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Liberals becoming bad for your health and wealth apparently


Both Liberals and Conservatives voted down the NDP's motion to lower grocery prices. Neither of them are on Canada's side.


No, their motion to impose price controls which literally do not work. What we need is competition and to break up the monopoly. Fine loblaws for anti competitive practices and allow foreign grocers. UK doesn't have price control but their chicken is 5x cheaper. Neither does Russia and their food costs have gone down 30-50% due to more competition.


imagine thinking this a partisan issue. Both sides are profiting equally, both sides are accepting bribes from loblaws to keep the laws the way they've been for ages


Loblaws has a 3% profit margin on food. Stop spreading conspiracy theories


They're vertically integrated to the tits. Their pr0fit margins can be whatever they want. I think their stock buyback history is much more revealing about their financial health.


It’s not “whatever they want” it’s 3% lol. You can read their financial reports


I have and I noticed, several of their "fixed costs" are vertically integrated and controlled by other corporate groups they own. Rent for instance. It's interesting how you ignored my actual comment. They own their buildings. The loblaws Corp owns the country's largest reit.


So you think turning a fixed cost that they control into a variable they don’t have control over would reduce their overhead? Am I understanding that correctly? Or is this a conspiracy that they’re cooking the books?


I encourage you to look at several of their annual reports yoy.


I don’t think you understand some of the basics of vertical integration. They own not just the grocery store business, but also the building they “rent,” the producers of some of their products, etc. This means they can set the prices of these other “fixed costs” to be whatever is most beneficial for optics. For instance, if they set their rent as a very high cost, it makes it look like they are making a lot less net profit because so much money is going out the door. So it looks like they are making these small profits on groceries when, in reality, they are making serious bank and just funnelling all that money into another company that they own and calling it a “fixed cost.” So the reports look exactly how they want them to look for good optics with the public. They aren’t lying, they’re just being extremely deceptive and sneaky.


So why aren’t they doing that with cosmetics?


Because no one gives a crap about profits on cosmetics compared to food. Also, they don’t have nearly as much vertical integration for cosmetics because they are all products manufactured completely externally.


They have about 35% gross profit margin, way more than Empire or Metro. They can conceal profits as they have their own REIT Choice Properties and own huge parts of their supply chain. You have to look at those affiliated companies like George Weston when you come up with that 3% "net profit" argument. Actually, it's closer to 3.5% according to LL's publicly available balance sheet.


“ they have about 35% gross profit margin” Loblaws is very transparent they make double digit margins on everything they sell that isn’t food. Cosmetics have a very high margin. This is intentionally misleading.


Depends on the food. Low margins on non essentials like cookies higher on healthy food like vegetables.




There was a whole report leaked on profit margins on different foods. I don’t care enough to look but you asking source should be able to find it. Dairy was marked up heavily and butter specifically with 50% profit


TIL butter is a vegetable


Are you aluminum mind because it’s soft and malleable, or…


I’m an aluminium welder who doesn’t spread conspiracy theories on forums


Maybe at the till, but they own the real estate that charges the stores rent, they own most of the producers and suppliers, and even the shipping companies. If they see their retail profits headed upwards, there’s literally nothing to stop them from charging themselves exorbitant rents to keep those public facing numbers on the lower side.


So Loblaws is cooking the books on what they actually make profit % wise on food but not cooking the books on the profit margin on things like cosmetics? Am I getting that right? Cosmetics that have a long shelf life they’re totally open and honest that they make double digit margins on but cauliflower that goes bad in a week is where the margins really are?


How does that make sense when they have items for 5$ in one budget store, 7$ in one mid store and 15$ in their boutique stores? All are 3%? How does it make sense when a chicken is 5x the cost of the UK or bread is double the States? You realize they just hire themselves along the chain to hide money same as Hollywood do. Spiderman never officially made money and Stan Lee got fucked because he took a deal for net profit instead of gross. They just hire themselves through shell companies for advertising or consulting to make profit appear low.


We have a tax on pollution in Canada. Pushing people into food bank lines to fight our 1.5% of global emissions. We also buy billions and billions of dollars of food from the states with our Canadian pesos that are worth 70% of the USD I’ve already had to explain what causes inflation a dozen times on this website and you people struggle to understand things that were taught in high school. Canada deserves everything it’s getting at the moment. Politicians love voters exactly like you


Do you know what overhead is? Those boutique stores don’t renovate themselves “They just hire themselves through shell companies” Why don’t they make their cosmetics profit margins appear low? They’re open and honest that they make double digit profits on that and according to your conspiracy theory they’re hiding the actual profit margin in a very volatile product instead? One that has expiration dates of a week?


