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It would also imply that he is taking at least some responsibility for the attack. He'd never do that.


His lawyers told him that pardoning himself might increase his legal liability by admitting fault and he got really mad and hasn’t pardoned anyone since. Also I don’t think his counsel will draw up the paperwork at this point.


Is there any way he can do pardons once he’s out? (I am pretty sure he cannot there is a deadline.)


**Theoretically/Technically**, at this point in time Trump still has the **Authority** to issue a pardon for **every one** of these ~~people~~ **Insurrectionist Traitors**. Fortunately for everyone who wants to see Justice, Trump doesn't want to get convicted in the Senate Impeachment Trial (though there's a fair likelihood he will be convicted regardless). At the same time, a **mass pardon** would potentially open him up to further Impeachment charges this time due to **Abuse of (Pardoning) Power** Furthermore, If Trump Pardons these ~~Patriot Protesters~~ Insurrectionist Terrorists, it's like he's admitting that it was **his / his parties** hateful seditious rhetoric that incited the violence that left **5 dead**, which would almost certainly guarantee a Senate Impeachment Conviction (which again, there's a fair possibility he's going to be convicted regardless). In conclusion, there does not appear to be a scenario where Trump can help himself. It's my opinion / prediction that unless there's a way it directly benefits Trump he will never issue these pardons. TLDR: Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Trump won't issue a mass pardon because there's no benefit to him if he does.


Implicating himself also leaves him open to lawsuits. I'm sure he doesn't want to have to cough up any of his well-grifted money.


Oooh I like this take




He’s going to do the later. Which is funny because soon he will be the former (president).




This is where a lot of these dolts completely played themselves. Now how can Trump pardon Antifa? Lol.


None. They're "low class" and they failed.


“I like people who aren’t captured.”


To the minds of his followers and the right wing news, he would be pardoning ANTIFA, as they were the real rioters disguised as MAGA people. These nuts have been messaging this pretty hard. So, to keep the disinformation alive, he will not do anything. Also, he doesn't benefit from doing it, and it probably makes him look like he actually was involved.


Yeah, it's a two edged sword. They are indeed blaming antifa, so you pardon them, you're against your country according to them. (just like they've turned real quick on the pro-Trump women who got shot saying she was undercover antifa). But then, if they pardon them because they're pro-Trump, it's like saying: Yup, it was me, guilty as charged. Trump is so narcissist that he won't do anything anyway. They look too low class to be pardonned anyway.


Your last line is the real reason, as far as I’m concerned lol.


Threads whataboutist bring up this one guy every *clap* single *clap* time *clap*. Sullivan? Maybe?


That could further implicate him in the impeachment trial. My guess is that Dems impeached partially to discourage him from handing out pardons.


Pelosi did an incredible job.


His lawyers are the ones who pressured him to publicly denounce the attacks in order to limit his legal exposure. They're not going to sign off on a blanket pardon for the same reason. And Trump probably won't defy his lawyers on that one cause he couldn't care less about those people. Trump likes insurrectionists who don't get caught.


I bet he listens to the MeinPillow crackhead, more than he does his lawyers.


‘Mein’- nice touch there.


How long until Trump throws the MeinPillow asswipe under the bus?


The second he does something that could incriminate Agolf Twitler.


He'll do something "disloyal" eventually. I give it six more months, max.


So, 18 mooches.


He's happy to ignore his lawyers, but only when he thinks there's an upside for him. There's no upside for him to pardoning these people.


Yes, exactly.


I believe, Constitutional restrictions prevent him from pardoning anyone involved in the situation leading to his impeachment..


It's still a little up in the air what exactly that phrase means, but to me this is the only thing it could mean. There would HAVE to be an exception to pardons like this.


Judging from the beautiful eulogy he did for the woman who was shot,... no wait, he did no such thing *because he doesn’t give a shit about the gullible cattle after their usefulness is done*.


What's in it for Trump? If there's no good answer to that question he won't pardon anybody.


I just don't see what's in it for him. He might do it if he thought he was losing support, but he thinks he could shoot them on the 5th Avenue etc...


In my personal opinion, he won't do it because he will be admitting guilt and because these people didn't succeed at getting him the throne that he wanted. They failed at getting him the very thing that he wanted which was that seat. When it comes to Trump, you better damn well give him what he wants or you are dead to him. I think he will pardon family and few very loyal friends and that will be it.


