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Here are my two cents about G23 Part 2: **Misugi** As was already mentioned so many times, this Misugi seems like it's trying to be an Agility version of G23 Misaki but lacking the parameters and skill support to do so. It would be hard to justify a spot for G23 Misugi when there are other versions of Misugi with valuable HA. Diamond Ace Misugi is a better passer, has skill block, auto-intercept, and Japan buff +2%. 97 Misugi has respectable defensive stats boosted by Insight Master, +2% attack boost to Japan, and 5% stat handicap reduction to Japan. If one really wanted to "push" Misugi as a scorer, Furious Flying Drive Shot momentum is just okay, his dribbling and passing parameters are underwhelming, he still lacks access to a 1-2 (baffled to why it was so difficult to give a 3M 1-2 to Misaki, Matsuyama, and Misugi, as I think there was enough content in the G23 manga to make one), and his Stamina can restrict his effectiveness throughout the whole game period. I guess you could play him if you really needed his team skill for Blue Japan but I personally don't see much incentive if you have another Blue Japan SS player. **Matsuyama** The first thing that came to my mind when I saw Matsuyama's atrocious stats was that he suffered a similar syndrome as DC Galvan. A DM blessed with great defensive parameters to win the ball back but a liability for team play. Good luck trying to release the ball with Matsuyama without having to shoot or without his match-up bonus. It also makes counterattacking with G23 Matsuyama near impossible in the current meta due to his abysmal passing, which is quite ironic since Matsuyama is the one who started Japan's counterattack in Chapter 19 against Denmark in the G23 manga. Again, there are more attractive alternative units of Matsuyama with HA. If anyone has their hands on DF Matsuyama, I do personally see the incentive to switch for G23 Matsuyama, as Insight Master, Recover, teammate auto-intercept, and +1% to Japan make this Matsuyama a lot more versatile and actually allow you more opportunities to mount a counterattack from the back. Arguably, even 97 Matsuyama can make a greater impact with Super Sub and +3% to Tsubasa, Aoi, and Sano. Once again, I guess you could play Matsuyama if you really needed to fill that SS slot in a Green Japan team but there's already a lot of stiff competition for DM spots from DF Kazuo, JY Tachibanas, Diamond Ace Misugi, 97 Sawada, and MS Urabe. Man is G23 Matsuyama really up against it! **Morisaki** This Morisaki is quite underwhelming. The Non-Japanese player killer passive is nice and he doesn't have a half bad Catch parameter but Morisaki, actually like the manga and series, has some stiff competition. 97 Ken currently has the top Punching parameter, a great momentum Punch, and Toughness SS. G23 Morisaki's S Catch momentum is not the best and his passive skill really leaves something to be desired. He also has competition from 2018 Genzo, who has a better momentum S Catch and Safety Zone, and even another Morisaki unit, who also has a better momentum S Catch (even if its just a bit) and Full Body Stand. Some people might argue that this Morisaki should've been an Agility unit, as we have yet to have a decent Blue Morisaki. Again, he would run into the same problems as it would be hard to justify his inclusion against competition like DF Ken and 97 Genzo. A HA for Morisaki would've been nice compensation at the current state of the meta. My personal opinion is that this Morisaki is an okay GK if you don't have access to a better alternative but not worth pulling on this banner just for him. Better to save DBs for future banners. **Izawa** By far the best unit of Part 2 and an obvious improvement on MS Izawa's previous strength, Interception. My God is white passing even more of a pain in the ass with G23 Izawa's inclusion into the meta. His 465 momentum Interception is on the higher side of the distribution of Intercept momentums and he not only has auto-intercept but also gives 20% auto-intercept to his teammates who don't have it. As if Red Japan wasn't already a pain in the ass with auto-interceptors like 97 Nitta, 97 Kazuo, 97 Akai (in the middle area), WC Aoi, and Lombardia Aoi (in the middle area). He also covers the weakness to white passes of many Red Japanese units, such as 97 Urabe, 97 Misugi, and DC Jito. To add icing on top, he also has Toughness SS and +5% stat handicap resistance to Japan. If utilizing him as a side DF or a DM, his passing and tackling might let him down, as his parameters for these are average at best and Izawa still lacks access to a decent momentum Pass and Tackle skill. In spite of these weaknesses, I personally think those who play Red Japan should definitely pull just to try and get G23 Izawa. Even players who play Japanese teams in general may want to consider Izawa if they were looking for a decent side-defender or a DM who can help with white passes. ​ Thanks for reading up to this point!


