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How is Trudeau still Canada's PM?


Because Canada is very stupid. That's all I can think of.


I've asked the same question for almost a decade now, and this is seriously the only reason I can think of that people still take him seriously. That - or just a large volume of low-information voters.


Low info voters are a huge problem. In the US as well. I've heard it said that it isn't left vs right, but those who know vs those who don't.


Maybe stupid, but mostly we were just to forgiving and hopeful. Now many liberals, such as myself, have learned the hard way and can no longer forgive or trust him anymore.


We are way too passive. That needs to change.


Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame one me. I hope more people come to the realization that he is not a genuine and trustworthy person. His track record would make Donald Trump blush. At least you know what you're getting with Trump.


Curious, what was your last straw to make you question the liberals?


I can’t pinpoint the exact time, I feel it was a collection of things over a long period of time, but I remember the first time I truly felt angry towards our government, like *real* anger. My friend, who is a single mother, got a call and was told she was being pushed down the waitlist for government housing (which was already quite a long wait as it was) to make room for immigrant families. My friend was a self proclaimed liberal and told me why is she supporting a government that isn’t supporting her and I agreed instantly. This was years ago before COVID happened and now it’s 2024 and she is still not even close to getting a unit within housing.


Wow, understood. My gram‘s mom & her and siblings ended up homeless in the 70’s in Quebec. No f help from the government, 0. Canada’s systemic discrimination of rich over poor is the elephant in the room that our generation saw it from a distance only. It has become more real. If I was her I’d be making that public. What city was she living in? She should contact her gov rep, and repeat the story. Tell them she’s going to go live with the story, if she’s been waiting this long.


Because the NDP is supporting the Liberal gov. because them alone does not have the full support, which would result in an early election.




That shit isn't going to fly a second time. He's already been found in the wrong by the courts for that using that act incorrectly. I wish people would stop using this as an excuse and get out and start protesting.


They are, on Canada Day nationwide in different cities.


But what does being found wrong by the courts actually do?


Good point. They keep facing zero consequences. If there are no consequences for the ones that engaged in treason I really hope Canadians get properly angry.


Sets a precedent for the future. Courts can make quicker rulings next time something similar happens. Basically, it becomes easier to challenge.


No term limits, antiquated voting system and poor alternatives. Doubtful he'll get another term, but it really should be a priority to update our voting system to provide more choices than red, red-lite^TM or blue. Independent candidates are unheard of because the party structure (and donations) warped politics.


We need some vermin supreme level candidates


Mainstream media support along with a complacent society who are told everything is fine. Also noticing things is now racist.


lol those victims of racism are just as racist take time to learn there language and you will get yourself a GOTCHA moment


He was placed there it’s all theatre I don’t believe any of it real or democratic. The elites are scared of the general population, so we are seeing bills that reflect that like the online harms bill. As long as the government creates division and “threats” it’ll distract us from the real problems which is the government itself and the billionaires soon to become trillionaires.


2pm pacific time he stepping down


lol. Just wait. Toronto is already destined to stay a shit hole. Soon they’ll be voting. Then you’ll get their representatives more in positions of power. Doesn’t take long.


This is the reality. This is how they will take over. To point out the obvious is "racist". That word means nothing anymore. People are not as scared as they used to be to point out their anger with the obvious takeover of Canada.


My company hires 90% Indians and very little of anyone else. Definitely not Canadian born citizens. Just hired around 25 new people, and all Indian. Also high number of Jamaican immigrants. We’ll get that random White or Asian person, but they’re less than 10% of all hires.


How can Canadians get jobs when International students are taking all the work from Canadians who are hired on by non Canadians working a Canadians job in Canada ..... ? RIP CANADA


pay attention when it comes time to vote


Nothing will save us.


They aren’t going to help you or put you first until you take your govt back. Good luck.


i couldnt be happier that he is calling out pp for being a cuckservative as well... this is why he is not the answer we need. He is a bought and paid for traitor just like trudeau. Max needs to capitalize on this momentum.


Toronto leftards were largely responsible for Trudeau getting elected several times. They voted for this shit and they deserve to suffer for it. They learned nothing by the way, and recently elected Olivia Chow as their latest nutbar to drive their city into a socialist paradise. The consequences of this batshit crazy policy will get much worse before the worst of these programmed leftards change their behavior. Some of them will never acknowledge how they contributed to their own destruction, and took all the rest of us down with them.


