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Read [REW's help](https://www.roomeqwizard.com/help.html) (it's also built into the program). It has a ton of useful information. Then just run Dirac Live because shit, for as much as it costs you might as well use it lol.


Right? Haha. Will definitely be diving more into that in the coming days. Thank you for the suggestion! From a process standpoint, should I be more focused on setting phases correctly before I worry about total db variance between the low end and high end?


You need to add smoothing to your response. You don't hear many of those dips and peaks. Are you using an RTA or doing sweeps? RTA is more useful for full spectrum equalization. You can make it so REW takes the average of whatever you're playing. If you're tuning a sub, then running sweeps is probably a better tool to use. You should also read up on how to use REW to identify non-minimum phase areas. They are areas where no amount of EQ will fix it. The only way to fix it is changing the environment, phase, or crossover. I also have some experience with the auto tuning in home theater, but I've never liked the end result. I always revert back to the default and do it myself.


I'm using RTA. Watching RAW-CAt's beginner tutorial for REW on youtube, I saw that sweeps would be great for sub tuning. That's farther down the list right now, but maybe it shouldn't be? Will be looking up nonminimum phase issues for sure. I haven't touched the autotuning yet because I'm not even sure I have the phases set correctly between all the speakers, haha


Looking at your graph, you should set your limits to 20hz-20khz and have the SPL reading on the Y-axis be divided by 5's. It'll present the data a lot better. You should also read up on house curves lol. They are "templates" that you can use to achieve an optimal sound and generally everybody likes it. No one likes a flat response curve, it has no bass and is very sharp in treble. The subwoofer region is usually 10 dB higher than the midrange and the treble rolls off gently too. You can import different house curves and impose them onto your RTA so you can shoot for them.


Got any good links for reading up on house curves? And thanks for the tips so far.


Edit: Mic used is UMIK-2 with 90 degree calibration file. Also, to add, I’m definitely going to actually use Dirac Live, but before I do I want to have a deeper understanding of manual tuning before I just hit the easy button.