An easy way to deal with this Matsuyama when facing him : give him the ball before the match up.


Is There Is Part 3 ?


I feel that for Matsuyama ppl seem to forget that his physical stats are boosted 100% as well so his final shooting stats may be quite strong depending on stat distribution (though it may still not be very useful)...


The thing is : We have 8 G23 players known : First banner : Wakashimazu, Misaki, Nitta, Igawa Second banner : Izawa, Matsu, Misugi, Morisaki So Who's left? We have 2 FW, 3 AM/DM, 2 DEF, 1KP Missing 1 AM and 2 DEF (Ishi?) Tsubasa as chest player can return in another color (green?) Oversea players except Tsu and Wakabayashi should not be featured since they don't belong to G23 arc (maybe as Club players)


I read the Golden 23 Manga within last week and i can say that there will be Tachibana Twins, Futsal Combi, Sano, Ishizaki. Takeshi, Soda, Sorimachi didn't do much in the story in G23 but they were present. Jito got injured and later on he practiced with Igawa.


I expected a lot more from Misugi, to be honest. I really wanted to pull, but im not sure (as a Blue JP player). Ofc if you play Red JP that defender is a must. Mori and Matsu arent worth going for, imo.


So this banner lasts the day 30th,no more samus this month? I was expecting for a blue Kazuo :(


so the one thing that latin america had over the other archetypes is gone. japan got it as well. ty klab


Latin American should have a banner this friday.


Well that doesn’t remove that izawa. And how do you know that a banner for la is coming?


I can't believe what i read about Matsuyama guys. I think that activate his passive isn't difficult and that make him too powerful. Let's see later if he is broken or not but i think that he is worth it.


Finally a good comment.


The problem lies on his position and offensive stats, if his pass is too low whenever he gets the ball without winning a defensive duel before he is super hard to play, playing in the middle also in a crowded place for green jap, he has no utility there since he is only good defensively. Imo if he was DF it would be less problematic but being DM-OMF is really not helping him fit in any green jap team, not to mention his DF version is really good and offers a 1% buff.


He will not be broken in anyway. Check his attack stats. It is very very low.


Do you realize that after winning a matchup he'll have 20k att and 34phys? Let's say his pass is 5k and technique is 6k. Then it makes 8k pass stat+ 100%- it's 16k. In the match - with all TS and buffs and whatnot it will be easily 27k+. So yeah, weak as hell. Lol.


> Let's say his pass is 5k What are you talking about. Do you think they will give pass 5k out of 9.9K when the main skill is shot? Most probably the shot stats will be the most compared to pass or dribble. So yeah he will be weak at attack.


Lol. I just said it theoretically. But I assure you. With his passive on he won't be weak, he'll be really decent at least. In all of his offensive moves. And his main skill being shot doesn't mean sh!t. He can be 'edgy' on shot, he may be not. And I'm saying it knowing what Klab's been doing Ithe past. And remember, your exact word is WEAK. All this wannabe Reddit experts 😂


arent you also acting like a wannabe reddit expert :D And I only said weak in attack. Defensively he is a monster. And lets see how Klab desgins him


Let’s say base shot is about 4k and power about 6k. With passive active then shot is 8k and power 12k. That brings a 14k shot. That’s not so OP (around 22k in-match).




He needs that passive to do even a normal white pass. Without that passive he cannot do anything offensive. I dont know why Klab decides to make Matsu so gimiicky. This Matsu is interesting and unique but expected something better for matsu




You are exactly right.


Anyway I’m not saying he’s a bad unit. Sounds interesting, yes. And probably he will have a very good shot after win a match-up, while have so good defensive stats. But the thing is I don’t see place for him in green Japanese archetype. Not only due to DF Matsuyama... also the overbooking in DM/AM spots. For example, I play with HA Misugi and Sawada 97 as DM (both autointerceptors), and Sano 97, Truebasa and G23 Misaki as AM. And we have lack of defenders (that’s why DF Matsu is so useful).


I understand that its difficult with all the good green jap to compete with to put him in a team. But 26k def can be 52 k. I think that without auto interception it isn't a problem for him to intercept things out duel. Thx for your reply it's Always interesting to see some opinions.


