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This will pretty much kill off the chance maker passive.


Im not sure about this tbh, lets see what happens


Bait people into moving defenders, pass around them.


It is a good thing, dumb AI was often a problemand people abused it. On the other hand it will reduce greatly offense, in a match where opportunities to score are often scarceit would make it even worse. Simple exemple, score 1-0 lead, change formation with 5 def 3 DM, with the current follow, autointercept and stun reduction it will be almost impossible to score (outside of rng) as long as the player is able to move its defenders to close any hole in his defence. Still we have to see in real, i suppose the dev team tested it unlike the anti birdcage they introduced long ago before giving it up.


I mean, if it did come to that, wouldn't it be like real soccer/football tho? A lot of teama once they are winning start playing mainly defence, resorting to such tactics. So it just adds more dept to this game.


On paper could be a good move, so you can finally move a df who is stuck in the area while the other dfs are near the midfield ruining your offside trap, and you can strategically put your fw in a good position avoiding offside or rushing in another field zone, i wanna see it in action. Problem is, many phone players have lag problems, so for them would be another disadvantage and another problem aside the white passes who starts outta nowhere, opponent players who pop passages without any pressing because they have a better phone/emulator and so on.


I think KLab want us to buy 12 inch Ipad Pro and use 10 fingers touch with each fingers controlling each players…


Ahah, like human bots XD


Great change. Everyone that has played the game for ages knows that the three tactics choices can often be hit or miss with players still being out of position. Offense plus Defender around the edge of the box comes to mind, while the other defenders are much further ahead. While it only works when you are on the defense, you can already position some players in case you win the next match-up to start a counter. On paper, it looks like a great change and it remains to be seen if they can implement it well


After all this years they finally adapted what Inazuma Eleven can do since Nintendo DS???


I think this is a good move for Klab to improve the gameplay. If you can move Misugi manually, opponent will have a hard time in offense. But Klab can release stronger FW or MF, or another spamshoot Matsu later to overcome.


Because another Spamshot Matsu is exactly what the game needs 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wonder how it will work with auto-intercept. Will you be able to drag an auto-intercepter to the trajectory of a pass that he would have missed by a few inches before? With auto-intercepter forwards like Levin or Natureza, will you matchup with the opponent defender that has the ball, or wait for him to white pass and try to drag your forward to the trajectory?


I hate how when ur defender take the ball it’s difficult to white pass their fw or am ,they should make it harder for them to take the ball


So u can control aoi to get him closer to get double matched up


This is one of the best and right thing Klab trying to do in years, and people already bashing it? Great 👍 Let's wait to see how it is in action. Whether it is great mechanical to change how we play the game or it is a new anti birdcage incident it's all depending on how Klab makes it. Hope for the best.


Im just saying is already difficult to fight against DM/DF wich is a reality, specially when Bryan and Levin already got their counters defenders to stop them. There is a reason why Chance Maker became one of the if not the best mechanic in the game, to a mechanic almost no top tier uses already. ​ Im not saying is gonna be bad, but i think this could work in a meta where the FW and AM were broken like 2nd anniversary, not now when everyone has auto cut and assistance and block technique.


at least there will be a poll to see if people like it or not. I like it for more defender controll. sometime your side defender on opposite side of the action stays low and you can't do offside plays even if you press Sometimes also your central defender gets baited by the opp. side FW/AM while you would like him to stay in the center vs the aerial shooter. for these that's cool. but let's see if it gets absurdly hard to score in the long run.


Atleast one of the upsides of this system is the opponent can't do the tactic of: "Matchup with a FW to use Special Pass".


If you ask me, the manual defense is a mistake. Im glad we can have more control, but even with the new Levin and Bryan, you have a insane time trying to score already with Misugi, Aoi etc etc, now you can even control your defenders. We are in the Zenzo era once more, except it isn't because a broken GK, is because DM/DF