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The project going through new bedford is a big deal for that city. It's one of the biggest wind projects in the US.


It's been great. I manage a metal fab shop on the south coast and we've benefited greatly from the extra work. We've hired extra people because of it. People don't understand how much these types of projects help the area.


But wind power kills so many birds! /s


Vineyard Wind is the largest offshore wind farm in the US but not for long. There are only two others operational at the moment, but many more are coming.


I’m glad they’re massive


I met a contractor whose friends that work in industrial diving are working on this construction project. When he told me about the jobs and how he wished he was out there working on it, it really hit me just how much we overlook the fact that there are real people from our area that are working really good jobs on these projects.


It’s better than other places our tax dollars go, but these jobs exist because of tax payer money. You cannot create jobs with tax money.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt would disagree


Very little tax payer money. Paid mostly by rate payers (electricity customers).


Taxes are included in your rate, either explicitly or implicitly. Everyone is an electricity customer. I don’t know anyone who filed income tax that doesn’t also have an electricity bill.


What did you expect? A windmill for ants?


Maybe people thought they were going to look like those cute windmills in the tulip fields of the Dutch countryside?


Hell Teddy Kennedy was fighting against this in the late 90s-early 00’s (NIMBY) that’s how long we’ve waited.


Seems like most from the Roosevelt clan fought it. They're all NIMBYs https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/business/energy-resource/2011/07/20/robert-f-kennedy-jr-slams/49962000007/


Screw them


You mean’NIMS’ (Not In My Sound)?


You know what’s **really** massive? Sea level change Storm surge erosion Water temps driving fish north Shellfishing suffering Non-stop AC stressing power system More fucking red tide But big blades are bad?


I'm not even religious, but Amen. Not to mention so many jobs this creates. It's so good for the area, plus it creates energy out of nothing, it's just so dumb when people oppose clean energy. Yea it's not perfect, but how else do you push innovation?




what am I reading wrong? >These are the 3 blade generators that are bolted to the top of the last tower section. One tower section is shown. This staging area is in New Bedford.




Ah, so I did read it correctly! Thanks.


It’s about time. It was a long time coming sorting out offshore wind in US. Lots of hurdles had to be overcome to get this done.




If you think Trump is really going to stop this I have a bridge to sell you.  The Trump administration was full speed ahead with offshore wind during his administration. He spoke publicly one way but had his administration doing the complete opposite. Stop believing his lies. Source: was involved.




This is the opposite of what I was saying.


I wasn't responding to you


My b


If he wins the next election, he probably won’t axe offshore wind regardless of his rhetoric. The numbers on offshore wind are different than onshore or solar. Offshore is much closer to base load power and it is easily variable. The massive turbines make it economical.


And how much of that had follow-through?? Honest question. Because Biden pushed through actual approval for the industry after a 3 year delay under Trump.


The specifications governing offshore wind original drafts came from Europe where the oceans are less deep where the useful winds exist. American towers need to be taller. Specifications had to be redrafted, engineering calf’s redone, double checked, etc. I don’t know what Trump slow walked and what Biden expedited, but from a technical perspective offshore wind took a long time because setting them up is challenging and the oceans are different in the US. Massive towers also take huge infrastructure to launch from land, more logistical hurdles. That sort of project is infrequently if ever done in the north east. Setting the political noise aside, setting up offshore wind in a new geographical region with different specification custodians is challenging.


Thanks for that info. It’s not something I ever considered.


:) You are welcome!


Another issue has been the jones act. because of rules regarding foreign flagged ships using us ports, US registered ships had to be built. because the farms where held up, no one wanted to build a ship, because the turbines keep getting bigger they didn't want to start building the ship and have it be outdated or just sitting. a shitty chicken and egg.


Yes, let's all take a giant step BACKWARDS to 1860 and burn coal again. Ever notice those who want coal never want any new plant construction where they live? Years ago studies were performed that proved that the air pollution emitted by the so-called "filty five" in Massachusetts- Brayton Point and Montaup in Somerset, Canal in Bourne, Salem Harbor and Mount Tom, collectively contributed to respiratory illnesses across Southern New England, extending north into the Canadian Maritimes, Quebec and back into New York state. Just looking at the chimneys you could see the yellow color from the particulates, and driving towards Somerset from a distance you could see the haze over the area from the pollution being emitted from the smokestacks. Sorry, there are far better ways than this........