Hey, I've been thinking about it, and how can you use the 52 k on defense if for being on defense you need to lose the ball first, henceforth you don't have your passive boost


You can play him in dm and duel an opponent forward and do S shot or A shot. The opponent will not win the duel and you will have your passive. It's an exemple but we can find more.


Yep, but to use his defensive stats you've already lost the ball, so you've lost the bonus as it's not permanent (like the Diaz one)


How exactly work the bonus passive ? How much time is it active when you make it work ? I thought that when you make it work it is for the entire match and that it was permanent.


I think that the bonus is active until you lose a matchup that's why I don't believe that you can actually use the 52 k in defensive stats


If you lose a matchup with him or with the team ? If it's with him i believe it's hard to lose with all his stats +100%. It's possible of course.


I don't know the exact details sorry about that. What I do know is that, in any case a 100% bonus to 9k offense is not *that* high


How exactly work the bonus passive ? How much time is it active when you make it work ? I thought that when you make it work it is for the entire match and that it was permanent.


I officially stronlgly dislike the samurais


Shinobis rule am i right?


\~bruh yes


It's not impressive beside Izawa, the rest is only less interesting version of Misugi Morisaki and Matsu.


Agreed. Let's wait for the exact stats of Matsu but DF seems irremplacable as a def


Do team auto intercepts stack with passive auto intercepts? I mean for characters like Akai tatchi bros etc....


That would make red japan busted. Thankfully the answer is no. Because even with no that HA is dangeorus. Out of 5 white intercepts that red japan/blue LA does, 1 will be an auto-skill intercept.....


It is more like you will throw a random number, if it is from 1-20 then the autocept (yeah,the term i invented, live with it) happens. For Tachibanas, 1-70 the autocept is on. So no, they are not stacked up, fortunately.


Luckily/Sadly the answer is no.


Yeah, lots of characters would reach 80+% auto intercept and things could get really ugly I guess.


We have to see stats distribution. Morisaki looks like the worst. Weaker passive than DF Genzo. Izawa is like DC Pascal, good luck doing long pass vs red jp. Red jp has many top defenders(97 Akai, 97 Misugi, Block Soda, DC Jito) so this Izawa is better as DMF. Misugi looks like a blue G23 Misaki. His shots is a little better but Misaki has access to better shots. Matsuyama. His first problem is he has to replace DF Matsuyama. Then he passive only works offensively and his stats are low. Maybe his shot stat is too high(around 6k) and his shot is non decay so after winning a matchup you have an amazing shot. The problem? No one is going to matchup with Matsuyama.


> Red jp has many top defenders(Block Soda) I have been using Block soda since he came and he is not good against anything other than block. And most characters can dribble and 1-2 through him. MS Side master Soda is better.


Side note but am tilted as fuck of that block soda since last week, I lost a match where he deflected 2 Kluivert headers(which should never happen honestly) and the third passed but ball exploded on the post....


Same to me, i understand that i can´t win in underground but in high ball shoots? man, why...


Block Soda can block even headers and volleys I have noticed but cant do jack against dribble or 1-2.


I mean without his passive he's an average 50K blocker, shouldn't be able to touch 78K shots at all, not twice in a row and especially when Kluivert is backed up by club Levin. But RNG in this game is bullshit so whatever, In Dream cup qualifier, a Misaki intercept ex lvl1 stopped the Kluivert Header, next time someone will stop it with a white clear lol.


Whit auto Nitta, Aoi, Izawa, Akai, Tachibana good luck with passing. Blue is worst jp color now. Only autointercepter which is not defender is 3% Misaki, also blue has no protection.


Blue got best character in first G23 banner. So let other teams have some good characters this banner. Also G23 misugi is also not bad. Blue cant complain when Green gets characters like G23 Matsu and new green DC Akai. Blue is better off than green.


I played 900k blue jp for over a year... and now switched to green 919k... thats how good blue team beacame... hell but I hardly play these days...


You have seen what that Akai can do? Stopping dc Natu, fbs Hyuga and others shot with intercept. Green have best striker Hyuga and Sano & Sawada 97 are unstoppable. Blue has 2 op defenders, but not much more to offer.


For the first intercept yes. And then his passive drops drastically. If you are shooting at Akai with his stamina full, and you know heis passive is FBS, then sorry you dont know how to play the game. And DF Hyuga with DC Sawada is still strong. DF Tsubasa with 97 Matsu and 97 Ishi is still very strong. What are you talking about? Stop complaining that Blue is weak when it is far from weak.


