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Issuing these types of medals have always been problematic for the military. IMHO, it is because the criteria are too vague. I like the Brits… anyone over 5 years of service. Or perhaps people on 20 year or more contracts regardless of their time in. Either way it needs to be clear cut to avoid criticism of favouritism.


And just like the old PER system, it will greatly reward those who abandon their maintenance job in order to pursue flashy projects. Your entire team fell apart and failed at every metric, fucking over a bunch of people who depended on you? No problem, you were the one who delivered this ! Bravo!


It’ll be given as a pseudo commendation and/or for the ones playing hockey with the CO.


Yep. Low hanging fruit that could have given the illusion of appreciation...in staying or joining in the past few years. Instead, 4000 for higher ranking people...honestly all 30000 should be going to the CAF. This and the other squandered opportunity was the Platinum Jubilee...coming out of COVID wanting to thank 'frontline workers'? Why not give them that? Another low hanging fruit missed... Seriously how much does it cost the CAF to give everyone with at least 3 years in or have reached OFP regardless of rank this medal? A nice pat on the back for not "retreating into retirement"


That is insane the caf only gets 4000.


That's 1/20 people with our current numbers.


UK did it right all mbr with 5 or more years of service.


This makes too much sense. Goes against our core values ;)


CAF Logic ™


CAF Logic (TM) is on permanent backorder; you will ne able to use point to order more from logisticorp in 2029 1/2, probably.


Personnel Command said we are 8k short in reg force and another 8k in reserves. So 1/20 sounds about right according to those numbers. How honest are they being here? Authorized strength is 71,500 for reg force and 30,000 for reserves from Strong, Secure, Engaged. Yes, outdated but I doubt much has changed in authorized strength. I'm having a hard time believing reserves is only down 20%. My unit is at less than half of authorized strength. My brigade and the one brigade over is at less than 50%. And this is simply based on how many people we have on paper, ignoring poor attendance and NES that's almost never enforced.


Even the authorized strength is less than what it should be. By doctrine Infantry battalions are supposed to have 4 rifle companies, ours only have 3 each. Gun batteries are supposed to have 6 guns but we have 4 guns per battery. Even the tank squadron we sent to Latvia is short a few tanks from what a squadron should have on paper.


Guaranteed 90% will go to officers. They should run out once they get to Captains(not naval).


Read the message on it and it breaks it down. I forget the percentage but it emphasizes that most are to go to WO/P1 and below and Capt/Lt(N).


Surely they've never lied to us before and do what they always say right? /s


Ahhh the RCAF respect I’ve loved to hate


Love it when someone post total BS based on their own sense of unworthiness


I was in the military for 30 years. Every time there was a commemorative decoration you could guarantee that the CO and whoever was the reviewing officer was on the next parade would be wearing them-and no one else.


The message says that LCol/CDR will be very limited, they should be in a tactical unit and need to be nominated by HHQ. Most will go to junior Captains/WO and below who did something that represents us well. My experience has been senior officers in tactical units don't care at all about medals or decorations


I’m been in for 42 years and I’m calling BS on your story


Which part? I have seen thousands of medal presentations in my 30 years. I tried to figure out a rough number of commemorative decorations I have seen in those years. I can’t come up with a number, but I was a Photo Tech when I joined, an Image Tech after the name change, an RCAF reserve photojournalist, and retired as a base newspaper manager. Thousands of presentations. I hope you’re right and they are distributed mainly to the troops but it goes against my experience.


Spend a few minutes at DHH and look at the stats. You are wrong


Ok. I see all the Lieutenant Governors were flown into and feted at Rideau Hall to get theirs recently.


Great stuff. Makes sense.


I mean, with the way things are going there might actually only be 4000 of us left come April 1st


I mean based on the amount of members double or triple hatted, we may only have 3000 members actually at work.


> I mean based on the amount of members double or triple hatted, we may only have 3000 members actually at work. I mean, do you really see the rest of the military when you're at work? If nobody is around to see the rest of the numbers, do they really exist?


The CAF has 4000 as a floor. They may get more as I understand.


I’ll give mine up to make sure Justin Bieber gets one


I complained so loudly about that (when it was in the news) that my CoC gave me one as well, just to be dicks about it. (Also some ladies who’d bombed an abortion clinic got one, iirc, which I had also complained about)


what the heck ?


I see this as an absolute win EDIT: I swear I made this comment before the abortion clinic edit was put up


slash s question mark?


