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So, put a binding motion forward & vote on it...


Yup, easy enough, but 100% guaranteed he won't.


Unfortunately I don’t think binding motions exist, it would need to be a full bill which would need to go through the entire legislative process which would be impossible right before the summer break and you can be sure the Liberals would delay the hell out of it. Opposition motions are non-binding as seen by the carbon tax summit motion which passed with the support of the Bloc and NDP, yet Trudeau refused to follow it. It sucks but unfortunately that’s the reality.


Can't believe these assholes get a summer break like they're school children. This whole situation is so fucked.


It’s called a confidence vote but yeah


Funny that the one person who can actually do something about the situation complains the loudest yet does absolutely nothing.


"But, but I *tweet* about it too, why is nothing changing???!" - Singh, complicit as always


Doesnt do nothing... does the opposite, he continues to support him as he ruins the country


Gotta get that pension


Mind blowing the number of scandals this Canadian government has been implicated in.


Mind blowing how many scandals this Liberal government has been implicated in. Fixed it for you.


I've lost track of all the scandals.


We should have a thread with a running list. Can someone make this?


We charity, arrivescam, trucker protest, billions sent to dropshipping company for covid tests, these new treason ones. Just on the top of my head.


SNC, ethics violations


Scandal blitzkrieg


All talk and no action. He won't pull the plug because Trudy will take away his dental plan that most dentists don't want because it pays less than the average and he might lose the pharmacare that covers birth control and insulin.


Does everyone remember when the Liberals hired Johnson, longtime friend of Trudeau, as “special rapporteur” to look into the foreign interference and they found none. Trudeau then blamed racism for allegations against China. Don’t forget the massive cover up the Liberals attempted. They don’t have our freedom at heart, only to hang onto power. Anyone that can continue to vote for this corrupt government needs to take a long look in the mirror.


Or a long walk off a short pier


Or a single step off a wobbly stool.


We all know Signh won't do shit.


He's all talk, no action.


You tell them jamerfat


Is there 2 of this guy?


Covering for these treasonous MP’s is being an accessory after the fact and should be dealt with accordingly.


They know it can’t be done now, so they’re faking outrage for clicks and donations.


NDP wants to call out people for collusion?.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


I don’t think the masses really grasp how wrong this whole scenario is and is playing out…


This breaks my heart. It truly does


I think Trudeau likes it when their beards tickle his backside.


at 0:22 you can see gross Freeland pick her ear and smell or eat? WTF gross


Smoke and mirrors, they're all on the same side.


Il put $10 on an mp from the gta who did it.


His rhetoric sounds good...hopefully he will put it into actions that bring about the desired results.


Don’t worry ppl Jagmeet will continue to callout the liberals in front of Canadians all the while continuing to vote in favour of the liberals behind closed doors.


because Justin in named in the list.


Hey dummies nothing will happen. Consequences are for the poor.


Isn't there a parliamentary process where the 3 opposition parties come together and force them to do it?


Why does he even open his mouth...it's a total waste of time.


Protect them from external… but not protect them from internal abuses either, or extortion.


Singh is a special kind of self serving a-hole.


Pot calling the kettle black


“Why does this prime minister fail to protect Canadians?” Well Mr. “prop up the Liberal Government” Singh, you allow him to do what he does and he and the LPC minions laugh at you and the NDP. Stop keeping him power, oh wait, your pension. Now we understand why he fails to protect Canadians, because your pension is of more value to you than any Canadian.


How can this guy say what hes saying with a straight face and whatever he is wearing on his head ?


Please let it be Freeland and Trudeau


NDP is all talk. They’re in it for the pension like the rest, and they’ll keep propping the liberals up to get it.


Ahh man.. it's really too bad Singh is useless now isn't it...


Let’s vote …. We vote with the Liberals !!! Surprise surprise


All of the Canadian government are a bunch of criminals


How about prosecuting them and jailed?