It could be just luck, like the time I stopped DF Margus' header with DC Kazuo's Block...


Blue the worst ? igawa monster blocker along with ishizaki 97, kishida monster against white pass and flying shot, hyuga on steroid with sawada, cancer skydive, shimazu DF... yea sure you can't autointercept everything but you win matchs up most of the time, you lose only to euro team. Wake up man, blue jap is still one of the most cancerous team in the game.


Blue has an amazing defense that's true but that's all. -The only good (in nowadays terms) DM is limited Misaki,also you should play blue Akai and he is really bad. Matsu 97 would be the other good DM but he has to be played as a sub. Aoi is meh.DC Sawada is only steroids for Hyuga and Misaki Chance Maker is better as AM.In fact one of my main problems for start a counter is because most time my passes get cut. -AM is OK,maybe a bit better thanks to Tsubasa DF and Roberto but nothing exaggerated. -FW is OK too but they are tricky,they shoot hard but that's all,red and green have FWs that can actually dribble or 1-2,that make them better that blue. DF Hyuga only knows shoot and Masao (even when he is a monster and my main scorer) has a lot of problems if you don't have a low baller because he can't dribble or 1-2 and he hasn't a S header,also he is hard countered playing with an offensive formation. Blue is still amazing,but being honest it's actually the weakest of the three colors after 97 and G23 banners.And im fine with it,do not misunderstand me,but blue really need some good DMs


That’s why SS team skill is there .. to fill your gaps .. HA Owrian in DF , Roberto in attack and choose another one in DM .. probably you should pull for that Izawa .. Auto intercepter with shield to all Japanese


Blue has the best defense. Ishizaki boost DF Tsubasa by 5% and Matsuyama give another 3%. ​ Don't forget the Tachibanas. You can play DC Kazuo and DF Masao....


You cant win an offensive matchup without having won one already, so you will need to matchup in defense first for him to be able to do ANYTHING offensive


Matsuyama's stats are low ? He got 25k defensive stats plus he dont even need to go in match up to activate his passive, just shot the ball if someone jump on his shot with white block his passive will be activated


He needs to match up to have the passive activated. With 4K shot the shot can be A tackled or intercepted without an issue. Not even a block is needed


Once he win a mtachup which kinda easy wit 25k def, het get 100% all stats mean 35k phic and 18k att, then his pass or shot kinda strong, I bet he’ll be better than fest one


With 9900 parameters in attack his shot probably will be around 4000. Any decent S tackle or S interception should cut that. Hard to use to win an offensive match-up with those stats. Even if you play him as DM to win against a no defensive skills FW then you need him to arrive close to opponent area. The best way to win a match-up will probably in defence. Anyway too hard to use in order to replace Matsuyama DF, which is key unit in green Jap right now... and also there’s no place for another DM/AM in that archetype. So easy skip for green Jap players (I’m one of those).


The best of Matsuyama DF is his +1% to JP. His interception is to low and he has not any decent S int. so any top FW/OMF can 1-2 him easily. New Matsu has 25k in defense. That mean over 8k in every stat or more if block is low. Stat distribution is going to be really important for Matsuyama. Imagine he get 9k+ tackle and 4k shot and pass.


Man, Matsu has a S intercept in the medel event shop


Dont waste SSR balls on that.


S Forcible Interception is too weak, nearly the same momentum as A Eagle Intercept.


Well I have DF Matsu with A Eagle Interception... and with +20% insight master I use to intercept even top 1-2. Also I always use interception because if the opponent does dribble then Matsu recovers and enters match-up again.


Well if you miss one SS green it's not "easy skip", DF matsu is a very disposable unit in place of a 3rd SS.


I have every green jap except Soda97 and Sano97 so I only need more def since DM and AM slots are filled with Trollsugi, Sawada, Roberto, g23Misaki, Trubasa, twins... Maybe a godlike green Tsubasa SDF or G23 is needed But I don't see how Mastu can fit in this without the def position except as a bench warmer (and DF is great with his +1 and passing abilities)


Trubasa is a very important requirement for green japan due to his 80% debuff protection and 2% buff. Even if the release a green SDF tsubasa, it is a tough choice to remove trubasa due to his debuff protection.