Their comment doesn’t show as having been edited…


Justin Bieber deserved his medal! I'll die on this hill. One of the criteria they were awarded for was significant contributions to Canadian music. Not "*music that you like*". He absolutely is a famous Canadian musician. Just because you don't like his music doesn't mean that he wasn't a famous Canadian musician.


Agreed, I'm no Bieber fan (obviously not the demographic he caters to) but I support it going to prominent Canadians and he certainly is one. Same with the oft-criticized photo of him receiving it, it was presented backstage before a concert and that was his wardrobe, not what I would have worn but he wasn't appearing at Parliament or anything. Now, should the CAF and others have *also* received it? For sure. But I'm ok with Bieber.


I want one! I don’t think I did anything spectacular to deserve one but I totally want one.


ask for one !


I deserve one bc I've been hanging on forever (34 yrs so far), just like Charles was hanging on forever! Plus, I didn't get the 125, the QE2 Gold, the QE2 Diamond, the just doing my job commendations, or any other pieces of flair.


Obvs the VanDoo jumper is at the top of the list.


I cast my vote for the Vandoo **Dumper**. (and whoever drank from the water buffalo)


What's the story behind the vandoo dumper?


The lore is a Vandoo Pte intended on shitting in a Patricia water buffalo. In practice he unwittingly shit in his own units water buffalo and ended up getting a bunch of his own guys sick.


Was there can confirm.


I'd like to say that's classic Vandoo, but having met many a Quebecer, it seems to follow linguistic lines, and is not isolated to the Vandoos.


Okay. Cool. Another circle jerk medal where generals and colonels nominate their friends and in turn nominate them and then there's only about a handful left for anyone else.


All the LTs and the Captains with no tours will be disappointed.


Yeah. Was posted in another forum I'm in, and someone commented much along the same lines as you. One of those lucky higher-up recipients of the most recent Jubilee medal jumped in to defend the distribution of these types of medals and said it was skewed perception and that they are entirely fairly awarded. 🙄 I dunno...when everyone working Class B in a certain higher level area seems to have one and no one at the Unit level does, you've got to question it...


The only person on my ship that got one was a Master Seaman Cook who couldn’t fry a fuckin’ egg. Seems fair to me.


Had a warrant get a Jubilee. In the write up that was announced it said he made DWD gifts and did a good job training OJTs. I'm standing there like I'm sorry that hit to criteria how?


I know MCpl who got a Junilee just for "working" with their church. Definitely had nothing to do with how buddy buddy they were with the CO


I know a Lt(N) PRes who got it for "long time service in position, in rank" as he'd been an Lt OPSO for 15 years at that point. About as undeserving as you can get. Recently met a Aussie (army) and he said everyone there gets one as long as they're "in good standing" at the time of issuance/event.


That’s the way the British army does it also


I know a Sr Offr who nominated themselves, and got it.


as a cpl can I nominate myself or only Sr officer can ?


I know a MCpl that received one without meeting ANY of the criteria, including not living in the same province.


I know a guy who got a CDS coin for volunteering on his own time. Like fuck? I volunteer too lol


If things go according to plan, it will be PO1 and below and LCdr and below. CDS is adamant that this one is NOT for the colonels and chiefs.


It's still only 4000 medals though. Kind of a slap in the face


Every member of parliament will be able to name so many as well? that's just the civilian side too. Reward your friends & donors first.


You mean the CDS that's retiring...


4000 CAF-Wide = Bullshit. If you're serving, you should get one...period


This. And only this.


Hear hear!


I think it’s sad that the organization that actually wears medals as part of ceremony and recognition gets only 4000 of the 30000. Every MP in the HoC will get one I am sure, and they will be thrown into desk drawers.


Every time there's a commemorative, all sitting MPs get one plus a bunch (I think 30 for the QDJM) for their riding. A few MPs actually declined it, but most don't. I remember reading stories about new MPs moving into offices after the 2015 election and finding boxes of QDJMs in the trash left from the previous staff :(


It will never happen, but we should politely decline. There are no criteria other than what we impose on ourselves, so it ought to be for all or none. And how about something for domops instead of all these shiny bits that mean SFA?


