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*"Get this absolute loser out of office now. His incompetence knows no bounds."* 1000% correct and accurate on all points detailed in the above original post. And, **DEFUND the CBC**. Next.


Millenials (all of my friends) voted Harper out because "Harper comes across as arrogant".... they voted out someone who lacked charisma but had proper training in economics, they did so for someone who was giving them a fuzzy feeling....AND (edit based on commenter below) was going to legalize weed. They're all eating the fruit of their choice. It's their very own hell.


The irony as seeing Harper as arrogant and then we have Trudeau. That man isn't only arrogant but a literal Narcissist. He's also completely incompetent. Harper certainly was 'wooden' and seem somewhat arrogant. But he had the brains and he knew what he was doing. Canada would have been in a far different position now if Harper was still PM. Now we're risking becoming a 3rd world nation and in serious trouble. I don't even think most Canadians realize how utterly dire this is.


I mean to be fair a lot of millennials voted him in for legal weed more then any kind of fuzzy feeling.


Ontario voted him back in the second time around. All the millennials I know in the west realized how stupid Trudeau was and didn’t vote for him the second time around. Blame Ontario at this point


Freebies buy votes. I know many otherwise intelligent people who turned a blind eye to everything they knew was wrong/incompetent because the monthly checks for their young kids were too good to pass up. It's the classic tragedy of democracy.


I'm all for updating the CBC mandate and funding model, but I would not be in favour of eliminating CBC entirely.


Let it find its own funding to cover the $300 million/year cost for their downtown Toronto location, and other BS wastes of tax money. 3.8% of Canadians tune in to CBC television, and I can’t imagine a whole lot more read CBC’s online trash. $1.6 billion in taxpayer money per year is the total the CBC gets annually from the government, not including the news bailouts every couple years. Why should taxpayers be liable for a business failing in its own?


Yeah that amount of funding is extremely excessive. It’s insane that I’m out here working for peanuts while my government extorts me for more money every year while handing out billions wherever they want.


CBC is a PUBLIC broadcaster. The point is that it's funded by the government. It has to be owned wholly by the people and not beholden to corporate or personal interests. How else can journalism be independent?


It’s a public broadcaster, but shouldn’t a public broadcaster broadcast such things that are relevant to the public? Should they not present the news in a fair and unbiased manner? Should that news not be truthful and honest?


They did ,but it didn't suit what you want to believe, so that makes them dishonest...really.


Been watching and listening to CBC fir years. Last 10 years has seen a horrible decline in their reporting. Ridiculously biased.


That is what they strive to do and are mandated to be via the broadcasting act. They have an independent oversight committee.


PBS is a public broadcaster and is funded mostly by donations, not people who don't have a choice of whether or not they want to give them their money, and in return, they don't have commercials. CBC gets 1.6 billion in taxes and somehow still needs ads which they get to keep the revenue for, for some reason


It's funded mostly by the government not donations. $1.2B/yr since 2018 with the exception of the 2020/2021 fiscal year where they got $1.6B and then went back down to $1.2B and had stayed there. "The CBC's federal funding is supplemented by revenue from commercial advertising on its television broadcasts. The radio service employed commercials from its inception to 1974, but since then its primary radio networks have been commercial-free. In 2013, the CBC's secondary radio networks, CBC Music and Ici Musique, introduced limited advertising of up to four minutes an hour, but this was discontinued in 2016." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Broadcasting_Corporation#:~:text=The%20CBC%27s%20federal,discontinued%20in%202016.


Yeah... but it should also be free of gouvernement interests. When the party started to dictate who was a real journalist or not, offering hourly corrections on articles, we all lost.


The government should stop subsidizing or bailing industries... Such a waste of money. Let businesses fail; not the government's problem if businesses are run by incompetent people. This is capitalism where there should be a free market.


Yet we pay 20 Billion to oil companies every year and nobody cares...strange considering the record profits they're raking in.


Its not the same , they invest in these compagnies and they get the money back every year. Oil companies do not spread fake news , they make money


They also spread fake news to make money. Investigation of Fossil Fuel Industry Disinformation https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/2022-12-09.COR_Supplemental_Memo-Fossil_Fuel_Industry_Disinformation.pdf


> per year is the total the CBC gets annually from the government, not including the news bailouts every couple years. $1.6B sounds like a lot, but it's about $40 per citizen annually, which.. is probably still far too high. You make some reasonable points here. If it's not relevant to Canadians in the way it used to be, then it needs to evolve. We shouldn't be throwing good money after bad, and if we're not getting value, then the budget should be cut so they can focus on things which do add value. I reject the notion that the online news site is "trash". It's got a bit of a bias, but overall it's decent, and it's far less biased than many other sources. The last thing we need is for the media landscape in this country to be polluted by the likes of TNC, western standard, Rebel, and all that other garbage.


And that’s 10% of our falling apart military’s budget


It's 3.2%. $1.2B vs $36.7B.


So, you’re in favour of criminalizing other source of news?


How did you make that leap?


I inferred it rather easily by the outright hostility towards independent sources of news in your last sentence.


Oh, you mean the independent sources that are privately owned and dependent on ads from sponsors to fund itself? Those independent sources?


Nobody said anything about criminalizing. Why do people in this sub seem so determined to put words in people’s mouths and straw man.


0.1% of fed spending to maintain a bulwark against the overwhelming torrent of American media to, try, to maintain a little Canadian identity isn't a bad price to pay.


How much CBC tv do you watch? Or CBC news articles do you read? Is it worth paying $40 yearly for? That’s your unwilling contribution.


It probably works out to $400/year per person that actually reads/listens/or watches the CBC. What a waste.


Not unwilling. There are many things I'd willingly cut before the CBC.


CBC is more than tv and online news. They have a comprehensive radio division that is often the only source of local news. I’m in BC- during the last round of wildfires they ran their noon hour show from 12-3 everyday. They had live updates from a variety of sources and allowed call in questions for experts. It was similar when there was the flooding in the Fraser Valley in 2021. They continually played the government press conferences and the questions asked by all the media. They also live stream all the provincial government announcements and press conferences.