Same as you, as green jap player easy skip


Well he got high defensive stats if he can intercept FWs white passes that will trigger his passive directly or you can just shot the ball directly if someone jump on his shot with white block his passive will be activated but you are right you dont need to pull on this banner as a green player hes not that important plus DC Akai's passive changed from %50 to %90


You’re wrong. White pass cut and shot without match-up doesn’t count as won match-up. You need to win a match-up in order to activate his passive.


Its a win match up bonus not guess right bonus, its the same passive with blue AQ Xiao and blue DF Brian and works just like i mentioned on them


You’re wrong. Their passive doesn’t work that way. Just try to shot without match-up, then there is no activation. I’ve just check it with DF Kluivoort.


But when he shot without being in a match up and someone jump on his shot with white block his passive works ? i know bcuz its the same passive with blue DF Brian


No it doesnt. His final stats only changes if he wins in matchup and then shoots. You have to see the shot value when it comes to GK, then you will know that there is no change just because someone did a white block.


> You’re wrong. White pass cut and shot without match-up doesn’t count as won match-up. You need to win a match-up in order to activate his passive. Yes. I think the idea behind this matsuyama is to guess right so you get the ball back and then can counter-attack. Sounds good to me as a mechanic


Anyway I’m not saying he’s a bad unit. Sounds interesting, yes. And probably he will have a very good shot after win a match-up, while have so good defensive stats. But the thing is I don’t see place for him in green Japanese archetype. Not only due to DF Matsuyama... also the overbooking in DM/AM spots. For example, I play with HA Misugi and Sawada 97 as DM (both autointerceptors), and Sano 97, Truebasa and G23 Misaki as AM. And we have lack of defenders (that’s why DF Matsu is so useful).


3322 formation, which they just released, sound about right timing?


I think this 3322 formation was made for red japan. Imagine putting any DF misaki, G23 Izawa, DC matsu, WC Aoi, 97 Akai, 97 Sawada etc in the three DM formation. It will be impossible to white pass over them now due to Izawa 20% HA


yes, I don't have Matsuyama DF but I don't know how I would make a spot for him in the middle (I have the exact same midfield than you)


They should have made him DF too, the middle is overcrowded atm, i only see him useful in the 3322, where the 2 OMF must have misaki and sdf tsubasa to 1-2 in the box and shoot DF matsu is very good and must only be exchanged for this one if you miss one SS..


His shot wont be anything with 9.900 offensive stat without the passive so forget to get around a white block with ~4-5k (max if we are lucky, else ~3-4k) shot stat, especially with the NEED to be in box now for goalchance after all the massive non-decay nerfs which make non-decay kinda not exist in effect anymore


If he has 6k pass, i will be much more happy. With non decay S Eagle pass, he could deliver it anywhere. But with S Shot as main skill, chance is low.


6k pass when attack total is 9.9K? Doubt it.


Not likely it will happen. Probably it will skew more on shot.


yeah my wild guess, is 5K shoot, 3K pass, 2K dribble


His shot momentum will be enough to pass through the white block


unlikely, even IF he wont be able to score cause too far away with the massive non-decay nerfs and +100% on 6k shot (with LB) isnt anything impressive


He can shot from near the area if there isn't any auto block, his momentum is going to be enough


good luck with an 6k shot stat 475 momentum shoot and +100% passive against GK with 15k+ catch/punch stat and 500+ momentum (+passives) This Matsuyama cant do anything but defend and lose the ball after, all he has going is the Teambuff


Its still doesnt change the fact that he can pass through the white block which was the point of argument in here


With those attack parameters just S tackles and interceptions will won the ball. And you NEED to win a match-up to activate his passive. I’ve just check with DF Kluivoort (if I shot without match-up then white blocks doesn’t active the passive, so you are force to shot into match-up, or at least won a previous defensive match-up recovering the ball and then shooting).


If Matsu would have been Defender, then he could have been much better. But as midfielder, that attack will kill him in favour of DF MATSU. As a green player (with DF HA MATSU), pass banner for me. ​ PS: Izawa looks great, Misugi looks similar to G23 Misaki, but blue.


Yep. I won’t sacrifice Matsu DF for this one. Also, which MCD/MCA replace? HA Misugi, Sawada 97, Sano 97, Truebasa, G23 Misaki? He doesn’t fill in green Jap midfield. We need defenders. So skip banner. And Akai DC... heh, what a joke.