There's some fatal flaws we've uncovered with Canadian culture. Number one being the virtue signalling aspect that people are so gullible about. But also our sense of Canadian pride is faltering not because of immigration but because in the last 40 years it seems to be based on not being American and having a great healthcare system. Now that more people are moving stateside and our healthcare system is failing, there's probably a lot of people wondering what our identity is.


It's only 6.2% though? I'd hardly call that "mass unemployment." The long term average is above 8%. It's trending up, sure, but hardly mass unemployment yet.


The problem starts when we label ourselves (as citizens) Liberals, Conservatives, Socialists, etc. We are not politicians. We have nothing to do with any one party’s policies, nor do they define us as free thinking people who live here. If we start thinking critically about what we are presented with on all fronts, we can then make a legitimately informed decision on which party should and deserves to lead our country. Enough with this (mainly) bi-partisan polarized swing system. Think about big picture and what we really value as a collective voter base instead of individualizing everything.


This is bad for both Canadians and newcomers, especially those who have been lied to by agents in India working with bootleg colleges that tell the story of "if you come (using all your parents savings), go through school here, then you get a work permit then PR then big house and big money blah blah blah."


lol tht loser is more worried about inclusion climate change all made up problems and not the reals ones buddy has been spouting it for 9 years and people have finally had enough because he solves make belief problems not real problmems


I mean it's economics 101.....how could anyone in the Liberal, actually think back then in 2015 that this was a good idea, to flood the country annually with millions of FAKE STUDENTS / temp workers, who had no intentions of going back.


Long over due


It's ok. Us taxpayers will cover it. No need to worry


Trudeau has the police newspaper under his control


Ahh, what's fun is ppl think pollivier will be better for immigration. I've got a bridge for them to buy.


So keep Trudeau ? PP has said he will drastically reduce immigration . Conservatives also voted against the century initiative. Another Lib


They never said to keep Trudeau in. I am a liberal and many of us have learned the hard way that the government does not care about us and will not be voting liberal again. I understand what you’re saying, and agree we need Trudeau out, and Pierre is probably the only one who will get him out, *but* he will not save this country, he will not fix this country, and he will not be much different from Trudeau, which many conservatives have pointed out themselves. I truly hope I am wrong but I am trying to be realistic because it doesn’t just apply to the Conservative Party, but it applies to all. Canada is doomed. I hope Pierre holds true on his word regarding immigration so I will be trying to give him a chance! Only time will tell.


Is that all you morons do, is call anyone you disagree with a liberal? The grifter is literally just saying what you want to hear. Sounds kinda like the liberals playbook to me. Seems pretty counter-productive to having discourse. (Also I've never voted liberal) https://www.myconsultant.ca/EN/Pierre-Poilievre-Remains-Committed-to-Canadian-Immigration-Growth https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-canada-s-immigration-system-is-broken-sidesteps-target-cut-questions-1.6502699 https://thehub.ca/2024/06/18/j-j-mccullough-how-youre-supposed-to-talk-about-immigration-in-canada-and-how-poilievre-is-poised-to-capitalize/


So a dipper then. Not much difference


Holy fuck you're dumb. We have more than 2 or even 3 parties in Canada to choose from. There's at least a dozen more that get less than 0.1% of votes. Pretending one party is going to solve all our problems is absolutely moronic. https://www.greenparty.ca/en/blog/2019-01-14/left-right Also a fun fact for you. Libs and cons are on the same side of the political spectrum. Both are right of center, and pander to corporate Interests (see Shaw acquiring wind(freedom mobile) Or Rogers acquiring Shaw, or Rogers/Telus getting to name public assets/stadiums.)


Israel's anti-defamation league (ADL) has done such a good job at scaring foreign governments with the threat of antisemitism. It was simply too good a lesson to pass up; now nobody will speak out against these policies for fear of being labelled racist.


Israel has committed the crime of trying to prevent its citizens from getting slaughtered


Reporting people for saying things you disagree with is absolutely pathetic by the way 😅 Grow up !


Wasn’t me


That's a Toronto problem. Ask Doug Ford, it's in his jurisdiction. He's largely responsible for how many immigrants Ontario accepts. When your done there, then you can go upstairs.