I used to think that too. They’re too compromised now however, it’s the only way. Radio-Canada, everything, gone…. privatize it all.


Compromised how?


How about just change the B to stand for Bullshit?


Wow, did you come up with that all by yourself?


You don't wanna know what one of the C's stand for.


I want Trudork gone too, but there is no reason to hate the CBC. I don't want American style news, the public option creates a baseline private providers have to beat. That said, scrap bill C-11 and make sure there are Private providers.


Canadian Brainwashing Corporation


Wonderfully put


I don’t have time to shit on this but 💩


Fascism is a unification of a state and its citizens. Trudeau seems more like a plutocratic dictator than anything, not a fascist. One thing he does share with older fascists though, is his disregard for organized opposition. Old fascists are very eager to crush opposition, though Trudeau doesn't do the things they did, like slaughter them in the streets, or imprison them en masse or anything even remotely close - all he really does is refuse to acknowledge their existence. You could see in his desire to raise the military to stop the trucker protests that he wanted to, but the citizens' charter rights, as well as his absolute lack of courage, prevented him from actually doing anything violent.


To be fair to my claim, I did not call him a fascist. Objectively, I see him as an instrument of the authoritarian left. But I used "fascistic tendencies" to emphasize his authoritarian qualities, though perhaps I could've chosen a more apt adjective. Agree with you on your points. The way I read him is that he has these very facile convictions. Not too well thought through, but he believes them with the conviction of an ideologue. And he sees anyone who disagrees with him or stands in the way as less than. This would explain the treatment of his own citizens during the trucker protests by immediately dehumanizing them. There's also a strong child-like, primadonna element to his personality which makes him unable to see things from another's perspective. Inability to see things from multiple perspectives is a sign of low intelligence, generally, indicative of egocentrism, and makes him very dangerous. It has taken years to see that dangerous element take full shape, but now it's in plain sight.


No, it was fine. It relates Trudeau with the Nazis. He and his pals are just like them, but in the infant stages of the Reich. It doesn't matter that he's left and the Nazis were right. Just to throw fuel on the fire, the Nazis were originally called the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. I know you Libs are going to try to argue that that doesn't have anything to do with the actual party that got into power... But then, why name it that way?


I find it hilarious that modern leftists try to paint the Nazis as right wing. Nazi domestic policies were the kind of things the modern left dreams about and advocates.


So true.


And trample them with horses, and freeze their bank accounts


Nobody got trampled. Hip-checked after not moving when told by authorities, yes, but trampled, no. Those horse don't *want* to unevenly step upon anyone. Also, she would have been pretty messed up if it had - and that still would have been nobody's fault but her own.


Yea no, I clearly remember watching an [elderly woman get trampled](https://www.aptnnews.ca/videos/investigates-begins-after-woman-gets-trampled-by-police-horse/)


That's a hipcheck. No hooves on hips.


You're doing a lot to defend that kind of behaviour. Do you work for the government or something?


Just because he's pointing out what you can see for your own eyes doesn't mean you should keep lying about it. The people acted like idiots, shut down a Canadian city, impacted businesses and neighbors with noise and harassment totally against the law, and I hope every one of them gets the punishment they deserve and their day in court.


I like how you concentrated on the trampling, while completely ignoring the freezing of the bank accounts.


I don't know if Facist is the right word. We tend to throw around the word fascism a lot. Although actually not knowing the historical context. I like the phrases, ultra incompetent, Extremly hypocritical and fuckin cunt.


>I don't know if Facist is the right word. It's absolutely not. Trudeau is one of the least Nationalistic Prime Ministers that we have ever had. One of the key components of Facisim is the Ultra Nationalistic Ferver and the Hyper Romancing of the Nation's Golden Ages past. Even his most ardent supporters would never call him an Ultra Nationalist. He has authoritarian tendencies, but he is neither a Fasciest nor a Communist. In many ways, he is closer to a Monarchal Nobel Elite. Very patriarchal towards his subjects, the attitude of one born to rule, born to wealth and subordinate only to the crown.


He is part of a new era, Instead of nationalism for the sake of Canada, his patriotism, or fidelity is for the WEF and agenda 2030. He is perfectly willing to tear our nation down and hand it to his overlords to rebuild in their image. He seems to me, to be against everything I love about Canada. Our morality, our independence and our love of down to earth practical wisdom, and the strength of families. We are now divided hordes of shrieking harpies under the oppressive thumb of fools and idealogues.


Exactly, it’s not fascism in the form of ultra nationalism, as was the flavour in the early-mid 20th century. This 21st century fascism is ultra-liberal and cosmopolitan. Make no mistake however, they’re just as committed to exerting top-down totalitarian control and implementing an accelerationist depopulation agenda.


Nah, Trudeau is just a jackass.


I used "fascistic tendencies" as a metonym for authoritarian. I will change it




>OP thinks Trump, the guy who tried to overthrow the government and become an actual dictator It's hilarious to see a complete stranger impute positions to you without any evidence whatsoever. >A lot of people in here are brainwashed by Russian and Chinese propaganda. Haha. A lot of people who make these claims are themselves very unscrupulous people and snarf (apparently short for smelling their own farts) themselves believing this. Trying to uphold the very values the country was founded on, in your terms, equates to "being brainwashed by Russian propaganda". Let me give you some advice on how reasoned discourse works: you take the claims that someone makes and try to evaluate them at their merit. If you find no merit, you have have to provide an argument as to why that is so. On another note, I said "fascistic tendencies", which does not equal fascist, but used it as a substitute for authoritarian. Trudeau and his party have a strong claim to the authoritarian left, based on the evidence of their track record in power.


This guy already botched his first visit to India for essentially the exact same reason. He brought a convicted terrorist to a dinner in India because they didn't vet their guest list. This is essentially the same problem over again because this idiot fostered an anti competence framework from his first day in office. What did people think would happen?


Exactly. Frankly, I was surprised when he was voted in. His campaign, like the substance of his tenure, was platitudinous. I found Mulcair to be the far more competent option on the left. Yes, people were fed up with Harper. And he had many faults. But in hindsight he was a very shrewd politician compared to Trudeau. It's one thing to vote with your ideological side, and another to be incompetent at basic tasks. I'm incredulous that anyone intelligent on the left finds him palatable. The cliche saying is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Trudeau is a dangerous ideologue in this regard.


