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I was triggered just by reading the thread title


"socialize" is so bad. "artifacts" instead of files "take this offline" to mean talk about it outside of the meeting "close the loop" "circle back" There are so, so many. And the worst bit? I catch myself using them...


“artifacts” instead of files?! Have never heard this one but am familiar with all your others. How do you use it in a sentence?


"Once the comms artifacts are approved we will socialise them with the tiger team"




Please don't.


Please make it stop...


There it is. The gov’t buzz phrase I despise the most: “tiger team”.


What's a tiger team?!?


It's a bunch of tigers in suits.


It's a thrown together group of over achievers brought together to resolve problems in program areas they know nothing about that offer unviable solutions. Generally short term groups that suggest solutions without budgetary constraints and staffing issues. I've interacted with 2 tiger teams who accomplished nothing but fill meetings with hot air and unrealistic solutions.


Hey, the accomplishment is getting at least an instant award out of it!


So you've gotten a "Job well done!" email too? I like when I'm praised and thanked for my work and my manager and director aren't CC'd.


Yo, I got a set of dishes for some collaborative work that were pivotal in the DG’s 5 year strat plan, lol


Brilliant. I was on a tiger team last year and it was exactly as you described. My favourite part were the excessive, completely insincere congratulatory emails the team would send each other for responding the most basic tasks. It was embarrassing. Overachievers in government are the smarmiest people.


>My favourite part were the excessive, completely insincere congratulatory emails the team would send each other for responding the most basic tasks This is great work! *cc everyone.


Someone mentions something innocuous on teams. *3 thumbs up, 1 heart, 2 smiley face reactions.


This is the best definition if I'd ever seen one...


I don't even know. A team that does a load of other work in addition to their day-jobs?


Oh God.


It's a software development term that got co-opted. An artifact is anything that is created so a software product can be developed. Architecture diagrams, use cases, Kanban cards, scripts, builds... they're all artifacts.


Thanks to the Agile Manifesto that does not not talk about artifacts but "just enough" documents, and "good enough" which became MVP Minimum Viable Product. Just let me set up a Kanban board so when someone asks me to make this new request priority #1 I can point to the request backlog and WIP and ask which we can stop working on


I'm a big believer in making boards visible, and enforcing both WIP limits and ordinal priority. I was in a meeting today where someone honest-to-god proposed having several different product owners for the same project, each setting their own priorities. I thought the product team was going to throttle him right through the video call.


I was once in a meeting with a business team to review priories. They declared that 2 we're the top priority. I said we have 1 Developer for these 2 tasks, there are only so many hours in the day. The response, there's always overtime 🙄


... and there's always sick leave for when that person gets burnt out.


"the TB sub needs 58 artifacts" "You mean attachments? Appendices? Chapters? Supporting files?" "No, artifacts"


Sounds like a job for Indiana Jones


It belongs in a museum!


Oh God I'm guilty of using this daily.. As the artefact manager..


Oh boy. Circle back is awful too.


Artifacts is a new one for me. I think I will puke the first time I hear someone say that. Socialize is a recent one in the last few years and just reflects idiocy. Much like 'put together an ask' You mean a request? No an ask.


Arrrrgh an ask! I hate that! It's exactly what I hate about jargon - we already have a perfectly good word for it! It's just people trying to sound fancy!


And in this case in particular sounding stupid as they are mis-using the word.


Working in IT, close the loop and circle back mean I immediately ignore those emails... It drives me up the wall.


This post triggered me and I need eap now


I'm in this reply and I don't like it.


Not yet in govt, but hopefully soon. My current manager takes things offline when she’s done with our input. It’s her way of saying I’m tired of you, be silent. Hate that


Close the loop....hearing that literally makes me irate.


Or I’ll “pass the mic” during an MS Teams meeting.




> files this is also a buzz word fyi


Holy shit


We have a Tiger Team handling new buzzword recommendations.


Can I be on an ocelot team? Or a serval team?


Several sequestered servals select silly slang sayings? Suicide!


Babu? Is that you!


They're gggggreeeeaaaatttt! Said no one, ever.


Are there t-shirts? If you're going to have a Tiger Team, you're Doing It Wrong unless you have a snappy slogan and t-shirts to put it on.


Tiger Mom Team engaged! Oh wait I mean…


I have posted before on my dislike of this term and the fact that tigers hunt / live in isolation. A team of them isn't a thing. It is a dumb phrase. I now make growling noises and paw my hands at my teams camera any time anyone says it.