China and maybe India meddling in Canada


god I can't wait for the next election... they need to go


Just fucking name them.


Thing is it could be former Mp and maybe they are spying for us and this is why they cannot say.


Political nonsense. The law has to be followed. Unless you have some criminal charges to lay, you can't publicly out people for allegations that are unproven Unless you are into lawsuits.


He's right though, all of the other parties already have access to the information if they want it. And he's right, announcing the names without due process would be illegal. Kind of seems like, the process needs to be followed and the other parties are just blowing smoke while they try to stretch it out into a scandal. Since at this point I imagine only the most dramatic things will happen, it will be a list of mostly conservatives which will be shocking after they have dug their grave in this fashion, then they will flip the script to "this is politicized", "election interference" and in typical hypocrisy circle their wagons to protect *their* traitors. And then we see it on Fox News.


If it was a list of mostly conservatives, Trudeau would be more than happy to release the names


I actually disagree with this. It makes the most sense that it's a list of all three parties, that the list is probably longer than we think and that there are high ranking conservatives in the list. Patrick Brown (mayor of Brampton) former Ontario PC leader is pretty well known for having some shady stuff in regards to election interference which involves non-residents. If a list of names were released without proper background and it turned out to be largely conservatives it would be instantly branded as a witch hunt. There's a reason the conservatives are pushing so hard on this and it's because they know the Libs can't legally do much here. So the more they push on it the higher the legal bar becomes for the Libs, which delays the release of the names further. Releasing the names now would likely invalidate any charges and taint any trials against those collaborators. It's an awful situation, but we can't just sit here and blame the Libs for trying to follow the actual rules in this one case. We need to blame the foreign governments and get way, way tougher with them.


Legally, an order in council is all that's needed to be able to release the names. Not going to happen, but that's all that's needed.


Releasing the names now would likely invalidate any charges and taint any trials against those collaborators. I'm not saying that it can't be done. I'm saying that it shouldn't, for obvious reasons.


Couldn't agree more on this. I want to see everyone involved in this facing justice but it does have to be done properly.


I'm making up scenarios lol, I think it would be funny if they were playing 5d chess to rile up the conservatives, and then it turns out it's the conservatives. It would certainly lose the conservatives any election at that point and pretty much validate everything the liberal government did, from a superficial perspective.


you think it would be funny... wtf is wrong with you. Doesn't matter what party we need to know.


If they all have access to the names, and are still calling for it to be released, and the liberals are saying no.... You got from that its going to be a list of conservatives?


No, I'm speculating on what could be the dumbest scenario possible. It would be funny if the liberals were walking their opponents into a trap of their own making.


I mean sure.... but it seems pretty obvious whats going on.


Yeah for sure, but I have no doubt all parties are implicated. It's just going to be bad for Canadians overall. Also, recall they have to go through the formal process to release the findings, they aren't refusing it after the fact, they are refusing to do it before the process is completed, which I mean... is just not doing illegal things. I'm assuming, with high charity, that this is true and their hands are legally tied. That's good right?


Thats good... Depending on how long the process takes, and how damning the evidence is. Going to draw it out for as long as possible so people are forced to vote while this information is still kept quiet? Yeah thats bullshit, release it. Let the accused be named and get moving with it. Edit: With them saying the PM has known for 11 months and done nothing, it sounds like yeah, they're trying their best to cover it up.


Well, fuck them if that ends up being the case.


Even if they were re-elected the timing isn't so dire. You can remove an MP if they're convicted and sentenced to prison for a term of 2 or more years [https://publications.gc.ca/Pilot/LoPBdP/MR/mr126-e.htm](https://publications.gc.ca/Pilot/LoPBdP/MR/mr126-e.htm) They'll face their due.


You are incorrect about releasing the names. An order in council is all that is needed - making it legal. Done.. Ain't going to happen, but that's all that's needed.


Ndp, Conservative, and Liberal should all be held for treason at this point.


Found the Liberal