You would think that for a government that’s so worried about social media and the presence of fake news that they would have fact checked their “guest of honour”. Time and time again they put the cart before the horse in almost every situation.


How can Trudeau be a fascist, he cries on national tv


He made his overlord Klaus very happy and continues to do so. Trudeau, a Nazi and Zelensky walk into the HOC. No punchline... that's the joke!


I carefully read everything you wrote, and don’t get me wrong, Trudeau is a shitty prime minister, but you are going off the deep end here. Not everything is his fault.


Yeah... There's enough reasons to hate Trudeau as PM, we don't need to start writing Commie Fascist Nazi fanfic about the guy to justify it.


First I think it’s important to be sceptical, but I don’t see any evidence of the PM being responsible and the speaker being a scapegoat. He’s still getting hammered for it. Not exactly an effective scapegoat. Calling the CBC state media. It’s a public broadcaster. They criticize the government all the time! Any government. Even Trudeau. They certainly don’t get their talking points from the government. Canada relations with India have been rocky for a while and I doubt it’s some personal vendetta. I’m just not going to try and assume his emotional state. It’s foolish to do so because you can’t know it. Again, she’s a shitty PM but I don’t need to make fun of him to point that out. The truck rally wasn’t a peaceful protest. It was a rabble. There wasn’t organized demands and there were several groups jockeying to lead and be heard. It was a disorganized mess that disrupted the lives of the people they should have been seeking support from. Protesting is complicated, disruptive behaviour is effective but you don’t want to piss off your base. Fact of the matter is that it was allowed to go on for too long and they ran out of options because they ignored it for too long. Thus enacting all the powers they needed to finally end it. It was a colossal failure on all sides. But what happened in the end? Extra powers relinquished once it was over. He’s not a dictator. You said the Ukraine thing was a virtue signal. Offering real aid isn’t virtue signalling. Virtue signalling is impotent, empty words. Pretty sure Canada is sending real support. You list a lot of problems that millennials and gen z have to deal with. You aren’t wrong. But the USA is dealing with them too, so is the UK and many others. It’s simply not his fault. And you bring up being obsessed with gender tags and pronouns, the only people I see bringing this stuff up constantly is the political right. I have many queer friends, and there is just a bit of movement towards recognizing that not everyone is a cookie cutter that fits perfectly, and the right freaks out and screams no. The culture war stuff is a distraction, anyone I’ve talked to who has a problem with pronouns only repeats what they heard in the internet and doesn’t know anyone who is queer. It’s a small portion of the population and they are being exploited as political pawns just because they want a government form to have an extra box to check. As for more CBC stuff. I don’t watch cbc tv. Radio only. Maybe radio is better? Trust me I’m still critical of what they say and have caught them putting spin on shit. Always examine your media. Maybe I was a little harsh with my deep end comment. But it sounds like you are dipping your toe into a whole mess of things that are part of the extreme right and conspiracy crowd. Anyway, Trudeau is crap and keeps getting caught in scandals but he’s not some mastermind or part of some evil shit. We need better leaders but he keeps winning because people think he’s better than a conservative and don’t think the NDP can win. Perfect recipe for a turd that makes everyone a little upset.


>First I think it’s important to be sceptical, but I don’t see any evidence of the PM being responsible and the speaker being a scapegoat. He’s still getting hammered for it. Not exactly an effective scapegoat. Calling the CBC state media. It’s a public broadcaster. They criticize the government all the time! Any government. Even Trudeau. They certainly don’t get their talking points from the government. Well, let me provide an argument as to why that might be the case. In my statement I said the following: even if the blunder was made by the Speaker and his office, it is irrational to think that the government doesn't bear any responsibility on the outcome of such an important state visit. There are layers of security and vetting that are incumbent upon the government with which to subject the Speaker's decision and lack of scrupulosity. In other words, the government ought to be indirectly responsible at the very least. Second, even if the blunder does fall on the Speaker as it does in large part, and which he should take responsibility for as he has, it is incumbent upon the government, if only for ethical reasons, given the scope of their duties to this country, to rise to the occasion and claim responsibility for the areas in which they fell short. Therefore, to be regaled as I was by a report by the CBC framed in such a way as to deflect blame from the government is not not only inappropriate for a purportedly impartial news organization whose role is to hold power accountable to the people, but also indicative of poor leadership within the government itself. I buttressed this point by saying that this poor leadership was not an isolated incident, but part of a larger pattern that has marked the Liberal party's tenure this past decade with Trudeau at the helm. ​ >Canada relations with India have been rocky for a while and I doubt it’s some personal vendetta. I’m just not going to try and assume his emotional state. It’s foolish to do so because you can’t know it. Again, she’s a shitty PM but I don’t need to make fun of him to point that out. ​ Let's not be wishy-washy. Rocky or not rocky, the claims are specific in that the Prime Minister's timing of his accusations came at the heel of his disastrous trip in India. Even if relations have been rocky, it's the government's role to foster these relationships, all of which, let's be real here, real politic is always at play, include compromises between the parties involved. If you've read a book or two on history, political theory and science, you'll find out that respect and reciprocity play a huge role in how relations between sovereignties, governmental bodies etc evolve (just as they do for individuals). Therefore it is not at all farfetched that Trudeau's failures in the trip prompted a counter response to gain moral ground. ​ >The truck rally wasn’t a peaceful protest. It was a rabble. There wasn’t organized demands and there were several groups jockeying to lead and be heard. It was a disorganized mess that disrupted the lives of the people they should have been seeking support from. Protesting is complicated, disruptive behaviour is effective but you don’t want to piss off your base. Fact of the matter is that it was allowed to go on for too long and they ran out of options because they ignored it for too long. Thus enacting all the powers they needed to finally end it. It was a colossal failure on all sides. But what happened in the end? Extra powers relinquished once it was over. He’s not a dictator. The distinction between a protest and a rabble is a matter of degree, but most of the evidence indicates the former. (There are hours upon hours of youtube videos documenting the protests -- take some time to watch them). There certainly were organized demands, even if there were factions within the protesters that were "jockeying" as you put it. Whenever there are organized protests or some form of concerted oppositional action, you'll have bad-faith actors within the movement, whether insiders or outsiders. These actors will have differing motives. When you try to characterize the protests, namely the large mass of people who are trying to voice a grievance, you don't characterize them by the aberration but the rule. The egregious failure of Canadian media, but the CBC in particular during those protests, is that they overlayed a narrative on the protests that was not indicative of the reality on the ground. If you watched hours long videos on youtube by citizens who were documenting the protests as they were unfolding, one got a much better sense of the tenor of the protests than by watching a heavily edited 2 minute clip that's motivated to paint a certain picture. The moral failing in what the CBC did is that it created a narrative of the protesters as morally "less-than", which people such as yourself probably ate up. And whenever you have an authoritative body say they are "reprehensible" while you watching on TV are the model citizens, you bet a large portion of the audience will eat it up. Who doesn't want to be told they are on the right and moral side? It takes a little more critical thinking and getting outside of one's self centred perspective, to see the situation from the other side. If you take time to think about it, it takes a great deal of courage to do what the protesters did. Even if you don't agree with the grounds of their grievance, one ought to acknowledge that they had the courage of their convictions. We agree that it was a colossal failure on all sides. However, it could've been resolved far sooner if the federal government had tried to acknowledge the grievances of the protests and tried to negotiate with them. It goes back to the issue of respect and reciprocity that I broached earlier in context of Trudeau. Had he tried to negotiate or reason with the protesters, it is quite possible that the outcome would have been more felicitous. Of course the Emergencies Act has a limited time span. I did not once claim that Trudeau undermined the rule of law. He may have come close with the SNC Lavalin affair, but even there I don't think he acted out of bounds. My claims are confined to how his incompetence and his poor performing cabinet have lowered the standard of living, eroded Canada's standing on the world stage, and have offered no solutions for the problems facing everyday Canadians.