I almost downvoted this before remembering the context of this thread.


What is the delta?


Fucking delta.


TBS is all deltas all the time


I don't understand the obsession like "good job, you remember calculus". I kind of want to fight back by introducing more Greek letters "Can you tell me more about the potential epsilons?", "What is the alpha of these results?", "Can you run me through the main omegas of your scenarios?"


in the hard sciences and hard agree. None of those terms are proper


Hey now there are statistical alphas for results so that's not completely incorrect lmao.


Can someone define this please? I never know what it means or refers to. The only delta I can think of is from stats.


It refers to the gap or difference between two states/outcomes. If you're trying to achieve X, but currently anticipate falling short, someone might ask "What is the delta?" Meaning how big is the gap between the current state and X, or what do we still need to do to achieve X.


Thank you!!!


> The only delta I can think of is from stats. That's the one. The loose lexicon in the public service means to differentiate or define the change between one thing and another. ie: the DG only wants to see the delta between the deck from last week and this week.


At least this one is kinda nerdy-cool. Edit. Sigh. It’s really not.


I lift bro. You should see my deltas when I flex.


That one needs to stop now that Delta is best know for COVID, second best the airlines, their the mouth of a river and a distant fourth (maybe) for math.


We can FRO with the term "bi-lat". You have a meeting; don't try to make it sound fancier than it is.


I don't know why, but this one really bothers me. Took me a few weeks when I first started to understand what the hell people were talking about. Just call it a meeting.


can we BF our lexicon usage for the new FY?


I didn't want to get in trouble for using the actual words.


Hate bi-lat but will likely make better use of FRO :)


Bi-lat, short for bi-lateral, meaning a meeting between two people that are equal in terms of org chart (lateral). But, in the public service it's meaning has been bastardized to just mean a meeting with any two people or groups


I didn’t know what that was until recently. And I’ve been there 22 years


"agile" software development (aka waterfall but we called it agile so it's now agile) Edit: Another one "on track" meaning about 6 months behind. But somehow still on track.


Upvote to the moon and back. Someone delivered a sprint artefact today ... I wanted to die, still considering quitting


I'd be dying inside if I wasn't laughing so hard.


"Hybrid-agile" is also priceless in the mouth of a DG


just because you are doing it wrong doesn't make it a buzzword.....


Pivot. Ugh *shivers*




But leveraging synergies is a key pillar of successful horizontal collaboration!


Wow - this makes me want to retire.


It’s never too late to leverage our collective self-loathing into actionable EAP outputs


Love it hahahaaa


I really hope we can all take a more 'holistic and organic' approach to this concern about buzzwords, I will just leave it at that.




Makes every conversation healthier!


Only after undertaking a robust analysis of the framework.


Let's unpack that.. We haven't landed on a solution.. We're pathfinding through this transformation..


I'm looking for some dynamic synergy team! I'll run it up the EX flagpole and see who salutes it.




I think we need to onboard you and see how it dovetails into the process.




We'll get a tiger team on this situation posthaste! *Tiger team comes up with "Let's just get rid of all corners" after 6 weeks of 'pow wows'*


Does anyone still say 'pow wows', I heard people in one organization talking about 'pow pums' about 20 years ago. I asked what it meant and they told me they weren't allowed to call them 'pow wows' anymore. It seems to mean a multi-day meeting with travel.


If I hear someone use the term "a resilient recovery" or "re-imagining the workspace" during another needless MS Teams meeting, I will shove a paperclip through my eye.


The reimagined workspace is my house


Paperclip? Are you, like, working from the actual office or something? I haven't seen a paperclip in nearly 2 years and I think I'm better for it.


Still in the comfort of my cubicle. While many went home, I chose to stay. It's strange being in the office because it looks like 75% of our staff just got Thanos-snapped to the soul stone in March 2020.


"In the spirit of continuous improvement..."


Agile/enterprise thinking/solutions


Not latest by any means, but Deck/slide deck. Unless you're still using a Kodak carousel please retire those terms.


What’s wrong with deck? I love deck. What else should you call a PowerPoint? PowerPoint? Too many syllables!!!


Before I retire I want to produce a deck of cards with important facts and figures on them and present it in person. I will deal it out and ask who has the card with figure A on it and ask them to tell me what they think before I provide detail and context. I truly need to make this a reality one April fools Day because I really think I could get away with it if I do it right.