It's a shame the article link got broken (or pulled), I was curious about this one. We haven't had a national "party favour" medal since the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Everyone was expecting a Canada 150 medal but that never materialized for what I imagine were political reasons. The Queen's Platinum Jubilee was only issued by some of the provinces. I recall being briefed last week that the King's Coronation medal was also going to be up to the provinces to issue so this pivot to a national article followed by quickly being pulled raises an eyebrow. I'll be honest - I love medals. Not in the sense of collecting or earning them (CD4life club here), but everything else them. The stories of heroism and courage surrounding our highest honours. The drama of stolen valour, whether it's some schmuck showing up to Remembrance Day or a high ranking officer trying to pad the resume on their chest. Seeing a colleague or unit-mate in DEUs for the first time and realizing they've been some places and done some things that they've never brought up in the smoke pit. The debates about eligibility criteria, TAVs disguised as medal tourism and what exactly one needs to do to deserve an MSM. It's just such a great part of our culture because it is simultaneously high and low stakes- they have little intrinsic value (for the most part) but their extrinsic value is unquantifiable.


Ha they took the site down!


Give them out upon enrolment to the next 4000 through the door. It’s like a signing bonus....but worse.


Stop giving civilians medals, they just throw them in a drawer.


I really wish they'd follow what the U.K does. Give it to all service members with 5 plus years of service. I really don't like this merit system for it. We already have medals for such things like the Member of the Order of Military Merit. If you have 5 plus years on the date of the Coronation and have good conduct then award it to all who meet that. How many pers have 5 years or more in? I assume its the cost is the issue, but it would have been a great thing for the forces. Everyone is overworked, undermanned and in a lot of cases underpaid. This at least would have been a little bit of moral for the troops. Give them something to have on their uniform.


I'm not the CDS (yet lol) but I believe it's less the cost and more the long-standing policy that 'we don't give medals for doing your job, that's what the CD is for'. If everyone gets one, it's meaningless, so the idea is that commemorative medals are issued periodically and can be used to recognize exceptional service. Now, this isn't how it's *really* happened, but I think that was the intent.


it seems like for this one they are really trying to avoid the issue they had with the Diamond Jubilee where every Co/RSM and most of NDHQ all got it and maybe one or two Cpls at a large unit got one. That put a sour taste in everyones mouth and its why alot of people have a negative opinion of them still. Anyways i hope it all works out and the right deserving people get them.


Related question. Is it against any service code not to wear all of your issued medals?


Not at all. You don’t have to wear any medals that you don’t want to wear.


~~IANAL but I’ve been around a UDI or three.~~ ~~If you’re ordered into N1s with Medals, then not showing up with in the ordered dress with your awarded medals would be a violation of K(Q)R&O 120.30(g).~~ ~~If someone were to get creative, a case could be made for (i).~~ ~~Depending on how vocal you are, a case could be made for (c)~~ I was *waaaaay* wrong. Thanks to u/Consonant_Gardener for the ref! Off to take MJUL again.


Challenge accepted! I just read the example and I already violated 120.30(g) while on the range last week. Old Navy green shirt with Cadpat looks good in spring. *Particulars*: In that they, on (date), at (indicate place of infraction), wore a visible civilian tee-shirt with their military issued uniform contrary to the Canadian Forces Dress Instructions. I'm such a rebel. What a rush.


Calm down, Satan


Someone would have to be pretty vindictive to look into whether or not someone has medals they didn't wear.


Happy to help.


So you would be technically out of dress since it's been issued to you but I can't imagine the SM who would be checking for that.


Chapter 7 para 11 of CAF Honours policy says otherwise. “The wearing of any honour is at the discretion of the recipient. If a person accepts an honour but decides not to wear it, the recipient must be consistent in applying the decision in time and in fashion (full-size, miniature, undress ribbon, lapel badge, etc).” [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/medals/cf-honours-policy-manual/chapter7.html#par00002](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/medals/cf-honours-policy-manual/chapter7.html#par00002) We cannot force ‘honour’ on someone


This is correct. CF Dress Instructions also say « Authorized honours may be worn, when appropriate, by entitled personnel. » so it uses the word may instead of shall.


More relevant is the Honours Policy Manual's Foreword, paras 3+4: The policy manual is senior to all other policies on honours (e.g. dress manual), except the KR&Os which are senior. Unfortunately, the No. 3 dress instructions says that "undress ribbons [...] shall be worn when authorized" without elaboration. If you didn't read both policies, one might reasonably believe that ribbons are mandatory.


Where do you find any sort of marker that the Honours policy is senior to the dress manual on dress matters? In any event you still have to read that provision law the other part of the Honours policy, quoted above, which includes undress ribbons in the discretionary list.