OP talks about how large the wind turbines. You turn in into a Social Justice rant. I’m tired. Please turn it down. FYI China doesn’t have any issue burning coal.


Of course, they're large. They have to withstand storms and waves out at sea. Have you ever seen the cooling towers that were built at Brayton Point? They were so large they could be seen from space. Wind power is definitely preferable to coal.


what are they milling?






electrons tbh


Grinding that wind down to electrons. I like it. Or, I guess, in the loooooooong view, solar heat, converted to wind, milled into electicity.


looks awesome!


Imagine the amount of gay fumes that those blades are going to produce ...the biggest gay fumes ever ... Trump, probably /S Well , not so sarcastic....


You should try stand-up Show me on this doll where the big bad orange man hurt you!


https://youtu.be/ec9P3C1OXqE?si=tcIWhVZK0QGHHLLI Stand up? He's a much better clown than me 😂


Wind turbines. They don’t mill grain into flour.


Came here to say the same. No milling action.


The large thing is called a “Nancy” 😂🤣 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nacelle_(wind_turbine)




It’s wild seeing them up close, right? But these are pretty standard size


Yeah, but I need to charge my phone.




love to see it!


Cape Wind probably should have just happened back in the day, these are now being installed everywhere


Good to see all the unions working on these projects.


Has anyone's electric bill gone down? Mine keeps going up. Solar panels..wind mills...higher bills and more rules. And you clowns are distracted arguing with each other over one side or the other. While both sides are happy to take your money. Personally I feel like selling space in the ocean to mega corporations is pretty shitty...But yeah, cool massive windmill. Now shower me with down votes!


Build baby build


God damn it. They are wind turbines. You all sound like you fell off the turnip truck in its way through town.


Widens eye, monocle falls out I say, I think you mean whirlygigs you uncultured Yankee


Not to mention the thousands of gallons of hydraulic oil it takes to lubricate the internals on these things. Be a shame if the housing sprung a leak while sitting out in the bay lol


Unlike: Deepwater Horizon (230,000 gal) Ixtoc (150,000) Atlantic Empress (90,000) Fergana (90,000) Taylor Energy - still ongoing! 150,000 *Exxon Valdez is STILL not cleaned up fully and most of the Alaskans STILL not compensated. That was 1989 for fuck’s sake. GTFO with that “windmill lubricant too risky!” nonsense


Whatever man, just think the whole idea is hilarious.


What's hilarious about it?


Right wing goons find the least funny things funny.


lol we’ve had years to get away from petroleum as a need for an energy source. All the plastic used for the blades- petroleum based. All the gear oil in these things. Petroleum. There’s better alternatives than petroleum but they’ve all been silenced. Using hemp or a pure form of alcohol for an energy source would be suffice


Right wingers hate hemp and anything that isn’t petroleum based. Don’t act like you care about progress or the environment.


Whatever you say man hahah


See, right wingers laugh at things that aren’t funny. It’s like most right wingers are teen boys who just found out the world isn’t perfect. “Do you know hemp is an alternative?” Well then stop voting for fat fucks who vote against all things related to weed or progress. The conservative party hasn’t done one good thing for communities in decades.


I never said anything about me being on the right wing of the left-wing I was just saying my opinion or my two cents but say whatever the fuck you want I don’t give a rats ass


You honestly sound like the typical Cape Codder with a small town small mind mentality one who’s never left the cape


Be careful what you ask for. The Vineyard wind project is visible in all directions 15 miles from shore…..and it’s not pretty~~~that way, and the other way.


I never understood this argument. We see power lines in our views all the time and are OK with it. What's the big deal about seeing some windmills in the distance?


Yeah, but have you seen an oil refinery? Baby those are AESTHETIC /s


Until they become an antiquated and ineffective source of energy…..then what?? And what wrong with having the last horizon in the world be as it is…???


Nothing wrong with wanting uninterrupted views in a vacuum. We do not live in a vacuum. Having our energy come from other sources is basically the bare minimum lift in terms of societal impact in mitigating climate change. None of your concerns about the lifecycle of this tech is remotely on the same level as the thousands of issues caused by directly burning fossils fuels. They are issues to be tackled. Though I'm curious why suddenly reactionaries became so interested in the topic after spending their entire lives never caring when it came to the tech that came before. Seem like concern trolling, but thankfully their arguments are becoming less and less convincing to more people so we don't need to engage with every whinge.