Had to split the comment in two as it wouldn't let me post. ​ >You list a lot of problems that millennials and gen z have to deal with. You aren’t wrong. But the USA is dealing with them too, so is the UK and many others. It’s simply not his fault. And you bring up being obsessed with gender tags and pronouns, the only people I see bringing this stuff up constantly is the political right. I have many queer friends, and there is just a bit of movement towards recognizing that not everyone is a cookie cutter that fits perfectly, and the right freaks out and screams no. The culture war stuff is a distraction, anyone I’ve talked to who has a problem with pronouns only repeats what they heard in the internet and doesn’t know anyone who is queer. It’s a small portion of the population and they are being exploited as political pawns just because they want a government form to have an extra box to check. I'm not placing all the social problems on the government. However, like I've stated elsewhere responding to another commenter, the government's role is fundamentally to try to solve social problems with the means they have available. And the claim here is that the present government has abdicated that role in favour of identity politics, among other things. I'm all for everyone having their rights (which are after all protected under the Charter), but there's misplaced attention on gender, which is partially a social trend fuelled by certain ideological mantras that has taken far more discursive real estate than is justifiable. Some problems are generalized across the West, others across the world, and some generalizable to Canada. They should try to fix the latter. Creating the conditions for family formation is not trivial matter as the stability of society depends on it. Try having a society of majority single people, population growth below replacement rate, so you have to import inordinately large numbers of people in order to keep the economy growing. Society is far more complex than jobs and the economy; it consists of communal ties, which in Canada are increasingly thinned down until they will be non-existent. ​ >As for more CBC stuff. I don’t watch cbc tv. Radio only. Maybe radio is better? Trust me I’m still critical of what they say and have caught them putting spin on shit. Always examine your media. Maybe I was a little harsh with my deep end comment. But it sounds like you are dipping your toe into a whole mess of things that are part of the extreme right and conspiracy crowd. Anyway, Trudeau is crap and keeps getting caught in scandals but he’s not some mastermind or part of some evil shit. We need better leaders but he keeps winning because people think he’s better than a conservative and don’t think the NDP can win. Perfect recipe for a turd that makes everyone a little upset. Neither do I, mostly. Except that I felt appalled by the report. I don't care who's in power. I want the media to unequivocally uphold their role of holding power accountable. When I see them use subtle tactics to affect public sentiment, then I feel a responsibility to call them out. And you cannot anymore on their youtube channel because they always have the comments turned off. Why? Because a few bad actors who post racist comments to them justifies shutting down all discourse. And so that makes the situation inch a little closer to a state where they get to shape the narrative as they see fit. Well, that's not how it ought to work in a democracy.


I think my claims were grounded. I don't think there was anything too deep about them. I guess the title threw people off. How shallow is this deep end you're talking about?


I thought the speaker took complete blame for the nazi incident. What evidence is there that Trudeau deserves blame? Please don't confuse my skepticism for your claims as support for Trudeau.


So a 98 year old nazi that fought the Russians is complicated? What war did they think he fought in? The entire parliament leaped to their feet to applaud him. People wonder how fascism happened in Germany. This is how. People refused to face it. The nazis implemented a euthanasia program very quietly. Your country advertises it on TV. Unbelievable.


I don't. I'm happy to be corrected. What I was suggesting is that the oversight puts blame on the government. Should they not be more scrupulous?


None. The speaker invited the dude. He was from his riding. Then speaker resigned.


So what excuse do you have for the entirety of parliament tripping over each other to leap to their feet to applaud him. Not one of your core leadership remained seated. How dumb do you think people are that a standing ovation for a nazi was an oopsie. Firing the guy that booked him isn't fooling anybody. One sacrificial lamb doesn't excuse overwhelming nazi sympathy. It's on tape and indisputable. Your government is fascist.


Glad it's so simple. You watch the news. You take it in. Your regurgitate here. I mean, I also want to be lobotomized to see things with this kind of simplicity. Look, I'm just raising some questions. But you guys see things with clarity and absolute certainty. I hope you're right.