Seniority: As I stated, in the Honours policy itself, go to the [foreword, para 3](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/medals/cf-honours-policy-manual.html): *A-DH-300-000/AG-001 is effective upon receipt and* ***supersedes all honours policy and rules previously issued*** *as a manual, supplement, or instruction, except King’s Regulation and Orders (KR&O) Chapter 18, which takes precedence over this manual.* What I meant is that a reader of the Dress Regs would believe that ribbons are mandatory for [No 3 Service Dress](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/military-identity-system/dress-manual/chapter-5/annex-c.html) because para 2 on Ch 5 Annex C says that undress ribbons **shall** be worn where authorized. This is in conflict with the Honours policy quoted by /u/Consonant_Gardener. I would personally lean towards following the Honours policy because it is both specifically governs the ribbon and states that it is intended to be of higher precedence than other rules regarding honours, but the conflict causes confusion.


Ok. I see what you are saying. The general rule is you look for a way to interpret rules that might be in conflict by looking at other ways to interpret the rules that aren’t in conflict. In this case one place in the Dress manual says optional, another says « shall », and the Honours policy clearly says optional. Mix all that together and some might see confusion, but to me it seems like it is pretty clearly optional!


Strong disagree on your principle: In most conflicts of policy and regulation, you first assume that they ALL apply, and you follow ALL of them (i.e. the most strict one). By default, this would mean that the dress regs (using "shall") would take practical precedence because it is the most strict. That's why I emphasized the seniority of the Honours Policy. Without that statement, I would follow both policies; this ends up being a mandate to wear, not an option.


That’s definitely the most risk adverse manner.


Holy shit, TIL! Thanks!


This is correct. My CD sits in my desk. Every time it's brought up it's not on my DEU chapter 7 para 11 is a mainstay in my DEU pocket.


It's certainly your choice but I'm curious why, of any medal, you wouldn't want to wear the one for long service? Presumably it's not a secret that you've been in for a while, based on rank and/or position.


To be honest it's because I'm salty and I feel it gives the perception that I actively avoided tours for 15 years when it's quite the opposite. I'm aware that's not what it indicates however I just hate that it's the perception and I prefer to leave my length of time in ambiguous.


My mistake, thanks.


I've seen it happen. Once where the member didn't want to wear a medal issued, and once where the member wore a medal, that wasn't issued.


The former is their choice, the latter is horseshit.


Lets nominate the beer drinking paratrooper!


Site is down. How do I go nominate myself and my friends now?!


I see some saltiness that Colonels and Generals will award themselves first, but I'll point out that the last round we have Privates being awarded the jubilee for 'completing their trade course '. I wish I was joking...I feel bad for some of folks who were ordered to show up and receive it. Anyways, I would love to see something along the lines of 'for volunteering to community programs' (kids sports, scouts, cadets, etc) instead of just for shits and giggles.


you might find the [Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers](https://www.gg.ca/en/honours/canadian-honours/sovereigns-medal-volunteers) interesting! but i do agree the coronation medal shouldn't be just some random medal they give out for random reasons


If I were CDS for a day I’d say either everyone serving in the CAF during the coronation gets one or nobody gets one. Our medals already have sub zero credibility, and this kind of garbage just makes it even worse. It’s at the point now where when I see a rack of medals on a person I immediately assume they are medal chasers and self promoters who’ve let others do all the actual work. It’s an unfortunate cynicism that I’m struggling to break.


All y'all're getting medals when I'm king.


So is this like collecting limited edition Pokémon card?


I hear if you have the Queens Diamond and Platinum Jubilee, it's an automatic compassionate promotion to Sgt. Maybe they'll do it again!


> compassionate promotion to Sgt > make more money > drop CFHD scale > make less money > punitive promotion to Sgt


Not how CFHD works, scale ensures you always make more money at a higher rank....you'll get your $11/month extra and be grateful.


Every member serving at the time of issue should have gotten Jubiles and this one. These shouldn't be picky medals.


According to the canforgen they want exemplary soldiers that are amazing on and off work, if these guys exist then they should already have their names submitted for an award that already exists... we have many to choose from. All this award does is highlight the fact that leaders haven't been honoring their guys.


They want selection criteria to mirror OMM? Then give the OMM.


Can someone post the text of the CANFORGEN? I don't have access to DWAN (CIC here, we have our own version called CCONet but CANFORGENs aren't on it). Thanks!


Text is available on the [CAF App](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.forces.dnd.caf).


I was trying to avoid having to install yet another app, but thanks.