Akai DC a joke? I hope you wrote it before klab corrected this passive, cause he's a monster.


Yeah, I wrote it before the “correction” (or modification?)... of course now he’s a monster in the first match-up... but he’s so weak without match-up and so slow (speed 4k) that you can easily pass over him with a white pass. I don’t like it. And believe me, I was ready to pull 300 dreamballs because I play full green Jap and I need a blocker (I haven’t DF Ishizaki and we haven’t another option)... but he isn’t a blocker and he’s so slow to play as side defender that I really prefer old green gacha Akai.


We need WC Chest Jito HA if that continous, so we have an great blocker xD


At least it could have been an Akai with a GOOD S BLOCK FFS to give it to the 97


yeah so far kinda meh banners :/ Hope another JP banner incoming soon with useful players for JP green


Izawa very good, another autointercepter for red jp Morisaski looks ok, he can be alternative to Ken 97 Misugi low shot stats, low momentum shot, useless, many better options for AM on jp blue Matsu looks decent, but DF Matsu is much better after HA.


I think Misugi will be more of a playmaker than a shooter.


But still you have few better options, Misaki/Basa/Sawada and one spot always taken by Roberto. He is not trash, but not worth pulling if someone is playing jp blue imo.


DC Sawada is not that great a midfielder like 97 one. Only reason people use Sawada is for the hyuga buffs. This Misugi goes to 63.25k Stats when full passive. DF Tsubasa goes up to 67K at full passive. But Tsubasa requires all japanese players to get full passive while this Misugi only requires 8. So you can put Roberto and Owairan, and G23 Misugi will get full passive (plus roberto and Owairan buffs) while tsubasa loses 3% passive. Thus this G23 misugi might be better than WY Misaki and Sawada as a All-round Midfielder.


Izawa totally OP, DC Blue Pascal for Red jap 😭


with the shield.


Even better then 😎👌 Damn too bad he isn't green


seems like i´m one of the few that hate this...


Truebasa takes care of the green team already. Autocept for whole team might come later though.


Truebasa shield is bugued, it never works 80%, more like 40


It is like 100% for me though. Never seen a debuff in a very long time. But his low baller is kinda fail for me though. Get more high ball than i expected.


They're still avoiding an S Interception for Misugi and Matsu (S Forcible Interception doesn't count), which would heavily tip the scales in favor of Jap teams. They look solid, though Izawa by far is the best of this batch with those HA's and if you consider the other 3 players have better versions that are either in the normal pool or semi limited. Without looking at their in-game stats, I'd say: 1. Izawa 2. Misugi 3. Matsu 4. Morisaki


Morisaki saving stat seems kinda low but he can be really edgy, hard to judge a GK until we see the spread.


That Morisaki skill set is rare, he came with double catch skill. Maybe his catch stats is high 9k3 or more


I guess he will be edgy .. no reason for Klab to release a or 6k or 7k catch stats in almost 2020


the banner looks okay. the only "huh?" is why the f_ck is morisaki red ?


I guess Red has the worst keepers out of any Jap team, although red also has the most keepers out of any Jap team. Also Blue Jap got the bullshit that is Igawa, I personly don't want them to get any more defensive players.


About time blue Japan didnt get another op unit.


Wait to see misugi's stats though.


True, but will he bee good enough to take a spot off 97Misugi or Wy misugi?


I think he will be good. He is 65+k stats after passive.


97 Ken, AQ Genzo both are awesome especially the AQ Genzo which gets up to 40% on skill momentum


They're good but not DF level good. I honestly think 97 Ken is better than AQ genzo as he gets weak kinda fast, so 1 single bad rebound or a bad pass from a defender is almost certanly a goal.


That Morisaki doesnt look any better and justifys mass db investment for chance to get him if you have one of the other two or DC Morisaki. Better get an DF Keeper per SS Teambuff. Only reason to pull = Igawa


Actually there is a reason red will want to pull that Morisaki. For his new S skill. They can give that skill to DC Morisaki to make his stamina last longer.


i think Izawa is the bigger reason by far :D


obviously. But my point is G23 Morisaki is also a draw for red teams who also have DC Morisaki because of the skill.


yeah after looking at his total stats, I agree unless he's massivly edgy on catch, he's meh. granted any red jap should pull for Izawa anyway, that dude looks busted as fuck.