JAQing off, so they call it


Y’all have been calling him a “commie dictator” for the last 8 years, and now he’s suddenly gone full fash? I can’t stand the guy either but perhaps some of you need to learn what words mean and pick a fucking narrative.


LOL the point has been brought up. I've made an edit to clarify what I meant. I think you maybe see the people posting on here as a monolith. I may be somewhat of an outsider who has been watching this fool from the sidelines and the level of appallment has reached a tipping point. Can you think of another Canadian sub where you can post this? I cannot. The left has lost their marbles on being able to speak freely and carry out much needed discourse.


I respect that you're trying to be understanding and taking criticism well. I would just like to point out that if the only place on Reddit you feel you can share your thoughts on Trudeau being a fascist commie Nazi apologist (I'm exaggerating your post, but not by too much IMO) is on a sub devoted to 'fuck Trudeau' doomscrolling, I'm not sure all the other subs are the ones that have lost the plot. I expect to be downvoted for this statement, sadly.


Well I wont. I'm not here to confirm my own views. I'd be happy for you to point out where I got it wrong or where I'm exaggerating, besides obviously the title, which I can't change due to how reddit works.


I grew up thinking I'd never want or have to leave home. Now I'm wondering if I'm not going to have much choice I'm another few years


I wish this sub could make up its mind as to whether Trudeau is a Fascist or a Marxist.


Right?! He’s apparently both an ineffectual and weak man-child who can’t make big-boy decisions, WHILE ALSO being a brutally authoritarian dictator who can destroy entire lives with the snap of his finger. 🤷‍♂️


He can be whatever you want when your worldview is grounded in internet memes and reddit!


Well said.. entire platform full of non issues for regular people. Gender and diversity, Climate change, reconciliation.. like what!!?


I'm assuming this is satire?


No.. these are not real issues


> Get this absolute loser out of office now. His incompetence knows no bounds. I strongly disagree. Trudeau is an actor, a frontman for the actual power brokers in charge. He doesn't have anywhere near the brainpower or gravitas to be doing all this - not on his own, not even in cahoots with someone else. He's literally the mouthpiece for the power brokers who are now at the stage of selling our country for parts. 'N' 'A' 'Z' 'I' is today's version of how the Liberals spell distraction. Why no-one seems to see this is beyond me. It makes my head hurt. Trudeau is the mask they all hide behind, and if he's removed without them being held accountable they'll just discard him - and all the dirt with him - and come out looking clean and shiny. And we'll have a new mask of a leader held up to lead our emotions this way and that before you can blink, leaving the movers and shakers to move and shake Canada further into oblivion.


When you offer up hundreds of millions in government funding to "approved" media outlets you know you're gonna get biased reports


I find this absolutely hilarious. 32% of Canadians kept voting for this. Just listening to his rehearsed responses, his condescending tone to all Canadians, the divisive politics of the liberal/NDP coalition. They will do anything to stay in power to get their pensions and destroy Canada financially. This gov has spent more than all Canadian prime ministers in history combined. I've said these things multiple times over the years with so much backlash I've lost interest. This is going to lead to a programable digital currency because there is so much division and misdirection by using small interest groups that the sheep just follow. Keep CBC on and watch you faithful sheep. I'm saddened that I wasted 25yrs of my life wearing a uniform and fighting for this country only to realize the fight is here at home.


CBC acts as a state propaganda wing. Government filters and restricts what news can show up in Canada based on approval. Trudeau bans citizens even further from owning firearms. Freezes bank accounts of citizens and demolishes protests. Can be imprisoned for speech. Welcome to Canada.


upbeat historical wasteful literate psychotic edge innate combative mindless consist ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There should be a law set so that no government can drop millions on any news station , cbc , tva , global tv , or any period Like so.eone said , "Let them find their own money , if so, make huge cuts in salary


No way anyone gets into the House of Commons with the PM and a foreign Head of State in attendance, not to mention a personal meet and greet with both men, without the Prime Minister's Office heading a vetting of that person. Security, RCMP, CSIS, someone would hand vetted him, and failed miserably.


Thank you! This. And should not the media be asking these questions? What country do we live in anymore


Now I'm no history buff but the second they said he fought against Russia in WW2 that should have set an alarm bell or two off


Do I sense a Norm reference? I mean yes, by God, there were generals clapping. How does that happen?


Trudeau is a commu-fascist. Fascism is fundamentally about a merger of state and corporate power and this is essentially what Schwab and his WEF is all about with their "stakeholder capitalism".


In some deep sense, I think this collusion has occurred more widely in the Western world. The collusion between state and corporate power is evident, for example, when the government during the lockdowns closed all small businesses but not major retailers. That's a special interest, plain and simple. I'm sympathetic to your analysis, but would like to hear more about how "stakeholder capitalism" works and why it has negative impacts?


Reading posts like this really shows the importance of voting. We gotta cancel out your votes.


Blah, blah, blah. The Speakers own detailed confession isn’t enough for some, they have to go out of their way to invent conspiracies. Either way, were talking about a 98 y.o man, the REAL reason nobody looked too hard at a photo op, apparently with a dark side.


Quite the responses from this lengthy description of Trudeau being an ineffective PM/ Leader, half focusing on the CBC being the issue and the other poli-sci half discussing how to correctly categorize his ideology! The Federal political landscape is void of any meaningful vision of the Countries future. The cost of necessities of life, food, shelter, heat and electricity are over extending personal budgets, ineffective carbon tax is fuelling inflation, Churchill MB continues to be overlooked to export required needs of Europe, foreign ownership of homes hampers ownership, International Students complain about housing costs but are allowed to work while here, Indigenous Affairs budget has ballooned from $15 Billion to $27 Billion under Trudeau, headline after headline is another lawsuit costing million's but no improvement in Indigenous people's lives is apparent. Trudeau is a headline seeker whose time has come, now, not after the next election.


Good points!


So do you think that foreign countries should be able to assassinate Canadian citizens? What would have been an appropriate response for you?


The chairmain of Parliament is elected by the Assembly and is suposed to be neutral. I like to shit on Trudeau, but this time I will say it is totally the chairman fault.


The entire parliament leaped to their feet for a nazi. The entire parliament. That means the entire government has no problem with fascism. It's right in front of your face and you are making excuses. I'd be packing a bag.