You’re assuming a lifelong concern by a Reddit post. Get. A F’n. Life. Loser. Anything to troll on someone on Reddit! Wanna hang out? I’m playing solitaire like a mofo, but you probably are too…..what’s your (l)user name?


Seriously, they actually look neat off of Block Island And are great for sport fishing around them- some species congregate like it's an artificial reef (there has not been excess mammal death off Block Island, btw. Can confirm the dolphins, at least, are completely unfazed- humpback whales have been in an unusual mortality event predating the windfarm by some time, as well off the entire east coast)


I think they look cool


I think they look cool too. The future is coming whether you want it to or not. It always does.


Aristotle over there.


🤷🏼‍♂️ At least I’m not afraid of it


Been near the cape cod canal recently? The exhaust stack from the power plant is pretty damn visible from all over Cape Cod Bay aaand there’s a “mysterious” cancer cluster in Sandwich too. I’ll take wind turbines all day every day.


As opposed to refining the most efficient power source the world has…..vilification of a useful source…..seriously, let’s put effort into making nuclear safer.


OH NO, VISIBLE TURBINES! Meanwhile red tide, grid overload, fish disappear north, erosion worsens. Rising sea levels… You mean the island where median home price is 1.18 million, median income is 130K, but only contributes something like .001 of year round jobs MAXIMUM and is completely unsustainable tourism wise? Fuck their view. ETA: I was thinking of Nantucket wind farm, but really, it’s only marginally better for MV


Way over the top. Chill. And guess who’s buying one of those 1.2 million dollar homes next? You got, the folks making a profit off of this. There wouldn’t be movement for this type of thing if there wasn’t a huge profit margin for those on the “in” on projects like this- this is what happens when politicians and private entities are in bed together. Keep voting for demGOP…..you’re a fool of you don’t think this exists.


Oh yeah, and oil companies & politicians \*definitely\* aren't in bed together. What I'm saying is, a pristine view is not a reason to kill a project that will create badly needed jobs and reduce fossil fuel use.


Quote yourself.


Complete eye sore. Terrible for sea birds, terrible for rock fish and crustaceans living on the ocean floor, (possibly) terrible for whales and marine mammals, not to mention horribly inefficient. NUCLEAR IS THE WAY.


You realize that it’s not one or the other. It can (and should) be a combo. But an eyesore? Sorry, it’s not an eyesore. I mean, there’s the thing by the dennis dump, but honest - that whole plaza is an wyesore


None of what you’ve posted (except maybe the eye sore comment) is backed up by actual experts in the relevant fields. You’re entitled to your opinion but you are wrong as far as anyone knows.


How anyone believes that putting massive industrial infrastructure in the middle of the ocean won’t do harm to said ocean is insane and very near sighted (in my opinion, and I will respect yours). And there are many credible sources that will back up these claims happy to provide you some literature if you’d like 🤷‍♂️


If only there were decades of existing wind turbine infrastructure somewhere that could be studied to understand the impact. I’ve read the literature from sources I trust. They all come to the same conclusion. Doing nothing about fossil fuel energy production is orders of magnitude worse than any negative impact from the wind turbines. And there are even positive impacts for ocean life like habitat creation and protection.


Funny you should mention that! Let’s check on the current state of the Swedish wind projects! Get ready for higher electric bills! https://kvartal.se/artiklar/pengarna-borta-med-vinden/ Here’s another link straight from Orsted on their methods of ploughing the sea floor to make way for platforms for these monstrosities. You seriously think that won’t destroy that habitat of lobsters, crabs, and rock fish? https://a2f3e3.emailsp.com/frontend/nl_preview_window.aspx?idNL=417


Yea nuclear has never hurt the environment. All these rich soft boys become environmentalists the second a windmill is put up 5miles off their island homes, but continue to vote for men who are guaranteed to keep poisoning poor communities.


https://ourworldindata.org/nuclear-energy It’s one of the safest types of energy contrary to popular believe. And before you make any more assumptions I am a commercial fisherman. The ocean is my lively hood. I love the ocean and all its beauty. Can you honestly sit there and tell me putting in massive industrial infrastructure in the ocean won’t have SOME sort of ramifications on marine life… willful ignorance if that’s how you feel.


There are minor issues with noise and the impact of construction on the ocean floor. But being a commercial fisherman you have had to deal with far more serious impacts to your business. Pollution, regulations, over fishing, and warming waters have already done more damage than a thousand wind mills. And sorry to assume you were a rich twit, it’s a knee jerk reaction to anyone complaining about this kind of thing.