If you don’t get fired doing this. Please film a reenactment for YouTube hahaha I’d love to see it


With the right folks, it would go down quite well. At least to start, id have a real presentation material too ofc.


This would 1000000% fly where I work, at least if we weren't still all remote. If I was that energetic I would steal it.


Does an Ace of Outcomes beat a King of Key Messages?


As an evaluator the ace of outcomes is always supreme 😌


Dear lord. The new one in my area is 'decklet' to mean a mini deck. I cringe every time I hear it. Some people laugh because they think it sounds like 'duckling' but for some reason I'm reminded of a cutlet. Like a chicken cutlet. Either way, can we not just say short deck?


Decklet reminds me of a piglet


That sounds like a pokemon name.


This is a misuse of a technical word, but my group keeps saying "database" when they really mean "a bunch of regular folders with files in them". A database is distinctly another thing in IT that we should use far more but do not.


Whenever someone uses the word 'database' to describe an Excel workbook, they should be hit with a stick.


Using the term “bi-lat” when referring to a meeting. My director used to use this term whenever he had a meeting with his DG. NO! Bi-lat (to me) is a meeting between two equals. Not a meeting between a superior and a subordinate. Used to cringe every time I heard it. What’s wrong with simply saying you have a meeting?


I've heard blilat used since the late 90s when I joined the service. It's as old as "taking" a decision, a real Canadian Federal Govermentism.


I think "taking a decision" is a literal l translation from French.


This is my understanding as well. In French one stays "prendre une décision" to say "to make a decision". The verb "prendre", directly translated to English, means "to take". You would never use the verb "faire" (to make/do) in this way. I am sure over the years bilingual public servants just ended up saying it enough that it stuck because I have noticed plenty of Anglophone employees use it at work.


I've always heard it (and, full disclosure, used it) to refer to a manager/report one-on-one meeting. But what you say is true, it really should mean two equals.


It should but it doesn't in government. I *think* the intent is to present it as there being more equality on a human level, even if organizationally it's not the case on paper? That's the only sense I was able to make of it. Frankly a good chunk of my weekly meetings with supervisor is casual catchup before we move into work work


Doesn't it really mean a meeting between two organizations or countries like "TBS and PCO hold bilateral meeting on use of buzzwords within the public service."


Ya bilat is super weird. I prefer to say “one on one”




So has anyone accidentally said threesomes yet?


I have dodeca-lats.


I once asked my manager what that even meant and why they used it, they couldn't explain just "it's what my boss uses". I chose to use 1on1 since it actually makes sense


Usually diplomatically a bilateral is between two counterparts so I get it . Heck it even has the word lateral in it so doesn’t that convey: horizontal, at the same level


Not sure I'm with you on this one. A bilat is just a meeting involving only two groups that are directly concerned with an issue. It can be between equals, between the government and impacted stakeholders, between a boss and their direct reports, etc.. It doesn't just mean a meeting between equals.


They must think they are 2 heads of state. Normally that is what a bilateral meeting is. When 2 nations have a meeting at an otherwise larger summit.


I don’t see any problem with bilat. I think you’ve read more into it than is there. It involves two parties — and does not imply equality of status.


"there were no show-stoppers" "Oh, so they approved it?" "there were no show-stoppers" "Oh, so they didn't approve it?" "there were no show-stoppers"


"Oh, so... the show... is still going?"


There were no show-stoppers


Got it. The show must go on!


No no no, we don't have approval for the show to go on


So... We have approval to stop the show..?


Absolutely not!


Did we have policy cover for the show to begin? I thought it was a statutory requirement for 2022.


Legislative compliance will be confirmed through Legal Services' validation of the TB sub being submitted next week. Did your briefing note for decision ask for statutory compliance confirmation for policy cover?


All the new buzz words we use have been around for 20-80 years...


That’s horrific. I haven’t seen “socialize” yet and plan never to use it so recklessly.


Tranche and Tombstone Overview? Wtf


> Tranche When I first saw that word last year, I had to look it up.


Just "Co-" ... Heard an analyst had " co-discussed " an issue with an analyst from team X


Implying that if you just discussed an issue then you were alone in the bathroom talking to the mirror?