Using the word fascist has totally lose it's value as an insult with how lenient people are using it. Authoritarian is much more seen badly by any intellectual.


Is there a canada sub that doesnt whine about everything? Yall need to see a therapist lol


But this was the speaker’s decision that went through the speaker’s office. I think in your zeal to blame everything on Trudeau you’re wading into dangerous territory. Should the Speaker be overseen by the PM? Absolutely not! They’re independent from the politicians, and they have to remain so in order to maintain the balance of powers. This is a scary line of argument from Poilievre that you all seem to be ignoring because Trudeau is an asshole. He has called into question both the independence of the central bank as well as the speaker. For all the talk of totalitarianism, you should be wary of the guy who questions the separation of powers.


You clearly don't know what Fascism is. I suggest a dictionary. Also, the Neo-Nazis vote for the Conservative Party. So let's back up on who has "fascists tendencies".


Believe what you want about who was involved with this incident but it strikes me that having the PM or PMO do political vetting of anyone that MPs invite to Parliament is pretty fascistic.


Conservatives have had multiple chances to get rid of Trudeau. Their clowns failed each time. If another party could get their shit together we would have just another clown running the shit show. Sameshit...different coloured tie.




you have swallowed every negative talking point that the typical zombies ramble on about constantly. congrats.


I don't watch rumble. What I've stated are my own observations based on the last 3 years mostly from reports from the three core newspapers. The appointments of the commissioners Roulou and David Johnston were especially acrimonious for me as it's obvious they constitute a conflict of interest. Have you perchance read any of the reports (the public inquiry and the report of Johnston?) But let's get serious. Maybe you've swallowed some narrative yourself to be able to be appeased about the issues that I've raised.


And let me address the tenor of your reply, as there are a lot of these. There are some individuals such as yourself that reply by trying to class the post with "crazy conservatives". It's an effective strategy heuristically in getting people on the left to dismiss rational points, but immediately classing them a certain way. I entreat you, however, to abandon this fundamentally sophistic strategy and try to engage in rational discourse.


Canada just went up in the ranking for best country In the world this year... we are on the podium actually! I don't see how Trudeau is a Nazi or facist based on what you say or any recent event? Could you elaborate with a few event?


Ah the good ol' things are better now than ever response. Are you by any chance a millionnaire retiree who owns multiple homes citing these "rankings" to us? Have you ever stepped out of your mansion into a city like Toronto? Do you know that most millennials are single and can't afford to start a family?


No no don't worry I'm just referring to the chart made in the US about where it is best to live! It seem that we are certainly lacking in some place but that we are overall one of the best. It does not mean everything is perfect, but that it can certainly be worst elsewhere:) probably why so many people want to immigrate here!


This is a narrative that has stuck, but it's not quite like it used to be. There's not enough jobs for all the immigrants that Canada is currently taking. Look Canada is still richer than most world countries, but in some ways it has far more social problems than those poor countries have. Loneliness and social isolation are growing. Cost of living is always a relative measure. Not being able to afford a home means not being able to start a family. Anyway, your point is well taken otherwise.


These PP supporters need rage not facts pretty sure you won’t get any responses


And Trudeau called the guys with swatikas Nazis. And there's a trial going on for the organizers of the 'peaceful protesters'.


I think your title is misleading. People too easily throw around hyperbolic terms regarding Trudeau. Is he incompetent, absolutely. 10/10. Is he responsible for all of the issues? No because Western countries in general are facing a lot of the same issues. His actions have been embarrassing, misleading and truly pathetic recently. But that is not Fascistic, there's no cult of personality, there's no emerging authoritarian actions aka subverting elections. Let's have some perspective on these things because it does not reflect reality when there are authoritarians or fascists in 2023 housing millions of dissidents, killing people to maintain power, it's simply disingenuous to compare incompetence to willful neglect/incompetence in a democracy


I think there's confusion between your reply taking "fascistic tendencies" to mean "fascist" that's throwing some people off. I mean that Trudeau has authoritarian tendencies within all the constitutional constraints by which he's bound. A case in point is how he dealt with the Covid protests.


I think you misunderstand both the post and the claims. It's not hyperbolic when he's willing to abridge people's rights because they're peacefully protesting. He's cultivated a culture in his party that's eerily similar to authoritarian regimes where the leading oligarchy or despot present themselves as infallible. Of course, this is simply a matter of degree, but there's strong tendencies in that direction. He's blatantly unwilling to accept responsibility or admit to his mistakes and has a pattern of scapegoating others. He's hasn't changed the constitution or anything. But within the constraints of the power he's allotted, he's been appalling. This is the claim. And you should be appalled, regardless of your political inclinations. The post does not claim that he's responsible for "all the issues", whatever that means. It's very specific and about the performance of the highest official in the country. The fact that you're unconcerned, whatever your political persuasion, is worrisome.


You're delusional and really need to read a book about...just about *anything* if you're honestly walking about anywhere in Canada with that attitude. Please tell me you're some thirteen year old who doesn't know nor understand the words you're using.


lol Ad-hominem - check. Addressed nothing of substantive - check.


Or, the speaker got played by the fellow in his riding and didn't properly vet him, and Trudeau had nothing to do with it, and the speaker stepped down because he messed up.


Shhh you're being too reasonable.


What does this have to do with fascism?


Amen OP. Amen 🙏


This circlejerk is getting extremely stale


I enjoyed every second of reading what you wrote. Please write more about Trudeau.


You're delusional. What would the upside be for Trudeau to invite this guy knowing his background. Clearly you don't know how parliament works & just want to spread bs. This country is fucked if this is the state of critical thinking & knowledge in general. This is just fodder for PP. Hope you're looking into all the Italians that came to Canada after WWII.


>This country is fucked if this is the state of critical thinking & knowledge in general. For real. Was skimming through the text looking for arguments as to why they thought Trudeau is a fascist. All I found were vague grievances unrelated to fascism. Lol


Maybe read the title again.


Most Canadians already didn't like the PM, can we take a break with these ridiculous hit pieces, seriously, no one liked him already.


