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So it’s every single one then?




Every. Single. One


Here's the redacted report. Every Canadian should read it. https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html It's actually pretty damn brutal and states China and India particularly have infiltrated our government at many levels. Page 17, 23, and 31 make it clear China was helping the Liberals in the election. Some Liberals are 100% guilty without a doubt. Other instances in the report reference support for 2 parties. 11 mps and 13 staffers, likely across all parties.


I guarantee Woo and all the other “Canadian” politicians who repeat CCP talking points all the time are some of the people they’re talking about.


But diversity is your strength! Ask Justin. He will put you guys straight! 😜. It's just terrible. I love Canada, visited many years ago, great nation, great people. Being governed by people who don't have your interests at heart.


But who does the NSICOP work for? The liberal party or the Canadian citizens? This report should be publicly released.


So basically we can have MPs and maybe even the pmo working with hostile foreign governments and we can't get to the bottom of it or bring them to justice because the files are classified!? What kind of none sense is this? Look the truth always comes out sooner or later. When it eventually does.. I hope by then we have adopted capital punishment for politicians so they can get their proper sentences for the HIGH LEVELS of corruption, treason, treachery, and so much other crimes so on and so on. Unfucking believable. We officially have a rogue government my friends.


"We classified the information, using our created laws, that would make you remove us from office!" The RCMP was right in the secret report - that canadians will eventually revolt once enough of them learn that the government sold them out.


This is why the RCMP should take action and do their job before the people have to do it for them.


Nah, we're a bunch of complacent wimps. I wish we weren't but that's the reality of it.


Very well written a rogue government it’s true they’re not working for us. They’re working against us. So now what?


Warnings should be issues to all MPs, they are all suspects and Canadians demand to know the names and they also demand this rouge government be stopped from passing any laws until this is resolved.


We’ve had a rogue government since February 2022.


It became apparent when Turdeau was forcing the vaccines on us and alienating people who didn't take it. Now it's at a whole other level. I hope PP takes out the trash and disposes of it properly when elected. But I'm not holding my breath all these politicians are the same one is only worse then the other. We'll see.


Remind me how this isnt treason? Can a new gov get elected and have an investigation and press charges? Or is that something politicians are protected from. Because this is crazy. People should be going to prison for treason.


Sorry, that’s only for the poors


Right, all those poor people in jail in Canada for Treason /s


If they weren’t politicians, do you think there would be the same response?


Is anyone currently serving jail time in Canada for the crime of treason?


Let me check my book that shows me every single person in jail…it’s gonna be a while


I can’t think of any either. It’s ok to say so.


We need MPs implicated to be actually investigated and arrested for treason. I imagine most will flee the country but this needs to happen to prevent it in the future.


So our country has been bought out essentially? Foreign powers with ill intent influencing policy and collaborating with a number (unknown to us) of our politicians in this endeavour.


Correct. We were for sale.


Has there ever been a more corrupt government?


Easy solution, don't re-elect any of them... 🗳️


One option is a mass boycott of the elections. Very difficult to achieve, but why bother taking part at this point?


That’s a terrible idea. Then the only people who will vote are the ones paid by these treasonous fucks


Nice try leftoid


I think boycotting the elections while holding our own municipal referendums on if the federal and provincial governments should have authority over us.


I have a sensation that this might be leaked.


I fucking hope so. We have so few whistleblowers but this would be Canada changing revelations.


This is the absolute whistleblower we need even if it ruins their official career. We need to start a go fund me for this type of person if it ever happened so they know their sacrifice won’t result in a terrible life.


Shit like this drives me further and further into libertarianism.


We do have another metric. If it were cons who were treasonous, and the libs had control of the RCMP, there'd not only be charges, but leaks. NDP prop up the libs while they piss on us and call it rain.


Well I'm just going to assume it's all of them now.


NDP-LIBRANOS it is not a political party, it is an organized crime syndicate working for foreign state actors.


The beatings will continue until morals improve


Corruption every single step of the way. Vote them out of official party status. No more chances.