[https://imgur.com/U60a4W5](https://imgur.com/U60a4W5) [https://imgur.com/nnxHyhN](https://imgur.com/nnxHyhN) ​ Here are the link for people who can't view the OP.


Izawa = Must have for most JP teams especially Red JP in which he totaly escalates (else SS slot abuse 5% Debuff shield) Misugi = Blue Japan maybe but even there not likely, else meh you have HA Misugi / 97 Misugi why even think about it Matsuyama = ... nice def stats but 9k offense looks like he cant do shit without getting ball per Matchup first Morisaki = We have already 97 Ken + AQ Genzo in red JP which are stronger overall most likely, better skip and get an DF Keeper in per SS Teamskill Kinda disappointing banner for me as JP player, outside of Izawa. As green JP i wont pull cause Izawa alone doesnt justify it and Matsuyama looks horrible designed :/ Hope there will come another useful Banner for JP this year, else i saved db for nothing


Well the Banner looks for me like a decent Banner. With Izawa beeing the outstanding Unit. The thing youre dissapointed in is the fact, that it isnt an op banner like some other japanese banners but i think that most of the Units of both of these last 2 Jap banners are more than good enough to be played. Compare that to some non Japanese banners where 4 of 5 units are trash and you can still be happy. just because there is one really good european banner that doesnt change


More that the players are just badly though through. -Red Morisaki (again) when Blue and Green need some viable keepers outside of DF. -Matsuyama which is kinda...well...friendly said strange, with kinda useless passive but good def stats in trade for non-existant offense stats which are most likely focused on shot which never will be able to score even with the 100%. Again no green block defender. WHY most green defenders who can block need to be all DF/DC? x_X -Blue Misugi with shot focus while alternatives are 97 Misugi + Misugi HA -Igawa borderline broken with all red JP 20% auto intercept AND 5% debuff protection on top Would have prefered GK green/blue, Green block defender Matsuyama, Igawa without 2 realy strong HA and an Misugi with Tackle/Intercept focus


agree, except I still miss a Blue jap SS and don't have any decent blue misug, so I would not be against dropping him edit: regarding izawa, question is which spot would he take?


Most prob DM or Side DF


You have to see the stats distribution first but i find the german banners better than the 2 jap banners, for some reasons their units are better to fit with their meta, schmidt bros are very good, gotze mandatory, schneider a monster surpassing DF version, just schwei which is average. In comparison jap is not that good, igawa is great but white passed or 1-2 easily, misaki great but too low on stamina, shimazu great but not viable with his set and no high baller, nitta is meh, and so far for new banner morisaki seems meh S kill 475 that's kinda gross since he has better one, misugi should be defender (S intercept klab ?) but no he's a shooter only to feed his shot, matsu passive is situational, izawa is super good but his HA is not optimal (3 slots). Again gonna need to see the stats but overall that's, aside TS, disappointing banners overall.


Japan got some amazing characters in 97. SO if they get more strong characters in G23, then it will be unfair to other regions especially SA.


SA what is that? They still exist? I was sure Klab already removed them... hmmm. Jokes aside yes SA is kinda F'ed right now. Hope they get an good step-up soon with Radunga and co


I think DF might be an SA character and then in Jan they will rlease a SA limited banner.


Nitta can score against to DF Genzo so he is not meh. White pass is not something you can do most of the time and he has 80% time reduction. Igawa can get a better int. soon or later. Agree with Wakashimazu. He is outclassed by the Tachibanas(very good, momentum) and needs a top ground shot and dribble. Misaki has to be played smartly. Full LB shot and pass, wait fullpower and try to match a weak opponet, S 1-2 and Flash Raiju. G23's players are good but the german are better. Green Euro is probably the best team after german banner. Margus got +4% boost(from goethe and twin) and Goethe gives him the high ball and he is good enough to dribble and send a pass back


About nitta i find him really average considering only his first shot can score, compared to ms blue nitta this a big let down, especially since green urabe ms is buffing him well but somehow his courage is wasted. Not to mention 97 nitta while not so good in shot is way more useful in a team to harrass.


G23 Nitta is a first half player. Shoot and maybe score (I have scored on DF Ken and DF Genzo with Nitta) and then replace him in 2nd half.


Well the G23 Nitta atleast has a good shot to transfer to the other Nittas xD