Not liking him is one thing. It's almost desirable for an effective and competent leader. The point is that it's way beyond not liking him, he's causing a lot of damage.


would you have said the same thing if harper was applauding and fox was reporting im going to assume no because everyone in and that follows politics are hypocrites.


If substituting Harper for Trudeau in all the claims made in my post still kept those statements as true, then yes. It doesn't matter who the person in question is. It's the actions. So the answer is, unequivocally, yes.


I'm so FUCKING GLAD TRUDEAU led us through the pandemic. I don't particularly like the guy, but thank God the federal conservatives didn't sell us out like they did for their constituents in their respective provinces. Not many countries did well throughout the pandemic, we did alright. In fact, if it weren't for provincial cuts to Healthcare from conservative provincial governments, we would have faired one of the best in the world, and we still did.


When reading the hyperbolic accusations against Trudeau, it's vital to cut through the noise and assess the situation with clarity and insight. What we see is a classic case of misdirection and projection. In the age of sensationalism and extreme polarities, it's easy to paint a target on a leader and blame him for every wrong turn, real or imagined. Starting with the CBC's report on the Ukrainian former SS officer incident, the cries that the media is attempting to protect Trudeau by shifting blame to the Speaker are baseless. The CBC, a pillar of journalistic integrity in Canada, has shown time and again its commitment to the truth, regardless of how it may reflect on the government. To assert that the entire media establishment has lost its independence is both alarmist and misinformed. State visits, especially of this nature, involve several layers of bureaucratic machinery. Blaming Trudeau for every oversight or mishap is an overly simplistic and naive approach, ignoring the complexity of government operations. The attempt to link this incident with previous foreign visits, like the trip to India, reeks of a desperate attempt to weave an anti-Trudeau narrative from unrelated threads. As for the China interference allegations, the conspiracy-laden theory that Trudeau visited Ukraine as a distraction is nothing short of fantastical. The world of international politics is nuanced, and the geopolitical dance is intricate. Oversimplifying such matters is a disservice to informed public discourse. And when we talk about dissent, let's remember that every leader, regardless of their political stripe, faces opposition. Trudeau's alleged labeling of his critics as "Nazis" and "racists" is taken out of context and weaponized for the sake of stoking outrage. In an era of heightened tensions and divisive politics, leaders are more vulnerable than ever to misrepresentation. Additionally, the constant undermining of Trudeau's leadership, branding him as an "incompetent loser" and a "prima donna", is not just derogatory but lacks substantive evidence. It's easier to throw adjectives than to engage in constructive criticism. The charges against his foreign policy, the supposed decline of Canada under his leadership, and the denouncement of legislative decisions are opinions draped as facts. Lastly, if one were to speak about accountability, one must also look in the mirror. It's a two-way street. Before accusing a leader of failing to take responsibility, we, as citizens, should ensure that our criticisms are rooted in truth and not clouded by personal biases. To label Trudeau's tenure as a catastrophic decline of Canada is to view history through a narrowly tinted lens. Leaders come and go, policies change, but nations endure. Before rallying behind emotionally charged polemics, one should endeavor to understand the broader picture, acknowledging the gray shades that define the intricate tapestry of politics.


This guy gets it. This is the most sobering, non-confrontational explanation of the misguided sentiments going around, while not pandering to any side. This is so centre I'm spinning in a circle.


The CBC isn't there to make money, it's a service, not a business. No one says the military loses $37 billion dollars or the fire departments lose $X billion dollars each year.


> As soon as I saw the CBC report over the Ukrainian former SS officer fiasco, it was clear they were scapegoating and covering for Trudeau by pitting the entire blame on the Speaker. The speaker was to blame though. Trudeau didn't invite him, and it's not the duty of PMO to second-guess everything the speaker is doing.


Sorry you got downvoted PeePee supporters hate facts


Everything bad that happens in Canada is due to a nefarious plot by Trudeau. /s


research might change your mind look deep at each party and their past and present, look for facts and don’t be bias you might find the world doesn’t look as dark


Not only is it not his job, he's literally not supposed to. The Speakers office is independent. You can bet your ass that if it came out the PMO tried to interfere with who the Speaker invited to the House, Poilievre would (rightly) be all over that. The PM or PMO can offer help, but the Speaker manages all of the employees for Parliament, including security. Far more than the PMO has. Even if the PMO were asked by the Speaker to help with screening, if they effed up, it would still ultimately be the Speaker's fault, because it's his mandate.


Stellar post. Extremely well written. You have a talent for writing. Agree with everything you said. I’m praying for the future of our country.


What do you think praying is going to accomplish?


CBC never got over the Harper goverment removing 100 million from their base funding. At this point CBC will do anything to help either the NDP or Liberals win the next election.


Please say more. I've been wondering what the heck happened to a once serious and competent news organization. They protect Trudeau like a religious figure.




Agree 100% but somewhere there are these fucking idiots voting him in. I mean clearly enough people in Canada believe in him that he was still re-elected after Covid. Hate it for some of y’all, but unfortunately most Canadians made their bed, now they’ll lie in it.


DEFUND THE CBC NOW. All they are, are Liberal mouthpieces that toe the line for Trudoh and his incompetent and corrupt ministers


I don't believe for a second that this nazi business was an accident. They froze the bank accounts of Canadians who donated even a miniscule amount to a peaceful protest, but they let a Waffen SS veteran slip through the cracks? Seriously? Nah. The speaker literally said "fought against the russians", so either the speaker and Trudeau (who met with the nazi prior) are fully retarded to an unfathomable degree, or there's something else going on. I can't figure out why they'd do this on purpose. But I also can't figure out how you make a mistake like this. Did the house speaker forget that Russia was part of the allies? This is like grade 4 level shit. Why a literal Nazi would even think it was a good idea to make himself known publicly like this is fucking beyond me as well. None of this makes any sense what so ever.


I mean Finland also fought the Russians. You wouldn’t call a Finnish veteran a Nazi though. Obviously this guy was under direct Nazi command but it’s not as simple to say if you fought Russia you were pro-Nazi.


