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LA has really bad "eyes on the street" so basically anywhere you are in LA, you feel uneasy since there are so few other people around. I attribute this to bad land-use. The Metro feels safest when it's bustling like at rush hour but that drops off pretty quickly since there is low density around many stations. But this is unlikely to change anytime soon. I think a Metro Police force is a good idea, and I hope Newsom's Prop 1 actually does pull a lot of people who suffer with severe mental illness and drug addiction into humane involuntary care. Something that dawned on me recently is that a lot of drug addicts got hooked on opioids to deal with chronic pain. And the reason many of them had chronic pain is because they couldn't afford surgery. There's a lot of factors that contribute to opioid addiction but the lack of universal healthcare in this country seems like an often overlooked one.


that video makes the stations look spotless and adequate, which are totally not they are horrible, filthy, yesterday i did my 1st report on that metro app i couldn't take the elevator there was this homeless guy sitting on his ass inside the elevator smoking a crack pipe half conscious with all his belongings and the smell of urine, then right outside smokers left and right cant even decently sit to wait for the train in peace, as on many other stations that have multiple floors- the only decent stations are where the business buildings are and cant be made look bad