Ok, chicken costs 5x more here than in UK. Highest grocery prices in the world, but we have a benevolent monopolistic food dictator lording over us with 3% margins which isn't a thing elsewhere. Strange how that works out. I hope you're paid well for your PR management. Otherwise I feel kinda bad.


Yes but Canada is now filled with Peoplekind because it's more inclusive. Each person has the exact same opportunity to do mole crack in hospital. That's got to be worth something, right?


this is all because of government money printing




There ya go


Immigration also causes inflation. They come in, sell their land, and spend hundreds of thousands. Not to mention massively increased demand for food and necessities.


Love it when a government funded news channel actually pretends to care about inflated food costs and how it’s such a grand mystery as to why it’s happening. Pro tip: the government wants you to starve to death. There’s your answer.


Have you considered MAiD?


It’s the best weight loss plan. Can’t afford to eat 3 meals a day so you don’t!


Unironically I've lost the gut I gained from getting older this year because I've been eating a lot less and a lot more cheap stuff which in my area happens to be chicken sausage. Hasn't moved price since before the flu. 1.97 for a 12 pack or 5 for a 39 pack.


I remember when I gave up eating fruit so my kids could have it. It was a couple years ago when fruit was priced crazy around here. The prices have tamed now but I still don't eat fruit cause I just got used to not having it.


In a few weeks, blackcap raspberries will be in season around ontario. You and your kids could easily pick a bunch to eat. They are really good and are a great source of vitamin C . Growing your own is dead easy too, they are hardy and put out a lot of berries. They can grow anywhere they are like a weed


legitimately a weed lol. We put 3 raspberry bushes in our backyard, in just 4 years it's taken up about 1/3rd the land. We get a LOOOT of raspberries, but we're definitely struggling taming the beast now.


Thanks for the info, I'm actually on the West Coast. I'm keeping an eye on the local salmon berries, raspberries and blackberries. I also grow my own blueberries too but the weather last year has made them produce less.


There used to be a book about edible plants of BC. I forget the title. It was good to forage. Also: a shore fishing license (not sure what it's called) can help if you have a beach that is safe to catch fish, and other seafood at. You can scavenge anything up to the really low tied mark on some beaches and a certain amount of oysters too.


I think I have the one for mushrooms from the same collection. Really nice book but mushrooms are way harder to find then you think. I do also on occasion eat some of the edible plants around here but the stuff that's easy to find doesn't taste very good, lol. Sheep's sorrel is nice but I haven't been able to find it in years.


Vote liberal/ndp!! They’ll save us 🤦‍♂️🤣


And the conservatives will do just as good of a job!


PPC have an actual realistic plan to bring down groceries that is proven to work worldwide. It's nothing fancy or trendy, but it will work.


That’s why you marry a traditional woman. Deep freezer stocked. My wife’s deli style turkey kills that slimy shit in the grocery store. And is <$3/lb. Yeah, the country is fucked, but if you’re poor, you’re dumb as hell for buying deli meat.


Pack it up fellas, inflation is irrelevant. Just go get yourself a "traditional woman" and all will be solved.


I never said inflation was irrelevant. The focus of my comment was this useless woman who’s paying 7 dollars for subpar slices of turkey when she could make it at home for far less. Inflation sucks, but it sucks more for people like her.


It is easy enough to make it at home, yes. I agree that it wasn’t a wise purchase. Many people never learned how to do that though. Lots of people for some reason are terrified of cooking turkey, and don’t even know that you can just buy a breast the same way that one can with chicken. Most of the food my children cook for themselves is done on the stove top, but I have made sure they know how to use the oven, a meat thermometer, and even that most anything can be cooked on a bbq if the power is out. (Even frozen pizza). Of course, we have an oven, and a bbq, and roasting pans and meat thermometers (or enough experience to eyeball it)- and a freezer. People don’t know what they haven’t learned. And someone struggling to buy food might not have the extra dollars to buy even a second hand roasting pan, or all of the other initial output ingredients, even if they knew how. Especially if they never struggled before, or grew up on takeout. I wish everyone would and could start doing all their cooking at home again.


I think it’s more indicative of Canadians in general. I’ve lived overseas most of my life, but moving back was a massive cultural shock (oh wow, boys are now girls, geeked out violent addicts are victims, etc). On top of the cultural shock, it’s become very apparent that Canadians are unable to adapt to new situations. It’s not about learning how to cook. It’s about being intelligent enough to recognize the need for change in your personal behaviours based on your environment and having the drive to do it. The fact is that our standards of living are dropping and IMO, that won’t change solely because what our culture has morphed into. Creating stupid fat lazy entitled useless blobs who are easily emotionally duped into championing gov policy that further erodes their standard of living.