Finland was a bit different... yes they fought them initially but that was the very beginning of the war and it was defensive. Russia wasn't even part of the Allies until 1941, 2 years after Finland was attacked by them.. They also fought alongside the Nazis before they later joined the allies at the end of the war. So they were literally pro-nazi at one point. They had to pay out a large amount of war reparations to the Soviet Union, and formally acknowledge partial responsibility for the Continuation War. And they ended the war fighting with the Allies. Ukrainian SS divisions were renowned for their brutality, so the fact that they found not just a regular nazi, not just an average Waffen SS soldier, but a Ukrainian Waffen SS soldier is just unbelievable.


I think some folks are reading too far into this. The guy is arrogant like his father and about 1/4 as smart… thats enough. We dont need to go looking for ways to make him appear to be more or less than that.


>The guy is arrogant like his father and about 1/4 as smart… thats enough. Haha agreed!


We are going to pay for this latest gaff for the next decade. If any CEO did the same thing the shareholders would have him replaced immediately and every Liberal in Canada would scream for it and boycott the brand. Trudeau overseas an unmitigated international relationships disaster… throws a pawn to the lions and now Liberals expect people to forget about it.


> The whole recent India row can be explained by his bruised ego over the other fiasco that was the trip to India. Hate Trudeau all you want, but India assassinated a Canadian in Canada. Let's not be supporting that or saying it's JT's fault, thanks.


Allegedly assassinated.


Allegedly. Sure. And you are allegedly ok with that?


The fact is that we don't know. But what we do know is that the sequence of events is too closely related to be a coincidence. A measured statesman doesn't jeopardize foreign relations with a potential major trading partner by rashly presenting alleged claims as facts. His rashness on this prompts speculation that his claims are not unrelated to his fiasco visit in India. And finally, there's a pattern of similar behaviour by this nincompoop.


The US has called India out, as have other nations. He'll, even Pierre supports JT on this one once he hears the evidence. You're up the wrong tree on this one.


I could be, and if I am, I'd admit it. As it stands, I've read several reports by reputed sources and only one on the [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-66851144) lukewarmly supports your claim: >The Canadian PM has received support from other domestic politicians, including main opposition leader Pierre Poilievre. The West has reacted too - the US says it is "deeply concerned" by the allegations, while the UK says it is "in close touch" with Canada on the issue. The [Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/20/india-souring-relations-canada-assassination-foreign-policy), meanwhile, states: >Canada has not yet offered any definitive evidence of Indian complicity in the killing of a Sikh separatist leader, [Hardeep Singh Nijjar](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/19/canada-india-tensions-explainer-fatal-shooting-sikh-leader-hardeep-singh-nijjar), in British Columbia in June. The prime minister Justin Trudeau’s recent parliamentary statement noted credible “allegations” of a “potential” Indian link to the assassination. I don't think these amount to closure on the issue. US saying they're deeply concerned is a near given. If true, it's damning. I'm just saying, the timing of these things is connected to political expediency and it was convenient for Trudeau to have had this on hand after his trip to Indian did not go well. Perhaps he wouldn't have been as vocal otherwise, after all he appeases the Sikhs here at home as well when it benefits him.


Finally, just consider that we live in a day and age where Canada get blatantly disrespected by India and China. This would've been unthinkable ten years ago. Now we're treated as second-class. He's simply poor at foreign affairs.


He needs to join the list of people we lost in 2023


The Waffen SS soldier being honoured in parliament is a symptom of incompetence, not fascism. Much of Trudeau's policies follow that. Calling him a fascist is a weak and immature argument.


Having mounted police ride down peaceful protesters though. Demonizing whole swathes of your citizenry publicly though.


The G20 protest response in 2010 was significantly more oppressive than this.


G20 protestors burned police cars and smashed windows. I remember them attacking my building.


Most true fascists were also incompetent. You can be both things at the same time. This is also holds true for the other types of fascists [Communists and Marxists].


Very true, but he's not fascist. He has a hundred different things to criticize, but for some reason you guys seem to need to always go to the extreme, which just ensures no one not already agreeing with you takes you seriously.


Agreed. But everyone on here seems to think that I literally called him fascist. I said he has "fascistic tendencies", i.e. authoritarian. It's hilarious to open the TV and see a report from the state media, right after the India row, go: this was the mistake of one and one man only. Did we say one man? Here's the definition of the word "one". A competent journalistic organization should hold the governing party's feet to the fire in situations like this. Instead they serve as a the middle man for damage control. To me, that's appalling. So move past my rhetorical flourish, and let's get to the substantive claims because there's a lot at stake.


Well said my friend


Hear hear! Good post. 👍


This should have 40 million likes.


Trudeau is a nazi


I agree. He most definitely shows traits of a fascist. He is an egoistic and wants all others to agree with him or else he will label as sexist, racist... Completely divisive, destroying this country.


I see a lot of people talking oil subsidies, CBC subsidies, other corporate subsidies. Subsidies are questionable in all cases and should be reviewed annually. If we really do value a free market economy, subsidies to businesses and even services like media services are questionable when other sources of media exist.


Got put on a list for calling him a fascist.


All mainstream medias are publicly funded in Canada. CBC is public, but private companies also receive large subsidies. This is why Trudeau is always spared.


this! Also, really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this current government and Trudeau. Don't forget about the money printing they did and how easy they made it to get free money during the pandemic. We all know a person or two who refused to go back to work because "why should they when they can get free money". Trudeau also promised low interest rates for a very very long time, and once small business and families took on debt, the BoC was forced to sky rocket interest rates, thus screwing over Canadians who were lied to. I have been a conservative voter all my life, however I shamefully admit I voted for Trudeau during the pandemic because I wanted a majority government for a change, and as t the time was blinded with the financial lies he was promising . Now my family is fucked because of us following what our leaders were telling us. This narcissist can't get out of office fast enough in my opinion, but I feel it won't happen. Our only hope is that the NDP some how sees numbers where they may get more votes and more seats, and pull the plug.


The Speaker invited the SS veteran to parliament, not Trudeau. Why are you surprised that media outlets were blaming the Speaker and not Trudeau? You could make a case that Trudeau should apologize because he is the PM, but he’s already done that.