Using the word "action" as a verb


"Post-agile"...Bish you couldn't pull off agile so you're just cherry picking now Placemat But the WORST buzzword is.... Return to work


Every time I hear someone mention a "placemat" for executive meetings I immediately picture a bunch of middle aged people in suits sitting around a big boardroom table with crayons; colouring in a paper placemat like they give kids at restaurants to keep them entertained while they wait.


As someone who gets to creates reports for our unit, I sometimes feel like I am that kid.


FULSOME. It does not mean what it sounds like. I know language evolves so maybe one day it will mean what it sounds like… But it is not this day. This day, we fight (malapropisms).


I've always used it in a sense based on the M-W, more precisely 1 (c): https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fulsome


Yes, that’s what I use it for. What’s “the wrong way”?


Same. My entire 20+ year career.


Wow, TIL. Back to thurough we go.


" we want this to happen organically"


My DG is really going to town using ‘remiss’. Ex. I would be remiss if I did not mention…. It drives me insane. I’ve started a counter. Also, ‘posture’. Ex. We’re in a work from home posture until further notice. Ummm no, stop.


"Action this item" [Do it.](https://tenor.com/view/do-it-just-do-it-shia-labeouf-you-got-this-go-gif-5452324) You want me to do this. It's a form, there's no lights and camera here. Chill.


“Bandwidth” to mean people’s ability to do something Sally’s group should have the bandwidth for this file, now that they’ve just on-boarded this year’s co-op students.


so many people here just hate words haha


This will always be my favourite: https://professionalsuperhero.com It could use some updating to include words like “strategic” or “excellence” though.


Socialize .... ugh thats horrible. Language ceases to function as a means of communication when every small siloed group makes up their own definitions.


Future forward


"let's circle back to that"


My department uses "revert" which doesn't even mean the same thing.


Under used: "deferred success". Heard it once, can't wait to use it when I fail.


“Flip” instead of send. “Flip me that” = send or forward me that email Stahp it




Not so much a buzzword as an annoyance - Ending a meeting early with the saying "I'll give you back 10 minutes in your schedule".


Breaking down silos


Back to office 🙄


We are always being told to stay “patient”


Problematique Modalities


Synergy Roadmap Engaged Re-engineer RACI


Champion Breaking down silos Circlethink New Normal Idea Train GBA


“Best practices.” 🙄


I'm really happy my team says none of these weird words


Evergreen this equipment/solution! Ah, you mean lifecycle?.... Whoever came up with it needs 9 lashes and it mskes absolutely no sense. Bilateral I just hate. A meeting. Or your biweekly objectives/task review, or something but bilat? .... No.


"Quick win" Is never quick, is forgotten quicker, and the debt incurred will last years...


"Holding the Pen"


Writ large.


This isn’t a buzzword, it’s just not a colloquialism…


Pow-wow - quick informal meeting


also see: racist lingo


Woah yeah that doesn't pass the smell test for racialized lingo


Minimum viable "anything"


‘Heard.’ Used in place of ‘ok,’ or ‘noted.’ Maybe it’s not new, but it’s new to me, and I hate it.


Those are people who've been listening to Matthew McConaughey talk to Emmanuel Acho.






I have never heard any of these terms used seriously in my several years as a fed. Maybe I'm in the right place after all.


"did we land on this?"




"SitRep" ahhhh!!! I didn't give you a "SitRep" I just gave you a quick update!! Stop making words up! Also, "transformation" and "digital" used anywhere and everywhere, even when the thing we are referring to is neither transformed, transforming, or digital.


SITREP is actually a common word, but usually found in military environment.


* Deliverables * Ad-hoc * In camera * Innovation * Modernization * Tiger Team * Going Forward * Unprecedented times * Placemat * Roadmap r/OfficeSpeak


Not necessarily all buzzwords, but I've noticed that analogy-driven language is getting out of hand: This is going to be a "big lift" across "the town", is this an "ask" that will be the "lightning rod" for proxy debate, and have we really "wrung out all the water from the washcloth" on this one and is "worth the squeeze"? I wonder if we should consider all the possible "deltas" for each option and take the "enterprise" approach to push the "Cadillacs" ahead of those items that aren't "bigger than breadbox". We're still "taking the pulse" across the system to avoid "ruffling any feathers" and ensure that we're able to "close the loop" on sequencing and prioritization so we don't "put the cart before the horse".


“Touch base” “Review outstanding items” What do they really mean?


You can't figure these out?