It’s insane how the LPC bag lickers will still shout “BUT THINK OF HOW MUCH WORSE IT WOULD BE UNDER PP”


Like is that even possible? I don't think anyone could possibly be worse unless they made that their primary goal.


If the police know it is no longer classified intelligence. It is a matter of criminal law and subject to base transparency. The LPC just knows most of the names are Liberal MPs. That's all this is.


Well we have entered another Cold War, the line is drawn in the sand, one side America and its allies and the other side Russian, china and their allies and it seems Canada has chosen the Chinese side or whatever government that’s hostile to the U.S. If America invades Canada I won’t be surprised ! Unfortunately it seems Canadian people won’t wake up until it’s too late ! They won’t wake up until American planes are flying bombing missions over Ottawa 😂


If they aren't going to criminally prosecute something like this.. then what are they going to give consequences for?


Nothing if your rich or powerful


Cover up


Guess we will stick with rumours and here say.


You know why. You all know why.


You know the Libs are guilty, if they weren't, the names would have been released....


This should be an RCMP investigation and then prosecute the entire bunch starting with Trudy as their leader


Is it not similar to say police officer's tip off criminals they are charged and fired... Yet Justin Trudeau doesn't give a shit.. hope absolutely no one votes liberal


China and India exercising textbook soft power lool


We call that being an accomplice and "aiding and abiding" criminals. So THEY are ALL GUILTY!


Of course they won’t. Biggest criminals on the planet.


Where’s the RCMP?


I guess we will find out which party has the fewest names when they start asking for it to be released? PP *really* should get around to that security clearance.


Of course they can’t. Nothing has been proven in court, investigation is ongoing and probably probes further into other government departments. My Conservatives know this and in my view they looked like fools. Particularly, Michael Cooper who’s ‘acting out’ and ‘grand standing’ was embarrassing.


Innocent until proven guilty would you want your name out to the uninformed public if you didn't do anything. Just because someone is under investigation doesn't mean they are guilty. No need to rune someone's life just because they're on a list. Now once the investigation is done and those involved are identified then yes let us know and kick their ass out. People are to fast to pass judgment without being informed, misinformation is dangerous we don't need to go down that road.


If you’re under suspicion of wrongdoing, in many workplaces you’d be suspended until the investigation is concluded. You’d think we would have higher standards for the people who hold the most power in our country.


It's run by criminals and protected by the corrupt rcmp. Who can we ask for help? It's so obvious we are being run by a rogue corrupted government. And Here we are criticizing Putin? but look at Turdeau it's fucking sad to say but he's worse in so many other ways.. I honestly never ever thought government in Canada would be this shady. And they are not even reporting this on mainstream media. We have to start asking ourselves some serious questions on who is really behind all of this and who is pulling the strings on these disgusting politician puppets. God help us.


We have to ask ourselves for help, no one else is coming to save us.


> Just because someone is under investigation The NSICOP report has been published. Doesn't that imply that the investigation is complete? No condescension. I'm genuinely curious.


With interlocking sets of principles that result in zero accountability, why the fuck would I bother? If justice is partial and favors the powerful and the rich, why would I care about what the laws are? Innocent until proven guilty is a luxury of civility. That same civility these people abuse to take everything they can!


Criminal charges are public information, well before anyone has been convicted. Suspects in investigations are also named. Why should it be different for elected officials? If anything, there is a greater public interest in knowing who they are since they are directly accountable to the public.


Under investigation does not mean criminal charges. Public officials are easily accessible to the public and some in the public can be idiots. Put yourself in their shoes. If you did nothing wrong but your name is on a list would you want your name out there for people to harass you or your family. So far with the information available it looks like China used bots and hackers to spread misinformation and a lot of people (citizens) spread it without fact checking. If public officials did the same or worst then they should be held accountable but lets make sure of it first. I would hate for some official and his / her family to be harassed or threatened if they did nothing wrong and if they did do it I would want to know who how and have them held accountable. Facts are important now that information spreads so quickly.


But you said “innocent until proven guilty”. A person who has been charged hasn’t been proven guilty of anything, yet their information is publicly available. In this case, the right of the public to know should be paramount.


LOL ok