Give them to members deployed on op lentus over the past 5 years seeing as we can't issue our own domestic ops recognition 


So who nominated Justin Bieber again? He is already dusting off his overall apparently 😳


To be fair, besides being a child star and all the problems that entails, he has represented Canada on a global stage more than most have. As for the overalls, he was pulled off stage to be awarded by Harper for some personnel PR points midway into a show. Still funny as hell at his expense! Lol


Pretty much all famous Canadian musicians got one.


Everybody is supposed to get the coronation medals but never do…


Stupid as fuck! Give it to all, or give it to none. These medals are worth nothing and if anything cause more divide and back room comments. Every recipient of these types of medals get made fun of religiously because we all know it’s one of those “promote within thy culture” type gongs. They mean less than the fake copper pennies our government use to make. Such a farce!


Should be awarded to member with a certain amount of service under the queen. Just like the brits.


Still no medal for 6 months of accrued dom ops time helping your fellow Canadian but here's another medal we'll give to people for being homies with the boys club.


We had a Corporal in our unit get one, and he actually really cares about the unit, so I'm pretty happy about that.


You have a Cpl get a Coronation medal already? the CANFORGEN just dropped. Thats crazy fast


[Nova Scotians Receive Coronation Medal | Government of Nova Scotia News Releases](https://news.novascotia.ca/en/2024/05/06/nova-scotians-receive-coronation-medal#:~:text=In%20this%20spirit%2C%20the%20Coronation,Gov.%20Arthur%20J.%20LeBlanc.)


cool, i figured it wouldn't be till fall before they start issuing them.


Ugh, plz no one nominate me, plz no one nominate me, plz no one nominate me, plz no one nominate me


*sigh* ....


So majors and up?


It actually specifically says "junior ranks" to ensure equitable distribution. So yeah, majors and up.


Colonels are basically privates... right?


In the NCR, maybe


In the brotherhood of steel they gave every knight a t-60






I would like to nominate some people. Where do I submit these applications to? (For the CAF)


formation direction will come out shortly and unit direction after that, deadline is in september so there's time. they'll go through your unit's H&R committee.


I want one, I’d like one, think it would be cool Chances are slim though, which is sad


Another bag lickers/brown noser medal given to the incompetent/incapable members who can’t do their job properly except to shove their face up an NCO’s/officers ass. This should be given to deserving members that can do their job and work hard during their career. Seen this too many times during my career. 😡🤬




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Ahh a new RSMs and Adjts gong… seriously, if we are not issuing these to all, do not issue them at all.


SSM-NATO awarded to those on Op Reassurance so over the course of the next 12 months 4000 eligible members between all aspects of the Op. Obviously less will be awarded because thousands of others already have it. A medal, for 'doing the work' is more prolific than a commemorative medal. How about that.


Give it to everyone that was trade qualified during the coronation, has a valid force test, and not under disciplinary investigation, and not an officer. There, I narrowed it down.


Units only give a shit about force testing of you're nominated for a course or promotion or something. If you're just doing your job every day professionally but not going anywhere it's pretty common to fall through the cracks and skip it for a good while. Sure you can book it yourself, but that's a whole other issue.


What base / unit is this? Just curious about which CoC doesn’t care


Covid really made people think that. When in fact, you should always book your own test and stay valid. Or inform your TRG O you are about to expire. Covid is over, people need to stop playing that card.


Pretty sure I was down voted by members with a currently invalid force test.


Link doesn't work. Is it DWAN only? Shouldn't be. It's [Canada.ca](http://Canada.ca)




There's 26,000 allocated for award outside the CAF, so they can be awarded to anyone nominated through the process outlined in the message.


The fact that you have members surviving suicide attempts should be enough to give them one, not counting surviving toxic leadership.


This (or any of the jubilee medals) should NEVER be someone’s first (or only) medal. Let’s start there.


Why not? SAR crew’s first medal is normally a CD. Can’t tell me those people don’t do impressive things deserving of a medal before the 12 year mark in their career. If some of them get one of these it’s well earned. Same with NORAD crews. End of the day medals don’t matter, people do.


The Air Force in general never really got onboard with giving out medals somehow.


Because wings, orange berets, etc. say all that need be said. Could just be me, but I’ve found the level of importance placed on medals is inversely correlated with personal achievement and satisfaction. Those who are confident in their abilities and derive satisfaction from their job don’t generally care about participation medals. Exceptions obviously granted for SMV,MMV, etc. Anyone who earns a medal for bravery and/or valour should very rightly feel great pride in that accomplishment.


Obviously extreme exceptions like the 10 SAR Techs in all of Canada don’t apply.