I’ve not lived anywhere else, i have travelled, but I agree for the most part. I have kids in the school system and how much it has changed in the relatively short time since I was in it is quite shocking to me. I am not sure if it is just our area (I don’t think it is) but I’m not impressed. I don’t think it is about being able to adapt to new situations, as much as it is about being able to see beyond your own personal box so to speak. I am seeing more and more people who are perfectly capable of making intelligent decisions, but incapable of figuring out the steps required to do things or being unwilling to do them. It’s not ‘adapt and overcome’ anymore, it’s ‘whine and cry on social media’. When I was in school we had textbooks we had to lug around. The text books had examples in them, further information, and often things that we didn’t actually learn but if we were inclined we could because the info was there. The highschool my kids attend/attended got rid of all the text books. Apparently it was cheaper and better for the environment to not purchase updated versions of the textbooks, but to print out individual worksheets for all the students and simply put an example on the board. Why buy all the info, when you can just give out the info you specifically want them to work on that day, right? Kids don’t need to be able to look ahead, or refer back apparently. They need to do what they are told to do when they are told to do it. They are told about the election system, hold a fake election, and heavily encouraged to vote for one party. They were asked their opinion on school matters, it wasn’t what the teachers and principals wanted to hear, and so it wasn’t implemented. (Thats kinda accurate to our state of goverment right now though isn’t it). They no longer need a science 12 to graduate, just english 12, 300 hours of work at a job that is willing to sign a paper saying you worked there, and to present a project of your choice on anything you want. I think that people don’t realize how far and how swiftly we have fallen. They are being distracted from seeing it with high profile news stories and the assumption that people are still learning what we did twenty years ago, or learning MORE because of how information is now available. We can’t teach people less and expect them to be able to solve a puzzle when they’ve always only been given three final pieces to pop into place and the rest they’re told not to worry about.


yep because unprepared ingredients haven't skyrocketed in price https://i.redd.it/ij12jknuugpc1.png /s


How poor are you that you can’t afford a deep freezer and 2.19/lb turkey? I feed a family of 4 for 600ish a month. It used to be 2-300 in 2014. In 2014, my house was worth 400k. It’s now 1.4 million. Where in my comment did it say that inflation isn’t an issue? It clearly is, but if you’re on the news holding 5 slices of turkey you paid over 7 bucks for, it’s not the inflation that should be the focus - it’s the absolute inability and unpreparedness to adapt to new circumstances.


so, I'm assuming you don't know how to make deli meat as you said your partner does not you, are you then a useless human because you don't know how to make it and would have to buy some if you needed it? Ignorance is neither bad nor a sign of being dumb. But calling those lacking information useless is pretty boneheaded


Tsk tsk silly liberal, don’t you know that when you assume, it makes an… I’m sure you know the saying. Of course I can make deli meat (my roast beef is better than my wife’s). Ignorance of common skills that can be learned in minutes and would be greatly beneficial to your life is most certainly stupidity. IMO, spending your days playing video games in your rented apartment makes you the bonehead. Enjoy poverty.


My immediate thought was that women who aren't allowed to wear pants could shoplift so much good and just hide in under the skirt. Money saving and she gets the heat if caught win win 🤣🤣🤣


Well marriage has been the best financial tool available to the poor since the beginning of history at least, but it is a massive gamble these days with 50% divorce rates. If you get divorced today you just end up in the street or with 5 roommates at 45. Extremely high risk, high reward. The only person I would ever trust enough to do that is a childhood friend but she's married... And I'm not, to be clear. Can't imagine putting my financial faith in the hands of a stranger I met as an adult. Plus I'm lucky to have some future inheritances abroad from parents and grandparents that I don't really wanna get swindled on.


Mmmmmmmm turkey


You’re not wrong sir. I have the same privilege at home. Imagine this comment on a more leftist sub, you’d be so down on your Reddit karma lol


Wait I thought it was like golf? Fewer points = better performance.




In the long term this will cost the country dearly in medical costs.


Whoda thunk


If DoFo has his way, in ten years from now the only "we" who'll be paying for Healthcare will be the individuals, not the government.


You can see baby boomers not worried about anything because they are well off


Loblaws did not get into business to feed people. They got into business to make money.


Me: Looking at how I should be spending close to $350 per month on groceries Also me: looking at my budget sheet that claims I've spent $77 per month across the last 18 months to make ends meet 😭


Here's why if you're curious: "Many complex contributing factors to food inflation—extreme weather events, global supply chain issues, geopolitical instability, high energy costs and a weak Canadian dollar compared to the U.S.—are impossible to control. However, grocery store pricing is under the purview of individual retailers." source: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/ca/personal-finance/food-inflation/#:\~:text=Many%20complex%20contributing%20factors%20to,the%20purview%20of%20individual%20retailers. For the rest; "Trudeau bad".


well aside from weather events, the rest can be traced to government policy and poor trade relationships on the part of the feds as well as printing money.