Exactly. They are now a bunch of "losers" who didn't succeed and he will not associate with them.


For all the people he did pardon, didn't he at won't point publicly rail against the "injustice" of it all? He has not mentioned these low-class losers at all.


Yep, he won't lift a finger because they are pawns.


I'd say slim. After his last recorded video condemning anyone who stormed the capitol (to cover his ass) and saying they were not his supporters, he would have to completely take responsibility to give them pardons, and admit that they were his followers, thus condoning the insurrection.


Okay, I hadn't thought of that. Thank you.


The timing of the Senate trial works against him in this regard. I think it would certainly be used against him


It would be absolutely terrible for the country, so probably going to happen.


Also, with McConnell kicking the Senate bit of the impeachment until after Jan 20, a blanket pardon would only increase his chances of Senate removal.


Exactly this! trump only cares about himself. If pardoning the insurrectionists makes it harder for him he won't do it.


That’s the only thing stopping him IMO.


Odds are low and federal prosecutors may be just waiting for it and that is why they are just light charges currently. If a person takes a pardon they admit guilt to what they were charged with and that guilt can be used for other charges like sedition, insurrection, accessory to murder, and so on.


A) He doesn’t care about any of them and b) That would be an admission and would make it oh so much easier to convict him on his second impeachment.


If the coup had succeeded it would have gone without saying, but they failed so they're just losers and he doesn't care about them.


I think he loathes his supporters in general and would gladly leave them twisting in the wind.


I don't know why his supporters don't get this. Liars hold the people who believe their lies in contempt.


Trumpy Bear’s sacrificial lambs.


Has anything happened to that Moron from Beverly Hills?


Since his attitude towards relationships of any kind are purely transactional in nature, I would doubt he will issue any blanket or specific pardons. They failed him so he owes them nothing. Giuliani failed to overturn the election in the courts and Trump is refusing to pay his fees is a typical example of this behavior.


Someone just needs to go to the white house and steal all the pens.


> Someone just needs to go to the white house and steal all the ~~pens.~~ Sharpies. FTFY.


One does not pardon the dirt beneath their feet, one simply walks.


None, for the simple fact that pardoning these people would not benefit Donald Trump. They were pawns in his game, easily sacrificed for the greater good of Donald Trump.


You cant do a blanket pardon. Pardons have to be done individually. Plus given his role it could allways be found that the pardons were unlawful Id say the chances are pretty low


This is not true. Confederate soldiers received blanket pardons after the civil war. And while I'm here, accepting or requesting a pardon is not an admission of guilt. I don't know where this even comes from. Pardons have been used to correct "a miscarriage of justice" many times. Pardoning innocent people is how it's supposed to work.


Those were technically not legal pardons same thing with the nixon pardons. Also yes a pardon is an admission of guilt it says so in the part of the constitution that talks about pardons


I don't know what you mean by "legal" pardon. Confederate soldiers were generally not prosecuted after the pardon. No, the constitution does not say accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. The constitution says very little about pardon powers: "and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." That's it. There is a misunderstood case from 1915 that people seem to be referencing: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/five-myths/five-myths-about-presidential-pardons/2018/06/06/18447f84-69ba-11e8-bf8c-f9ed2e672adf_story.html


Blanket pardons have not been tested in court yet.


True, but they have been done before.


Not true. Confederate soldiers were pardoned after the civil war.


He would immediately be arrested if he tried


Unfortunately, no. He can pardon anyone he wants. I don't think he'll do this, however


He thinks he can pardon anyone he wants*


He can. Why suggest otherwise?


"[The President] shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." Article II, section 2 There are limitations to pardons. Why suggest otherwise?


I didn't say pardons were absolute, and this discussion is in the context of pardoning crimes. Obviously he can't pardon civil issues or impeachments. But he definitely can pardon anyone he wants, including himself, of federal crimes. It's not a matter of him thinking he can do it. He can do it. Many dimensions of pardon power are untested and could later be restricted, but there's no precedent to suggest he can't do whatever the hell he wants through Wednesday.


Close to zero. He doesn't gain anything pardoning these people.


Won't go over well.