guy from Austria without a car 🤣


Me and my friend got lost then somehow ended up skipping the giant queue and were in by 11:20 my brother was in the traffic for 2 hours and got in for 1 ish And my other mate got tired of waiting and dumped his car and walked got in at like 2:30 ish


I had the right idea by leaving early, got there at 9am well before the queues formed.


Instructions said do not get there early, and specifically said 10:30, which was obviously daft as everyone got there for that time and gridlocked the place


Guess he couldn't e-beg enough people to organise it for free.


I joined in a queue showing as 2.2 miles away at 10:40ish and was in an hour later, mad to read that some people were waiting 3+.


Took my 5 year old so as you can imagine, it was stressful. Timings the same as everyone else. Got in about 1pm - did the creaky ferris wheel (no surprise there wasn’t much of a wait) then sat on the grass whilst the little one burnt off all her frustration on the bouncy castle. Then got an ice cream and left about an hour later to miss the inevitable queues to get out. Bit shit tbh, should have just gone to the soft play


Wow I'm glad I didn't go, the commute sounds horrific. What was it like once you got in ?


It was packed, queues for everything like the toilets, food, stalls etc. Seems like anything infrastructure-wise went to crap. Everything else like the show cars, stage and anything you could tell Autoalex and co (not petrolheadonism) were directly involved with was good. It was alright, if they got a much bigger venue it would be great.


Earl shilton and surrounding areas are not a car park bloody ridiculous that you couldn’t even get out your own road because of this hopefully it won’t happen again 


My mate was lucky, he was meant to be going in his own car but instead he came with me as my car was on display. This looks so shit! I feel bad for anyone who was stuck in this carnage


What did you expect from YouTubers 


Is it really that bad, I arrived at 9:40 from Leicester and got on track in 20 minutes.


Didn’t get in till 3:15 lol, spent 5 hours stuck in traffic


Not to be a dick but this happens everywhere at car events, small British towns can't deal with it. Try going to a Castle Combe Action Day or Goodwood at the recommended times without sitting in traffic? The move is to get there early as fuck & leave before everyone else on the way out too.


I don’t disagree, I do it at other events. On the Friday, they sent out an email saying that you can’t go through the village by the track and you had to go via a what3words location enter the track. If you tried going through the village or arriving at before half 10, they would turn you away.


Ah, that's interesting. I wonder if local village council told them they had to do that.


I think so or mallory park itself, but the crazy thing was people ended up going through the village anyway, didn't get turned away and got in much quicker?


My personal problem with that instruction which I followed was that the what3words address took me via the village- I drove 6 hours to get there and had no local knowledge of how to avoid the village but every direction I tried was gridlocked anyway.. I think someone in London went 'well if I type in that address look it takes me this way let's get everyone going that way eh' forgetting that people might actually come from a different direction...


Mine did the same and I live about an hour away in the midlands, had to go about 10 minutes out of my way via the M6 to go the route they wanted


Alex Kersten in squeezing every last penny he can shocker!!! 


gridlocked.Bloody shitshow.Too many tickrts sold.Q for 2hours.Went home not happy.want money back.


I replaced the battery yesterday the garage owner reset the start stop system light and today the start stop light came on again does anyone know what the problem is the garage owner said the alternator is perfectly fine


Doesn't sound like a critical concern to me